mm CAR LOADS OF SILVER CONCENTRATES BOUND FOR SMELTERS JUNEAU, Aug. 32. En route from Mayo above Dawson to the smelters In I CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill LARUE CABARET Everyone readf the Classified Ad. Special Dinners Thursdays and If you loe, advertise tor It. Saturday If you find, locate the owner. Dancing ' 'every Saturday nlgbt (rum 9 to It. Whatever you need, advertise for It Dance Hall for Hire. PRINCE RUPERT Accomodation for Privae Parties (ii:t the classified iiaiiit. Phone 437 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper joi XVIIt. No. 197 PRINCE JIUPERT. B C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1928 Price Five Cents W TOLMIE CABINET IS ANNOUNCED X. UQVOR ACT WILL BE REVISED ANNOUNCES fOOLEY kw Provincial Cabinet Sworn in at Victoria and Take Over Administration of B.C. Affairs VICTORIA, Aug. 22. The new British Columbia cab- TIlinTrriVT riPl! Snct chosen by Premier S. F. Tolmie was sworn in yestcr- 1 flliv 1 IjLiIi rlull lay aiternoon at three o clock before Chief Justice Jlac- donald, administrator. . The new ministers have to make itcrmancnt arrangements to reside in the capital and for that purpose a good many of them have already left for their homes. In the meantime Premier Tolmie, It. II. 'ooley and Joshua Hinchcliffc arc on hand here and have ilrcady taken over the work of their departments. It is expected that none of the ministers will be official- 1y opposed by the Liberal party although there is always a possibility that some individual may decide to contest a scat. The writs will be issued for the by-elections as soon is possible. J. W. Jones is slated for the speakership when the. lliCKisIaturc convenes and II. I). Twigg will be his deputy. will be a week or more before the ministers are all in stalled in their offices.. The list of new ministers follows: Premier and Minister of Railways: Hon. S. F. Tolmie of iSaanich. President of the Council, R. W. Hruhn, Salmon Arm. Agriculture, W. Atkinson of Chilliwack. Attorney General, R. II. Pooley, Esquimau. Finance, W. C. Shelly, Vancouver. Education, Joshua Hinchlif fe, Victoria. Provincial Secretary, S. L. Howe, Richmond-Point Grey Lands, F. P. IJurdcn, I'ort George. Mines, W. A. Mackenzie, Similkamecn Public Works, II. S. Loughced, Dcwdncy. Minister without portfolio, R. L. (Pat) Maitland, Van couver.. Speaker, J. W. Jones, South Okanagan. BOATS TODAY LAIUJi; SALE ()K HALIIH T OS KX-C1IAM1E Till MOI1MM1 1 Toe Anna J. apt the boat price toda j at the local Own eacbange when she sold i 17.000 lbs. at 11:40 and 7c. Price aver 1 seed uround 10c Total sales were 264. 000 lb, from she American and seven Canadian beat. AMEKICAX Omaney 83.000 lb, to Booth PUncr-lea. at 10JK) and 5c. Poiemost M.000 lb, to Canadian Flab Oold Storage at 10.10 and 5c Pr.rtlock 17 000 lbs. to Royal Pish Company at 10.10 and Sc. Tot Ketchj-kau delivery Levtatbaa 38.000 lbs. to AUtn Flsfcer-s at MJO and 6e. Anna J. 17.000 lb, to Canadian Fish m cow ertorage at and w. Tfcalma M. 7,600 IU to Paeinc PUSer- Mary M. Christopher 14,000 H. ' Ml loyal Pisa Company at 10.30 and 7c. Prosperity A. 14000 lbs to Canadian Flab Cold Storage at 10.30 and 7e. Morris H. l.0f0 Rw. to Atltn Pisa Company at 10.40 and 7. Oibaoa 1,0M lbs. to Pacific Fisheries at 10J0 and 7e. K. W 7J00 lb, to Royal Ftafc ODm-pany at 10. 10 and 7c. W. T. 7.000 lb, to Atlln nh Company at 10.30 and 7c. Scrub 14.000 lb to Canadian Flan & Cold Storage at 10 JO and 7c. KEENLEYSIDE I : "I :i: " " : ! D OUK PARADE APPOINTMENT;: I lirIMT'll HAY IIK HI IX BE AVAIL. 1"K! ni.i; nm service in tokio ri awa, Aug . l The appointment I K.' Pearson of Toronto and Hugh uk-yalde of Vancouver a first and j i secretaries respectively of th de-p nt of utornal affairs, is announ n- " i'v the eivU aervioe commission will be wttSable for service In Mi- KnenltjMtoa. who I a daughter ' Mi and M. ,J. H. PUUbury of thi i at present a gueat of her par- iM-re She says they expect to go " ' in ralde but aa to future move- Mie is not aware. She ha no pre-'U-u or aotiig to Japan HOCKEY PLAYER SUICIDE PACT f-'HL HIKS AND VOI NO MAN IS (tf'.ltl-OI HI.Y I IX AS UMU LT or TAK-1N(1 (IILOItOIOItM Woodbtock. Aug. It The victim of " ll Kd sulci de pact. Gertrude Yeland "'' v u-s of age. of IngeewoU. met her ""Mi by ciilorotom near here and her " iiiuon In the alleged plot, netoert '''HI(U 30 n of Uran nUU nf '"'ry but her people objected. They iiici,,ip tried to commit aulctde. is a well known hockey flayer. i ondon. Aug. JJ The etatue of Pa-'"' Pan in Kenamgton Oarden wm '"'red and feathered by unklenttfled : : inst uight. ON SA 1(2 (KAtKKUS IX VAXt-orVtlt NOW VANCOUVER, Aug. 1- Determined to put an and to an epidemic or safe cracking and robberies in Vancouver, the polio department ha placed a prowler asruad of alx special off lorrs in au-tomobllea and armed with afcot-gun to patrol the atty every night. AGENT GENERAL IN LONDON A GUEST OF KING AT BUCKINGHAM "rlr House In Kngland llnlslird In Umtrrn llnnlmk Such as drown Nmf l(Uiert LONDON. Aug. M -The Agent Owner and Mr. Pauline wew the gueate of TlMdr Majesties at the jOarden Party at Buckingham Palace on juiy as, ana on the following day Mr. Pauline attancted the lunch given at the Maaalon Houte by Lord Mayor of London to the fifty youim prise winner who are proceeding to Canada under the Empire free .travel and acholarahlp scheme.. Through the courtesy of Sir OUea Gilbert Scott. R.A.. the eminent arahl-tect. the Agent General baa been aMe to obtain advanoe piior" j'-"-lloatlon of the prlne bouse tor wtatoh Sir Ollea has oenn W.KKltock, la aerkmaly fft fAn the ef- medal for 1WS7 The prtoelpaj fea,tu '" ..t the drug. of the house i the beut fjff n--,,rrtin t th. ,rv iWhe no- which la Urgely compiled Of B. plDMJer. " J m . .....4 hatlH UJAaiLftfn v the chUd, the couple InteBdcd the ohlef woon m,m.j ;" STATUE OF PETER PAN TARRED AND FEATHERED tmiwvvM . . . . iMd a a utility DU oally treated It Mold an effect which admired that It DMbmai generally wide recognition among j. now obtolnlnu .MBttecta and builders In Oreat Britain accessory .upertor Is decorative M a rxpensive hard-wwcJe character to mm -n mrc run I. OK wheat VANCOUVER. Aug a-T"1 "r -bet today Is H i'-' TWO CITIES Wear Sackcloth and Declare They Will not Kecognlze Canadian NEION, Aur. 22 Doukho-bor fanatics of the Sons of Freedom sect paraded in Nelson and trail Monday and Tuesday. They wore costumes made of a sort of flour sack material and they repealed that they would not re-cognize Canadian law but would live by God's law only. SLENDER LEAD OF NEW YORK GIANTS NBW YORKTAug. 22. Thank to Brooklyn, the Olanta retain a alende: bold on the National leadership. In the American League both the Yankees and Philadelphia won leaving the champion five and a half games in the lead. NATIONAL New York 3: CtMlnnaU 3. nooklyn 6: St. Loula 1. Bnaton I; Plttaburg 6. PhUadetphla 3: Chicago 1: AMKUICAN St. Loula 1: New York 3. XVteolt 4; BoetoO 3. Clevetand 4: Phlledelphl 13. Ohtoago 3; Washington 1. CO KT PorUahd 8: San Franalsee 1, WINS HIGHEST HONOR AT BEAUX ARTS SALON NEAR COLLISION OF CAR AND CICYCLE OartleM McKlnley. son of J W. Mc- Klnley, of Fourth Avenue esst. had a luck escape from serious Injury yes terday afternoon when hie btryde was smashed In a ooHtsion with a car driven by Mis Jean Bailey. Oarnald was cycling fast towards Com Bay when he met the oar drlved by Miss B&Mey ooouni; fTosn Cow Bay lust at the turn of .the road. With commen- Cable presence of mind be threw him self off the bicycle and Mia Bailey was able to avod striking him though the bicycle was badly damaged. ELECTROCUTED BY HIGH POWER WIRE WHICH HAD BLOWN TO THE GROUND PHOENIX. ARIZONA. Aug 23 -Five persons were elev'rocutcd last night when they stumbled aeraas a bare volt Mgh power line blown to the pround during a teniae wind atorm shortly betare miHrtgeit Three were killed tnstantl) mid two others met their deatfes when tryUng to rescue the three. l' 1 "Tristan and Iseult,' a group by Andrew O'Connor of Worcester Mass., was given the gf,ld medal at the Salon Des Artistes; first time the award has been given to a foreigner. Women and Men Are Arrested at w Mexico City Charged With Having Conspired Kill Calles and Gbregon MEXICO CITY, Aug. 22. Seven women and five men, all Roman Catholics, are under arrest accused of having conspired to kill President Calles and late president-e ect Obregon. Mother Superior Conception de La Lata is charged with being the chief plotter. The police declare the conspirators planned to kill the two officials last April by pricking them with a poison pin at a dance. , WILLREVISE LIQUOR ACT I'ooJcy Admits That This Will lie Done Government Taking Stock VICTORIA. Aug. 22. Attorney General I'ooley agreed that the Liquor Act would receive early attention, when seen this morning. Conservatives in touch with the party leaders have suggested that the act may lie remodelled somewhat after the lines of the Quebec Act. All the ministers except Shelly were at their offices this morning meeting staffs of their departments and receiving 1 visitors. "We are just taking stock now," I'ooley expressed it. Mre. Albert Davldnoa. wife of tttt General PretgHt agent of the Canadian National Railways at Vancouver 1 a passenger on the Prince Rupert to -city and will continue north to Alaskan points this afternoon. g. Hoover Elaborates Program in His Second Campaign Speech to 22rVCTwiWA by; Aid Agriculturists of States WKST 1IHANCII, Iowa, Aug. 22. Herbert Hoover in his second campaign Hpeech last niirht pledged the farmers of the coun try that if elected he would call upon the leaders of agricultural thought to join in a search for common ground upon which to act, in solving what he regarded as the greatest economic problem in America. Indian Boy Lost Both Hands and Head Injured in Explosion Skidegate Wharf This Mornii g As a result of an explosion from handling dynamite Reg: Green, Indian youth of Skidegate Indian Village is in Queen Charlotte City noBpital suffering from the loss of both hands and severe injuries to his head. The explosion occurred after the Prince John had left, the wharf at okidegaie this morning and in response to a call for help Captain Mabbs returned to the wharf, picked up thl unfortunate boy and conveyed him to Queen Charlotte City Hospital. The boy had apparently found some stiicks of dynamite in a boathouse and while handling them the - ..ojurrea. Nanea frcm village were In Immediate attend- .nee and the boy was given every at-cnticn and Ahen conveyed on board the! irtnoe Jshn which took him to Queen j charlotte City hospital where the doctor j 7ave him medical attention. ABNORMAL FLOODS NORTHOF ENGLAND ' LONDON. Aug. 22 -Abnormal floods are creating much damage to property and roads In Cumberland and Westmoreland while floods In Cheshire have moeght much damage to crops. Ha- yy awing at many points Is at a tat&neV UIEFERICKSON The Lelf Briofcson Society held their regular meeting test evening In the Metropoie Hall with John Selvlg in the chair. Business was mostly of a routine nature but the society decided to enter a team in tnu City Whist League for the winter. STOCK QUOTATIONS Noon titihlng Prices Today on Vancoa vrr Exchange (Courtesy at 8. D. Johnson Oa Ltd.) The foOowmg quotations were bid ad asked: Araenta Rufus 3TH.. 29c. Bsyvlew Tfct . 7, B. C. SUver 11.60. 11.78. Big Mlsaourl 46c.. 40c. Cork Prwrtnoc 2c.. SOc. Cottar Belt nil. 60e. Dune I Uc . 16c. Duttue 11.00. 11.03 Oaoite Copper 1140. 8.00. Georgia River 29c.. 32c. 3Sc.. 2Sc. nu. 7e. 1.11. M" Orandvlew S7c., S8e. Independenee 10c. 13c. Indian c. 7c. Kootaey Florence Slc, 21 He L. to L. lie. HVc. Lakevtew Sc.. 3c. Inwdamrth Sc . nil. Lucky Jun 37c. J9Wc. Marmot Metals lOVkC.. lie. Mormot River Oold lOVtO lOSo. Mohawk 414c . Hc National SUver 14c.. ltc. Noranda IIMO, UM. Pend-Ore(lle IU.M. til J5. Prrter Idaho eee., 7c. Premier UJ0. 41.41. Ruth Hope MVkC J. SUver Great 10s.. lOHc SUverado 706., 7S. SUveramltti 'te.. 8d. Steean King nil. 6a. Suntoek 40. 43 XK). Sfiowftake SSe.. 40o. Terminus Inc., lfto. Topley RtiOtfteid 59H.i 00a. -Tbrte 3AO. 43. M "White Water ti. M 14. ... WoiJnve i44c'S5c. OILS DaJti9ltate 4330. 43.43. Oevanlsh SOc . nil. Pabyott tHc. 13c. Home 43.73. II.7A. CHARGED PAT WITH MURDER The Injuriea are cf a dangerous nature an In add.tlon to the aback make pros-.KU1STKI BY MOt'NTIES IN 8A-SKAT- pect of his recovery doubtful. CIIEWAN ACTLKEII Of KILLING KAK.MKi: IIECIIKA. Aug. 22 Seven years ago Jo seph Oermalne. a farmer of Squaw Val ley, eight miles west of Oralk, myaterl- otuly disappeared from Bis farm. Tuesday afternoon the Mounted Police arrested Samuel Pat and charged him with the murder of Oermalne. Early In 1921 Pat worked for Oermalne and made an agreement with htm to buy the farm, paying a sum of money on the purchase price. Shortly after that Oermalne disappeared and no traoe of him could be found. Pat armed with the agreement of sale for the farm, took possession and horlety to Enter Team In Whlt League' continued to operate It. In Coming Winter ' INQUIRY INTO SINCLAIR CASE In connection with ths deportation of Charles Sinclair a court of Inquiry wa held yesterday with T. P. Pitch prattling. The accused Is resisting deportation to the TJnKed States. Though of Cana- Idlan birth he bad taken out naturali sation papers and a charge may be pre ferred against him of entering Cana- Idtan territory Illegally. He has appealed Mil ease and the loeal immigration au the aoutti nine oar load of silver eon-L, cu ""''" , ,hl. morning from a week, trip to Van- Government Telegraph returned to the cxntmte arrived .here ye.terday making uons 10 ne,I' '"uoe uispose oi crop surpiuBcs oiiu u.y ...r..- ooultr ou oBicM buatne84 H expects city on the Catala last evening from a n total ahipmeuf uvu year x thirty earjtioned the development of the waterways outlets from the mid-went to t) Bt rti6 tt Wp to Stewart and Alice Arm an. jUUUI load. the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Coast. 'r.ent week. duUe. thorities are now awaiting Instructions from Ottawa. REDUCE PACK ALASKA SALMON JUNEAU. Aug. S3 U. 8. FtafeerMw Ocnaatsloner Ol alley dedtared yester day that Alaska salmon pack was larger than the good of the industry would allow. He said he would approve a policy f eMUng the pack ta about lour aud a -half mllMon oases annually. Tiie present pack In Alaska will be 'aver five million cases. CANADIAN SWIMMER BEATS RECORD OF TAILTEANN GAMES BERLIN. Aug. II.--The Canadian Walter Spenoe smashed the Tallteanu nooMs In the 100 and 400 metres free style events yesterday. In the later he dipped 43 second off the previous re cord . CANADA PROSPEROUS SAYS CHARLES STEWART WINNIPEG. Aug. 33 Canada was 1r- orlbed as one of the most proaperoti countries on the face of the globe, offering unlimited opportanltk to thoso who are not afraid to work, m an address by Hon. Charles Stewart minister of the interior, before the Young Men's D. B. Finn, director of the Prince Ru-1 Liberal Club here. Hp omitted reference to the increase of the tariff on farm products pert Fisheries Experimental Station, re-1 the the Prince Oeon;r John Dorr, district superintendent of I... -Li. .i ft loi r,m .nrl rnrnnra- to city on ; IP