Fishing Industry Is of Basic Importance To Port of Prince Rupert -4-it The Royal Fish G; John Dybhavn 'mi; vnrn: Prince Rupert Fish Exchange All the halibut and some of the Limited Manager Packers and Shippers of f Pacific Coast Fresh and Frozen Fish Correspondence Solicited VICTORIA, B.C. salmon are sold In Prince Rupert at fiah exchange.'. This is conducted somewhat along stock exchange lines. All the fish are listed early in the morning, the name of the boat, 5 Government Wharf Pi O. Box 1700 Prince Rupert, B.C. v ; "Kill. :-- British Columbia Invites INVESTORS': ' Hor wonderful natural resources of timber, minerals and water power place her in a unique position as a field for safe and profitable investment. INDUSTRIALISTS: Her climate is ideal for induttrial efficiency. She offers splendid industrial sn'tos on tide-water. Her ports" are ice-free the year around. HOME SEEKERS: ' "Were I an intending immigrant, I would risk a gopd deal of discomfort to get on tlio land in British Columbia; were I rich ... I would swiftly" buy me a farm or a house there for the mere joy of it.' -Kipling. TOURISTS: ' Britigh Columbin offers scenic attractions which are positively unexcelled. Twenty thousand miles of fine highways, splendid railroads and coastal steamers make travel easy. SPORTSMEN: British Colombia abounds in big game; in her lakes and streams the fishing is incomparably fine. Most of her hunting and fishing areas are easily accessible. Complete compendium oi information now available "BRITISH' COLUMBIA MANUAL" (Price: 50c) Bureau 0 Provincial Information caught and the banks on which taken, all being recorded on a blackboard. Each bidder makes a complete re cord of every bid made on the ex the skipper, the number of pounds ; change and the one who bids hlgh-approxlmately of first and second est gets the fish. There is no auc-class fish and the number of days I tloneer. HAVE LONG EEPTOTISTAY HERE: EXPANSION IS POSSIBLE Halibut and Salmon Principal Varieties Used at Present; Many Other Kinds Around and Available Prince Rupert is the largest halibut market in the world and the centre of the most important salmon fishing dis trict on the continent. Halibut and salmon are the most important fish hereabouts although there are to be found in contiguous waters a great variety of small flatfish including soles, brill, etc. Prince Rupert black cod is a delicacy which many epicures have come to know. Other varieties of cod are neglected simply because there are so many other more choice kinds of fish and the demand is small. Herring also abound and are an valuable fUh of fine quality. Shellfish, such as crabs, clams and hrimps, are other important pro-ucta of 'the sea here. Large industries have already been buUt up here through the handling of halibut and salmon. Handling ami preparing flatfish, cod. shellfish, etc. nay all some day make large in-lustries. Being the principal market place md shipping point, Prince Rupert the headquarters for the Pacific J .Toast halibut fishing industry. Off Queen Charlotte Islands, Cape Omaney. Yakutat and Portland, seven hundred or more miles north. I the most productive halibut banks are located. Sturdy vessels some small and some not so small, none 1 of them as long as 100 feet take Ice and bait from here out to sea with them and, as they make their catches, the fish are Iced and stored in the holds which are always Wont rnnl Whpn thp hnat 1 full or operated on shires. When the fish Ing is good andythe prices favor-1 able, the members of the crews make very substantial Incomes. When fishing is) poor 'and prices low, there may not be a living in the game. It Is not making the Industry any more profitable that the rloser In banks are becoming depleted and the fisherman, year by year, has to go farther and farther afield to get his catch. Then, often, he may meet an unfavorable price situation on returning to port and there Is more discouragement There are still, however, small fortunes to be made In the halibut fishing business on occasion. Last year 28,000,000 pounds of halibut was landed at Prince Rupert, about 20,000,000 pounds of which was from American, boats with the balance from Canadian. To ship 28,000,000 pounds of halibut ipproxlmately 1500 cars are needed and, as practically all halibut that is landed here will ultimately leave here by rail in refrigerator cars, it can be seen that carrying halibut is one of the most profitable reverlue producers for the railway here. Salmon important The salmon fishing and canning Industry hereabouts is as Important as that of halibut and, perhaps, in dollars and cents, means more to Prince Rupert since all engaged In It are Canadian subjects and residents. The fishing Industry has brought many Important activities to Prince Rupert. The port has the third largest cold storage plant In Canada and the largest cold, storage plant In the world used exclusively for the handling of fish. During the slimmer the Canadian Fish it Cold Storage Co. empioys several hun dred men in Its plant and on Its boats. Throughout the year there Is a large payroll at the plant. Some years ago the company gave up op-crating halibut trawlers on the company lay." The cold storage plant has approximately 750,000 cubic feet of Insulated space. It has facilities for unloading fop fishing schooners slmullaheoulymdf corn comfortably handle 30,000 pounds of fish per hour. The sharp freezers can freeze well on to 200,000 pounds of fish per day. The approximate turnover of the company per year Is 20,000.000 pounds of fish. Ice manufacturing Is one of the sidelines of the plant which can make 80 tons of ice per day. The cold storage plant, which was established here 20 years ago, has been for years the mainstay of tho city and is the Institution that'fof a long time has been chiefly re .'OMible for making Prince Rupert roipjrous by Insuring a steady ..larket for the fish. While other :ductrie3 may come in from time - tlie. there will probably be none Tiividv.nlly more valuable than hat at the Canadian Fish & Cold "torage Co. All thai tne port could ton for, Indeed, iff a few more as arty and consistent as this plant lac been. 3oatbuilding has long been an ! 1 when It is considered that It has! - Th RuP rirf Pcts been out long enough, it return tor01 man yti haii a success-port and the fish is marketed on ful operator here, the Prince Rupert Exchange at The faci uat an average of 100,-which a dally auction sale la held. TOO pounds or upward of Halibut Of course, the quicker Jthe market U landed here per day m Iks much ts reached and the fresher the fish work in packing tne iisn xor east-is when offered to the buyers, the em shipment, greater value of the product. Twelve or so salmon canneries on Tne naiiButVKning'poats are an (the Vvxtto River, xuuot as many on the mainland hereabouts and four or .ire on the Naas River all pay t'-eL- tribute in butfness to Prinee Uupert. RealterUon by the people of Prince Runeri tint better communication wi'h the canneries was necessary If Prince Rupert was to get its full share of the business resulted In a steamer be ing placed exclusively in Jits ser vice out of Prince Rupert this year. That steamer has brought a great dc-U more business to Prince Rupert from the canneries and the trade Is growing in such volume that the 3ervtee should soon be Justified as far as the operating company is concerned. Dasic Importance if It were not for the fish business there' would have been very little reason for Prinee Rupert being made the terminus of the Grand Trunk Pacific which now Is (he Canadian National Railway But Prince Rupert has a geographical advantage here which makes ii the I of leal port and railway point for all the fish from Northern Pacific points to be landed. Fish landed In Prince Rupert is able to reach Chicago, Toronto, New York and other eastern markets from three to four days mure quickly than if taken on to Vancouver or SeatUe. That is why halibut landings are heavier here than at all other points on the coast combined. The Immense importance of this business to the port Is shown when the cargo values are considered. The retail value of fish shipped out of Prince Rupert each year averages possibly $4,000,000 and the approximate express charges on these shipments aggregate $40,000. The advent of Increased hydroelectric power here may well prove an Inducement to other fishing industries to establish here. There are certainly great fish resources of many kinds. The industry in the past twenty years has been one of i;reat importance. It may well become of much greater Importance. CAMERON'S TRANSFER Dry Illrch, Jack Pine & Cedar Baggage and Transfer Telephone: 177 mnortant Industry In Prince Ru-'i x-rt. A number of local builders i ve been doiii? this work for ser-1 :al year:- and turn out as fine and: as large fishing crate as are requlr-1 .a. There is also a good deal of ..crk in repairing, overhauling and ; rjtfitting tne fishing crcft. The boatbuilding industry is corrollaryj . i fishing and is rapidly growing in ' importance. Baiting and smokin? ilants are also profitable. The redaction business is also a valuable 1 DO YOU KNOW ? That business is good with the Ford Dealers of Canada ' That business is good with the Ford Motor Company ! Canada? ' That The Ford Motor Company of Canada Is a Can.idi..;. company? That the majority of the stock of the company is owned I Canadians? That the factory Is the largest automobile factory in . British Empire? That the annual capacity Is over 100.000 automobiles 1 That Canadian workmanship and material enters in the construction of Ford ears? That m four years. 1926-IMS over $44,000.000 DO was paid wages to Canadian Ford employees? That In the same period over $80.000jDOaOO was paid f Canadian materials and services? That the majority of the above sum was paid in wages Canadian workmen? That approximately 90 of all ears sold in Canada this v were Fords? That there Is a reason for this outstanding performance That the reason is "inbuilt quality and outstanding ... and performance?' That we are here to demonstrate and tell you about f Cars? That after we sell, we service? That our stock of genuine Ford parts is the largest and m complete north of Vancouver? t That this ensures to owners seUsfacfery operation of th i; cars? S. E. PARKER, LTD. FORD DEALERS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Wrecking Service Flat Kate Kepain Genuine Ford farts Gasoline and Oils Tires and Tubes Accessorirs MOOOOWOO00KHOOtHW00 0000000aOOOOOO3il LIMITED i Ship Chandlery and Fishermen's Supplies Importers: English and Norwegian Hemp Halibut Lines, Fish Hooks, Oiled Clothing n. Agents For: 4 The Canadian.terfi-Crlageornpany Limited, Rope Cordage, Twine, Etc. Waterfront Location NEXT TO FISH DOCK Phone 91 Prince Rupert, B.C.