PAGE TWO Tiiit DAILX NEW3 The Daily News PRLXCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ON ADDRESS Published Every Afternoon, except Snnday. by Prince Rupert Daih News. Limiied. Third .-tienue. H. r. i'l'LLEX - - - Managing Kdi'r. Exp re Hope for Improvement ax Kewult of Proposed Action SLIKCKIPTION RATES erf Governaent Chy Delivery, by mail ur carrier, yearly ieriod. juiid in advance $5.00 Far leaser period, paid in advance, per month .Q OBJECTS TO COMMISSIONS atas! to ail parts u!' Northern and Central British OlumitM, -, '.: ' -11,7 l- .. rrr If paid in advance t -r yearly period $MPulle4. up ejevrVfty Minute Kul- Or lour monih lor SIjOO i ing hot Urged Belter Tran- mail to all other part- oi lirhish Columbia, the British poriaifofi Facilities Empire and United State.", paid in advance per year .... 16.00 Iff mall to all other countries, per year . . t? SO The aUasara seport of J ra the Mtu on Advert esiog and CimtlatiwQ Telephone 93 Editor and Reaertera Telephone ... $6 Member of Aadit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION RAILWAY MOVES IX TIIE NORTH Among the railway move in the northern section of the pro- Ibm i ; n.,t,l that tU f . i. .... I,. , d then Sir Henry says "we sr....:.! is true of P: !!.. the c!in ier- . we n.' .-If we do '' to git ' ie : perity here I set the old t:u The motiop. with Mexico wiiii has been dropl- secution in any c ada coiTld interfere. M.i luarte: a nr.: ury cently one iju- llec :h Mexi . " a Life seeir. :- i : seems to I- ". r.e ':.: lor man .;a 'r .-Church has :. :ua,: t - ! always fo.! w- -.te tinve settle dwn I'-ri. r wijl ir"ia!iv in-: fit Many jieopi.-- 1 ...r, When sui h a! a-leader arid w-her r.'-ignorance of the look a. if they w!, fa ever, we mu ren-p.!' probablt a reactnpa: HITTI(. iN Al I. Si e. h ni' " al: 'J.- "A a !. tr . -,i M AR n oi li. : i h Piii;':' . Wr,.:. , MOTION ltRoi'l'ED A B.V KU ARD OI NTKY Nfvr :d us. d i nui r. th-:r d; '.! ief :r and r--.erat;"t. : doe- ... ! ; ri'r--- Hj4-' r, . e 'u -J aoajth M ut nave in Canada aaaav- what aiaular iaflaeBces in the Douldawhors and others. What is pataHng is that while ome states are strk-tly to the front in modern civilixation. other sections xboald be hoMing back and be ia fact far behind the older Enylih -speaking coaatrie. A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY Victoria Coloaiat) The soeeeaaor of the late John A. Dowie. founder of Zion City, UJS-A.. Wilbur .lenn Volira. has just set out on a world tour, bat aC however, in another Arjro. to find some modern (turcesaor of the Golden Fleece. The successor of the "Prophet" has set out to prove that the world is fiat. If he can do that he will succeed also ia fostering the special tents of his flock in the city which appears to be the sale community in the world free of the sin of bobbed hair, smoking, drinking and profanity, air. Voliva is gu.te certain that he caa Walk to the edge of the circular plate which we hp-. e all mistakenly called the globe. Mr. Voliva ii a practical man the sateen of his colony at Zfon City proves J his- and what has there been in the course of hf'elftfrlerice. OTlti'Th fXTerlwire Of mwsui people, to disprove the ctmmon!ense roncepTior. that the world must be flat or we should be continually falling off? . j The mediaeval geographers based their conception of the ; earth upon the same authority which Mr. Voliva invoke, snd drew! beautiful maps of a spherical but flat world, of which Jerusalem) was the hub. It wai- hounded by almost limitless eas upon the east : and the est. hy barriei of ice to the north, and by a torrid sone ! of unbearable heat isurh as Edtrar Allen Pe ha denirted in one j of his masterpife to The south It was no! urtt' shipc passed be-! yond thee bamrm and came safely back to jrt ;hat the idea of a. rour.d world could make any headway. Indeed, as a matter of common knowledge, the idea thnt the world wus a glolte was for more : than a centurr very Mt'e-'v Tr;i.rsed hy 'hfe who Vlieved tht the acceTtance of 'he new ido w u!d dc; i an irrec overable blow to orthodox religion. An ounce of prevention in every biscuit Keeps you healthy all winter Warm Nourishing Satisfying Eat two with hot milk MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS had imnd aM to complete a ftilloa . Mr. t. C. Bandy taanm:.TM ajNck! jfrcai the throne by HI tmOrmj the j CMcrosr Otvaaral at the naming of tbt I atuan ouUinad certain leglaUtlon which Wednesday, reb. 15. 192Hjthe i:immi proposes to ask paxlis- aica: to aatopt (ton-tag the pin ut w aam. I wish hraQj to a nf inai oae or two matters, htr apeake. that iwn ta v i i: . .-.uation in wj ams win tuuipn-iru anu is m me nana. oi me government- sir Heaury Thornton has investigated the possibility of taking over the, ft S ft 4L- i v- . 1 i - 1 . -1 1 , 1 t:-.a. the fao a u; certain nhita of the Canada today which arc iaiji. y toe vanauian .-auonai cna it in expeciea an oner will oe , nrt t; ail 1 n:t:ce thai it tuiaau-forthcoming very soon. A con;;ony is seeking a charter to pene-' mem ptpte to ai j-rrs pai-trate the Peace River from the hat and with one or more western : pcunuarr to Pmarc and Japan. That outlet. There i a projx.sal anot to connect Chicairo with Alaska i pr--?css amaj mm dtnrt in hy a railway throujfii tne Peace River country. A joint offer ha. j wen made by the t .t'.K. and ( ..VK. tor the Alberta govt-meni railway through the Alberta section of Peace River, but the Alberta government does not think it good enough. There ie a rumor that ruufcUag -right are beJag sought over the C.N.R. to Prince Rupert irora a rafhenr Making entry in;o the Peace River country. (Jut of a.i these ; - -ri' fnethinjr should come that will benefit Pr::ue lluif r: lh wats a: Hsum ami 1 ael -,tr ttLiLi xta-jugii Cinaaa j that uaiaf nicb a stp we ate uito dangrroiK ground IBS . . aaBBWy What '.k sf that oa ail ta at very raierul he.-auw of the rwm aeooaa Uiat nuy ensue it thia pattoy i- carried sat to it 10(1 rai The g3enuB?at alK tnteoda to step tht watlon to ivturn to u na'.nnJ reraoroaa. and to Br.tlah Ooi-usbia taa lamht of the railway belt aaa r-t Peaoe River Ueck. The two plesn of '.egWataai I haae hteh the fovenuacat tm- 3u ftiantnr tfeJa araOoo. ai but taa "rr to 'njiW men tint the Duncan Ba bate been adrocatad te . - not mrralj oc -Ma Mk i'kmmip i i srr.: h pti. . of t a -- p of this eountrjr an ocmandine ta-dajr la. which jf tas rea'. political partis to iiilin the facu a the) s-iM at thk prrwnt stage at our drval-apaMBt 1 notice '.bat theft ha aor.. a dwaailtliip oa the part of ataay foe- drasw troat the parurolar ta the erst, to tr, to uae a rattan (raat acaae few ds not far one innwant Canada. W at enatnae aiaas. and ladasd It would be a tlraaar tntae aftar Use may 1 hieaasd by abanaaat in the traagtb and virlllt, af that wei net at this after imilewUui at deaoM that we west Priaae atuustar aaal that we a, aaythtaa at that tiaTtoW is the s ner tfke- r aw paoan. a srlad. a, wsss toast ae n-aiutoiauua. The aa waw .it Caaad. or worw ti that eftect. air. a gj.ernaxm had Its vary orhah U democratic part, gin iiaiimn and Wat ,-ppo.niou has a bouaoca duty to per-!onn Its dot, u 13 d boneat crtt-clan and I ahatl not be prevented f roan 6 ing vj by the mild rebuke which was v .ni -.0 aooae member 9! the oppoal--.inn by the Prune M:ntor We all re)atec to know that Canada 1- en'.erins upon an era ol proapenTy. but fr an I car. Julfe. thai goivera-n.ent ha been slTlnt to the psople .1: Cxnada 'hat lettalation and that help which a yuunt country auch a thai, with lu rreat wealth to entitled to celve eapii. tally at thl bnnortant ataaw in iu history 1 ta not true. Mr. aaaaher. nat much of the work of thai partta-tnent lat aaaaloB was turned over to til kind ! commlaaiona? We had the Dun-ran report Inn a eoasaaaaloo that aa app-.n-ed to Inquire into the eneranp jf ilw marttlnae prortnoaa. That com-aatoajun wa appointed to try and :iud noan o! aUerlaUni the condiurn that pse a leo m the marlt'm prortnoai We aits had a coeiiBiasioti appointad to in-entigate the admmiatntion of the ous- rnu drpartmenl For what purpove n order that we might prevent the flow it 30d enterals 'rum loreign cmntrtsa m-:'jKut payln cutan atxl eaclae rtiitm We now a r:immiuton tn- v!ies:nj the father le- what pur- Kwr order that wa ssay try te aaes . industry poaataaea by Canada, rred.ble taatlaimy caueai us to : . .1. danaer ,t wiped out : r.' that no tnwniaaet:- m a (reat !t ha ahmild have to peud ' :nr . anabWttie :.d th money whtrh to luppjaad to so into the coffer of the treasury trr the develip-ment of the country ! nvea'ijatioo of The abtlitv or ehost it TAklVQ STOCK by the pupal of to know- the ataat af and Uas hope for Oaasas Thaw waan progjwa) raarhid rasas stwnstoa Uinoe 1ST7 the quistln of arssaan la-taraat to the proakt mt Canada have been thoar belonftng to the apbare af commerce lnduculal and aartoulturai dereiopaaent and the eevcdoonMBl of our ' railway and our ports. Tbeas are the ', main thtawp in ths aallaiallni sf people af Canada We bate Uvrugh .that eaaral stsfjt of mentaUoa in asjiaafliaa: menu has now 13 the av at eontna tfct aaniatos of oar ttjaat sspan owoswaary. sad the the mailiahtrr wtah let me preatut te fart I eoniMH sraw s pletur but by inaf'T aaaalreat child may boiUd aotvr theat awaaesaw which wttft fit in with the pwwUuj need of thtoj (rest nation We have beard a SI eat deal about Immigration but I a, that ta aptte of 1 what we have aeard ta that Bouse, that we are aaklnf piugnaa. no mas daraa deny that tbt peal aw tragedy which ' could occur within any nation in the world taking plast a 1, hour and every minute :n Canada Ve ate IcaUaj the cream af our lataOact: the youth j of both aexa a.-e Mating tat. a raju- 1 ( tariy a uie waien past over toe itee 01 j the earth and the, are knarlne, tat not 1 to return I ak you atr. how thl fov-I ersmrnt -.en-.ptinf to aotve that vrtal ! j prt blrm upon which the future treat-j new of thiv, depaooa There hat' j not bean one muuth etnoe last Ha, that I have not wnttaa aat IsWita of aiendatton for young Panada n Into the United TflaUrl I It rlcht that 1 today we should talk ahoart nlialp -' tentiar. to Ionian aSetaa whea Utt! 1 very life Mood of ear aaatan to eSWjoag hourly and th (wiiisiinal ha aot the the Moum few vat ion BrttUh Colaamhea to Isrter than Italy qtrmtny the stt- combined and today ft has a population of about bSC 000 people. Hew land, a little country of 1 OS .000 square atlle ha white ptpalstanri of 1JO0 -SOD people and at ill. air. the history of Bnt'.ah Columbia antedate the political hitry of New Zealand Let me how it in another way. The contutu-enry of akeena whtoh I represent, ha a lanter tree than gew Zeaeand It to even larger that Ortat Britain and lr- Hbt Heal Canadian Car IT 1 ptt toe,, wna ita tortile vai-. tows. Ms miasii of aavtw af land, it rant, Ms teas. Ms ailahJI asattn of ; rarest sad asaas. tatess ass oaly mm to be foaad thmln la there or to It poaalble that I stand hast this ettanmoa tealing thi Boas thlna that art not eawtenti That to what to wroag with Canada We ' art taaUaf, eur own aoa and dau(htera sad hrtaghag la Wen 'grant tnrn other; eountrlea The obtoct. of oouiae. a to taaas than ooawnHH. and ftoatil, ciu-i -. hat w at not even etoaag that KHtrt MIM1E UMIT Ths fort, aalnute Itoalt aaafiaa out to s lew aaUent points, bat I wsuld lib ta saapkaastas en pamt parucuhul; to ths i ' srniil That aaaat is. that the Kreat nsad of aasvui Canada haa not bora touch upon and less aot bass it sasasi ma ajeea -tor taH the tri ran i nave oar twaapmitluei tactUUa in-frwavad. both hy land and water: we ahould have ledtral aM for our highway which art the very setae of traffic rHiiliipiatiii I think atr. that we art psrug toe ranch sttentaan to es-tsraalt and not enough to Internala tt it within Canada that the future sacra of say is uiueut must tie. it h there, air that we must remorntrate oar effort We must at ! :otne amoni our people and examine . heir wanu and tbelr nteah. and then the oluuwn ell uwtainahi I as-' peal to thl fovernn it to seospt vhat , t know to bt true th' the hrtghtott arm which could be pLi-jl la the of say gaionuuen: t walling great Feat atvar soaatry watt I sf the Bowses to a?a d up. aflat ahlladi : Ooluaabla rssstvs uiart ewultabl tstat-; SMot aad a fairer abas of the r stout whteh she has atewa in the past sad ail continue to glee la to futus to thl DtralnloB of OFFICERS OF HILLSIXTY Mrs. John Manson Re-elected He-gent at Meeting Last Nrcirt Good Work During lSrT7 Mr leein Matrons wa r-elertd r. seat af flill S Chanter Imnan.i Order. Daughter of the Empire i th latuai avetna wbach asa held i: Bhjht Hewor. indicated that the baste- (I urine iwr? hui . ucceaatul year Bcaldu havtii apant Wt Jilts,!;, Advance Showing In this advance showing you will find the ultimate expression of automotive engineering and design. You will find a new standard by which every other automobile, large or small, low priced or expensive, will be measured. ' Whatever ym (k, ftt asUfe mfiaemt iimt t visit this advanm exbi-brtmi a tkf Xni Vmnl mr atynr Ututl Font Dealer's skenomm n Thursday, Feb. 16, 1928 FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED, FORD, ONTARIO F. an ad ian National Ofo Largcfl T&ilway Sylcm tn 4 TtaiK STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERA I ft:) ln troat PSIM t hi rtRT for VSKftM'VKa VKn and mtanaadlst poinu saca rtUSAV. SSO n for sTCW.tKT and ANVOX. aoah WUtNCSfiaT, 10 00 r For MIRfll aaw MHTH tft SMS f lUMXITTt lLM- FASSCNbCK TILtlNS 1.1. ve frimt: at r -' Bach SIOHBAV. PCtlMMttV and Tl Bf St tl OeOROtl. EtrtfOVTOX. HINVIPMi. all point Barf r aiatea Sv)fCy AM, UCClV Ili4tHir uts franadtaa hatUaal Ulna fee Mmmi OfServ rr-I '. jza-.-T . . l. a - - ir rer rttr itii tsatiai ta- - on ticket erncg. aM ibihu t- FRfwr. atrrar '-ru . n i ;XI -a To Every Woman who ir eager for new ideas in home decora: j. -combinations for the un porch, new color sclim. room, new color beauty everywhere in the hou lag Lacquer comes as a household blessing Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 considerable money la waaustlliia with the children a ward at ths Prtnc au- j pert Oeaweal Hospital, whieh to tht chapter particular cart. aalaaa wa ftvtn afiinlrasal (ntaptee ta paylat og, the srastsr part of the debt on the, taUtUng oo Fifth Avenue The eh star atciaed te aubaarfat for tht Rbrh Srhool Th anaaple aas at faf 1938 i foUowa: aonorary donald iWbaatwxi) BientMis John Manaon Fint Tl.iaent. Mrs 8. Wetter. orcond Tloe-Beeent. Mrs C P. BeJ- rnr, rvtary hlrs Robert Davit. Trra.urer Mis Wllla Dyer. Xchoea asarwaary. Mass Aaai DaJwy. aVItirauoaal sscrwtary Mtot Ma, Mar- un Btot.dnid bearer. Ml Pulaatra Attorl Demers are no Billie Burke Sport Dresses Phone 27 P " 1 v