mm f a, PIGH F0TJ3 RED'S Transfer Fifteen pr, JUH$rR r MOVING We mfl 8 lands of Ceml Any kind af Weed in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Oar price, wrighj and raeawe. are right. So is r 8ervioa Phone as sad Save Money aa. Irate DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: Mi. Night Phone: Red 317. . I Roofing and Specialities of Miami Surfaced Rooflng Mineral Surfaced Shingles KU Ravfins Buildtac Papers and Fets lor T.v. r tA Elastic Paint Pla-tie Elasitgum Shinub Stains resale OH M-irint Seam Pitch. Distributors Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 P- 111.. k MINING :h Stocks ol Noon and afternoon clos-i rrjr prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our -"Mist beard dairy. y can give inatar.: scr-i- buying A Mhzw ' I' 'ocks ;. V;.!lr-.u' r r ! ' W V ;i .'.::'. !';r fi.r :: . U -a: rJ. r- ,!: Wihi Rfprest niinj: Miller. ( ourt & Co- Ud. Vancouver. S. D. Johnston Co.Ltd. face 617 2nd Avenue Priace Rupert, B.C the be The be LADIES' t DRESSES, Coats, Millinery Ua and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue DRY : BIRCH .jaUiym AMLUaVu. SBtlrTbfffl -.-. . . . ISJHT Large Hack 10c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Ekr $12.00 Pembina Washed Nut." fl 1.25 Alberta Rootle Egg (12.00 Alberta Lump $18.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransier AND COAT CO. Phone 580 I .TO Second Ave 75b fiuLx NflTrTB BRINGING UP FATHER Qeprge McM; I - GOT TO SEE- CXNTPr TO-DACY - 1 MCGttV REMEMBER THT DRrt I Wlm I'M PHONllsfG 7 ' AH' HUT PHONE HIM FlRT- BUT 1 j I Kou SAWINTHE.WIKJOOW UAoT U! IIP1 " HAVE THEM ip j (0C irvE HOW AM I COMiA Crr-MACCtE OUT J I WEEK TMsnrOO vMNtTcD?WEU-J HjifwHA ARE rr UP-I NaAMT I . BQ i OF THE HOOfL r ... ' - ' HERE! HOMOREO DOLUARS-COJ HNIoOj DOIST?! VOUTOStEHOW 1 ' Nnr OI KINGr; J J . . RlCHTOPvAN'CTITv ' v TV S ' ITuOOK"bOKjME- Mil -. 'V' T . . I PRIVV f flIINPH It 1T i JL& fiS i ill I i WUUVUi V anted JNews the Mines ot k nmKSFD I Asmiwn DDiurr diidcdt 10 JJlUjJ lAJLlU II nnuunu xviitv-s nui 1 Miaiax Detneioptsent at Stewart Spread Over Large Area Red Hit! Group Looks ProMtax Rich Samaba Fran Maaataia Boy Mjaior develofnaent in the Stewart district is spreading oat this season over a greater territory than ever before. Actual development is under way from Georgia River, eightaao miles south Stewart, to well over the Bear River Pass, tnirty miles north, where the Bear Paiis Exploration k Mining Co. is developing 28 claims located last year by Henry Scovil and Cyril Jackson. This ground lies immediately east of the George Cupper and has been iong known to contain interesting mineral deposit. During the paat winter the owners have been successful in forming a company U . -pow of financing dewUop- the faae of a bluff and Mr. liatbetaoc men- ..:; ba in.? under way picked aercaa u to arcn feat of It Ir- :h pa Stttfao n.- . :rt felting tbe footwall. ao the riii.o.. . - . i . not yet asoemiiMd. The Moun- - . . "-a.t .::. .u.- i. . --Kie ny waa out ot the first - " staked tt the Stewart - - :-. T... .. -4. .. : ! by Ward BrightweU .; -. ' .. later being booaaS :.. - l .: . Considerable high a - ... nd but the vetn . .. :.. - tad in place and .i . . . roperty when he ' :: :. r .. - Urn of tune OD . ... - . - .- - lay idle tar : ..- : . ;..:. rw-j, J-r.:. H.h: ! :r. rf.arge lor 3 .000 fact Supplies are now being taken trail to the United Empire property, bask of Btcwart. The first mining to done will he open cutting on the lower outcrop and this will conuttence Immediately with a crew of ate man. vein, which I said by engineers to aseeptlonally attractive, ihae bean rased lor a distance of 500 feat. The property is already well equipped with auBp and mining equipment for hand work. Good looking sample carrying gold "liver and copper to values of S64AS. S57M and SOO .00 have bean brought into Stewart from the Mayo property on Bitter Creek. The trail to the property been repaired and development a strictly a local Stewart organraatirm with William Tompkins. Cloy Porter John epaon. Michael Mlaotavitoh. B. W. Kennedy and W R. Harrier as directors. The concern owns five claim located aa She north fork of Bitter Creek about three miles from the Bear River wagon road. The vein, from which the sam ples were taken. I reported to be four- feet In width Nell Mathelaon. who with a new of five man ha been doing exploratory work for aome week on the Mountain Boy property on American Creek for W. H. Tolln and associates of Stewart arrived in Stewart recently with some splendid looking aamples of galena ore from the mine. Assays, it was expected would run high in silver and lead. The uuicnp wneiw rocaien is vnirty seer up . r s::. :. ,i.,i:.,n" o! "Iif n a:.; M- M--..i::i n)-t::-.irc- iiperty upon a producing baaat in a short spaor of time. A wagon mad to the mine tram 18-mBe u to ne tuilt. f allowing the trail which : 'jh a good wajron road grade. HOLIDAY FOR RAILWAY MEN CAMAIHAN NATIONAL RAILWAY" LEAH CA AMAK IUBM'NTBV IN An Anovatian will be started nest Acek when the Canadian National Rsll-; put into effect a new pulley o! iving on week's holiday With paw to anlca! or shop department. It Is tin dRistood to be the intention of the .ompany to make this an annual con- seaslon and. in doing ao. it leads Can iCian employers in such a poil. y Th compsny's many local shop empleyee ill nt (flrctea BRITISH LORD GOES TO JAIL LONDON. June St. Ixrrd Terrington Yorkshire peer, acting aa a solicitor was sentenoad to four year penal amrl- tude charged with eon verting S350O00 of hi clleuf money to hi own use FKOftkHSL TO AT POINT MOW J( IH.H M(HtB): ( AN.BUNS M OOSHTEW rO COMMITTEE Jum a. a cUuar in the JueLice BUI propcaiag adtlitional Judaea te vcm Prtry Council waa dropped by the 'Joveraaaent after murri opposlUon 'jo tea prtnc:ple that extra Judges v ouid ba cho.-n from Britain alone. Sjom Bcavbtr! urgej that Cmiartlan si c otuer Jul: n be appo.nted at the rrpenae of tiit B-uiab GoTprnment RADIO HELPED STOP SUSPECT MAGMA TAKE HE WAS CUti.-IMi IWTIt I VITEn TATE IOL- mh iMi mi ajra teSOBTA. June 2) - William MagiU --aa caught by citistni who received a idio warning from t'r, aousitd police atagtll waa about to cmat the ary ic-.c the l'nted State on - aefc. He hat been charred with Burtfcw o! Anna JefT t?fd 11. throat w&r cut a:.c the body . I in a straw sUct EA AND SALE GIVEN YESTERMY FOR FINAKCfKG BOYS' BAP '"' - Hoys' Band axillary gave a tea t of work yesterday aftarnoon :.i r Hall with Mr- Veinck genera: I in charge. In charge of re- iu was Mrs Oco Jotinxtra. as- 1 Mr. Hiue aud Mrs H Tho- on -atrs Itiller. assisted by Mrs jtt and lln Bull.nger .. :., cooklngMn Cameron and O A. JoHnann. BafC Mrs W. Derry. tea cream Mum S Musiiallem and dim McKbtmy and Miss M Vsoc Bntertalruiient Mrs Tnurbpr Songs were by Mim Dorothy uller and Mis Mancsret Wilkinson Hecltatloro by Miu Margaret Hall an daster Bby. piano da-' by MisMt EUs iteen and Victoria Kr:keiky: piano Billy FuOer An nmbreUa donstad by Mra Parker as won by Mia. Oeo Jahnston and x sack of sugar donated by T. Wiuu.n was won by W. Derry. WHIST DRIYE AND DAitE A SUCCESS FOR THE BOYS' BAND agBaawAfwtwk ?SBBaaBaBnlgag Pbaved ky the Mas at HeVeWat Vl IWaBaasf HStt Last Might There wsh a very enjoyable whwt and dande given under the pa-.:-te of the Mooatheurt L?-,jn in std ! the Boy' Band at Hsw Hull la' .Ight whlfh wa well attended ind iri ved in every rasper a nurcess The band wa present and gave a number of selections and Smalle's orrhestrs played lor th dano. Mrs J Slaggsrd was convener of the committee assisted by Mrs A O Bart-ett. Mr. J. Proece, Mm S Nelson and Vn N Mussaliem. Mrs Char lee Rick-arson was at th door Msleted by W Ollchrlet Olllla Roper waa master of saremoaiea. Pti the daMa more ladies were pre-aant than sawn with .the result that ladle won tB men1 priaaa. the v.r.utt DAILY 2c per word in WANTED TASTED. CUBL TO with cai( of eblMren. Writ . IIS. Daly Bran ogaae. m "ANTED -fry TOCBO MAM car 'TIM. WANTBD FOB UOBT work. Phone Blue SSI AGENTS WANTED AT LAST A DWCOVEBY Wondexfti ptwparation readily puiicture without reatoviag ttre from rrm--DU1rent to otbars Dews not. decompose Guaranteed barwilaai to rubber. Last life of tire Atone) maker for agents. MBter aaada arrt is five weeks. Write tor proof and free trial otter Pateoasel Mfg. Oa Ud.. Aeasaadrts. Out 'OJDrTS WAJrTCD TO takx for Canada's finest line of Oreeting Cards Regal Art Co. Manu- fartusm. S10 Bpadlna. Toronto. FOR SAIJB )I X BBWBPAPBS MAT BC DBBD - tead of building paper or to Mi beneath carpets on the floor Got apeeial prtot oa large quantities Dally OH SALE mncfa. 10 acres, over tour bcc-ing Inn: am. Bai s mile from twn. Sa.000; half cash. Phase Bad SIS 1M "OH 6Aia,--OOCBLB t-iQSISTtK OH AT-Ua Avenue, unobstructad view, print 4S0.00 Phone Black 404. tf ISHBRMKM BOY spinners. They are good All dealer. v 1 . . . . . ' i FOR RENT OR RENT CLAPPER TON BOOSZ. Ninth Avcxrue Bast. Bent rmimilii Apply City Treasurer. Cll , Ball. tf OH XKTnUKM tr "i . M-PIANOS. Phonograph aad Bt --Walkers Mueic Store. XJR ROTT PORKI8BSD POUR rcr-med apmrtsnent with aath. Water paid Phone 647 tf t'LAT POR RENT SIX AND bath, on Prxtb Avenue, Ml or Black SSS "OR RBMT POOR ROOM APART-ment. hot water heated. Apply Smith At Mallet. Ltd tf TOR RENT PVRjrtBSBD APART tsnttM MiSlawxOriy ?Olt RENT - PUBJilBBalJ BOOMS also email suite. Phone aen SS0. LOST fountain pea with gold 'band tnltaua SO. Ptnder please return to Daily 163 HOUSES FOR RENT J OB BORDEN STREET AT S3 1.00; Iteale House near Catholic Church at 30.00; the houae we live In on uth Avenue Wast at SS7 AO; Six rw-ma (to 9th Avenue West at your prioe. r. w. hart. being: Ludias 1. Mr. J. Ratchford S. Mm T BsJllnger. I, Mrs J. Preeoe. Men's 1 Harvey Boott I. Mrs. Moorahoua sad Mr a O BarUett; I. Mrs I, Jones. The ladies npnsmi thamaelrss as much pleased with the aaslatanor givsn in their effort to rasa funds for the band. action campaign a la all. i . vr. ocou. pioneer r is Mlvncate of Prince Rupert, beck his . home town. Mr. Soott arrivad yaster-dsy from Vancouvar athsm he hag bean receiring medical treatment during paat winter While he has auffefad the , IS:SS pjn. loss of an ey. Mr Soott s many fraud , MONUVT Jt l Y t are pleaaed to find that otherwise, he High 0:SS am aeems to be enjoying the best of health . jg ag p m , t j jn. P-imenawr. aaUing this aftarnoon on' ie- nm i iiaw auvtueen lor Vancouver r iii-iude Thomas J Cowan. O rairuie p Btsvkovlc. C I W :. . Mi Murj.uie Lan atr slid Low Mi.. M.,l. r,.. NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. f advance. No Advertienueft taken for less than S0c SALVAG E AND TOWING Prince Rupert Sal rage & Tawing Ce. IJd. HAS RAROatMS y OA BOATM SsJe and Typewt.tar far Sale Ttutlube CI Bnat at tar ('hatter aaat lake ivere. SUMMER RESORTS LAKBIE IIOTbTHLKGS IjODGE Mrvr ifr: LAMleWT IHITM-ftlWO IK ( AKAIA (Lithla Water) Trsot Fishing on Lakelse Ia WWW 0fl HH ACXXMHMIAffri HW nSHIMi TAKTHas BBPCB JOHNS TOMB. Mligei Terra ae. BC FURNITURE AND MANGES IIK1H OBADE BBD SPRINOS sat aattMaaa inolndlng The Qatar-Okore Mattnas. Slumber King Spring aad Chateau bed. are now carried by u in atnek. k. M trRRKEK l OmKare Pkxnar T7 CHIROPRACTIC lK K. E. L''MCPXi at Third Avenue rlepttuoe for appoinlwiiit now to mo St. Real amor pBeas Black 2U Acute aad Chronic Dbrwder aucoass- tuoy wasted. USED CARS FOR SALE Pord Ton Truck, panel body .. I1J0.OO Ford Ton Truck. CTiaUi only. tarter type 11 MOO Pord RondsLrr delivery. 1B36. good aondttion tntos tkland Sedan. ltSS four wheel braftm hstuon uaas Two Ton Traffic Truck, o tire car. be arranged on above ear KAIKS ClAKAUr. Phone ST SCHLHJL OF LTERTUaiB Sail Tour lataglaation. MtSKN Tfi VVHtTE ST4HUCS Piw InformsUon. Sciaooi of Uleratuia. TM attaaaarw Has ataaatafto AUCTlONEKltS. PHINCE KtirtHtT ArCTION MART sTaawlawaaaal - Furniture of all kind bought, sold or exchanged Orating and packing done Oooda sold on Commlaslon G. J. DAWES, AiMlneer. ntaek 1SS ItBBTAUJvANTS QOWl BATS CAIX Mr. Unger Pro prl tree Third Avenae. Nest O.W.V.A. Oood Home Cooked Meal and Home apeetal tMefcr. Mitater Every Kaaoay tlvenlng PRINCE RUPBIIT TII1B6 4 tet bATt'fttlAT, Jl Vt If I I Silt a a. 48 17:90 p.m. 0 HI'KOAY. JI'IY 1 High 1240 p.m 17J th Low s8 am High THHStlAV. TI.T I 1:00 sjb. 14: ID pat. 7:08 a.m "J ....... 4 1I.H pa m 4.0 J M4 11 .C a t 80 T UD 3.8 82 ft. " " " " " " " cuad,i( WATEL' Nirfji TAKf We;. 5.! lilt S04 S . ' .'C b. . :. i t. . iply : iiul ' . :i . lit f-rk ., K . sr t; .. Wrl v la . 4 1 . : .-j. . --".ui. !- t, : trr. west .. ,. .. dssuir- a:,d a .1. purp- . cr-.bed a 1- in buriey .I (tt:rf- . tic wa ; .(! 10th day ' M. BOtlee a:;;' -.lerr'.'j i: .-. filed in at Pr.ire Ku;ir: appl!icat.:.'! l: '. j. vatr h' r of Wau- H..-tiu-V.rtorla B ( the first 4i.t a local m -publtra-.! ii. . . ... 1828 DTTKKlT X"' - CI By r ! GOVERNMENT I "I Mil .'.'1 KOTtf't: ot trn i ii.- r.n t SENT lo Tl: I, tut Nonrr. i.1- v; the !! u. signed .;.;e:.d trmtrji Bud ' j' Beer 1,- -mat- ' In rrsper" pr-- -bulidlnt: t: -r, -uti at Trrj, t acrlbed s !."' rra Pr.:i,e k.. Dastnc : y umbia. tr.ui. O BosTtaorhip anc ' 1 Terrace, B';1. iah t DATED Te- -of Juue A I) A' ' .' ik;." P..rm Ni. . - LANK Ai T VJU ' lTMlllV '; f1! i pi ai ii i m In Prim Rupt -trict S...1 motrU it Knr. ! TAK ' nrr Western at ' ut ( r. B.C.. o-i .ip..' tends t- hsse tl Ci.atlieii .' i wi.t a "Mitt rr n he Wer HKlr i! ' ly 00 clia ii' iin - rtenoe a.-u iy w '.herly 10 ;iin rrea nv rr iw r pah: netro!' nnt(i iMiii Apris LAND ' T OTH . Ol IN'TIMI',v ' In Pritif-r Stipe- trict niiJ tuate " Bay. M ' i'V UUu.. Queen Cn .'lotle n. TAKE NOTICF ri.lm.f -t "i Vsm- "y- Pulp i :d I'aper : . to soplv for a ler KcrlLied lands Commem :ig t a j hieh wau-- mark i f ; frirlcw'iv Urf- hlK'. and ciiuiiiiri ""' rACTFH I" 0or.i!'' v Arent f ' P" ' Dsted May 193 LAND V T Arm?l xotH r or int; ri. n M1 In Prince Rupert ! i (rl trict and situate 1 Bay. Moreno Island Quen CV.irf' !'' Is I ' TAKF. NC rCE Limited, of sneouvr-Pulp Hit and y Ma" rl to apply for s less !&; land- Ooaunrir. uig at " )' high water mart fonowlng t!i hlf! 1 , PI the Wand to poiii' and oontamine; o-PAC3PK ' '"ulicsfl n r?r,i I Donald ll"" s "" tt Waaeo w Xsated Mar LAND A( X i" nutick or WKVVi-'' In Bmithem La'i" ;' . ".' and situate sdjoli"'11 aide :1 Skn RIV'' ths ' -Of TAKE NOTICE Psrtflc B.C msr'M i , to umilv for n ! " str '"(l' lands' Commencing ;". f otitlu'iisl crrner " fist DKtrlf then , then-e cr' W ' 1 ,' chains: t'.-i'' ' taiiiinR ! "'r,:, '". ' Dated May M "'"si