Guilty of Conduct Prejudicial to Discipline and Severely Reprimanded; Evidence Showed bad Spirit on Both Sides II1UALTAR, April 3. Commander It. II. Daniel wan found It Kuilty tooy of actions predicial to discipline in connection1 with the Royal Onk affair and was dismissed from the war-1 -hip an well us bt inK severely reprimanded. He wn.s found ruilty i ,n ail charges iru iudiiiK reading publicry in the wardroom of the K.i.val Oak certain remarks subversive of naval discipline as well i of reading remarks and criticisms on the conduct and orders of ins superior officer. Kear-Admiral Bernard S. Collard. calculated RECORD RUN OF OOLACHAN XAA II I Villi NATIVKM, I NAHM; Iilsl'Osfc Ol THEM. PITTING l-AIKIf: HTOHfc III' HMIII T tiers has been a phenomenally targe run of oolacbana at the moutb of the Nam. River this year reports Canon W. K Kuabbrook of the Anglican mission b'ui Northern Cross who Is In town after one of his periodical erulaes up coast. The fish have been taken In inch abundance that there has been a problem of disposing of them natives, who catch them, are putting up a large store of future food ol the tti in their own peculiar manner of t iring as well as eatraetlng the oil. There has also been a good run of rrrlng this year, thin together with the abundance of the oolacharu amel-tortuing somewhat the prospect of a not if) aucceaarui aalmon flatting ses-oii Spring salmon have been alow In ecmii g BONUS POSTED IN BASEBALL owr ,tii.H open this, ni:- MM AT XI tlHUIl OK tTTIK IV SOI Til MN PRANCB80O. April 3. With 830.-!' ri.Miui pcetad for the winners and put to be tried out for the first ii eight clubs on the Pacific Coast ix'bill Lean r ramMbBd '" i one Of i hiMory. Taf Hollywood aV ""e at Sat begin their IBM pen- ay in what may prove most evrntful seasons Mams line up as fot- Oakland. i Francisco. hi'tUnd at Los Angeles M.--)iu at Sacramento fireinTndia destructive ioNIJON, AprU I A despatch to the Mull from Karachi in weitern In-" ' y a square mile or fire la raxing ''"- in the railroad frelaht vards and !ht ii..- nly a change of wind had saved 'ty from destruction Several BOY STRANGLED TO DEATH WHEN COAT CAUGHT ON PICKET -to bring the latter into contempt sentence on the commander implies diuulatai from hi ship but not from ;he aervlce. He will matin on hall pay until it pleiues the admiralty to appoint him to another ahlp or another rort. Testifying at the trial. Commander ' Daniel said: " ; "While I tu with a lady Admiral, IPjCcllard approached me and said: 'Look ; Irf-re. I wonder what ha happened to l ne Dand. The admiral waa much an noyed and aaid the marine band must be replaced by a jazz band." Subsequently toe admiral MM the bandmaster the playing of the band v. as like a dirge. "I will have you sent home tomorrow," the admiral asld. The witness aaid he told the admiral he heard htm use a certain epithet when Th, speaking to the bandmaster and the ad miral replied: "Nothing will make aae budge from that statement " ADVIIHAL AI'OU)(ill - jlnterroal VANf-ouvwt, April 8. -When the col-.Kootenay Florence 11,1 "' his coat eauaht on a nickel feneX. and L hr aa cllmblnii over, three year Ukevlew wiutam mer of Burnaby was ""'ii.iod to death yeaterday. GOLD COMMISSIONER YUKON APPOINTED STOCK QUOTATIONS leadamlth Lucky Jim Marmot Metala National Silver K"" Silversmith 'si ' " Slocan King 40 IB Pend -Oreille 3'" Premier aM Patter Idaho Hichmond "TTAWA, AMU 3 -Oeonie T. Mac- RUfUS vV ''on. saautant nnanclal comptroller of Ruth Hone Iwtii ami tai ....... , TOf .eaMfA 1 A a l4 10 AXTIItU 8AIIA Bunloch 350 Terminus Th Britteh aUarrver Anthea. Prince Whitewater 3 90 ""prrt'e. twentyrsecoiut grain ship of Woodbine 4fl aaasma uilt . 11 .bk thi. mMin Ttalt Jrning for the United Kingdom or Georgia River 48 ptlneat with a full cargo of grain Orandvlew M rWM the Alberta Wheat Pool'al lecul stevator. I Bubacrlbe for the Dally Ncwa 2M ,T7 17'4 .46 appoinwd ' gdrd cnmmluiofter ' of Silver Cwst ,,r '! Yukon with headauarten at Daw- Silvers 1 . 1 t r s r tWV .31 .11 3 75 .60 9.78 .49 1 00 4B 14 00 Building to be erected on Third Avenue by l) Daniel said the admiral spoke very loudly in the press uu of several guests 4 and all the bandsmen around. Witness said the admiral gave htm pennies! uo neat day to convey apologies to those entitled to them Daniel touched on the incident In wMah the admiral it aaid to have board- ' eel the tseaal 0k and tanorai taw of. f leers who were standing at salute to Ireeerve MM. More fBen lift men must have seen the incident, witness jsald. RH impression 'was that the ad- I mlral's manner waa a deliberate Insult I to the officers. I Captain Dewar. who faees a similar 'charge, testified concerning an Incident ; lr connection with the admiral leaving the ahlp and ordering the starboard ae- eommodatlon ladder to be prepared. Dewar waa summoned by the admiral aud the Utter demanded: "Why lent the ladder ready?" The captain replied: "III Inquire." The admiral aaid: "I should damned well (Courtesy 8. y- thousand dcilar worth of Argents ii ai burning and mlllknu of dol- Bay view nth of other product! and build- Big Missouri "re in danger. Cork Province Dunwell Glacier Oladatione Olaaalr Ooknnda Independence Indian think to. and get the commander a reasons In writing." The captain said the admiral declared he wad being treated worse than a mid-ihlpman. The admiral' volte, witness said, waa loud and hla manner exrltad. niTtiiciiAi-r nuwii: TO DC MIAMI pounds for and Je. 1IKKJ. Billy Winiems. KlapKw IndUn. having been aernmiuad for trial by William Oranv Heart n justice of the peace, Witt he trtad b 9Ucer M6J& YtJm-t County Court here' tomorrow mornir g on a charge of praotlatng witchcraft. Be w.w brought to the eltf freen the Interior on tbls afternoon s tr.-ln It is alleged that Williams has been doing business at his trade fcr a long time and that be baa a number of natives at Ktsptos In an almost hysterics! -tate. HALIBUT PRICES I NOT HIGH TODAY The captain further aaid that when! he arrived aboard the Royal Oak it waa ..... T""" WMO l"u""' H"W b THrt'r sort of dead ship but in a couple of mouths Commander Daniel entirely al-I Veseeea et lih i:rlnfe this tered the situs Uon. The men became Morning happier, the offtoara a lot keener. He knew Commander Daniel was an in-; Halibut Mies at the Path Bxchange tctuely loyal officer both to his su- that morning totalled IMjMO pounds, parlors and subordinates. The baud In- ata American veeaela disposing of U.-cldent would have adversely affected wo Bounds at bids ranging from lOJc both the morale and discipline. land e to U 4c and be while a similar number of Canadians sold 44J0Q from lOf and e to lOJc Arrivals and sales ware ae roUowe: Smmi flexing rrtre Teday m VaneM-I AMKHICAN er l:rltitiige I Hadw S7.000 pounds, hoy a I Fish Co., J. Johnston Co., Ltd.) itOSc and do. ' Bid Asked Mara, 11.000 pound. Canadian Fish 40 41 oold atoragr Co . 13.3c and tc 10 10', i Lansing, t.000 pounds. Pad fir Ptsher- 46 TO es. ti le and he. 41', J. P. Todd II . 13.000 pounds. Pacific 3d .33 .Plaherma. and Be 4.35 4B0 Rcllaroe. 8000 pounds. Booth Plah- 07 .08 enea. and ie. 40 48 Gloria T.0M pounds. Booth Plsher- J8 M les. 134c and Be. JO .30 j CANAIUW 08 .10 Prosperity A.. 18.000 pounds: Nautl- 38 .40 tu, 6,000 pounda. and Royal III. 8.800 M 31 pounds, Atlln Pktherlsa, 10.4c and 6c. .13 .' I BUjnol. 6.000 pounds. Canadian Piah .08 0S Oold orage CO.. 10c and V .06 I Tramp. 6,000 pounds. Canadian Fish .41 I Cold Storage Oo.. 103c and 8.4c. .I6tfa I tngrad M . 6.000 pounda. Canadian .16 ,rie Cold B'.oniRc Co . 104c and 64e 31 50 ENGINE EXPLODES AND THREE FLIERS KILLED Arefilrnt at Hong Kong Tmlsy si grit-liine tvas Itrtiirnlng l Alrrnft Carrier- llrrnira 1I0NO KOKO. AprU l.-Ttiree Brltlah filers were killed today when the engine of tbelr atnpiHM exploded as they wore returning to the air craft carrier Iter- The boms of the taxis In Italy are pitched in different keys, and when n Work occur on a atruet, the protest Is mrlodlous and never hanh 15, contract for whi nu fh PREMIER IS DOWN TODAY IMHVN TO S..V1 AT SOOX ItKlAIMMi STKBMITII IH It-IMI MDIIMMI VANCHM VIIK. April 3. Premier Murk was llt lit l lrrrMil today KiMlrr live InfluriMT of a rrHrtllMt it taay le ncTemary In Hie nrr faturr I eel dlt Urmia, II eied at 9.68 fr a lw ef 18 xlals Chmii the rliwe jrtrrU). Then rrgalne! fr a 11 lite IhiI Inter tank la a low f l .All at immhi on 11 larimtee of a4rlmslH leu lliounil sluirea. rnici: or miibat. VANCOCTBR. April J. The prtoe of wheat yeaterday was 81.9414. 1 1 ( Save Money Boston Grill The- cheapest way to buy the Dally News la to subscribe by the Lirare Upstair Dining Hall, year. The coat U 15.00 and your with newly laid dancing copy U delivered to your address floor, for hire. each evening. Just figure out the amall coat to you for this dally NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. aervlce for twelve months! PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the least Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper FRONT VIEW OF NEW AIVAZOFF THEATRE ?P?- ' -f. ...... -3 i-hell & Currie and to be completed by August was let today. Contract for New Theatre is Let to Mitchell & Currie and Work To Be Completed by August 15 Mizak Aivazoff Says he Had Attractive Tenders From Vancouver but Decided to Give it to the Local Firm Instead l'pHE contract, for the new theatre on Third Avenue 1 waa let this, mornmir bv M. Y. Aivazoff and Paul Vol. XV HI., N0l IX PRINCE RUPEltT, , TUES'bAY,'' APfflfJ 3)1923 Price Five Centa Commander iel of Battleships Dismissed ftPn Ship Tr. .-..sua. v-rffi!a. u ,, AivapfggLo;' Mitcholl & Currie of-.ttaa. .clt.-jlftl!?ew work to be completed and turned over by the contractors on August 15. While the contract price is not announced it is stated to be "quite a bit" over the $00,000 mentioned in the permit. There were a number of tenders, some of which were from Vancouver men. Mr. Aivazoff, when seen this morninc;, stated that he had had very attractive tenders from Vancouver but he had preferred letting the contract to a local man. It was planned so far as possible to have all the work clone locally so that Prince Rupert would benefit Speaking further of the building, Mr. Aivazoff said he was pleased now that the city had refused his offer in regard to the lane,for it had put quite a lot of money in his pocket. He was now able to have three stores in the building as well as the theatre and the cost of the site was not as great as it would have been under the other arrangement. Mr. Aivazoff goes south tomorrow on the Princess Mary. UNITED STATES GETS PROPERTY IUYH I.OTH IN OTTAWA AMI Wll.l 1 IIK T II VMISOMI. Ill II.IUMl l()K KMILYSNY AMI (IOVI ll-MKNT IlKr.lUTMKNTS OTTAWA. April 3 The United Bta tea government has acquired property formerly owned hy the Ottawa Building Co.. Ltd. on Wellington Street with a S. M. Newton Bolts Conservative Party and Forestalls Nominating Conventian by Announcing Himself Will be Candidate in Support of Dr. S. F. Tolmic but Goes Back on Promise to Abide by Decision of the Convention wa8 made yesterday that 8. M. Newton, former ANNOUNCEMENT mayor, is .to be a candidate at the coming proviicial election. The announcement was not unexpected as Mr. Newton had been very actively engaged io registering voters and canvassing the city. Early last year Mayor Newton announced through his paper that he would be a candidate and the notice was published for many weeks. Then pressure was brought to bear on him by local Conservatives and he announced that he had withdrawn his candidature ...u w.ulU allow his iutie to go before tne comiervatlve nominating The convention has ttcn called for April 13 and local delegates to It have been chosen aud now. Just on the ev: of that gathering, Mr. Newton that he v.111 be In the field. The . jJlowing ii the text of the' , "To Ihe Mnlif: "In ttdrr to Hrar np all doubt ahtml tltr malltr. I l-li l an-noum my ra atlhlittarr rr die rwmlng pretlaetal efrrtlon for (lie liint Huprrt tfrrioral Khling. "I lall seek eieelloii a a sap-fttrr of tbe Hen. Dr. s. F. Ts4-uir. in order le bring about a trry MMrlt umled ehaagr tf gotrrnairnt In lhl prwim-r. . ' "This bHog III l;-t nerk fer to- ' trn' list rrglotralleii, will tltow net already rrjMrrril ilear get lo tjrh Willi iur wMlMHit farther delay. "Ywirn rrftimtrully. -K M. MitVTOX." A good many of the local Cc.nserra-tlvcj express themselves as eatresuely annoyed at tbe action of the former maycr m thus nominating himself and trxm the party at their convention. The 1 probability la that aome other oandi-1 date wtU be eboeen to contest the seat view to erecting on the property at the have nominated expiration of the present leasee a hand- aome new edifice to hcuse the embassy and the United Slates government departments In Ottawa. This afternocii'a train, due from the Raat at SJ0, was reported thla morning to be on time. PUBLIC LECTURE In the Moose Hall tilcFuesday, April 3 ' at 8 o'clock, by W. F. SALTER Canadian General Manager, I.Il&A. Subject "All Nations Preparing for War Why?" Sent Free. No collection c la tail : TO THE ELKf'TOK "I bate agreed, an a romprixMi, thai I will appear a d eaiMlhiate before live eU frstlarlal t'onwri-tlte Homlnatlag rontentlon for the eletliiii ef a rand Wale Willi the underMamllHg. lmuM I fall to e-rnrr the nernlnatioa. I will ui port Ihe nominee of aaid ru mention. a a SBfwter ef lir. Tolmle ' and lite Cmnefvethr wrt). "If Hf t my friends are it en the provincial tuftrn's M. Mill they ieae rommuntrsli alth me. "S. Jl. NKYtTON." It s pointed out by Conservatives hat this la not tbe first tune Mr. ONTARIO THE MOST WEALTHY OF PROVINCES OTTAWA. AprU 3. -Canada s national wealth Increased by three btl ion dollars In four years. Tbe computation Is exclusive of natural resources. Ontario ranked first aa the richest province, and British Columbia fifth with Just under two billions. British Columbia Is the second province in per capita wealth with HA&. which Is a few dcllara leas than COUNSELOR INDIANS DEAD the concensus of opinion seemed to be THK ATE A OMIiAKt ws UEIL Oat he would not get any endorsement; known iisiik iiiviv.i Mt.r HtMlltNT TKIPS DUTIIICT interests. . . ... . TO 4 .. . T. I mJjvfaviii, April 1 A. s. U Mean. lOltlltR l'UOMIsl) -aeed m for mJ. . s .h. The following announcament was AUled Indian Tribes of British Colum-made by Mr. Newton m hi on a paper bta in their land claims, died here arter the Conservative meeting at day Ke waa born at Georgetown. On-wbich he agreed to abide by tbelr de- tario. ! Tbe late Mr. OVesrs was quits well known in Prince Rupert. He made he-iunt trips north to consult with his native clients and had visited the Naas River quite regulsrly during recent .yean. Hr Was quite lame. MONTREAL HAS A NEW MAYOR r.UIII.IJON orK lltl tATH I OR-MKU MAYOR MtltTIS IIV OVIU n.MtS VflTRB v-wt.n ha.. n they my. "foisted him-' ' rli ur. the party." On one former oc- MONTRBAL. April 3. Camlllkm r.i'iun be was endorsed by them because Home, former member of the LegstlaUve ih y fe! It wa the only thing to do Aaembly for St Mary's division was eil he waa beaten. Thlav tune there yesterday elected Mayor of Montreal icer.ia n be no chance of hla being over' Hrn. Mederick Martin, who wss a endorsed without cauaing a split in the candidate tor re-election. House bad a party although there are aome mesa bars majority of more than 30.000. who stroagly support him. ! The voters st the ssme tune decided COMI'LIC'Altll POSITION ' adopt dsyllght saving. The position Is s very complicated one from a Conservative standpoint and doubtless rff?rta will yet be made to induce Mr. Newton to again change hi mind snd conform to the proper method ol nomination. , Mr. Newton undoubtedly has a number of aupporter in tbe community and HOTHOUSE MEN AT VANCOUVER DO NOT LABOR MEETS GENEVA IN MAY they eeera to strongly appro ve his ac- ' tion In announcing himself and not OTTAWA, April 3 Hon. Peter Hee-taklng a chance on the convention. tMn- 'edersl minuter of labor, may re-whtch It Is thought would probably Present Canada at the International other man. iiaoor conference at Qenera thla year. 1 The conference opena on Hay 80 and .should the parliamentary and Industrial !tuatlon permit the minister's absence ihe will undertake tbe trip. WANT MARKET CONTROL BIG TOW OF LOGS VANCOUVER. April 3 The hothouse. tomato and encumber growers of greater' ; Vancouver decided lust night to petition the committee of direction tor exemption from the regulations of the B.C. Produce Marketing Act. EDMONTON GRADS WINNER OF SERIES AGAINST CHICAGO BDMONTON. April 3. The Bdmonton Orads basketball team laat night de-fasted Chicago Brownies 44 to 36, winning a two game sertss by 70 to SB. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL K.rOTTIll LKAdlt. MY. I. Rntth Rovers 0, Rangers o. FROM WARK CANAL FOR NEW SAWMILL Power ttiKs Berths Q.. working temporarily for the B.C. Towage es Lighterage CO., and M.T. 3 of the Rupert Marine Products fleet, arrived last night from Warke Channel having In tow a big beem of 850.000 feet of toga for the Big Bay Lumber. ,Co. new sawnUU at Seal Cove which la about, to start operations. PROMINENT LUMBER MAN OF VANCOUVER VANCOUVER. April 3 Joha Ilan-bury, prominent lumber operator and owner of large mills lu False Creek, died here today at the age of 73 years. He sis horn at Msrkdsle. Ontario, and Ib bes-ii e.ulilulwd in Vancouver far in : i v years.