Tuesday, December 2, 1920. THE DAILY NEWS Classified Advertisements. Business and Professional Mens Guide. Legal Notices' I A DAILY NEWS FOR SALE AD WILL CONVERT THAT UNUSED PIECE, OF FURNITURE INTO CASH. TRY IT! ' Win. Ksulta. VOll SALE FOR SALE Halibut Boat "Cape Swain," Apply E. Upsett, Ltd. 283 SACRIFICE of new Mink Stole, Wonderful Chrlitmas Gift. Apply Dally News C-ffice tf FOB SALE 16 hp. Imperial Engine. Can be seen on "Bonlto", Cow Bay, Price $400. 288 CHEAPEST White Newsprint Parer for wrapping or other purposes, may be bought ten cents a core as long as they last. Dally News. FOR KENT FOB RENT Furnished Apartment Phone 943; 281 FLAT FOR RENT Wallace Bloc Enquire store. tf FURNISHED, Apartments for rent. Apply Mussallem Grocery, Phone 18. (tf) COMFORTABLE Room for rent. 1028 2nd Ave, Phone Blue 283. 282 run itEJvi Moaern nouse, rooms and bath. Apply Munro Bros. tf FOR RENT Furnished apartments by day or week or month. Phone Red 607. it FOR RENT Roam wttti board or batching. Heated rooms, 704 Mc-Brlde Street. tf FOR RENT Clean well furoUhtd modern apartments. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. t f To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments Free use of electric light and vixher Rentals $10 to $16 monthly OYER APARTMENTS 3RD AVE. WANTED WANTED Smart saleslady with knowledge of todies' wear. Oocxt wages. Apply Box 54 Daily New. 281 FOUND BUNCH of keys was picked up between Prince Rupert Hotel and Post Office. Owner can get the same at Dally News Office by paying for this advertisement, tf HOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. tt ROOM and Board. Phone Red 125. tf TRANSFERS C AMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Dry Birch, Cedar and Jack Pine. tf RED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. tf SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Hand Goods nought. Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 339 SALVAGE AM TOWING "H it's on or under the water we do it" Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. rul'y Equipped for Diving and General salvage Work 'Uents for EASTIIOI'E ENGINES Itoats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row 'fttats and Canoes for Hire Uargaint In Gas Enflnes Northern D.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel In any quantity.' oelirerrd anywher by water Thone, Day or Night 561 P.O. Box 15C4 fT - .- L-..,UHlL.Sua.LI . - . A Dally Nevfs want-ad will AUCTIONEER We buy, srll or exchange any Wnd of furniture or household goods, musical instruments. a-. chinery, tc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone BlacK 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, Federal Block. tf CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Children' Diseases Specially Treated W. C, ASPINALL (Chiropractor) Thone Green 211 6 & 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme's) LAM ACT Notice of Intention to apply for Lean una In the Stlklne Land Recordlne Dis trict of Casslar District, and situate v rarw mues sna one-nui sown 01 Tulsequah Post Office on Taku River Take notice that I. George ItabMii of Tulsequah. B.C.. oceurjatlon book keeper Intends te apply for a lease me louowing aeacriDed lands: Oeounenoing at a post planted, on Dsns oi siougo. ineoee south BO ofcatiu thence east 40 chains: thence north 8:' ehatot; thence west 40 chains, an- containing 320 acres, more or less. GEOROE ROBBINr Dated August 25. 1930. Mail Schedult For the East- Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 10.30 am From the East- Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday 3.30 pjn For Vancouver Tuesday 1 noon Thursday 9 pjn Friday . 11.. pi) Dec. 3, 17, and 31 . pm From Vancouver Sunday 4 pjn Wednesday 10.30 pjn Friday .i- pm. Dec. 13 and 27 ... pm. For Anyox and Stewart Sunday 7 pm Wednesday 3 DA From Anyox and Stewart Tuesdays 11 JO am. Thursday , 8 pm. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday . - 7 pm From Naas River and Port Simpson-Tuesday 11 JO am. For Queen Charlottes-Wednesdays 7 pm. From Queen Charlottes-Sundays a.m, For Alaska-Dec. 13 and 17 am. From Alaska-Dec. 3, 17, and 81 pm. SCALE OF CHARGES The following Is tho scale of charges made for reading notices: Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. name. Birth Notices 50c. Funeral Notices $1. Cards of Thanks, $2. Funeral Flowers 10c per BRINGING UP YOU PE. SO CROSS ALU THS TIME IAT&LM'- T 1 5 ATTRACTIVE ft mi PI it ii . SALE High Class Furniture & Household Effects At 1138 Second Avenue West Opposite McMordic Apts., on Thursday, Dec. 4th Commencing at 2:00 1M. Consisting of tfie following articles: 9-tube Kolster Radio in walnut cabinet. Leather Upholstered Living Room Suite, Wicker Chairs, Morris Chair, Breakfast Set, Taberette, Smoking Stand, Open Front Heater, McClary Range with reservoir attachment, 2 Beds complete, Dressing Table. Card Table, Kitchen Cupboard, Lino Square, Linoleum and Miscellaneous articles. GEO. J. DAWES AUCTIONEER-PHONE: BLACK 120 Anti F reeze Is Much Cheaper ThaiiaNew Radiator Anti Frceie Is cold weather Insurance for your motor and radiator We have a full line, including Frestone, Rador Glycerine and Alcohol Overhaul Your Old Tire Chains And anticipate your needs in this line while our stock is complete Cold Weather Alakrs hard starting. Why not install a new battery now? OUR TRICE 1 RIGHT 11-PIatc Battery . .$10.00 13-PIatc Battery . .$12.00 S.E. PARKER LTD. PHONE 83 FORD DEALERS Get the A2 renrtlnR nabit. it pays. FATHER ! AW STOP tht I 6Y II CTOT Your je - OON'T ACT UKE A CWIWO LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Fore hare In Range 3. Coast District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, nl situate on the East shore Df Dundas Island opposite Green Island Lighthouse. line notice inst tm Canadian riso- ing Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C. occu - patlon Fish Packers mttnds to applvjpatlon Fish Packer intends to apply for a lease of the following described , for a lease of itbe following describe! Commencing at a post planted at highwater mark on the East shore of uundaa Island opposite oreen Island j Ughthovfie; thence East 5 chains; thenoe norm if cnains; tnence west 8 chains I more or less, to high wafer mark thence Southwesterly along high water I mars to jAt oj c uuuccruceuien v sna containing S acres, more or less. I THE CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD per A. II. Holland, Agent. Dated Sept. 8th. 1930. LAND ACT Notice sf Intention to opjrty to Lease Pimshore In Ra.ige 8. Coast urorlct, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the "West shore of the most westerly of White Island Group, 1 and ; one-half mAets west of the ArnlMon : Point, TMndu Inland. Take nvttea that The Canadian Fish to'I Co. Itd..uf Vancouver. B.C.. oocu-petlon Fish Packers intends to a bp It for a lease of the following described .foreshore: Comateoenj; at a post planted on North wekt ccrner of the most westerly of the White Island Group, thence ewita 10 chains; thence West 6 chairs, tfeenee North! 10 chains: thence Bast F ehslns and containing 5 acres, mono or bss. ' - TftE CANADIAN nSHING CO. LTD pet W H. Holland, Aent. Dated September 6th. 1980. LAXU ACT Notice of Intention to appljr to Lease Foreshore In Range S, Coast OHtrlct. Land He-! cording District of Prince Rupert, and ' situate as Oartlett Hotnt on the South Wast of W&lM Island. Taka notice that The Canadian Ftoh-lag Co. Ltd.. j! VaneouTer. B.C. oocu-patloa nh Packers Intends to apply !or a teaee of the following described forexbore : CacMKonelnc at a post planted sr Sartiett Point, or. South West shore of Wales Itlaad; thence West S chains: theucc South JO chains: thence East U ctaln to hkxh water mark: thence north westerly following high water j nag, a&d corjuuung 10 jscrca, niore ct I THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD 1 per A H. Holland. Agent Dateo Sept.7th. 1980. I ,IASU ACT i Notice of Intention to apply to Lease - rereanore In Bange S. Coast Dtrtet Lanl Re- ! cording District of Prince Rupert, and isnuave on syss isiana ex wen snort ' line, l and one -quarter milej south of i the north wes. comer of the Island. I Take nftice that The Oanadtan Flsh-1 ln OO. IM.. of Vancouver. B.C. occu pation Fteto Packers intends to apply for a leaae of the following described foreshore r Camnenelnt a poet planted 1 an one-quarter miles south of iht North ass ooriMS wf Zayas Wand thence North ean 10 chains; tbenos West C chains: thence South west 10 chaiu; thence IJasa S chains and contain ln( S am(. more or leas. v THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD Dated Sept. 4th. 1990. pet a, it. Holland. Agent CM A'Cl Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Ranee 5, Ooast District. Land Re-eopglng District af Prince Rispert, and ctuate oa the West shore of Dundaa lianfl, mfiea South east of the most westerly of the White Island Oroup. Take notice that The C.-nadlau Fishing Co. DM- of Vancouver. B.C. oeei: paUoa Flafa Packet Intettda to apply for a lase of thr following deacrtbe-l foreshore Commencing at a post planted at th south entrance to a Baji tying about & mues south est of the nvyit westerly of tke Wtatte Island Qroup: tbetirv North eat 10 caaloa: thence South west S chains: thence South tas: IS eha4na: ttteece. North aan t eh tins and captaining t aras. mare or less. THE CANADIAK nSUINO CO. LTD per A. H. Holland. Agent. Dated Sept. 1st, 130. " LAMI ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore Id RaBfe S, tMatt Dittrlot. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and' situate on the South west hore of waias island, opposite The Proctor Is- j lands. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd.. f Vancouver. DA. occupation Ptoh Packers tnteodt to appr tor a lease of the following describe foreshore: OoHMMacing at a post planted on the South West shore of Wales Island, opposite the Pmtr Island; thence West 10 ctkalM; thence Nsrth 10 chains I thence Bast 6 ehalns more or less to high water mark; t bancs South east- srly stoni luth water mark tolnt of eemmenoerr-ent and oontalning ft acres 1 more or less. , THE CANADIAN FIBHINn CO. LTD per A. It. Itollaisd, Agent Dated Feft let, 1990 I.AXD ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Range S, Coast District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the South end -cl Hayscack INnd. - Take notice that The Canadian Fish 1 Ing Co.'-Ltd. of Vancouver. B.C.. occu Commencing at a post planted at the south-east corner of Haystack Island; thence South S halns; thence West 10 chains; thence North S chains, mare or ' less to high water mark; thence South- easterly, following hlfth water mark to point of commencement, and containing S acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland. Agent. Ltted Sept. 7th. 1930. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to applv to Leass Foreshore In Oasstar District Land ftecordlog District of Prince Rupert, anj situate an Dog Fish Bay on Portland Canal. Take notice that The Canadian Pisa, ing Co. Ltd. of Vancouver. B.C. occn patlcn Fish Packers intends to apply ' Tor a lease of the Allowing described j toreshere: 1 Commencing at a post planted ati the North west corner post of Lot .623 1 Casslar, thence 1 chain West to high water mark: thence South 10 chains; , thence East 10 chains: thence North 3 efcalns more or less, to high water nark: thence Korth westerly along high water mark to point of commencement: and containing 8 acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland. Agent. Dated Sept. 6th. 1930. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leaxe Foreshore In Cassis r District Land Recording District of Prlrjee Rupert, and situate n Dog Fleh Bay on Portland Canal. Take notice that The Canadian pish, ing Co. Ltd. of Vancouver. B.C. occupation FUn Packers Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at at the South west corner of Lot 627 Caattar District: thence West 5 chains; thence North 10 chains; thence Kaj. C chains more oi Jess to high water txk; thence South westerly following high water mark to point of commencement; and containing 5 acres, more or lea. THE CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland, Agent. Dated Sept. 8th, 1930. , LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leair Foreshore In Range 6. Coast District. JLand Re- ardlng District of Prince Rupert, and situate en the North end of Haystack uiana. Take notice that The Canadian Pish ing Co. Ltd. of Vancouver, B.C. occupation Fish Packers Intends to apply tor a lease of the following described loretnore: Commencing at a post planted at cement monument oh the North-vest corner of Haystack' Island: thence north S chains; thence East 10 chains; thence South S chains, more or less to high water mark: thence south-westerly, following high .water mark, to point of commencement, and containing 8 acres, mere or lest. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD per A. H. Holland. Acen:. Dated Sept. 7th. 1930. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Range S, Coast District. land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on an unnamed Island lying one mile North of Haystack Island. Take notice that The Csnadlan Fishing Co. Ltd. of Vancouver. B.C. occupation Fish Packers Intends to apply for a lease of the following descriled foreshore: Commencing at a post planted on an unnamed Island approximately one-uarter of a mile North and one-halt of a mile West of Lot 6922 a 3 Coast, thence Wast S chains; thence South 19 chains: thence East S chains more ct less to shore Has; thence North weiterlv along high water mark to point of commencement and containing 8 acres, more or less. 1 THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A. It. Holland. Agent. Dated Sept. ith, 1930. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Pores bore In Range 8. Coast District. Land R ooraing District of Prince Rupert, ans sltuate on Zayas Island, ooe-quarter ti a mUe North eaat of the South east corner. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd. of VanocMver, BO. occupation Fish Psckers intends to apply tor a lease of the follcwlng described foreshore: Commencing at post planted one-quarter of a mile North east of the South east corner of Zayas Itlani; thence North east 10 chains: thence South east S chains: thence scMth west 10 chains; tnenee wwth w4t ft chains and containing 8 seen, more or teas. THE CANADIAN FISHtNO CO. LTD per A. H Holland. Agent. Dated Septk lit, ltjo. Chronic! CHIROPRACTIC OFFERS RELIEF To those who suffer from chronic diseases. It reaches to the source of diseases and, by the application of natural methods, tends to remove the cause. And by removing the cause, it removes the effect, thus resulting hi lasting and, oftentimes, permanent cures of the most deep-seated maladies. It can help you. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP GEORGE SKIDOFF DECEASED ALIAS BORT8 6KIZAK ALIAS JURKO SKI-ZAK ALIAB JURKO 6KIDIFF. NOTICE Is hereby given that all persons having claims against the above named late of Anchorage. Territory of Alaska, United States of Amerloa, and formerly of the City of Prince Rupert. In the Province of British Columbia. Canada, who died t Anchorage aforementioned on the 5th day of February 1629. are required to send particulars thereof, duly vert tiled, to the undersigned cn or before the 8th day of Jan uary. 1931, after which date it wUl proceed to distribute the assets of the Deceased among the persons entitle thereto, having regard only to the claims of which it shall then tae had notice. DATED at Vancouver. B.C. this 17th day of November. AD. 1930. MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY, 614 Pender Street West. Vancouver, BC Administrator of the Batata af the aiiove-meatloaed George Skldoa. Deceased within the Province of British Columbia. n2. dS-IO-17. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP HENRY MANUEL RICHARDSON, Dnennnl. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that Si creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against the estate of Henry Manuel Rtehardsea. Testator., late of Prince Rupert. In the .County of Prince Rupert, 'Deceased, who died on the 2nd dsy of August 1930 and whose will was proved in the Puaor Rupert Registry of the 8upreme Ootr of British Columbia on the 23 rd day of uciooer mju Dy Aie stracnan or Prince Rupert. B.C.. Laundry Manacer. the only Executor therein named whe nad not renounced, are hereby required to send particulars m writing of their claims ana aemanas to us the under- signed solicitors for the said Executor on or before the 31st day of January 1931 at the under-mentioned address' after which date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Henry Manuel Richardson deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims sad demandi 61 which he shall then havei had notice and the said Executor will not be llsble for the assets of the de-1 ceased, or any part thereof, ae distributed to any person or persons of whose claims and demands he shall not then have had notice. DATED this 1st day of November. 1930. WILLIAMS, MAN SON, OONZALBS & TAYLOR Beener Block. Prince Ruoert. B.C. Solicitors for the Executor, Alex Strachan. LANIi ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Lana- In the Stlklne Land Recordtnc Dis trict of Casslar District, and situate about three mUes and one-halt south of Tulaequth Post Office on Tsku River Take notice that I. wuilam Beroac of Tulsequah, B.C.. occupation merchant, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post Planted on band of a ekmsh. buwm south SO chains; thence east 40 chains; thence north BO chains; thence west iO attains; ! and oontalning 390 acres, more or leas. I WILLIAM STRONG Dated August 28, 1930. I tfOuuV- I'VE SORG JK0Si II STILL- i'M THINIKIN)' tYS U jUKST MGIE TAMeo-j jjf J CEL OF ME TO MAKE ' 5- )L A&HB CK- t it jo iiiru TYPEWRITERS No other value ean approach the special REBUILT UNDERWOOD 5 $75.00 Very eay terms All other makes from 115.00 SDNDSIRANl) ADDINO MACHINES United Typewriter Co. Ltd. VANt'OVVCU. I1C Singer Sewing -Machines n On Easy Monthly Payment As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to tray than rent t All makes of machines te-., paired. ' McRAE BROS. LTD, Phone 566 Rupert Motors - Garage and Service Station DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND BODY WORK A SPECIALTY Nelson's Beauty Parlor Crogulgnoie Permanent Wave Guaranteed $7.50 Skilled artists in all branches of beauty culture 211 Third Street Phone Blae 561 Wood and Coal Cheer up) The best was coming, Now It's Here Try our new coal Just arrived CASEY'S CARTAGE & FUEL CO. Telephone 303 MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal ' Beading White House 225 Second Ave. Telephone 167 NEON ELECTRIC TUBE SIGNS SILVERSIDES BROS. Local Afency SKEENA LAND TtEfORDINO DISTIUCT, Take notice that the British Columbia Fishing & Packing Company, Ltd of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation, flai packers, intends to apply for a lesis tt the feilewln described' foreshore; situ-ate on Naas Harbour, fronting on Lot -S. Rsnge &. Ooast District: "Commencing t a post planted on the east side at Nasi Harbour, thence west IS chains, more or less, to the opposite shore: .thence southerly, eastwy, and northerly, following high water mark, to the polnff commencement, and containing twenty; five aorta, more ar less. " Dated 9th August. 1930. fc J. It. BuahnelL Agent BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO Si PACKINO CO, LTD C. N. R. TRAINS From East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30 p.m. For Bast Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 11:30 ajn. a McManus V 1 By Gsorge 1 4 5