mm Rain" I Coats In I : . tl PAIN in BLADDER promptly Esssd bj SANTAL IWIDY Kun te 8A ths atnuln ,.., for ths norfmOY" - ! .,e,inl S WALLACE CO. LTD. .Made by Mnn-aiichpter, Kng- Iks or Rubber ! intr colors. jll.59 anil $12.50 .S.Wa"aceCo.Ltd. I'hune 9 fin, 'i i-nue and 1 ullon ley're Here! I NKVV MODEL, If AMI IIETTKIt Chevrolets seen at the den Garage !! (icneral Motor 1 ductal a.m. to 10 p.m. ilaily i KinK Service i'iione 52 i) n c;heat LOSING out SALE Ml s of WD HOYS' AND FURNISH-IN(;S -till on t . 1 iin r i Importers Third Avenue ft Miller, Proprietor 1 Iris i ( Our M a M m m m m B t-r , 3 Pi ices "nil afi,.r Teb. 1st, 1928 1 ""l mid prtased , 7c '' 'I und pressed SlM.OO IM ''ft ir. i 11. c ul"' $1,00 ' Mourned and l op 1 I'-aned and pres- $1.70 " 'rrouta .. $2.50 $2.00 . noe $t.oo . il."r . 7.V . i.5r sw ar nic P'Oneer Laundni 3 man u,i '"hone - 118 aaaVaaias REVISION COURT FINISHES WORK Several Keduclions Made in City Valualtuns TIiourIi Not Very .4 acres, mc Extensive Several reductions in valuation.. wougn not extensive ones, were grant-id by the 1028 civic Couit of BevWIon which concluded Its sessions yMttrday afternoon, improvements figured to considerable extent in the Utj. of appeals, while land valuations were also challenged In number of cases. Adjustment mule by the court were aa follows: i Ralph Tyson, lot 3. block 10. section ' 1. improvements reduced from WOO to! 800. ! Loyal Order of Moose, lots 45 and 48, block 34. section 1. reduced from ar- MO to 17.000 each. P. W. Hsrt. lot 5. Slock a. seetlon 8, improvements reduced from $1300 to 1000 Ln nd t. Blanco, lot IS. block 38. section I. land reduced from 81800 to 81400: improvement from 88000 to 2800. lot IB. block 25 tlnn I !.... Irani 81400 to 11860. 8 E Parker, lot 18-30. block 38, section I. improvements reduced from 185760 to SobUO. Mrs B. L Parker, lot 7. block 43, section s, valuation reduced from 8290 to 8?M. M. M Stephens, lot 30, block 14. section 2. 8240 to 8flt0: lot 31. block 14, taction 2. 8830 to 8800. M- n Stephens, lot II. Mock 18. -ccUon S. 8800 to 700. Mrs D. Strang, lot SI, block 30. !.ei ilon 6. improvements reduced from j 600 to 8460. Daniel Orady, lot S. block 8. section! 1. i.xarcvement reduced from nnnitl to si ann I H Pinkelsteln. lot S3 and SS. block i J 23. section 8. Improvement reduced j from 1.200 to 8800 on each lot. RUMEN I M C'llllHIK. Applicant. PERSPIRATION ODOUR IS A BUSINESS HANDICAP So difficult of self-detec tion is the odour from the one to two pints of moisture which, physicians say, the body sends through the pores daily, that the offender rarely knows that he offends. So easy to be sure. mply e lifebuoy, the su. perb Toilet Soap, for hands, face and beta. Lifebuoy's eslra protection is free, because this pure toilet soap coett no more then the soap you are using now. LtSM HEALTH SOAP Dlll'SftMC I Uwtf.rx-.4r A. A. Mclntyre. lot 8 and 8. block! ' 21. aeotlon 1, land valuation reduced j0' 3'800 13 08.02S. I from MJOO to 84,000 on each lot. P- Burns Co.. Ltd D J Mscdonsld. lot 40, block 7. sec- 100 to tlSJSO. tion 8. Improvement reduced from' Thomas Trotler Inoludlng 600 to 8400. iLipsett (Prince Rupert) Ltd.) Mrs If. Wicks, lota 39 and SO. block j front- MMOO to 18.400. 18. section 6, improvements of 8800 c- c- Xetchuiu, waterfront. 1 waterfront, 816.- Edward watcr- 14.400 -truck off, building torn down. to 811.400. It O Hulbert. let 16. block 33, arc-j N McLean, waterfront. 810.500 to tion 1. improvements reduced from S3.- -070. 000 to 82.800 W J. Oreer. lot IS. block 10. aactlon Orand Trunk Pacific Development '" Improvemenu of 8300 a truck off. Co.. Ltd. parcel I. reduced from 87.700 j Jemes Hampton, lot 1 and 3. block to 80 700. parcel 2A. 64JM0 to 88.700; section 6. each lot reduced :rom parcel IB 868.000 to 8MM0. i400 to 8360 Imperial Oil t'i, Waterfront Block ' The following parcels were added to NOTICE. TAKB KOT1 CI that an application wlU be made to the Pari Lament of Can- ' ada at the next session thereof for an ,ct. i 1. for the incorporation of a company to be known as The Albert. Peace River ! and Pacific Railway Company, or such other name as may be given, to construct and operate s railway aa follows: is I Commencing at a point at or near the Cllv of Lethbrtdae: thence in a IMmmfmrlv iflMrtlnn In nntn, -, I City of Calgary: thence Northerly and Weet of the Calgary and Bdmonton railway to a point at or near Lacombe: thence Northerly to- a point at or near the City of Edmonton, ib) From a point at or near the City of Bdmonton by the most feasible route to and along the right bank of the Slmonette River to a crossing of the Smoky River near it junction with the Wapiti River at or near Besanesn to the Town of Grande Prairie in tlie Province of Alberta; thence South Westerly through the Monknun Pj to s point at or near Alea Lake on the Canadian National Railway to the Province of British Columbia. id i Prom a point at or near Ornnde Prairie in a North Westerly direction to a point at or near Pouee Coupe tnd from a point at or near Pouoe Coupe In a North Westerly direction to a point at or near Hudson's Hope on the Peace River; thence in a general South Westerly and Westerly direction and North Westerly by the most feasible route through the Pine Paaa to a point at or near the ToI of Stewart rt in in the the Province Province of of British British i d 1 Prom i 's Mint point Nope crossing Peace River In a en-rai r.jttrl direction to a point at or near Whltelaw: thenoe In s Northerly direction to a point st or nesr Port Vermilion snd thence Nortnerly and Westerly to tlie right bank of the Hay River at or near Its Intersection with the Northern boundary of the Province of Alberta. The said railways being declared to ie for the general benefit of Canada. 2 To authorise the said Company to coTWtruet wharves, docks and hotels ond vessels nnd to collect to own and operate charge on telegraph and u-lephoiie mev-uses of the public, to file upon and acquire water power site and to 8ner-ste electric and other enerny and to dispose of the surplus from and collect cnarge" inrir;u. 3 Issue securi the list: W Brand Block O Prlnoe Rupert Tacht St Rowing Club waterfront. 81.630. BC. Towage (b Lighterage Co., waterfront. 88.400. Oeone McAfee, lot IS, Moek It, aas-Uon 3, bought from government. 8430. All other appeals on the Hat were either refused or withdrawn Including n.r th. mmn nt Uetn: I those of the Canadian Pish A Cold Westerly and Northerly In a direction Storage Co . and the Canadian National generally parallel to the Calgary and aicbroo orancn oi tne Canadian ran-lie lie Railway Railway to to a a point point at at or or near near the tne In Waterfront Railways, the latter not pressing Ita appeal on waterfront blocks. AIIVK. Two farmers met on the 'road and pulled up. "81. I've goat a mule with distemper. Waat'd ye give that one o' yours when he had it?" "Turpentine. Olddap." A week later they met again. "Say. SI, I gara my mule turpentine snd it killed him." "Killed mine. too. Olddap." arm Journal. LAND ACT NOTICE OI" INTENTION TO APPLY TO H UCIIA.VE UNO In Range 6 Land Recording District of Piiuee Rupert, snd situate at tne northerly and of Telegraph Passage. Steans RJter. TAKB NOTICE thai j. II IWdd S Of of Victoria. BO, ewnaUoB aalgsos aw-l THE "r a oreir Hudson's r tommenslnt at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 31 liangs 8 , CX : thence S8 chains oast: thenoe chslns north, more or leas, to high water mark; thence southerly along high water mark to the point of oomme nee-men t and containing 80 acres, more or J H. TODI) & SONfi, Dated December lath. 1837. LTD. Pfllcant. t.OVE.t.N.MENT LiqUOU ACT." NOTII i: OF AI'1'I.K ATION (ll 1(1:1.11 i.irr,KKK NOTICE Is hereby given that on the 13th day of March next, the undersigned Intends u itppiy vo ine uquor uoii.roi Board for a uceni rsaaaot of titc lu i To authorize the said Company to . premises being part of the building m resDect of the snld!KI10Wn as Port Clement Hotel, actuated line of railway to an amount not ex- j ,t Port Clvments, B.C., uoon tbo lands f .art in it Porty Thoiuwnd ( uui i described as It No. 8, Block 44, Sub-rMlars ner mile for the prairie sections, i division cf LrH 748, Queen Charlotte Is-7ZH 0t exceeding Sixty-five Thousand land Dlstrlot. Map No. 1078, Prince Hu-VsMOm oOl Dollars for the mountain , pert Land RrjilatratloD District. In the HtiorT Frounce of British Ooltfmbla. for the nvrWi at the City of Et.mnni' n. in i Hnlr of beer by the glass or by the open h. swince of Alberta, tlu 4th day : bottle fur coivumjtfcn an the premises nt Jsnuarv A D 1928 DATED this lfth day of February. Taiinedl J STBWART CI.ARK i(,38 Oil behsir of the AppllcanW. i DRYDONB LOB HE TINOLET, c Ewlng. narvie A Bury. i ARPlji! I Barristers, (Sfflces: Bsnk boiicuui, of Toronto Dldg.. I Bdmonton. Albert, j Canada. . . NOTiru or triol. and sltust LAND ACT INTENTION TO APPLY TO i.R.tK LAND ona; ,TiT2i TJ tTS iVffiS ar that Robert occupation U. Ourrl?. fish of Vancouver, k ksr, intenev intends nMniMnelni lomi at a IN PK0IIATB IN TUB m'PBKMK COI RT OP llltlTIII f'Ol.t.MIIIA In the Vtatter of the "Administration Act"; and In the Matter of the Bstnte of Alexander Ctmsron. Deesed. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills lienor. P. lcO. Young, the 0th day of Pebrusrv. A.D. 1928. T was appointed Administrator of the estate of Alexander Cameron, deceased and all parties liav - - l.-.a AT . . mi airalnst. tha bb IH am, u tM u r to apwij - - t:;- K; foilwmg bribed Uhtl.;- fo! ...T. the terlr terly from from oast plsnted at , .. -nrnrr nbout 1 .000 leev wn- miner-' cuhins hereby rjoulred to furnish same, pro perly verineo. to me on or Detore tne 10th dnv of March A D 1938. and all at head oi parties iiidemea to tne estate are re- .ultt 'III tit ...( n nBU , Kj. Mmnil . ,k.l. I . . Huston lnl; '"" ut; vi chains; UebtedneHs to me forthwith. aasterly 30 rnains, thence auimg n-'"i..rtor theny aivim Prinre wurrri . l' tinic l the 10. Ii day uf Pebruarv. 1928. A U tEE DAILY TCEW2 WINDOW BOXES COMPETITION Effort Ileing iMflde in Old Coiin-i try to Encourage HcautiTying of City LONDON, Jb. an effort to beautify the streeu of tat'ni the Na- tioiiol Oeraesa OUOa. wlnse office art in Loudon, baa decided to ivoia a Ns-tlcnal Wlnlowox Competition, followed at a later' date by a National Garden (xe petition. Far tile window-box competition special sixpenny packet of seed, to produce 40 kinds of popular f)Owrs (climbers, trailer! and erect plants) suitable for window-boxes, will be sold la retail shop. Uon than 600 prlata. to the total of 1,000 (1st prize 1100, tod 76. 3rd 60 1. will be offered ftr fnese displays. Toe Council Of the Royal Horticultural Society la OrganlsinK sn Interna tional Exhibition of Oarden Design j and a Conference of Oarden Planning, to be held In London from October 17 to 34. The Royal Institute or British Architects and the Boyni Society of British Sculptors are acting m o -operation. The exhibition ,ll ronslst of selected plans, design mol and garden sculpture. Man in the Moon IF some laadJarea) had the beavtlng contract even Hall would soon freeze over. A FOBTOIHiS awaits the man vho will Invent even BOOM useless wedding prseent than those sow made. JAKK says you dtw't have to attend a Juniial enow la order to go to the dog. THEHEU be no ntore eggs If only know bow nnasV bricklayers get for laying brlcka. "TOO "VI not the arbat'a the artute. on me. remarked THE man who prowls around a bookshop la In these dayai dejiaved literature looked upon wtUi suspton. CON8I8TBMCT is that in a which mskes him dress in bis Sunday i clotiies before tuning ln on the sermon SSJPP08B. after ail cur striving. Oabrlers horn should turn out to be nothing but s sax phone THBRE was .s .rensfui of thta city Thought Is was a terrible pity To aas people slip, . On the sidewalk or trip, While folks laughed ss if it was witty. THXRX was a man. not very old Who thought he was catching s cold. But he ones made a slip And called It the grip And now he at ill so I'm told. "THB devil baa had It long enough. It's time the Lord had It awhile" aald the clergyman as he accepted a cash contribution from a bootlegger. IGNORANCE may be Miss but the Ignorant do not seem to be ver ful MY girl sent me s valentine It was, a pretty thing I wear It near my pocketbook And Luck I hope 'twill bring. JJkKX says he wss against capital punishment until he heard some of the polltlclaUB talk Then he decided capital puaiahment was traronly eure. our for the short skirt crtstcs them take a peep into the album Ten Years Ago In Princa Rupert ITIIH! AltV IS, 19IH. In a communication received by Mayor MoClymont. the UinUter of Fisheries annonners that gasboau can still full for salmon on th Skeeua Rivsr s amendment" to the fisheries regulations obtalneA by Prince Rupert's delegation last year will remain lu force until the final report of the royal fisheries Mm mission had been obtained. Norms Rogers, ten year Old Oaughtrr W Vauiihuu Dm ics Mrs Jarvls Mc- COHS I 111 EVERY KIND 111 1 SX rvra WH0OPINQ COUOU -ffl 11 The Daily ion either the, skill or th st neer- this type of hyper-scUveMlrglcaT 'alM thuslssm. I can but characterise the present prevailing practice as little lass than modern method of "scientific" mutilation, which demands wholesale condemnation. Notwithstanding the fact that many of our foremost authorities have de clared that the tonsils snd adenoids arc not present without a purpose, and liould not be removed without good cause, there seems to be a widespread furor upon the psrt of many of the profession to remove these organs upon ths slightest pretext. Now that nature's processes are .becoming better known, we find that the throats of our school children are not necessarily the scene of sn anatomical bungle in csusimk such enlargements. of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver BMHats, Summit 1 but such activity Is for the definite Apartments, had thgv misfortune vol purpose of removing toxin from the break her leg near the ankle In a coast- system, which interfered with by the lng accident st the corner of Taylor removal of the tonnu. may product and Borden Street last evanlna. I serious result in later life. - A esreful selection of the child's The St. Andrew's Society gave a pro-1 food and the establishment of proper grsm of Scottish imwle In the Pre by- elimination are usually sufficient not terlad Church Hall last night. S. D. jcnly to dispel th toaMI-srfsttaU bogey Miicdcnald was In the chair and those ' but also to dlsinin , .adsWBjW Vm contributing to in. program Included late Sir William OSmmM-m ciep.nuiient is the truth Of (his saying more spHtrrnt than among our school children Operative uiesaure. ssve In ohrvuic p i' ..null, is rarely net--scry, and in adenoids almost wholly unnecessary EllNK.sT A HALL, Campbell BuiiriinK Victoria, 0.0 Artliur Brooksbsnk returned to the iiv mi yesterday sfternmin's train i from a brut business trip to Sailtcers i?er of your copy of News every night by having it delivered to your address by carrier paid in advance will bring it to you every night for a year Keep Yourself Well Posted alwut world news, district news, all the doings of Prince Rupert, your own town, and by no means the least, get the . NEWS OF THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading regularly THE DAILY NEWS IT WILL PAY YOU! gases Leod, Mrs. E. H. Psterson. Mrs. William Millar. J. Sinclair. Robert Dos titer. Ales Clapperton. J. B. Davey, James L. Lee and J. H. MacMIUan. In The Letter Box ClIITKK OP TONSILS" Editor. Dally News. Permit me to register a protest sgalnat the unwarranted slaughter of tonsils lad adenoids that la being en-uraged a? our school authorities While It la not in my thaugnt to DEMAND PARS piva f. "Rupert Brand" uppers Ii'y4lBSIKBAXlft KOOI." Smokrd Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd canaqian mcinc I'rlrtre Nnpert. B.C Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Krlrhlkan. Writt.ell. Juneau snd kiiway-Janury IS. February II, SS To Vanrutrr, Vlrlorlii and Seattle lebrliary 1, IS, anil 9. PKIN't';!N HKAIHICt . For Butedale. feast Hells flella. Oresn Kalis, ftaiuu. Alert it. CamiM-ll rtlvrr. and Vanrunier eierv riaturdit, II a.m. sgeney for all pueamshlp Lines. roll tnfinallon from W. V. ORCIMKIl, Oeneral Agent. IVrner of 4th Street snd 3rd Avenue, Prince Knpert, ILC. Phsne SI ' UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mlllnrs aslllnga front front irnue irnue Kiniert. Knpert. Iinr V.INl'llliVKK. VICTOKIA. llutetUle, Alert lluy. etc.. Tnesdny, 8 n-ht. lor VANt'Ol VKK, VU'TOUIA. hwanxoM luy. Alert Uiy. etc., Haturday, a.m. lor PORT .sIMPhon. NA.IS ItlMH POlN'TN. STtWAUT. ivale Island, 8undy, s put. ItS nd Avenue. R. M. NMITII. Agent. Through tltkrti sold to VfrlolU anil Nenttle. Oiniugli lu destlnalluu. Hire ARM, ANVOX. Prince MiiM.rt. H.V , sml bat giife rherked Advertise in "The Daily News"