Save Money T. C. ' lf iixM wy to buy the s is to subscribe by the ,-,wt is $5 00 nd your i, iivrrrti to your address Just figure out the tn you for this dally ,,r twelve month I Will . N". A IKk W AST. mmnjrrs xn. KISPIOX MAN LOSES LIFE ' N "'" 'I Hunter ' Accidentally noted li imaeir When CIcnninR Cun ' "i"iu received from the Id-"' '" tlic effect that man " 1 ' " billed himself accident-K -I' "x while cleaning a gun. ' '- i hp, roroner. and Sergeant ice. provincial polle. came ! Smiihers to hold an tn-;. ! '"'itnn yesterday. '" Police headquarter here "x-y have not been advised , ' ' ; ii y fUt l tft DrAltinn "Tf MLlNli (IK NAMFQ w llllllll.u NEWSPAPER OWNERS ,',".'7 Pe" 18 A P"vute bill re- , ""UK ami publication by wa Pfioillcal of sworn , " i'"'s "bowing ui,. am of editors ' ioid dtwahuldera WM given , ;"'" -'"dy. It waa apon- 11 CluilYt,, -' ln Tl" Oaily Niws EDITORIAL . this spring to make vre beautiful and tht attractive. If some of - of oiK'aiiiatioiiK in ' ild take up this matter offer prizes ami by iiivaHH induce the pro it would help 'Mixes may be made at all eot and for those : .ufordo buy lnts a worrV trf rmtternuin often produc e plant i good showing. Sonv i tium boxe-i 'nave bee' : mi to ohow t tint the !i ' iH-t- Rupert is not a ' as been painted in the Aery one will do some 'y may be transformed URGES C.N.R. ' v: llrV THE CITY ill be here very oon iic.sted that uo effort m ule thin year to beau-,'y ny meann of window : ; i-tvr garde dm. a Iidxuh are no longer ex-They huve been used in Prince Rupert and -'I t-ry successful. Mr. i; V.. Henxun have been u-aders in thin ju.nt a. Mr Kggert have been Naders in beautiful What they have done, il'i. if they use the name : industry and intelli-late yearn many have i. Mr and added beauty and there all over the ,.iil way company ha with excellent result i.-k-r-tion is that everyoni-ur rMuadcd to do LD. & B.C. MOm'-,-, .,f III....I. I .l.1nl,.rn "pc.ih- Agaimtt l'rup'ed s heme for Dual Ownership i' 'N b. 15.- In ttv Al-. a ure Lli -lfii Duudieau. "'' 'or 8t Albert ramroul .niiat tbr plan or Joint 'lie ED. At BC. Railway 'K and CNR He said wledKlns the eoofl work lountry by the C P R. this ' h-re It would be better ill. hi National Railway to ' Hr claimed that the " in the hands of Uie ' ' '''.! Oriental Question Again Precipitated Into Arena of Political Maelstrom Resolution to Ak Dominion Covernment to Allow no Jlore Asiatic to Enler Canada is Introduced to legislature VICTORIA, February 15. W. F. Kennedy, Conservative member for North Okanagan, has filed a resolution asking the House m i quest the Federal government to allow no more Orientals to enter i he Dominion. The motion is an amendment to that of C. F. Davie, Conservative member for Newcastle- calling for the abrogation of the Britiah-lapanese treaty of 1911 insofar as it restricts the power of British Columbia to control the activities of Japanese. The purpose is to iniiK a vote on the straight question of exclusion of Asiatics from n.Mdn i . . A bill drafted by T. R I. Machines : V.i.k .ii .er which would give muni-i- p.wer tt control the Issuance l : rr I. en-es to Orientals, la being it i up ,n t.i" government by support- ui in- (urc OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL M'OTTIMI I.I:IIK. )IV. I. 8t Mlrren 3. Ranger S. I Celtic 3. Dundfr 1 SSgBBKaMSarLSS8SMy ffcyjalBrOKir ' THE FIRST KI.Kt TKK Al.l.Y DRIVEN OCEAN LINER, the California She c arries an engine-room crew of nine instead of a "hlaek Ki'K' 'f weighs 22,MM) tons, and has a garage for I I' cars, swiruniing ptMils and every modern luxury EARL BALFOUR ILL KEEPJTO li!S HOME PR1WTQNKIRK. SJc-tland. Feb. 15. Karl Balfour will be confined to his home for the rest of the winter on order of hli phyalclans. He had an acute attack of laryngitis. WEATHER RETORT Prince Rupert - Ralnlnn. misty, calm; temperature. 39. humrlton Cloudy, calm. temp. 84. Smlthrrs- Clear, calm. temp, as. fr,r ..irii lams. 11. ouriia umc- ,.... ' Tclcuraph Creek -Cloudy, atrong aouth wind, temp 43. Atlui Seuth wind. temp. 43. White Horse X?lear. south wind. temp. 40. Carmacks Cloudy, calm, temp ii. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE B.C. Oliver BtR Missouri Coast Oopper ... Cork Province Daly Alaska Duuwell Oioi'Ke Copier Gladstone Oolconda ...... Iiidfpentlenrc tvrtiau ... j- I. and t .,.. li Le.dmnHh Lucky Jim Marmot Metals rremler Porter tdaho Richmond Sunloch 8llvercrpt SIlVCTTlllHIl Burf Iulct Terminus Tone wiinc""''' Win-:1' Bid. Asked. 135 l&O .53 53 53 00 411 .41 on', .37 500 5.10 DOS .70 .73 .111'., 30 , ofl .35 .37 V l4 " 2.76 .53 .64 .17 .19 1M 3.40 09 09 '4 .17 30 01 Of, as si 4 35 4 95 3 35 3 89 1 l.'p'i HOUSE UPHOLDS THE SPEAKER Old Age Penaion Art Cannot lie Changed Through lteprecnta Hons to Federal Uovcrn ment VICTORIA. Feb. IS. The House, on a division yesterday, upheld the speaker's ruling that the motion of O. P. Davie, seeking to change the Old Age Panatoaa Act through repreacDtatkxn to the federal governaaint, waa out of order. The speaker said the change Involved Increased expenditure by both the pro-vmee and the Dominion. NEW C.N.R. STATION TO OPEN AT EDMONTON EDMONTON. Peb. IS. Edmonton 14 to celebrate St Patrick's Day In a unique manner this year. Its new C.NJl. station, which cost MOO .000. will be offi cially opened by Sir Henry Thorntdn and there will be s large gathering of ON. officials present for the occasion. BOULANGER SCORED TECHNICAL . KNOCKOUT H ' IK - p: Po1tTLAfft).' ' tjrt..' Feb. 15. Charlie Balauger, lightweight of Vancouver, sooted a technical knockout In the fourth round ot a scheduled ten round battle with Bob Martels of Portland. Reverting to a ton day schedule next month. C.P.R. steamer Princess Mary will remain In the Alaska service until April when she will be replaced by the Prlnceaa Alice. The full summer tourist service by the steamers Princess Ion If and Prlnrep Charlotte will n'.incii. t in Juur MIlL UK. i Ari IKIi halt aw b ci i: rw m m m mm jh hM twm m . rv 'fvrajvn maw - mm mm. mm tr ui bli sr m -w bh m imiUliiL IJIA2- Iff JV Kflf f,H ft . V. EPIDEMIC IN NORTH COUNTRY Trader and Natives Dead and Little Fur Expected to Come South DUO.'' "ION. Peb, fiur children, wit: bcr U tri..etuMn. Und ac result is iwocp ng the e Bear Lake, r.oe arena r Two traders and so ul known nuin-dead in the north -an opldemle which mry around Oreat J to reliable advice reaching the city! with the last mall from the north. The epidemic, ohmb.r.ed with toe scsiclty of fur.' n iult In lU:le lu reaching the -0lclf" from this re glon in the eprUagi according bi north men In additlcSi j to those who' have fallen vtetlme to B unknown diaeas". there are many dttin who have been stricken and- UttM trapping la being done. "Never In the atatiory of tle oldest rnhabltant," aaya one of the letters, have things been so bad as tli;y are up here this winter ... the trsd'So who died Is Fran-ois Oalllen. maneger of an outpost for he Hudson's Bay cmpany: the other waa a free trader. Hla name, and the names of the children, are' not known. LOCAL BOY TO - JOINiWMSHIP Alex. Duncan Selected to Itepre-cnl Local K.C.N.V.IL on Trip of H.M.C.S. uncouver From England Alex Duncan of the local unit ot the Royal Canadian Naval Vohuit.'-r IV-eerve has been aelacted to re.reFor." that organtnatlon aa a member or crew ol the destr ycr Torbay. n rc-nainerl the Vancouver, when the ar-ahlp cornea out of England this s'rlu 'O take the pHoe of the Pitrlcta:i which la being retired from the service on this coast Esch unit In Causda it to be rtnreaented on HM.C.S. Var.'-ou-ver. selection belrg made on the basis "f attendanee and proficiency. Duncan, who Is at present identified with the staff ot Smith St Mallrit. will' leave toward the end of next eck (or Hallfix whence he will embark ( Poitsmcuth where the Vancouver will start upon her long voyage aero tl Atlantic and via tbe Panama Cniul ' er station at KsquUnelt. YUKON AYIATOR RETURNS SOUTH l.leHl. and Mr. A. II. (Tnlklnk IDs- aeagera Alxwril Crltiroa Mary Twlay IUmiixI fee tanewivrr Lieut. A. D. Cnilhshsnk. who has been enaaced in ccanmereleJ flvlniidur- hug the past year in the Yukon with the plane "Queen of the Yukon." Is a passenger aboard the Prlnceaa Mary this afternoon Roing through to Vancouver, accompanied by Mrs. Crutk- shank It la reported that he wul not be returning north. Ills plane made several trips ln the Yukon during the season but has bean tied up for the past couple of months following a -rash. WIHHLESS.HIil'OUT s a.m. DIOBY IUyr. Misty rain. ealm. barometer. 80.8: temperature, as; sea smooth; 7:85 ton. spoke stammer Aortagl. 500 miles north of Auckland, hound tor Vancouver, DBAD TRWB TO INT. Overcaat, calm barometer. SO 43, temperature, 38; sen smooth. BULL HARBOK -Cloudy, strong N.W wind; barometer. 80.48; temperature 44; sea rough: 8 pjn. spoke motorahlp Noroo, Ketchikan for Vancouver. 305 miles from Vancouver: 8 p.m. apoke steamer Oardena. ehm. Klew Nugget. southbound MMlN DtOBY IftliAND. Mlaty. calm: baro meter. 30.81: temperature. 40; sea am oath DEAD TREE POINT -Clear, calm; barometer, 30.50. temefature. 49. sea smooth. IUIL1, HARDOR -fart cloudy, stronn northwest wind; barometer. 30.48: tem- p.-iV-luro 1; .! rou;h. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT. 'B.C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1928 F0?E Earl of Oxford and Asquith Died Seven O'clock This Morning at Home in England Aged 75 Years SUTTON COL'UTENAY, England, February 15. The Earl ot Oxford and Asquith, better known to most people as plain Mr. Asquith, former Liberal r remler and later leader ol tne opposition at Westminster, died here this morning at seven o'clock foliowinir an attack of pharangiiis and bronchitis. The end had b- en expecteu for the past few days and aii members of the family were presen: including -the widow "Margol," we'l known as a writer and social leader. lb Right Honorable Herbert H. or. the resignation of Col. Seely Atqutth. Earl of Oxford and Autto. March 1914. relinquishing it to Lore KC. R.G. was hern In at Mjrley Kitchener the following August alto .n Yorkshire. He sat in the Houec of the outbreak of the Oreat War. Hi Commune tor the soai of Ess. Fife tstflbl .-red a cr.alillon ministry ln May from 1886 to 1918 and was Prime Min- 11)15 which included a number of ister and Pint Lord of the Treasury Unionist leaders. In December 1916 be rotu lfOB to December 1910. met with the demand .or more youth- Educs ed at the City of Lonuon fr.l and virile administration In face of School and Balllol College. Oxford, As- var demends and resigned the -Pre- f;ulth was culled to the bar at an -s-l.ip, bclrj succeeded ln that office early axe and at the age of thirty-, y she Rt. Hon David Lloyd Oeorge. four hid actively taken up pollt'cal He was elevated to the House of Lords life when he first entered Parl.nnient In latr years. In 1886. In 1893 he was appointed Though r.o longer Prime Minister. Home Secretary, being promoted to tbe he late Karl of Oxford and Asquith Chsncellorshlp of the Exchequer ln vis still s force In the British Liberal 1905. He succeeded the late Rt. Hon. pMi ty. Dil.'erences between himself and Btr Henry Campbeil-Bannerman as llod Ceo re in more recent years well Prime Minister on the lattsr's death In nigh wrecked the party. April 1908. The Countess of Oxford, widow of The premiership of tbe lnte Earl of Asquith. better known as Margot As- Oxford and, Asquith wss marked by a 'iuith. has been a unique figure In strong forward policy of which tbe Oreat Britain for many years. Her Parliament bill abolishing the veto of memoirs have been both sense rtoasl the Lards, tbe Home Rule BUI and th end widely discussed Her latest book WeMl Church bill were prominent ex- "Ley Sermons" Is a very Interesting atopies. He anumed. In addition (o and virile publication quite different 'he Premiership, the onet of War Mln- 'r m the aaemAlrs. COUNTESS OF OXFORD AND ASQUITH Widow of the former Premier of Great Britain, engaged in her literary work INSANE MAN WAS VIOLENT! Sent South From Alaska to Asylum Where he Will be Confined BEWARD. Alaska. Peb. 16. John Kap-semules yesterday became violently Insane, attacking the local marshal and chief of police with a aharptnad fue. Palling In the attack the man threatened to kill himself until overcome. He was placed on the steamer Alaska for the south to be confined In a hospital for the Insane. Kapasmules operated a mine hem for the last fifteen years. He waa a former Oreefc Consul at San FrauobMO. BRITISH HOCKEY TEAMSFORBIDDEN VANfX)UVaj.'W frhe British hockey teams have been forbidden to play In the International, IttfU recently formed by President Sandercock of OaUery of the Canadian Amateur Hockey League. SAMMY MANDELL TO DEFEND HIS TITLE CICAHOO, Peb 15 Sammy Msndell. lightweight champion, will fight Jimmte Mcl.nmln of Vancouver here on June I a i f.r :tio : itle t4ttttttt4t IIUITIMI tiOt KKVMKNT IK SI NT.MMII BY A Vi:UY LtKlil; MAJORITY LONDON. Feb. !. By a vote of 110 to 140 the House ol Commons last night rejected a Liberal amendment to the address In reply to tbe speech from the throne. The address was then adopted. The amendment would have censured the administration for neglect of social problems ln the speech from the throne. SHACKLETOK HEAD IRISH BLACK KNIGHTS VICTORIA. Feb. 15. T. Shackleton was elected worshipful master of tbe grand black chapter of the Black Knights of Ireland of British Columbia at the annual meeting yesterday. NEW YORK MAN WON LONG DISTANCE SKATE ST. MORITZ. Feb. 16. Irving Jaffe of New York won the teu thousand meter skating yesterday i.Ait(it:sT pi row ku t thjty The largest publicly-owned power utility In the world Is that operated by the Ontario Hydro-Klectrlc Poftrr Com- IIPIWIOU Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latewt and best for the least. Phone 457. Price Five Cent B.C. LEGISLATURE HALIBUT BOATS OFFTOBANKS Fishing Opened Today and About a Dozen Local Craft are out so far Up to this morning, fully one Cxmen halibut boat had cleared from Prince Rupert to be on the hanks for the opening of the fishing season u filch is today. Yesterday the following boats cleared from bere for tbe dee sea rtsherlesj Csygcon cspt. John Wick: tfaeteit. rapt. David Ritchie; Zero,, Cap. 1". rterscn:, Capt. JL Foroy; Helen, Capt. A. Anderson. On Monday, tbe following boats 'eared: Tramp, Capt 8am Itougaa; es;lefs Cap:. C. Palk; Sea MaMLOapt. lenry Dolron: Bttka. Oapt. WlUUni 3oucefv Capt. Red Pierce cleared this morn ing with the Cape Swain. Theie were some ether boats, pre viously mentioned, which got awty be re tbe end of last week. ' Some of the smaller Csvnsdtaa boats took on bait from the Osnsdlan Hib & Cold Storage Co. which had a matted supply cf herring which had been brought before the close of -last sea sou from tbe west coast of Vancouver. He Ken are expected ln within s day it so from Alaska with fresh bait to de over the sltuatkra until the her :.ig run commences tn local waters. FIFTEENTH SHIP OF SEASON OFF I.'ritish Freighter .Mabriton Sailed loaay lor U.K.-Conllnent Ashby Loading ''Mtr, :i full cargo constating of 10. 734 tons of grain loaded from the A1-' berta Wheat Pool's Prlgjee Roperi ,Ele vator. the British treighter Msbrrten lured n: 1 p m. today for the united .Cingdoia or Continent, The Mabftton. :.c rifietntli ship of UN season here, ad '-rt: in port about a week. Loading of the sixteen th ship of the eason. the British freighter Ashby, ts now proceeding sud tats vessel should -e: away n a day or to. Vp to this morning, ne further grain ships for Prince Rupert bad been JURY VERICT EIGHT MILLION Suit Against Duke Uhiatc Success ful but for Sixth of Claim NEWARK. NJ . Peb. 16 The federal Jury last night returned a verdict of M.OQO.OOO for Oeorge D. Haskell, the New England manufacturer, tn his suit for MS.000.000 agalnat the estate of James B. Duke, the tohsoco magnate. INQUIRE INTO IMMIGRATION OTTAWA. Feb. 15. Premier Macken-sle King intends to move thst tbe committee on agriculture sad colonisation be given authority to inquire into the Immigration Act and the regulations and general subject of Hrunlgration. Including the work of the depsrtnvent. It l.i probable that the permit system msy be much in the limelight. BODY OF COMMANDER YUKON MOUNTIES ON. STE AMER GOING SOUTH The body of Major T M. Shoe both am who died at Dawson recently when commanding the Royal Cans' n Mounted Police in that territory, was on board the steamer Princess Mary southbound tixlay for Vancouver, where the funeral will tkc pla"e. The widow and two children were m the steamer also. Advertise ln The Dally News