PAGE FOUR The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUNBIJ Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. 1'ULlN - - Managing Eduor. SUBSCHIIJTJCW , BATBB City Delivery, by mail or car.-ier, yearly period, paid in advance-$5.0u For lesser period, paid in advance, per month &o By mail to ail parU oi Nortiierti and Central British CoiaaiUs, paid in advance for yearly period $3.00 Or four months for $1.00 By mail to all other parts 61 British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance par yaar .... $6.00 By mail to all outer couiitries, per year $7.5 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per imai ilmi $1.4u Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $&JW Local Readers, per insertion, per line .25 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word Ji Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line Ju Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation rWephaa6 SS i iMitsr and Reporters Tftepdane - - S' DAILY- EDITION .Mw?r of Audit Bores at Clicalaiteiw Wednesday. Sept. 19, 1928 MANUAL TRAINING AND DOMESTIC SCIENCE IN SCHOOLS liy actual test it has been shown that school pupils who devote hall the school day to manual training or ciner technical work and the remainder to their other studies make just as good progress as those who devote the whole day to book work, fcven if this were not true, A l ray nr h in nil cases, the imnnrtnet nf nanus I lUi'l i. ::crn It . ' i A Hi an l' . a:iu '!.' : .i. some of ,:..;.;!.. i nrder to' osewho ' ' a ing and 1 . Brady - ir board -i.t... - i. "t from ssion. : y that sub-ind of : a -: : act it h the d to it. ae manual sob- studies. In an- WOMAN'SMINE PROVING RICH 34 1. I). Stevens of Hyder. Owner of Melvin I'roperty en Maraaofci:. Went Sairth Yaaterday . Mr.. D. Stevens of Hyder, owner of the Melvin group on the r.orth fork of Marmot River, wasj a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday for Seattle, accompanied by her son, Melvin Mathu. A .rike t' m;; ior importance : haa jost been made on the Melvin JOT petty, as asji.y certificate samples of same showing ounces of silver Jr ton with galena, grey copper and soma siac. i ne samples were taken fro a well defined veinof between seven and eight feet la width, situated in tht npper portion of the 1(e)- vin Syndicate property at 009 fet from the Eureka claim belonging to the Prosperity group which is new being developed by Preatfer. The vein has been traced for about 260 feet and stripped for about half this distance. At its lower end it crosses into Partar- Idaho ground. The management is so well pleased with the showing thai it has decided to continue to' work co it throngh the winter and material hi bow being accamttJatt-d for construction of winter quarters immediately. In the mean time, drifting on the ore is contin uing with a view to getting unde. the moraine which prevents further prospecting. An ore shed is o He built at once and 2,000 ore sacks have been taken up the MIL MOUNTAIN BOY iSEXAlN D ! W. J. Trctheway Went Smith Yes terday After Making Mhratt I naps i Una of Stewart Property W. J. Tretheway. managing en- rmeer of the Red Top mine, aw hnant tk Pat a la litav mt. e outer somes ; tbe p. wek at science ana Stewart making a thorough ex-its. Some sminstioa of the Mountain Bay ul in after IB'M OB behalf of the Pat Dih im ffevelopmont Co. of Montreal 4 nnt ha X U HOI SO hich recently turned down four Ome edUCa- attractive offers for tke property it is possible and decided, instead, to develop skilled in the ,nd operate the mine themselves. o teach those I Work is continuing on the high I i .1 Xg . . .mi lur vein mt. lde mimbuii imi t i or exchxied .j . ia r.,K.v,i. t..t . MM,f OUt it indicates 'for winter development will bt 1 the education j kt It is Pat Daly's intention to ship eighteen or twenfay tons of ore this fall. A camp has been PRAf TK L ILL! M.? AVION XT, "JZSZ V, ' ! i " n make better re-!bat a safe place has been found coros than those m the city? Because they are ant to emmp. become skilled in manual work, developing the hand and eye and practical judgment while at the same time carrying on their regular school work. When manual training and domestic science were i I 1 .1 .....,! ...U ! J I tL The property is located up Am Uiiruuuceu Liierv vtcic jjcujjic ahu vuusiuervu uicumetvwc; 8NOQUALMIE. Wash. Sent Vx so highbrow that they objected to their children learning sought as the slayer of Mr. to be carpenters or cooks. Today the work Is so much j and . Mrs. Joseph Kirk, of Dayton, esteemed that the best peop e consider those not so Arthur Bciweffer, son of ajroav .JC Aor q v,. .ial kamltMn i 'en Gmys Harbor family, was COST IS NOT LARGE When it is considered that the greater part of the cost of an extra instructor in each of those departments is l)orne by the provincial government and that only a small amount has to be paid by the city, it is plain that; there is no good reason why Prince. Iluuert High School pupils should be deprived of the advantages of manual tiainiii? and household economy and thus be handicapped in the race in future. If it was pood for those who passed through last year it is pood for those now attending. Parents are realizing this and object to their children being deprived of the work. They want them to grow up fully developed in a scholastic way and this cannot be done without the two most important subjects in thej school, manual training and domestic science. MRS. GULICK SOLD MOST MEMBERSHIP TICKETS FOR FAIR The campaiKU conducted by tin.' Fair i'xiard this year for the sale of Mcmlrshi) ticket in the Nfi t tn i n Ilr it iri Columbia Agri- (iili'inil j'.n.l Industrial Association i s'; 11 . 'i in the s;t!c of 2R0II 'i'-it- 'I'l.r 'Mist tilkl'ts WtTf .s wild l.v !r- i K. I, 'iln k vvlii.'l 1 iiinnuviiion and bonus, Mn.t 1 Culhk receives a cash prize of LEO PAT KELLY IS SENTENCED TO HANG LOS A.W.KI.KS. .-:,t 18 Io I'at Ke'ly. nn v t i .-f t!u mur-! ii.T f My ft.- I Mrlli, a o;-icly Woma- ;,.: y '' Wrft- i-.-ll-l. tod.,- iiuuced to liispositl of 1116. Uesideu more hang November 23 erican Creek. SLA YES IS SOUGHT arrested here yesterday. 77" EEP your shoes pliable tV.--in good condilion--and always brightly polished; by the daily application of Shoe Polish Nugget costs little 100 shines for IS cents. Thrre' Nugfrt htlr for erery ihom mmd t THE DAILY NEWS e I t I . Wi X' ' ' .'. IM' . , . dows and OrphdJislimited rf is upon them that the schemer preyi I Hie lure of easy money is almost irresistible and the savings of a lifetime are often gambled away, unknowingly, in unfortunate speculations. Even the husband and father, anzkxw to leave his family well provided for, often becomes tbe victim of some get-rich-quick scheme. Almost without exception, the results are failure and disappointment. When the head of the home is taken away, a hundred enticing baits are set for the estate he leaves behind. With the vision of winning Those who ht:ik themsc vex no Mdepea1ent that they cannot br ! swayed by the multitude would scarcely dare to grow whisker, would they? j SIse j things is not everything. Among that los thair charm a they increase in atse are rosebuds, children, ad heads. Jske asks why men like dumb ( girls. Coaldn't any, Jake. Most of the giria I know are anything but dumb, If hard to get a word edgeways. ' ! When the Eskimo aava a party in November they djo not usoalty mnn "We Won't Go Home Till Morning." There Jf a reason aa old man Post nays. 1'sually the worst slam " Hrl I J get would lit to b tiild Hhe' "just like her fet" AdvirtlM la 7h DaUT Nw for her children and herself, die wkKoV falls prey to ignorant or uastnmnbas advisers. There is one safe, sutetnethtrf elpe tecdng your loved ones after you are j . . . tbe creating of aa adequate through Life Insurance. And, by i ins for its Davment in the form oil Ur income for your widow, you cap fjMM her for as long as she may five. Let a Life Insurance - f epi e. tentative explain to you how easily and safdy you may provide for the future of your, family. . - I 1 '' ''' 'UJU -i LL'. J ! J.---H-f -LJ B!--J-lJ-ilJ ILLUMI,,!! n,.iuuj "" Man inth Moon jj ' 1 '1 W ix ""' . DISTRICT READERS Ot The Daily News Who do not subscribe for the paper but who occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit S&00 ind ksn every copy mailed to their address for the nsxt yeaiY; AD the News of the North, coast and country, from onr fliectal correspondents, as well as world events will keep you wen posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you stiff think of Hi