bur day, April iv, lyzn THE DAILY NEWS PAGE .... THREE tmf; Tommy's Taxi. Phone C71. US MY KITCHEN NOTEBOOK Local and Personal Ladies' Hockey Match, Friday at 7:45. by Thany. 7leJCL Admission 38c sod Ho. 8 Domestic Selene Counselor ladies Auxiliary Bt. Andrew's Society Dentiat. Di. j. r oo6 Phone 689. Baster Bal and Whist Drive, April 30. The Art of Second-Day Serving VTivdo women aroloaize for eenrimr tftovcr? I consider if rather an ev , x of good management. Today's a.v.f1 potatoes placed in alternate :!i raied cheese in a baking . ed w ith crumbs and browned i uie n. will provide a delectable 1 tor tomorrow s luncheon. Mashed x- enveiopea m a uuny coverins pf e ; :l quantities of Carnation Milk mr. nfitvy cream beaten together until .)Ui which is stirred grated cheese tKiiit-d until the cheese is melted ...ex a welcome ciiange in the I ooking an extra quantity of peas. Deans or carrots ior tomorrow t : pr -es a great convenience. Kice, be served first as a cereal, and later '& with cheese or made into : ..'fPS. o t y way of thinking, however. ".. -ei - n'.uiingquiiesoacuaousastne i "oi'l -fashioned rice pudding, Tsr iv.lv for hours to bring out all i! f : creamy caramel flavor of tiie i i on Milk in which it is baked. t1 "t he recipe for it, and I ! a ou will agree that it is one of ! s r.ust delightful recipes I've offered x The Smooth Richneti of Carnation Dithee ! h inH.sputable that dishes made r ' !i C a nation Milk have a richness, a (i :'; a creaminess. a irague nneneri of Ir .x mat even we best of bottled js. cannot equal. In the first place. Carnation is nothing but the finest of pure, fresh, whole milk, of uniionnly upi quality, it is evj double richness, to tiiat e a CtOUDie helping ot 4 Then it is RtMtiiw apofavea to Sta iffBRTCsBeSlflevu maKing tt absolutely OtoesmtM. no matter what the weather. Carnation Milk has another vital quality. It is "homogenized" the cream globules broken up into minute particle and distributed throughout every drop of milk, imparting to foods an unusual smoothness end fineness of texture. Because of its doubit portion of cream, Carnation effects a big cooking economy, taving on butter or cream in nearly every duh in winch it is used. And becaune it ii alwaya dependably good there is no waste. Use Carnation Milk for afl your cooking. You'll find in it ow con-venience and economy. "My Hundred Favorite Retipes" the Carnation Gxjk Book w,U give you maiiy cooking suggestions. It is free. Ac-lress Carnation Milk Products Co., Lin 'M, l'il Ab!xtt S'.ivt Yanari er, B.C. Carnation Rice Pudding 2 cups Carnation Milk diluted with Tigdiietd la Canada IP you've never made puddings with Carnation Milk, try one tomorrow. Its flavor and smoothness will be a pavjalation Is? yot. ' And 1tVM have extra food value, for Carnation is pure, whole milk evaporated to double richness. It is economical and convenient because it keeps and it saves oa butter and cream. (See recipe above) Carnation Milk ,vPACinc "SlursvS " From Contented Cows' iere- dknta; pour into buttered bzking own; place in pan of hot water; bake in 300 oven 3 hovrg, stirring several timet during first hoar to prevent settling. Puddings of Greater Flavor Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert. ! iMkun. Mrangell. Jaueau. and Skngway Msreh SI. Apr 11, tt. hi. niiwr, victoria and MeuUle April 4. IS. 11. IHIS'KKH KOVAL I " llnimlalp. KiiNt Hells IKIIa. Oreaii Kail". Namu. Atari Bay. 1 miiIm'M Kivrt mid Vancouver erry r'rWny. 10 pjm. "i- ir nil MnmiNhlp Lint. tall Uiliiraaetlua frees W. C. OKCMAKH. Ueiieral Agent. Hf'i (il llli Ntrpft and Srd Atmur. ITImr Huirrt. H.C. flame M LCOK at YOUR CLOTHES EVERYONE ELSE DOES "in sprinir Htock of HlKli Ci'inle Mi-n's Wenr is now here. ' Ir-dK ol Brilon's flni-nt wtuillt'iin from which to choom- ' !'i :mk .Miiit."- - tailored to your mv :isuru by Canada's l'ore-" (,:us builders- "iMuicty Ura'id." Oht-y Thnt lmpultw Dn It Today THOR JOHNSON REMNANT SALE Friday ItKMNAKTB 81LK8. DHE8S GOODS, DRAPE KY i AimiCS, FI.ANNUIJSTTES. SHEETINGS, etc. vtt. mnrkvd at half-price and lewu Eraser & Payne UnlviMHal Trading Co. I I Skating dully. 2 to 4 and 8 to 10. Ul tjM Big hablt Mart hmm . BSOCM Ball. Jrro fay II. When thlnkto( ihapter Bridge in I.OJ3.E. iatrcnlug at 0 p.m. In aid ol the Cenctapb Fund. H C VruiKr I JjlVlJed yesterday afternoon on trie Prince weorge lar Anyox on offlclal duties . Election of officers at Native Sons of Ctnatla meeting, Friday, April 30, In tne Metropole Hall. Full attendance loquestcd. 98 William Mclvor, superintendent of the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prlnoe Rupert Elevator, lb o.i.'ined to his borne with a severe cold. C.N.R s: ; n r Prince John, from j Vancouver v. a t!u Queen Charlotte I.-!aiidJi, lt r-.-piiried to be dtte In port at 5 o'clock Ihl iitieriioon. j j Mli Ca'licrinc Newel! arrived ill the jcity yegtcrcla tum Everc.t. Washington, and i. tlH' Kuest of Mr. and Mrs G. W. Nukerwm. 620 Fllih Avenue Wesv. I Ottcar Ki..r.h o! the ciktoms a tail is jcsnlined to hU home at 308 Seventh Avenue Eu:;t with a tjuch of influenza. He had to qi.it ina duties and' go home this mormiii; j Mia Helen Ai-ditton .who has been the guest ol Mr. imd Mis. W E. Pusher jaae Taylor Street, will sa.l on the j Fr.iicasfc Konl t mo: ju evening for IVai.cuver enroule to Ottawa. Wosjra of Maeeeheert Legion sen's smMHuende. Mey is AgeseaMy a god, smooth, frwf rant asm genial oom-pany anywhere Child s bswah r m Established 1832 This- ;iu, ( i.seiiifi I in not ub-lifhi'd u, t nhiyed by the l.iiii 'r Cont in! i .ml or by tha Government ol i ,ii;,h Columbia or sue:. A. I aTSfil llln ISllim 111! . Professor Damlflno will demonstrate his uneannr uperniural powers at tot Elk's daaoa Friday night. th moonbeariu with th' very latest in music WUl be playing at the EU's dance In the Moose Hall, Friday. The annual gnerBl meeting of the Football Association will be held on April as at 8 pjn. to the City Hall. J. P. Ford of Victoria. Dominion Government public works engineer, wan a guest of the Hotary club today at luncheon. The new halibut boat Covenant, Capt Hans Underdabl, arrived In port tbl. morning with a full load of aoi 180.000 pound following her maiden trip to the grounds. The vessel will sell at the Pfcsh Exchange tomorrow morning. " ROTHERMERE NEW SCHEME IS DENOUNCED lilititioit or Eiti cation i;nti;K- lN FEAK Of IIKiK KVMIK'ATC IN NOUMIKKN ENdUVNll LONDON. Bnglafd. April 18. - Dr. James Orahaaa, director of education for the city of Leeds, has publicly voiced his apprehensions of the possible results of the invasion of Northern B. F. McNauKhton. district passenger England by a great London newspaper agent, and Harald McEwen. diviMon !6yndlcaU. headed by Lord Rothmere SW-'giit Peiit. are making tlie round He was speaking at a gathering of a ttsy to Ketchikan and Auyox u.duy social character promoted by one ol Wltb the pi.riy of C.N.8. official Irom'the old -established Leeds evenlri! taawuver papers. ' I "This proposal to establish new MM. D. D McTavith and family, who evening newspaper In all the leading BSwe been u:ang lor the pat couple provlnchu cities fills me with anxiety ef weeks with Mrs McT.iv.hu parents, and alarm." declared Dr. Graham Mr. and Mr Morte Craig. Waldron "These papers can succeed only at the apartments, will a:i by the Prince cost of the life of some existing local Kleorge tonight on their return to Vic- aewsoapers. auDOOse Lord Rotbermr: torl- does succeed in setting up completely efficient papers that are the last word Miss Oerry Ma:in nnd Master Roy in modern evening JournaltaiB. what ktaun. children of Mr and Mrs E. A. wm be the price which the public to Mann. wUl return to the city on tht the provinces will have to pay? Prince Oecrge Uua evening from Bet- "it means that Instead of the organs cmaan wnere tney nave ocen visiting that are locally controlled, that are for a couple of weeks with their grand- really native to the city and the oounty. molhr that understand and express our looal provincial sentiment, these wttl be a : H w Bf Btoiston pubismer of the rmg of gratnapnonsa that hare UwU Btewart njaad b:sk.r of that town inspiration from a blah and mighty snwa exsmam.'x.i lunosaan o: tne potentate in London. And It Is not In mining bure Sfi-Uir Vancouver Bjarn tbe puullc Interest nor to the public or Traaw. Brrsen Juiib:aOnBmber ot benefit that this Uidlvlduallty shall be attaaa ant Oaaadiah sSMrU of Min- destrcyed in a common mould. Auto-ln Itstanurijr Uk'j anooirver on m.,ta operated from a London office arc i ii .. no satlafactory substitute, alternative. exchange as the (tijrivurvsBBBaWI9 sees s , j . ..0ur )ocal Royal BaeJety or at. aeons Whist Ti e feelings Urtve and Dance. April St. Frinoe Bupert Dunce AprM It. Quia' Tircu Tmub Soy Scout atatsrtainaseal ami fire. April. 17. Ridley Boane Annuel day. stay 8. In TWunta Club Annual Sail. FrMasy, May for a Uvng ind'vlduallty local evening papers pos- paper are our friends, of the people react oi; She paper, and the paper reacts on the pec pic The effect Is to develop and bring about an Improvement In the jerking conditions, in the purity of Ivablic life, and in a hundred and one ways to bring about the betterment of ,the city and country aa a whole." .INQUEST OPENS INTO THE DEATH OF ESTHER KII.IB i continued from page one) S.bl be granted ho that the police officers, who had been up all night and had been working right to the time of the inquest, might have the opportunity of continuing the Investigation. The evidence f Dr J A. West being ready today, adjournment was taken until thli afternoon, j M HT.tTKMKKT VKT 1 After the liuiuest. Inspector Bplller s:nted that the police bad no official statement to nuiRe yet. Apparently, the imcxtlgatlon lmU so far been rewarded with little suere-is. The police air known to have made viqutrlrs as to whetlier a man with a cut right hand had left the city. The imprint of n bljedy right had had ap-pi'rently br?i left on the washbasin In the houre i'i deitnM-d where the aa-ta'.lant l. bellt vod to have wnolv cl hi l.i' nda of blood I'fU'r tlie gruesome deed A clove watch tins been kept of all departing boats and tmtus and a number of officers hnvc been detailed to take part tn the Invitlgatloti Women next door to the house of te-ici.-ftl are rrj irted to have beard a commotion in ".m- house early Tuesday nu ruUig. T!.n had thought of celling . nol:rr bui. the noise stopped. tgSi wsk not done The same wdenen state ' list they heat ii s man's steps leaving tn( hrtue man .ifter the nsla. The wontanV body was found stretched on a bed wit'i the lte ad leaning toward or on thv floor. Her head wai envernd with bi d clothing aad tt Is be-lievcijl int .-.Ik' a given 4p opportunity to scream ax Isthat weepaa severed l cr throat to -ive neat. She was par-t hilly disrobed It wan Jack .iny. driver of the Pioneer Laundry, who when delivering laundry perceived the lights on In the houe early Tuesday evening. Thinking this unusual, he liu'ormed the police and Bt'rgc'ant J. P W Hannah found the b.Kly. K(IKI)I IHTAII.H The revelation of further sordid de-t"il mnKo tin' clrcuinstances of the killing even more revolting and ghastly. I nt partially clrcjuad b-'dy wa ama'.ter-1 Cjoodricli Silvertowiis 9 3fwJf?m mm rm nawuatlssasnswaeBJisneius;i ed with blood on various portions. The whole surroundings are reported to nave been very gory and the murderer must have carried much blood away with him. the unfortunate woman waa quite well known and many people bare spoken well of her. She waa of a quiet manner ar.d dlapltlon. "She was tlie beat woman on Oomos Avenue." is remark that has been made. Evidently, she wax a victim ot unfortunate circumstances. There are many rumors circulating In the city wltb reference to the tragedy, but. up to this morning, the police bad little information to reveal. Clues as to tlie per etrntor of the horrible crime were evidently rather faint. The funeral of the unfortunate woman will take plaae tomorrow afternoon from the chapel of the B.C. Un dertakers to Falrvlew Cemetery. CAT TRAVELLED 100 MILES TO OLD HOME IONDON. April IB 6ii days after aj est bad been missed from Its home a: Framllngham. Suffolk. It was found sit-1 tins ou the doorstep of the residence of Dr W Dunn of Uppingham to whom r had belonged until a few weeks ear- I'er The cat. a gift to ailss Walker. of Framllngham. bad walked a dlatance of 100 miles from Iti new home in Suffolk to Its old home In Rutland, and was no worse for Its, long tramp. How the cat found Its way Is a mystery. It had experienced bad weather on tlw route but It was not footsore or fatigued LEFT MUCH M0NE1T TO HIS EMPLOYEES LONDON, Tprtl 18 The late Russell Allen ot Davenham Hall. Nortnwlch. Cheshire, a director of the Manchester Ouardlan and Xvening New Limited. and formerly proprietor of the Manches ter Evening Mews, who left CSSLSSS made extensive bequests to employes He left 6,090 to Th mias William Brans ninver of the Manchester Xvenlng ew. and one week's pay to each other employe In that branch of the firm. i;XI'i;Mt K IMITION LONDOV. April 19 A copy of the original aut-leaved edition of Gray Blogy waa hold here at auction for 1.900. When first published, two cen turies ssa. It was sold at Hiapence. Thr i highest price yet paid for the Elegy was fl.000. at the MucOregor sale four years ago. Advertise tn The Dsilv New Bowl! added to omelettes gives them a wonderful Slavour and makes them more tiw nourishing I M aft "The Height of fashion and the Mould of form" in motor cars are usually characterized by Goodrich Silvertown Tires the perpetual vogue ever since pneumatic tires were first made. jTlnd CJliqy CostJSJiQvc ovies in ft rt3S Your Own Home To make then with the CINE KODAK, simply sight the Ti rider and press the release. That's all there in to it you're making movies. To show them on the home screen, merely plug in the KODASCOPE in on your lighting circuit and .snap the switch. Then ait down and enjoy the picture. CINE KODAK MODEL B with i.U.5 lens. Hand held, spring motor driven, fixed focus. Price ! 110.01) KODASCOPE MODEL C Electrically driven, works on any ordinary house lighting circuit. Price $70.00 KODASCOPE SCREEN Size 22x30 inches. Price . . $12.00 Complete Outfit. $1:.04 yxe Pioneer DfttQcisls THIRD AVE. 6-SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?6200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers THE DAINTIEST I1HEAKPAST POOD.' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & CoW Storage Co., IM Prince ltupert. B-C Canadian National Jburui' w vn. iVHiiu'iy ujrjuttn- I' STEAAISHI1 AND TJfAIN SERMICE jl killings from I'lllNCE tttl'CUT tor VANfOI VKH. V1CTOHU. 8KATTI.fi and Intermediate points, each nil kmiav and hi nkav at ll pjn. For KUTdllK.tN and VNVOX. each W tliVlsKAV. 4 p.m. fot. HTBtVAUT each HATI KOAY at 10 pin Per NOKTII and HOUTII Ql KKN ( iiAKl.oTTr: islands. Portnlghtly I'AfHKNOKH TltAINN I t:VK HHINt K III I'EUT Bach MONDAY, litlXGHDAY and stll ItltAY at 11.80 am. for IMtlNCC OWlltOE, liUMONTON, tVINN'li'KU. alloluU Kaatcrn Canada. United States. AGENCY A 14. OCr.AN MTKAMKHII' HUES. Use Canadian Nathtnsl CKpreM fur Mmtey HdrH, Fsrrlfo Cbetines, etc. ale fer yeur next shlnment. CITY TICKET OrtlCE. US TIIIHO AVf... flllNrr RITKKT. Pbene MS