BV "1 CLASSIFIED HAB V. Boston Grill Etcnoiic reads the Claaelflef K you lose, advertise tor It II v"U flud, locate tb owner, yi'.nu.ever you need, advertise for It get the classified habit. XVITI., No. 153. iFiTINC fiRASS KONIAJURKEY TKAIM.OAHS Of HOD HEI.NO SENT TO sT.tKklVJ PEAfANTH Ol THAT I'lltMIll Kom A Tirkey. Jutw- 30 - Drought. : ,t tiitur wiuur. caused K nu pLilna and peaa- 11 P'nj into tbe clttas The i . :ii u sending tram loads of rw a'lnlng psasanU. many of . .. m'.'.ug grass. TIinEMAlMflCT MET WATERLOO t IN AI K AI.LV AT Ti:MK II AVE HIM MrroHV OVi:K IHKMII rLAYeK W iMBinON. June SO TUdon had a r runtt wtlb Pk-rre Landry, the ;i. h trnnu player tilay in the Brlt- 'urninnt bore He won the first i ilu-n lost two His final rally . rtoiy was most ridtlng. i. mi Winn, tbe American playar. Mn. Watson of England. HALIBUT FARES SLIGHTLY DOWN but undinas at the port of Prince m m ii,r the mcnth of June, eodlag i. t .'ailed S4M.0O0 pound as i.;)r-t with I.BS0.0O0 pounds In tB r-.-kndir month of 127 according U.urn compUM by watrrtront flail ,i:iiii houaaa. Am rlcan landings : the past month I tnllrd 2.1S7J00 wnds as oompanrd with 3 400.000 i cIk lust JHIte while Caiuullsn fish .iu:u this ysbr stands at 1.0i110 ii -.Ms us agatuot' 160.000 pounds last POISONING DOGS IN SEWARD FOLLOWED BY OFFERING OF REWARDS SKWAIUJ. June S. Due to sctlvltles : d i: p iisnners morw than twenty dogt imii killed hore recently. Rewards ''niiiMi! close to s thousand dollars ..iv,' offered by tbe city and oltl- 1 no ti r the arrest and conviction of 'if rulpvlt. NOTICE to WOMEN A MEETING tor women will be held in the Liberal omniiUee rooms, corner of Secopd Avenue and Fourth fttreet on ' Monday, July 2 at 11 a.m. for the purpose ol forming a Woman's Libera) Organisation. All women supporting the Liberal party are requested to attend. Hon. T. I). Pattullo will aridrean the meetlnK ' . J -1.1 -l JJU .a,-. M 1U .. , cup, scheduled for 9.90. Tbe Boy' Band will be la attendance at the ground! the moat of tbe day. The day'a proceeding will come to a dose with a dance in the evening at the Home Mall. Oeiebrsilon committees are ai folic w: Ooneral chairman George W. John-stone. Oeiieral secretary H. Breen. Finance S. X. Parker, AM. Frud- exnectsd J M. BUr, k (Ml. ftMN CkUMbse Bport Oso. Hurray. W. T, ivt taw w. win. Adrartlalng- M M. Stsphens. O. W. Johnstons. W. J. Raymond, O. A. Hun- tar. Angus D. Otllles. entertainment Aid. Prudbomme, Mayor S. P. HcMordw and M. M. Slophsaa. Danes J. U. HorrkKm. Fred RllTou and Oillia Koyar. STOCK QUOTATIONS .Neva Clwittf Prhws Today on imh- vrr UaefMHtt (Oourtmy of 8. D. Johnson Co.. Ltd.) BC eUfer ... Ttayvfcrw nig Missouri . Cork Provisos Dun wall Oeorge Ooppsr Olassir Olaelar Kootsnay L L. Lasevstw Lucky Jim ... Marmot Metals national SUvov Pond OtatDs .. Porter Make Rufua Argsmka Ruth Msye Silver Oram ....... Silverado Silveeamith Sunloch Terminus Tortc Whitewater ...... Woodbtaa Oeorgla Blm Orandvlew Duthle Marmot Oold Slocsn King Toley RIchfiaM .. Moranda July . October wiNMrsR WHEAT ia.,u. m.d last trip by striking JohnstoBo. J. L. 1J0 IJi Ml wi joh Jl Jl St .It M Ml m .n .MM M M M MM JM .10 JIM m . 14je 14M MS MS U M tM m mk M Mi M M JM H tJO .ta gjo m m M M . JM IM ' l.U M JIM JM MM M M0 LOfTDOM. June 90. Tbe admiral t?r announces that Lieut. Commander Nell Stuart, VC. the first Canadian in- tbe Imperial forces lo gain the Victoria Oram, has been appointed in the Royal Naval Reserve. KIKE AT VANCOUVER- VANCOUVER June SO. Fire last nlsbt gutted the building, occupied by Ayr's Varnish and Paint Oo. causing a Iosh of ITo.OOO. Close a M. Johnson. KC, crown counsel at XUV, 137StN. renent Assise session tn the city, 1I7M 198 I oordon Wiamer. Vancouver barrts- j ter, who defended In one of tbe murder m .u,... Rrinnaaa Katnieen. 'roses, will bbii hot maiui Bast. Arthur Slater, southbound from Prince Rupert on CTT-! . v.nnnuver. Is due in port! . ,. -. ! n... vim. In. Armnm tn th OOBV. v.ncouver snd Vlctorls. It is mon danger thst the saeamer -nnuw s similar penalty waa impoaeo upon yv will be able to resume service Bfvenson for Indecent ssposure with the it salting north caning , , f k. vaasel enruwte i Prank H. Taylor, Fridsv morning of next w. managing director of the famous Top Princess ans. uapv. iy ium. with a crM of gteraI lflnt PRINCE RUPEKT, &C SATURDAY, JUNE SO, 1928 PATTULLO forecasts lower OK 21C50H fill MS SOU) AT discoverer and now in the city on yss- In terd.y afternoon's train from Smlther. Ortfflth. .. .1 Balmoral Cannery and la on mornlns tbs Skeena River thU ax Dec ted to arrive here thla aftrrnoonl brief business trip Subscribe for the Dally Mews. ECIIANUE TIMS MtlltMMl WITH 11. Ii ami llKill At a meeting last night with repre-I J sentotlves of tbe Elks. Moose. Knights' Ot Pythias. Lodge Valhalla, Canadian i wfy were i.vvy a Legion, ot. Andrew's Society. Nstive JW-500 P"nd. "P to ox Km. oi Canada and Pioneers' Aaeocla. lnt ' lh deflckneK ol the past te ind Sc. wot. Uon in attendance, a committee con- a,v' A W' total ol 120.600 KO.S00 pounds pounds slating of O. W. Johnstone, onalrraon. alo by ten American . vismu which Tt- PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central. British Columbia's Newspaper TAXES AND SOCIAL TO rBDt IDE HEALTH INSURANCE j AMI MAftHMiY UEKEEITB SPOKE AT VANCOUVER pointed to take charge of arrangements Bc "d io 9Jc ami c lor 67X100 bemnts derived uader old ae uca-j for the develupmsut of s new Dark area P0""- and picnic ground beside the lake! Arrivau ana sbms: leglrlatlan now helping tbe which la opened up by Uie ponstruotlon AMEWIIN rf the province. Hon. T. D. PattuHo, of the Kalen Island Highway. j Cai-ai'tution. SS OOOunds, Canadlac minister of lands, sddrssssd a large At a preliminary conference s couple inn 00141 " . s aau Sc Ulfci::, .uotllnj here U?t night and re- ....- n I Male sf It 3J.0M nnmds. Booth lah- : mIum n tbntiu committee appointed last night will , 7e- igaln interview Mr. Pattulk. next we' tM0 PWwto. and Batnler. 4, ith s view to having the project put 600 Pound- Oamdli Flab Cold Ititn mntlnn at th MrllMt nnuthU 7iiC "J aSBH IC momsat. It is prepesed to ask for a , of ground a mile long and half a mile wide, development to start as soon as the gram is made. .WOMEN WILL ORGANIZE TO DOWN SMITH HOUSTON. June 30. Having loot their fight for a bone-dry plank in the Democratic plat-fwoi, women delegates to the Democratic convention announce that they will go back and organite the south against Alfred Smith, Democratic candidate for the presidency. VANCOUVER MEN TO VISIT CITY IMIAHU Of TIM HE EXCITISION AGAIN THIS YEA It ON I'KIM LSH ALICE IN AlOLKT The board of trade baa been notified that the Vancouver board ot trade will bold another excursion bore this yoar erasing by tbe Princess Allot and visiting also Alice Arm aad Stewart. They win leave Vancouver August 3B, arriving at Prince Rupert at t pm. Friday. August M. The caeeutlve of the board ot and tbe members of the city ell are Invited to be guests of the Van-oswvor board" at dtnnjtr on tbe boat wklls naval hiwehve commano Urtoie 16.000 naaiasfe. Boyal Pish Co llie and 7c. Onah. M0 n i sm SB, Booth Flshaxles 11c and 7e. Jsck. 3 ,000 pounds, Canadian Flah Sr ZtM Btoiaaa Oo. He sstd 7e. CANADtlSi to be i.ble to enact legislation whereby health insurance snd maternity bens fits v.ou!d benefit the people. Mr Pattullo leaves tonight for Prlaee Rupert. e Barer sjoe pounda. and Helge H ! evening from An vox and Stewart and 1O00 pounds. Royal Fish Co.. 9c and will sail shortly thereafter for Ocean 5c ' Falls. PoweU River snd Vancouver wUh Joe Baker. 1 500 pounds, and Helge H. : s large list of local passengers as mu 0.000 pounds. Royal Plah Co.. 9c and 5c as tourists. Ptrst-cUas sccoraaooatlen Bingo. 8.500 pounds. Canadian Pish on toe vessel is almost entirely booked .V Cold Storage Co.. BJc and Sc. 'out. Good Progress Being Made With Tram and Other Developments at Saddle Property, Hastings Arm Engineer In City Tells of Work Ileing Done and of Prospects for Shipment or Ores This Season To a representative of the Daily News this morning, P. E. Peterson, M.E., of Vancouver, consulting engineer for the Silver Crest Mines Ltd.. revealed plans which are beinir made for the extensive operating of and producing by the company's Saddle pro-! w -4 4 1. v... a .t it. ii.:. o: -. s tbi -j nv mm w iiptiui(n nrin iiiib ksmhiii. oince cany OUT a stringing of cable and clearing of right of way is in progress. An interesting feature of the Saddle property is that it is ap parently a continuation, across a moun-e tain range, ot tbe iceologioal form of tbe Porter-Idabo and Prosperity mines In tbe Marmot River sectsoo near Stewart. The waddle ores are very llmuar and have the same von la and characWrlstlce as tbe Porktr-Xdwho. Tbe SUwr Croat Co. considers tbe develop ment similar lo that of the Porter and Prosperity. Tbe ore Is sUvor-lead-gold. The tram line will be" approximately 800 feet, or a mile and half, tn length. Tbe tram hat been designed and built entirely In British Columbia. Tbe cable waa made oa Oranville island, Vancouver, and tbe team la being built and designed by tbe 81 Bqulpment Co. at a price leas (baa it import It. SLUGFESTIN BIG LEAGUES NCW YORK. June 30 Cincinnati In beating Chicago yesterday dun bed back Into fourth place In the National League race while St. Louis was defeating PKtaburg in a alugfest. Paul Waner connected with a homer when tbe were loaded in tbe ninth. St. Louis batted Kramer out ot the Tht meyor said, declared McOeer. hst tl"err were traitors on the police ! force, but he did not place Jackson lor McLaughlin In this category. Bvl-!dcnoo also hod been given by Ernest Letth, farmer constable, said McOeer. that McLaughlin had stated that he did not get the "big stuff that Jackson and Taylor got that, tf there was not sufficient evidence to warrant an Indictment of consplra". against these men. there whs st least sufficient evidence tc justify the namrnhatmn ta finding thst none of these men should (oarer retain the puMlc oonMsnoa. DESTROYED HOMES AT MSHfiLLE AND GREELEY, COLORADO NASHVILLE. June 30 A toruadj de-urcyed 33 homes and 44 barns, uie damage being estimated at half s lion dollars. Sbcrlf! Joha Lewis was Killed when he atepped on a live wire in a puddle. ' Q3JEEL5T. Cilo.. June SO. A tornado! i-uuwwK. TOO n.s.. June su. rur siarv- At soon as the tram la completed. In the America League Philadelphia this morning by Sergeant J states Mr. PsVemon. a camp w4U be built .topped a ninth Inning rally and the nan. chief of police. at tbe head of the tram, compressor and Yankees won out. Keening hit a homer ah- drills will be installed and the driv ing of a drift started. The ore void has already been traosd a distance of wss fined 810, with lv45"f"" i" dsys imprisonment. " "n,rl)r -e be carried out thla aaaeon en Ns original property, the Salvor 01 est, north of and practically adjoining tbe Big Mlotourl on Salmon Biver ln tbe Stewart ""Id The contract baa bean lot to Boyle Bros, and drilling la expected to start the latter part ot July. In the ninth, and Ruth was A. R. Borrow, pioneer civil emrlneor and Mrs. Oordon Reading. Miss Caroline Mitchell sails tonight pcrtant stores slid ether places of business. The loss ws 1 00.000. Sixteen buildings were destroyed. FORTY FRENCH MINERS JWSSING STE. ETIENNE 8TK. aTTTCNNS. France, Forty miners are missing. they w f asphyxiated after an ex-1 l , .... fl I ., n(t i4im ' piUMIUIl im.u . .11 M aw v www. Twelve or more escaped. POLICE COURT ITNKW Fines collected durlnK the month ot woum nave cost to ln the flrat mnings. collecting tire June in city police court totalled doubles and a triple. 50. according to announcement HAD !'... 1 HC DOS P. M. Han-1 The Eds worth Herald knows a new one aoost 900 rest down the htlL.-'TWe will y-j- ,tv , gumbtt of Prince about movies: A woman was snterimi drift riabO on to ths .vein sad thua'o. . ..... m - ,- i. -v.. . mti .w Loaas frrer 860 feet of dbatb .Mndsfasatbl..- -f... (n ku . .Srf.4 "-sW,. M m.mi'1 ftm' aaUi.kMMu. which whnh. were il i mIii .1. il ' . . 'i ifii.L 'u.-i. I Slrswaaga last yoar." stated Mr. . atl i entut,fnirt.lAri wtfspkr me ouver urrst nas also snsssgeo for a osmpaign ot diamond drUling to Mrom Bmitnora, in wnicn aisinci ns nas ne said, -out yru cant xaae your on Ve i--, LiMtMl Air th. nut tmm MM I naif! i and wUl aaU tonight on toe Prlno "How absurd!" protested tbe wo-Rupert for Vancouver to pay a visit man. "What harm could the picture, with hla son-lo-law and daughter. Mr. do to a little deg like this?" fOIT OU IIEIIAVINO cn the Prince Rupert to spend the "rve tried to teach my boy the value summer holidays visiting in tbs south, of money." She will return to the city by way of, "Oood thing (" Jaaper Park. I "Well. I don't know. He used to be- have for ten rents, but now he wsnta a Advertise la th Dally News It paya' usrttr " LAUOE CVU.IKET Special Dinners Thursdsys ntl Saturday Dancing etrry Saturday night from 9 to It Dance Hall tor Hire. Tbe latest and be tor the leaat. I'liow 457 Priee Five Cents LAWS RlinPYt tn Cphhn fp MAKE NEW PARK FISH ARRIVALS LOWER TAXES McGeer Urges Removal of Chief r -w i i jrvi r Dirttiaay Ot UOmimon Man at Head to Reorganize Force " w aa wa. w r ;rnUUITT't' COMMITTEE APPOINTED IniVIIVTCIl Til TO HAVE HUT Toft! TOTAL ittr nLrvi. u. i. 1 rOV. f I V T T. I. II IMTTI P.VTTI LLO III! AIXI USUI IHIFKM IU1WV a. ious Sports and Game Under Auspices of A he Native Sons un Monday Prince Rupert Assembly, Native Sons of Canada, is planning"! I'ing celebration of Dominion Day on Monday. The various com-!..' have been very busy of late and report all arrangements i lie event now complete. If Weather is favorable, the whole day r I lie an outstanding success. At 9.30 a.m. the program will ii v i t h h children's flag parade, headed by the Boys' Band, from "Id Court Hou.-e grounds to Acropolis Hill where at 10.30 ! the children's races and sports with free distribution of l A junior football game will be played at 11. The a'.ernoon's nrocram will odch at 1:0 with a Junior laeroiae game, tbe tint eaiiibiUcn ot boys who have been assiduously practltilng tor tbe put lew wee. Thla game wlU be followed by sports with the Senior football Uie final for the Dominion Day CHARGE Or AllKAMlEMENTti AT LAKE McLaughlin, and the complete reorganisation of the force, in kane ... ..vhruki- uiTiifim to i AAomTnv iiS oo"J Iwhich tbe Presni xiice commission and Mayor Taylor should ply MENT AS IS THE fAST VAMOOOVCR. June SO Howard Steen. Russell Oratuuu. P. w.;0'0 lrani " x ",a K lo " lc re a cut In taxation but declaring It Anderson and 'Oscar Larsen. waa ap " wnaowo. were piuo irej wruld not be effected by reducing any VANCOUVER, June SO. Evidence adduced at the police inquiry warrants the immediate dismissal of Chief of Polio IL V. Long, Detective Inspector John Jackson and Detective Sergeant no part, ciiOTUiug lu r.uuiiuai; ui n.c iuiucui ui v. vi. iirucu, IK.C, counsel for Police Commissioner T. W. Fletcher at yesterday Poreanadowing afternoon s session of tne Vancouver police department probe. Siena, mothers' pensions or other SEPE'L PROHIBITION ' VOTED DOWN YESTERDAY K,s;, .in ip, ty, in. ewaqgaw jkfBML JsW or waaova. 4aute, Pmberlea. 9.1c and Sc. fa pteoUclte here the repeal of mvblejn. lt.000 pounds. Canadian Mttoo was voted down by a majority Plah ft Oold Storage Co.. Sc end 5c. iof SSilOO vesterday. Dolphin. 10,000 pounds, and nose j L Spit, 5.000 pounds. Atlln Fisheries. 9.1c; CNB steamer Prince Rupert. Capt. D Donald, la due back at 6 13 this McGeer, in a recently completed summary of his brief of ar ument, contended that reorganisation - the fcrce should br Hi the hands of chi.' cnr.stible ol the hlgheit type. man pr-lrrably with military an J tngal training. Ic the iuuids of such a chief, argued) McUreer. could be left I the Question of which othe: mn . ". !.,. a a. a, 1 ' 1 ' .77' ! should be removed f n in the lore misca rrprsssnvauves oi tness socieues - m ri uaa lumumm that be would esuse a surrey to be j rSMSja, 80.000 pui lis. Csxadbktf.pKpved to reduce tmtloa tn sane made at the ground as well as a jxsait "" & Oold Storage f . a Ac and Sc. j busincssUae methods, m, dealt with try the provincial government for the I Buolu. 11100 Pu"f "n1 Bravo. 7.- tke flnandal sltuaUon at some length trrtlopmsst of a swimming pool. Tbe 000 Pouods, Atate FltWiee 111c and ' and stated that the gaswrnment hoped STEAMER COAL HARBOR IS TO BE RETURNED l .H. I EHEUAI, COritT DBTKKIM VUS-KL AND CAKUO NOT LEGALLY 6EIZE1 SAM FRANCISCO. June SO. The federal :ourt decrees that tke boat Oval Harbor with a cargo of liquor Is ot bo returned to tbe Vanoouvsr Coastguard BoaUwsUi talss snesaas as to bant srlssa SBtasd aft . 1085, erjaw sat atttog pmtm ei'tae The earns court dBcwia that tbe Quadra, same owners, remssns at tbe liands of tbe hands of Us OaMed SKotes government Tbe Quadra was sslasd la October. 1934. TOLMIE CLAIMS BeU. Conservative canrtHtam. Tolmie brought out tbe fOM. at the past two election with diBorent ainrnksai attached each turn and bad tailed to do anythlnc. Be chaijd that the govorn-irent waa atevstlng ltawlf Into the mil lionaire class by spending other , , . . ..k I nle's money i I fa d ear nil kiis iuuiui.'s wbui - tramway has been under construction and. in connection with this. . . k.. k..... . ,h.. l iroi.M';iU huui jvi v xoawasasBja saaasaisi-' a dock and camp j has been built at the beach. At the present time, j mg two hotels, several of the moat un- GRITS FALSE took four Uvea and caused heavy pro-! party damage near bars Many farms DECLAIMS) rrOVAHNMT ItltOUOHT were devastated. P.O.E. AT I'.ACH ' PAST NASHVILLE Tenn . June SO (later). ELSCTlONt Six persona were killed and millions of dollars worth of damage resulted from! RSTV&JTOstt. June SO. "The Paotflc ' the storm that swept Tennessee and Oreat Bastern la a long chaia ot brokso Kentucky Tbe power dam broke, the promises.'' declared Or. Totaue iMrs'laat riveri were flooded and many buildings night when speaking on bakatf of ABna destroyed. FIRE ALMOST WIPED OUT PUGWASH, Mi CHINESE AND JAPSCLASH P93CIN. China. June 30 Chinese and Japanese are clashing in Tainan where Chinese Nationalist agitators sac atimiag up feeling against the Japanese. Sentries have been sniping and several Jwne SO. j people have been killed th guerilla It la feared ; warfare. Liberal Party Committee Rooms Have been opened at the coraer of Second Avenue and Fourth Street. Phone 229 or visit the rooms and tee if you are registered OB the Voters' List.