PAGE SIX RUBBER BOOTS A very large range of Men's Women's and Children's Rubber Boots, knee and hip length at very reduced prices S, Sl-75 COSY SLIPPERS Children' Cosy Slippers, English make. Very pliable, solid leather soles fif LADIES' SLIPPERS 100 Pairs of Ladies' Sample Moccasin Slippers, band made QO Off Reg. HJO. for Q&'&O LADIES SLIPPERS A large assortment of Ladles' Suede Leatherette GQp Slippers reg. $150. for LADIES' ZIPPERS A large range of QO fJR Ladies' Zippers RAINCOATS Miv3' heavy weight English Raincoats and Cf QC Hats to match Ladies' English make heavy weight Raincoats O ff Qff Reg. 910.90. for BOYS' BOOTS Boys' hard wearing School Boots. Leckies' and Storey Campbells. Hand made. Regular to $5.50 Ct) QP Up from MEN'S OXFORDS & BOOTS A large range of young Men's Dress Oxfords and Boots, Black and Brown. Leckies' and Rltchles QO Qff. Reg. SM up from' mrnrn Special SMOCKS & DRESSES A very large assortment of sample Rayon Smocks and Silk Dresses suitable for evening wear. These would make ideal Christmas gifts. BABY'S SHOES Baby's "Little Tot" Shoes, ankle strap, soft Chrome Soles OCp Reg. $1.50, for Qtt RUBBERS Men's Storm Rubbers gg Women's Plain Rubbers, at Do you read the classified advertisements? 69c MEN'S SLIPPERS Men's Leatherette with elastic sides Qffp up from u MEN'S BOOTS A few odd lines of Men's Logging and Miner Boots at HALF PRICE. MONARCH SWEATERS A large range of Children's Misses' and Ladles' sample Sweaters, Monarch make, at leas than 50c on the dollar. MEN'S SWEATERS Men's heavy J umbo' Sweaters in white, black and colors. Monarch make. At less than wholesale QO Qff prices Ql.JD MEN'S COATS Men's Blue Chinchilla Coats ,22 5 ; $11.95 FOR YOU! PROSPERITY Through YORKSHIRE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 6 on Deposits, Compound Interest A RATE OF INTEREST COMPATIBLE WITH SAFETY McCAFFERY, GIBBONS & COLLART, LTD. Tllllll) AVENUE TELEPHONE 11 ooooooooooooooooooooopooooooooooooooocKKioooaooooooocH) Want Ads Let Them Be Your Broker in Buying and Selling Somebody Is waiting to buy that house or bedroom set er eeat you have to selL Somebody Is waiting to sell that ear, or typewriter, or whatever else it is you are Irj the market for. Oet the habit of shopping tfirotfth the Want Ads. You'll find undteamed of bargains and rea med of opportunities. Do your shopping through these columns and see how profitable and pleasant It is. , . .. READ and USE PRINGE RUPERT DAILY NEWS, CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 "If it's fully told it's quickly sold" a Doooooooooaja0oooooooooopoooooH3OBOoeHBooeKiooouuoaaDo nsation The Doctor Says: "Quit!" J. B. Miller Says: "Out They Go!" CLOSING OUT SALE MACKINAW COATS Men's Mackinaw Coats, extra heavy. Western King make Regular $9.95 $5 95 Boys' heavy Mackinaw Coats Regular $550 3 95 These make a nice warm Christmas gift for men and boys. RUBBER BOOTS A large range of Men's 5-eye-let Rubber Boots QO Qr reg. $4.50 up from? LADIES' KIMONAS A very nice line of Ladies' Quilted Kimonas, assorted colors, qj ern Reg. $1030, for MEN'S BATHROBES A very fine line of Men's "Beacon" Bathrobes. Reg. $3.50 to $10.00 LADIES' SHOES A large assortment of Ladies' sample shoes including ties, straps and pumps. Leckies' and Ritchie's CO makes. Up from COMBINATIONS A great variety of Men's and Boys' Combinations including Turnbulls, Stanfields and Penmans makes, at prices less than wholesalers. CLUB BAGS, TRUNKS & SUIT CASES A very large and well selected range of Suit Cases, Club Bags and Trunks. These are gifts that your menfolk would appreciate. Take advantage of J. B. Miller's sickness and secure Christmas gifts at less than manufacturers' prices. MONTREAL IMPORTERS Look for the big Yellow Signs Meeker Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Royal Purple Card Tourney First Prize-Winners Last Evening In the fortnightly' bridge whist tpumament of the Ladles of the Royal Purple last night prizewinners were: " Bridge First. II. F. Olaeaey: consolation, Mrs. II. A. Ross. Whist A. K. Nelson; consolation, Mrs. Peter Wlngham. Mrs. Angelo Astoria was conve ner for the evening, assisted by Mrs. II. A. Ross. Fireside Club were served. Last Evening ii Sirs. Clifford Collier's Group 'In Charge With . Louden In V the Chair Mrs. Clifford Ollker's group was in charge last night at the weekly meeting of the Fireside Club of First BaplM Church and W. Louden AMU liHW'TOatr. dliffard save, abriefaddress, His tdplc bemT'ThPlIpVrJI TRAIN LATE TODAY Late to .this division, this after- THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, December FEATURES OF WORK Some of Materials Used In Power Construction Also Some Fleures i Following are some interesting features and figures in connection !with the Falls River hydro-electric development: The dam is of solid concrete, designed as a gravity section. Flood j discharge is provided for by a spillway 187 feet long and two slulce-I gates 20 by 20 feet each. Placing of concrete commenced May. 2, 1930, 90 rt completed by July 31. This work was carried out behind two log-crib, rock-filled cofferdams, diverting the river first to the south bank, and then through the two sluicegate openings. An opening 16 feet wide is provided for a log sluice. The penstock is a rivetted steel pipe six feet in diameter and 7S5 feet long. The powerhouse is a relnforcer concrete structure, the foundations jf which extend to a depth of 34 feet below normal tailwater level. Some Figures Number of men employed, 190 maximum; 120 average. Concrete placed, 12,731 cubic yards. able hands and we feel that it wUl Cement used, 81,000 bags. , merit the confidence and patronage Reinforcing steel used, 183,000 of the people of this community, pounds. "To you men, whose occupation Is Lumber used, 1,300,000 FJ3J.I. j construction, this, perhaps, means Excavation, rock, 3,783 cubic Just another plant successfully corn-yards, i pleted, but to us. it is a long eher- Excavation, earth, 1,567 cubic tshed dream come true a fully yards. Lmodern electrical plant with auffl To InstalNew Municipal Chapter I.O.D.E. to Dis tribute Bundles of Clothes to Needy Families distributed for civic and industrial purposes. The Skeena River is crossed by five spans,, a distance of 7868 . feet from anchor tower to anchor and,. ,. . ..... ... tower uongeat span ziuu leeti classifying this as one of the longest over water crossings in the world BUILDERS OF PLANT Personnel of Engineering and Con struction Divisions of Power Corporation of Canada Following is,the official personnel of the engineering and construction divisions of the Power Corporation of Canada under whom the Falls River hydro-electric development here was built: J. S. H. Wurtele, plant manager. J. II. Trimtngham, chief engineer. II. S. .Grove, designing engineer. L. C. Jacobs, construction manager. C. N. Mitchell, V.C,. M.C.. general superintendent of construction. W. L. Mahaffy, construction superintendent J. S. Boullanne, construction superintendent; O. R. Henderson, construction superintendent F. L. Racey. office manager. N. Watt, assistant office manager. OPENING OP FALLS RIVER POWER PLANT REPRESENTS REALIZATION OF ONE OF CITY'S FONDEST HOPES. (Continued from rage One) clcnt power to help build up our city and district. "I wish to congratulate Sx-Mayor Heater In iialland hi councu for tneir worfc ,n ui uigiug iui wmiu ui project w utc people of Prince Rupert and in aiding the completion of the agreement I wish to congratulate the people of Prince Rupert for enter- i tng into this agreement and feel To improve the heating system , sure that they have chosen wisely, at the I.O.D.E. Hall Municipal "My this December 1, 1930 be Chapter at a meeting last night i the dawn of a new era for this decided to lnstal a new type of oil j northern country, heater instead of the coal stove -our future happiness and pros-whlch is at present used. Iperity now rests for the most part Arrangements were made to send in our own hands. Let us forget the K a. number of hnrvftaa nf rUttha tn vMUnlim arltk all thotr vain vm j needy families in the city. There greto and disappointments. Let us was excellent response to an ap- live today and keep our thoughts on peal which was .made recently by today and the future. Let us culti-the Crantier for donations of such vnt a nmner community inirit fC'rlathp and mntliUr IH In fnnnrlatlnn a It was decided to send an I.O. worthy one to. work for, the steady D.E. library to a small school in employment of our clUsens under the central interior. fair conditions of hours and rmu- Mrs. John Manson, regent, pre- Deration. This will, undoubtedly, as-slded over the meeting which was sure us a happy prosperous corn-well attended. . imunlty. "Electricity spells life. When we m , consider the wonderful strides 1 ranSnllSSlOn made in its development within our lifetime all the old fairy tales of I HIP I c I nTKT m8te and black art pale Into tn-liUlC 10 ljU11b significance. It has been the most important factor in raising the Skcena River Span One of Longest standard of living of mankind, that Over Water Power Crossings we know of In World "Light in all things brings true happiness The Falls River-Prince Rupert "I now officially unleash the transmission line Is 45 miles long power of this Falls River plant." and connects the plant to the city . II. F. Glassey and A. K. Nelson 0f princ Rupert where It will be 'I A t-l. 1IM 1 ! . Weekly Special These spans are supported by steel SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR towers rising 790 feet above water CHRISTMAS BAKINGS level. The balance of the line is car- ried on single and two-pole struc-'Seedless Raisins &f A A tores. 9 lbs. for A-VU . , ! Cleaned Currants Luther Lecture I 7ibs. for I f i i i Mixed Peel is oi interest- 4 lbs. for Rev. C. E. Motte Had Large Cirtitre-Cation at Rupert East United Church Sunday Evening lonnauon. inere wm a met uuu appreciative congregation. A social , Tne Dally News pan pur. chased at Post Office News Stand, 325 noorv's train, due from the east at' ers, B.C be 6ne hour and fifty minute General Store, Anyox late Shevwill, therefor , arrive at 5.20 pjn. 4 Granville St.. Vancouver. 1 Mixed Nuts 4 lbs. for . . Glace Cherries 2 lbs. for . . . $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Shelled Almonds O-fl A A 2 lbs. for tPJUUV Rev. C. E. Motte. .at evening ser- ;Shelle(1 Walnuts vice in uupen oast umiu wiuiui lour eii tn fliinrfav va on fntorMtlne 11- O 108. IOr lustrated address on the life of Dates, fresh Martin Luther, pioneer of the Re-j stock, 11 lbs. $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Karl Anderson, Prince Come and pick your requirements. Qcorce. B.C. Smithers brug store smith- Mussalleiii Grocery Co. 3:30, was reported this morning to, R. W. Riley, Terrace, B.C. ! Minted Meat, nolIrdtJider, Extracts, Baking Powder; Crystallized Pino Apple, Cherries, Marshmallow, and all Christmas Supplies at reduced prices. LlmUed 417-123 FIFTH AVENUE EAST ilY TUES.&WEI). two snows 7 and 9 p.m. ANN HARDING in "The Girl of the Golden West" AH Talking A Stirring Drama of the Gold Hush Days Comedy Chester Conklln in "CLEANING UP" Novelty "FOOD FOR THOUGHT" Admission 20c & 65c Feature Starts at 7:30 & THURSDAY & FRIDAY, and Remember Thursday Matinee RICHARD RARTIIELMESS In "THE DAWN PATROL CURZON Men's Wear Christmas Gifti Our special lines in gentlemen's Neckwear, Hosiery, Drcsvn ; Gowns, Mufflers, Socks; Suspenders, Etc. are now on dlspl u and we will, assist you . in selecting that particular gat, FOU THE LADIES We have a new line of silk hosiery called the "Onr.;i ., . Chiffon" in latest shades only. Aim the high grade In. Silk hosiery recently demonstrated. At most reasonable n kt SOMETHING NEW FOU THE HOYS "Snowboy" Hosiery Sturdy stockings for sturdy boys and girls. Black. hc;it! coating and an attractive Oxford grey. The big selling ' i ing with a reputation for sturdlness which has placed . . class by Itself. All stees. Every pair of "Snowboy" is guaruir. , DO NOT FORGET Our staple lines Men's pants, socks, mitts, gloves Ri i I underwear. Union Made overalls, etc. Also ladies unci ( . . dren's hosiery. EVERYTHINQ NEW - NO SHOP-WORN OOODS Curzon's Gratton Block DOLLAR STORE Hard times headquarters for Santa Clan.-NOTHING OVER A DOLLAR me Sold bell Gottmmsnt TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOU SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City uch Value Smiskv I,' s This advertisement Is not puanshca or displayed by Control Board or by the Government of British Coin Dr Alexander X-RAY SEUViCii PHONE 575 BESNER BLOCK DENTIST