TAGK EIGHT Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. 1 esu 1 i Tl loime ineaire Monday and Tuesday at 7 p.m. SPLENDID DOUBLE HILL AT 7:30 TOM MIX in THE LAST TRAIL' With Carmelita Geraghty and Rig Cast in Smashing Western by Zane Grey at f 45 p.m. "THE RED MARK" A; Dig Powerful .Melodrama With an Unusual Story. Gaston Glass, Gustav Von Seyffertitz, Nena Quartarto and Many Others. "RACING BLOOD" NO. 5. "RUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION," Al Cooke. Alberta Vaughn and Others. COMEDY "THE KISS DOCTOR." ORCHESTRAL NUMBER, "NOLA" (Felix Arnot). FOX NEWS 35c AND 10c. A Few Gift Suggestions J:;:.i'HFUL APRONS With flares and goddettes, in plea.sinj? pat- u in $1.75 TO $2.7." L'lVIXY FLOWERS For coats or dreseea. Will please any dainty miM 50e TO $2.0(11 GLOVES Washable suede and kid, with plain and fancy cuffB. i"i. :s $1.00 TO $2.70 S( RVES ! A REGULAR BEVY OF THEM In every desirable color and style; georgette and crepe de chine $1.00 TO $.."() WHAT IS MORE SUITABLE THAN AN ARTISTIC PIECE OF !TV LIAN CUT WORK? All shapes and files ..'$o? TO $2.7.1 L'N'I'KKWEAR! THE PRETTIBST YOU HAVE SEEN Plain and la--4rimmed. Pyjamas, dance sets, princess slips, brassieres, nightgowns, etc. YOUR GUT SHOP Cyrtnee 6v DEMAND JOHNNrS CHOICE "Now, Johnny," said the Sunday ischool teacher after the lesson had been read, "which would you rather be, the wheat or the t::r.'s7" "Tl"' Uen," answered Johnny I nmit ly W'li; M3. "Rupert Brand" ers THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. Prince Rupert. B.C Trappers & Buyers Gent It-men For twjttyfars you have been gcTlrngtaood treatment iron Goidiqf And Gold-bloom is ln the market for every kind of fur. For a square . deal bring your F0RS to Goldbloom The old reliable house MINING STOCKS HEAL ESTATE INSURANCE We are prepared to take orders on the Vancouver Stock Exchange Our ten yearn experience on the floor of' the Hrussels Stock Exchange Is at your service. Prompt dealing with any orders large or small. Representing Nanson Roth-well & Co. Ltd., Vancouver, B. C. Morning and afternoon closing prices daily. Theo Collart Ltd. Capitol theatre Building Phone Blue 428 P.O. box C6 surprise, "hww can you say that, when you know the wheat represents good and the tares the bad?" "Oh. that's all right," replied the precocious youngster, "but the wheat gets thrashed und the MOVIE PKOGKAM FOR THIS WEEK f v31on(!vn(UnjsUay Capitol : "Ben-lraf? Westholme: "The last Trail," "The Red Mark." Wednesday Capital : "Iien-llur." Westholme: "Silk Sto$k ings." ' ' Thursday ,u" , Capitql:. "The Wrigjht Idea." ' ' j - Westholme: "Silk ings." tridiiy and Saturday Capitol: "The Code of the Scarlet." 'Jau Mad." Westholme: ITIm ,Iliir Kil- ling." "FiKhtinir Eaule." . BIG HIT AT WESTHOLME Carefully selected, with a view to providing something to suit all tastes, the big double bill at the Westholme last night proved itself to be another popular success and was greatly enjoyed by a full house. There was romance, comedy, melodrama and thrills a'-plenty. Tom Mix, in a slashing western, was A. 1., and Gustav deyffertitx played the leading role in "The Red Mark," a powerful gripping story, of a penal settlement, to perfection. Chapter 5 of "Racing Blood," the popular serial, was first-daft and the Van IMbber comedy "The Kiss Doctor," Chock Ml" W laughs, pretty girls and costs mes. An up-to-date news reel contained all he latest views. The program will be shown again tonight and visitors are assured of a good evening's I PLATFORM OF LABOR PARTY AT EDMONTON IN CIVIC ELECTIONS EDMONTON, Dec. 4. The Canadian Labor party has drawn up a most elaborate platform for thi forthcoming civic election, the chief planks of which are as follows: Aldermanic Board 1, Public ownership of utilities; 2, collective bargaining and a fair wage clause in all city contracts; 3, abolition of property qualifications for all municipal office; 4, reduction of utility charges wherever possible; 5, parks, playgrounds and recreation fields, central athletic jurk on Penn site ; 0, ad4uatiKti&4 accommodation ; 7, taxation 'according to ability to pay; 8, progressive pom? of road and sidewalks construction with no favors to any particular district; 9, better sys tern of garbage disposal. School Hoard Prof ram 1. A free and full education for tail; 2, free text books and supplies, 3, physical training and , first aid classes instead of cadet training; 4, health education and complete examination for school children ; 5, program of beauti , fying school grounds. Nervous and Run Down The Least Hoisc Would Bolher Her Mm. R. Burton, ObIisws, Ont., wnUa: "Three yewa ago I wu so nervous and run down 1 eould h&rdlv I besr to hvn the ohildrcn make a noise I it would bother mr so I "A friend advised mi. to take uirfd the teacher, in .tares don't." Los Angeles Times, j Turontu, Oat. and after taking two lxxe I began to fed atroncer, looked letter and the color came back into tuy cheeks, and now I am feeling fine again " I 'rlt SOe. a box at all drugglaU and if&ir. or tiMHM direct on ireipt eipt nf trur. by Ihe T. Alllburn Co , Li td., THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday. D, "BEN-HUR" CELEBRATES A BRILLIANT PREMIERE CAliOlTV. AUDIENCE THRILLS AT CIIAWOT RACE AND SEA BATTLE "Probably the most distinguished audience that ever till 1 ( ll i- A 1 ! . .! i. . looKCti at an exemplar 01 me newer an in tms cuy siiw 'Ben-IIur" at the Capitol Theatre at last night's premiere The audience certainly aereed with the dictum of A. L Erlanger (the veteran showman, whose efforts realized the Lew Wallace classic on stage and screen), tiiat namon Novarro in- the title part is thetfirfedt of .all theBenHurs, and Francis X. Bushman a most handsome and baleful Messala. With Novarro and Bushman,' May McAvoy and Carmel Myers hated the honors of the love tory, while Claire McDowell iounded depths of tenderness as the widowed' Princess of Hur. The pening pictures of the nativity slicity gasps of awe and admiration, so reverently and yet in such lovely scenes did the Star of Beth lehem, the visit of the Wise Men, and the addration of the Shep herds, come upon the spectator. Here Betty Bronson revealed her self as a Madonmi rivaling a mas terpiece of Raphael or Rubens. The chariot race stirred wild ap plause and vocal bravos, yet the grand sea fieht earlier in the REDUCED PRICE WINS FAVOR Hundred Pleased at Fifty Cent Admission For "Ben-IIur" Last night's show at the Cap-tol. with the magnificent photoplay Ben-IIur a the feature attraction, along with George Ay-lett "The Hawaiian Wizard" and the "Kaien Male Quartet" brought forth the highest praise. Hundreds uuuurcua marvelled mni vtucu c(ii-.inu especially 1 - story was ..... little inferiin . , .... its dra- I VmWs Greategt Picture. matic power and ability to thrill. The final scene of the healing of the mother and sister of Hur by the passing. Savioar was as rev erently and be.-iutifully handled as in the stage play. The great picture took three years work in Italy and California at an expense estimated at $4,- 000,000, and certainly reflects glory on the wonderfully skilled Fr ". Niblo, who directed t. NO DECISION ON POWER TENDERS City Council Has 'Lengthy Discus- hi on and Will Meet Again Saturday Teci oomcil-met in commit ee Jat hgli igHo eu i ers for the scuss the tea- municipal hydro- 'engthy discussion, but no decision was reached and another meeting is to be held on the same , subject on Saturday afternoon. It is the intention to have a rec ommendation on the subject for next Monday night's regular ouncil meeting. WRONG MAN SERVED IN MONTREAL JAIL Quebec Man Substituted Delib erately For Another, Receiving Money Heward MONTREAL,' Dec. 4. "Bon jour, Luclen," said a prisoner in the jail here to an acquaintance who was serrfoff a month for a breach of the Quebec liquor law. The salutation was so hearty that it attracted the attention of the guards, especially as the "Luclen" thus hailed tn a friendly man ner was not known to the jail authorities as Luclen at all, but as "Edmond rerusse." The guards at once became suspicious and an investigation was begun which led to the discovery thut the prisoner in question was Luc-ien Desromier and that he was serving the month as a paid sub- Is ti tut e for Edmond rerusse. Under the mine of, i'erusse the substitute had ben convicted of selling gin and whiskey illegally and had been duly lodged in the provincial jail at Bordeaux, where he had put in part of the lerm when his old acquaintance .gave the clue to his identity. The real Perui was rought before Judge 13b right, chaVged with "frustratirrr iaWdcVBaUng the ends of justice" and reluctantly admitted he was Edmond Per-ussp. He pleaded not guilty bat on being remanded for preliminary Rearing changed his plea and said he was ready to take his punishment. Thil did not let out Desromier, however, who was charged similarly." Both friends thus found, themselves in a bad fix. Ben-IIur, Capitol, tonight. and many hare announced their intention Of seeing this wonderful film again tonight or Wednesday. Had 17 Boiis On His Neck Arms and Legs Mr. A. L. Willos. 8sptoa, Msn., writes: "I had ben bothered with boils for about two yttri. I had j seventeen on my neck, rm and lejpi. ; I trial all kinds of nwdicinf, but non of them Breraed Kolp me any. I then used two bottles . ' 1 1 ..tt and I Invf uevtr tiecn bothered with any boils sioce then ' B. B. It. in rruuiuarturtvl only by TheT. Kfilburn Co , Ltd., Toronto, Oot. ES.WaHaceCo.Lbl Genuine Maderia CLOTHS NAPKINS OVALS TKAYS CENTKBS 1)01 LIBS Make acceptable gifts. At Vancouver prices. We have a nice assortment. Phone 9 3rd Ave. & Fulton St. Free! Free! 1 Bread Knife 1 Can Opener 1 M Icing Spoon Given with: 1 lb. Itnka Tea . 1 1. Braid's Coffee for 91.05 HiillllTeu Pat (8 cups) Given with: 1 lb. Braid's Tea (Blue Ubl( 1 lb. Braid's Coffee for, . $lr First shipment of Jap Oranges, just arrived, per box .,..$1.10 Mussallem's 617-42.. 5th AveK. Phones 18&4 TONIGHT. AND WEDNESDAY YOU MUST SEE IT AT LEAST ONCE THE EYE OF MAN Has Never Seen Its Equal SPECIAL DE LUXE MUSICAL SCORE I!Y RUPERT CAPITOLIANS. ADDED ATTRACTIo'n "KAIEN MALE QUARTET;1 Messrs. Dave;.. Teng, Blott ami ClaptrtAn. 50c, 50c, 50c, 15c, 15c. First Show at t:45 u.ra. "CATERPILLAR" Tractors UKHJKlt THAN THE WEATHUK! A Size for livery Use A Hundred Uscm for livery Size Z TON, TWKNTY, THHfTY, SIXTY HIJTTUit QUICKBK CHEAPEN literature aad Prices a feMt Sole Distributors for B. a AlOieitlSON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO, LIMITED . . IWSIM-h Offlrr. Northern Vwi trHxM llulldlnx NpImm KHoxm II SdtHMt fUtrtt Norman V. ruteSnhsnk. rn" ' "' VAXlOl VEK, II. C. IM. MBf HOLT HI-ST KAISER GLOVES NEW KIP-TONERuttonetl and pullover sty! n Pair 1.50 NEW LEATHERETTE FABRIC Novell v styles; aborted shades. Pair 1.00 AND 1,50 FOWNES CAPE GLOVES Wool lined, fu.tr Pair 2.95 FRENCH KID GLOVES Novelty cuffs styK sorted shades. Pair 29c) FRASER& PAYNE KaaBzmssaasmsmsm jMontreal Importers Sale of Sales is now in full swing PRICES CUT IN HALF Come in and Convince Yourself