Tuesday, December 2, 1930 THE DAILY1 NEWS Prince Rupert District is in Natural Resources :l Dy II. W. M. UolstonY t oiiblless have got on their feet if in- depression had set in a year ' r tnm it did. However, deprcs-i' ns .such ar the world is now ex- 1 itncing, bring in their wake re al.) usttnents essential to ii unrest. Realignments, consollda IfnllHn iH-ns and savings that make for 1. uter economic strength and sta- iliiy are effected, and hunan so ;uih Stewart. tftwftrt V.'liil" as stated. It may be saM ; hv. the mlntng development of the s' " wart district has been ratarded bv the preeent nU frntn whlph arm mUttn to Excellent Opportunities Exist for Mlninff Investments today: ml HUT Deal with conservative companies with knowledge and ixperienco. Stewart Land Co., Ltd. (Est. 1D06) Fifth St. Pemberton Did. Stewart, Il.C. Victoria, B.C. : T" Wm The world wide depression wrtniniv lina nt c,.... Edinburgh, Copenhagen and Moscow. As a matter of fact these three European cities are also situated on Pacific Railway Co. through its sub- known similar area of the world s Cellar iwu.M ui.i surface, containing millions of acres greatr and Smeitin.. urMt o .hw, oi agricultural lands, water ' .... ,. . . r . . ana very valuable waterfront rights ' ' ' 8" ",, country has, geographicaiiv, access for a line of railway from Stewart beda mun- every variety of coal t0 0ly a very few pnrl, throuer. I to the Fintoy River. Since then ex- trmn linlx 10 anthracit- timber, whlcn to market its future surplus j ""Tcr- product. TTom a teintni LuiriMrint th oureeis nara;i 3Uwrt dWrict was never sounder fwmcn Wlfl." xy 01 oiner miner- , Mature has dictated that iU chief le of natural re- mrt ha athwart equal, ad is iration and dtv!1- t he case Tne dtotrict has Jut paw . towns, cities and industries, of the 1 ii tri catch lt breath, as a prelim- .. . . . , I ,. . D,TClj,i-n- J1 future Stewart is U 89 fe to that no district , so geographically nrv to still areator thlnw. tor vhicb the foundations are being lr?t? u"r'u attracted the pon, and h v.cll and solidly laid. ot this great hinterland will grow place" ! Powerful financial inter- In 1" the first " P the Premier frem,f! eeU durlne the oast two v. a. from a mere village to a great and Quid Mining Co. has continued . to ! rate and pay a hlfh rate of di- lend. In addition to this since the .."i ld slump set in, Premier has put to production the Porter Idaho id Prosperity properties, ship- investment of such a with the development of has this Stewart district at the head 1 mg port, with Its shipping ply- 01 canaoa, tnat is free or ice tne i i nun m ow nuiimc. year round, tip to the moment la Not Fantastic Dream toil a 5hlW of m,nlflg ln v, netted handsome returns : iu of the phenominaUy low price r stiver. In which metal these two i.r.ipertles predominate. D. C. Silver ;,i.s continued development, ln-: nslng Its ore reserves. The Consolidated Mining and I'ltlng Co. has a situation on Dig Mi sourrthat has warranted the :ti tallatlon of a 100-ion pilot mUl, id if developmenuV the future liMve that this mill U Justified, as Mu re is ample reason to anttetpat. h.' district will have anotilet and 1 large tonnage shipper. In addition durint ihe past sum-in r, a number of smaller proper-I'-s have reacted favorably t the :nal! amount of work done, and of-ti-r sufficient promlsf t warrant ! velopment capiuil a? ro"rt as in' t U prtoea, and momv markets over to aomewhen nar their i rmer levels. From the standpoint of mining : velopment, Stwa-t and di 1.1ct 'i i a.: no cause for pessm.i.sm There 1:1 few mining dlstricui anywhere 'luit have made the progress during !." past year and a half that has ? m made by this district. The J imber of men permanently em-t ived locally In the Industry has .01 reased at least 40. During the nod two more properties have " n put into production, and de v l ipments promise at least two re, with a number of very prom-nit prospects to follpw. To facill-1" the work of the future the die-n t is much better understood logically, and there are rumors i important savings having been Uocted ln mill practice. Power Corporation Comes Two years or so ago the strongest Hydro Power group in Canada, the Power Corporation of Canada, en-t' red the district, and In spite uf hfi slump has never for a moment urt ailed its persistent policy of ex-v nslon. examination and surveys, in the Canadian area. As a mark of 'ill greater confidence ln the fu-uro of the district, an American Power Co. recently acquired very Valuable water powers on Davis fuver, which empties into the Port-:.md Canal some 12 miles south of Hyder, on the Alaskan side. This i Uer company has since late summer, had a large crew of men at dustry, but born to play an lmpor tant part ln many other Industries of Northwestern Canada. This is easily verified by a glance at a map. Situated Just south of the 56th parralel, Stewart Is no farther north than many great cities such as Q. Charlottes Are Valuable Island Group Depression In Lumber Market lias lilt Dlstrlft Rut Future Is Assured Some day the Queen Charlotte Islands will be a very important part of British Columbia. They will be settled by many thousands of prosperous men and women and will have a dally steamship service with Prince Rupert, both the northern and southern sections. Today, the Islands are suffering because of the depressed condition of the lumber market, the temporary falling off of the local fish supply and the isolation which comes to districts that are not thickly Inhabited. All the mills are closed Just now and rrrost of the logging camps inoperative. The Queen Charlotte Islands have the finest stand of Sitka Spruce logs ln the world, rich mining prospects that will some day be utilized and fisheries that provide employment for hundreds of men who are good earners and good spenders. There are oil seepages at a number of places and oil shales ln abundance but so far the supply of oil has not been discovered. In fact very little boring has been done but one well that was bored many years ago is still giving a plentiful supply of natural gas. flnm. dav Prince Rupert will look To some the foregoing may seem like a fantastic dream, but is it? Let us draw a few comparisons. Remember, the area described contains some 879.000 square miles: remember also Its resources. Doing so, let us take a look at Europe. Sweden. Norway and Finland, comprls- olumbia will be proud of the islands and anxious for the business emanating therrfrom and Canada will look upon them as quite as valuable as Prince Bdward Island although not for the same reason. In the meantime development is slow. Terrace Is Fruit Centre Terrace, the nearest town to Prince Rupert on the railway, about one hundred miles Inland, is a fruit growing centre and also does considerable mining, lumbering and logging. Mirny Prince Rupert people holiday there In the summer time. The people are keen and progressive. Two lumber mills are operated at Terrace and others in the TOWNS ARE IMPORTANT Anyos Mlnln: Ccntrfrcrtn Falls V " v Pulp and Pap&fllK. Several coast towns ln the Prince Rupert district are very important. There Is Anyox with Its large mine and smelter, and Its neighboring mining town of Alice Arm where there Is promise of several good producers in the near future. Southward there is the paper town of Ocean Falls where one of STEWART I i Its Present and Future ing 447,710 square miles, with many cities, towns and industries but without the same variety of re- tne 56th parralel. and many great j sources, sustain a population of and prosperous cities in Europe are i some 12,125,000. Put 12,000,000 peo-sltuated still farther north. j pie Into the hinterland of Stewart, What has been done in Europe in1 me conception is gained, of can surely, to some extent, be re- j what sort of town Stewart would be. Piled on this continent. At the Such countries of .Western Eur-momeflt we have within the follow- ope, as Portugal, Spain, France, lng described area, a vast expanse Italy. Holland, Switzerland, Ger- ftdttMBped cntrftrflcagn mauty. Belgium, Dftfcnark and PHsotttife, mu W, atdtM dfeat &rttftin. commfc sume 831.- rr the ISnA-.'KioiUHBld InCifK. Mi afiiifit miW olMt mmlilTwri lliity Ot man to convert tbern to hu- population of some 282,000,000 peo-mH m. PB. fWlllIJieuciIIf, Commencing at Stewart rle. I , . 1 J "J IIU IC1K kJttJ W- an uiibuuciiuu, uut me retardation, if it 12 such, has been and iwnB the 58th parallel east, mora 1111UHUIU17 man real, unquestionably the difficulty m in ...ccurinK development capital by a number of the smaller i iwrtnrtf nf a tinMhv r9 - . "" " piumunii - looo miles, thene? couth to Stew- ).' sjttCtS, Some Of Which WOUld i. , art 1100 . mmnrkln. tntal f 10 . of a power plant that is estimated 000 quare milcs' ThLs aiva em to cost some i3 ()() braces as great a variety of re- In other words, the area described the eastern boundary W Alberta, u the hinterland of Stewart is distance cf some 800 miles, thonce about the site of western Europe, initio-nrimniVotf rUiA , .:a Iti" . "w nortn ttle Arctlc Coast, a scaled but possibly richer in natural re- 2 Z Tn a"' . 31 prices, re- distance of 850 miles, thence west to sources, though it must be admit- oi ce.i activity n ana postnonea lor the timf hpinnr tho rlavai '.h iwLhnt h,mn ai,i, .u n . of our hinteHand is not conducive to a congested population. The marked differenci' between this hinterland or stow Tit, and Som two years ago the Canadian Juree8 P0911 as an:' other Europe that it ha tensive survey and reconnaissance i'" ' ": benefit accordingly. So it Is reco"n,a,tonce 4hd a wifie H ol lh vtku routes available, have tj, T. ham onrrWI rm :ni will not produce. f not oven w fiacticn of the sea coast, that has Europe or the Scandinavian countries. Thl,;; 1,, immense undeveloped Tbe- Pacific Ocean, by virtue of its stte and the rnimettse populations on 1U Oriental shores, and growing populations in the south, will one day be the world's greatest trade ocean. Western Canada Is an immense country richly endowed in natural resources, with a very limited coast line, on which the future will hare to find ports through which to ship its surplus products to the markets of Portland Canal. lng the seven seas, to accommodate the world, and thrown which to THE FUTURE which engineering difficulties import those vast quantities of Stewart, the most nortberly;port Sld be experienced in providing 1 commodities, which It djoes not or With this in mind, it stands to reason that the future growth and development of Western Canada will be such as to make large and thriving cities at Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Stewart and other points on the coast, for these three cities will not be dble to serve the teeming millions onhVuture. ' MT'TTTMM 11 ISM I r OC EAN FALLS Paper mill, one of largyst producer- ;n this district. SKEENA AND THEBULKLEY Farming and Mining Chief Industries Rut Pole and Tie Cutting Also Important The Bulkley and Skeena Valleys east of Prince Rupert are steadily developing. The farms of the Bulk-ley provide most of the cream and milk supply for the city and are valuable industries. There are also a few farms aAong the Skeena which give promise of greater things ln that line ln the future. In both valleys there are thousands of acres of unoccupied lands that will some day produce heavy crops and sustain a large population. Mining is also very Important but Just now the drop in the price of silver has hit the district hard with the result that little is being done. The shipping mines have closed temporarily and development of the r inspects is slow. The pole and tic market is also depressed with the result that hundreds of men usually occupied ln The depression Is only temporary. 'fV a mltiiMi si? 11 1 vonisAts 1 11 a-f nm ennn stic sKssivria s ssvvit juov no own . s there is a demand for the ores; the pole camps will operate again toon and the farmers will then have a better market for their produce. I There Is a .wonderful future for this district through which the Canadian National Railway passes. Time is needed to develop its re-ources but it will not be many uoon the Queen Charlottes ai most I the big paper mills of the west is years before it will be the richest , Eble I ; J A Potential Great City STEWART TOWNSITE Provided by nature through which to market the products the future will derive from the vast resources with which Northern B.C. and Alberta have been so richly endowed. M W 5TEWART ICE FREE.NATURALPORT FOR NORTHERN BCi PEACE RlWr5S 1 ASfa If N maiufdiTSOO Mswia' Mmi I VtirTEb STATUS STEWART The embryo port that, with Princ Raport and Vancouver, will have, in the f uture, to take care of the vast Pacific trade of Western Canada. McCormack Peering Tractors Gardner-Denver Compressors Novo Engines, Hoists and Pumps S.K.F. Steel D. D. Novo Hoist 831 Howe St. Vancouver, 1J.C. Ily the 1 Model D. II. Tractor Were used in the construction of The Falls River Dam and Transmission Line Power Corporation oi Canada Supplied by B. C. EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. CU naker St. Nelson, B.C. m