PAGE TWO increax wt'i. '. ;, pla: ... tpjjro.ii '..,- : on' a;', .: ' i :.. :., i. null' : ,; :,, bv . ;:. 0( iifi;- t: . ' ;,: ; H'" th- ',;.,(: t. t : ' v. ' !,' i II I!:- i prud.: 1 I. is fc. ' .- :. II. i w.i: C'h.s."-..;: ii.i try of .: :.' II..1(! rt:- .. lilt- . wv-r-trnn.'-u.: ' .'.t nr. :i. hji :. Ill pirtl: ! - : i it'll' nv-hit Uii' ' c1i:mu:-(! u :, ptir.i'. to Tcl.'-r.o mi'lti' r J :.".' ' l . o( -n. , 'I 1U- pas'ih:!;' grca'. :a.i;tn. thcr. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT The Canadian Northern aline Lid. with which Cast Scotte. who hs socnt BKITISH COLUMBIA Published livery Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor SUBSCRIPTION 'RATES' ! City Delivery, by r.iaii or carrier, yearly1 pefirj. tor-id in advance $6.00 For lesser period, paid in advance', 'f'thbhth . : 50 By mail to all parts ni .Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly perldd $8.00 Or four montns for : $1.00 By mail to ali other part of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year . . . $6.00 By mail to ali other countries, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.S0 Lecal Readers, per insertion, per fine .26 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word 2 Ltgal Notc, eaeh insertion per agate line 15 Contract Rates on Application Advertising? and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION 98 84 Tuesday, May 22, 1928 News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Rtflish Columbia to Make New Mining Records Thin Year-Activity Promise;! in Catwiar District Premier and dranln Production 1' i- '!"'. .v.t.n: :c;c " . .'', :; . ,u uj; aenfn ivi.-tc- a iVi-nl ) i:i iih- I ii . . im : in liritNh 'oJ'in;:ia. v.-f i ' - .. ! . !; . n.ii uii: ..i.'iv J.'.'!' a n;iinl ini.i.iii, :.:., , , ., , , , , , m,,;, . thf lil-.lji Wll! He ...,v - ' ' ' I ' . : ! ' I ! !.' : I J 1 t , . .i'ili lill'ir I j iuii: new i!in:c- wii! i,i asii. : ': m: Th.- riiin.Tiil .r...liict toil I'm- 'n' .'.n aNci pi :r,-,-- i,. ti.- on r. . i-.-:n-.'n:i;' alx.iit 57o.uiHt.oiMt. -.,.r ii,m tn. Ii-' ,.: nit-Ial- a- w.-ll a.- coal will In- '!p i.. in .' t::..i T - t'.tl.i ; uiiiVii ha- Im-.mi lar- ... ,, M- , -i un :ji i c.t 1 IKK' w.:: ln in As Healthful as It is Good l . ! i . 22H The best way to start the day, Simple food - thoroughly baked. Ideal for spring with milk or cream. TRI5CUIT- Shredded Wheat in wafer form ladv The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd, IV lira' Net :i. H I.) f 1 : :..!i. ; .v fn. - ' 1 ' ' 1 ' .ifcw Ol -:ittu men is working on tt. The property n dlkcovered In 1910 and ship-pel Intermittent! tn the early days. the past flftn years In prospecting the ! OTtfWA BT iinCfDIDCn IU country tributary to Deaae and Llard i ajlfiWfUU UiiaJUiAl DjjLf ll watersheds, u associated, plaas tu test by drilling an area on Thlbtrt and Vowell Creeks with a view to nutulim- plant for the recovery of gold TneAmMtle Hrorharr Imited hy Advanre-ground also contains platinum i !.. f v,rtien The lower end of Thlbert Creek neal Dtase Lake, has been extensively worked by hydraulicklng and mucr gojd has been taken out. ' . Cspt. Barrlngton Is to make n thorough tett of the placer );olrt prospocU of Clearwater Elver thij vanuner and th?re will be cans.dtrablc wirk gclni; on at M-Datue mln.ii In likely to tee Its ltiaugurat'on th! yor as reft-It of the wvrk of Dr. Kerr of the Oe-'.sg.-al Survey and the LudysmitH TldiAittr M:ainn Co Intend." to de-vel-jp : pr jRnsiUK pr sped ronventently locaiert mr tiw Stlklne R! i-r n r aourtn of ore lor the Ladymlt h sni- lter Tl " Premi.T Qold Mlninx O hB rep:. . nil (.v.iou' vf 3.201.21b ,..n .'-C .pr M"il lTMi'm 'tmr" , M INTERESTING BOOKLET "Stewart, tite Gateway City" la the title of an ambitious sad interesting fcrty-psge brochure which fess hesn is- gue Generously llluctrated. the hook-1ft deals extensively with Portland Canal mining as well as other potential lod unities and there la also a thorough rxptsltien of Slewart'a claims to being made the Pacific Coast rail outlet for the Ponce River and Groundhog countries A description of the port of Prince Rupert is given a full page lit the booklet. Mis John Bulger received a telegram last night that her brother. William r''.lbr..ith of Vancouver, was drowned i.nrt reqitcctlng that she come at once. f:tc is lcKVini: thlc afternoon on the SUCCESS FOR PLAYERS' CLUB "f. YOI A MAHOV MOT AMIilT-KHS PI.AV YET HT.!J l.V exohiIksit act rw TIIKEK APT CO.IBIIV IHItBCTW) IIV A. A. fONNOS PltOVlS BliHT MIT OF NBHIBM MO FAR Wllh a splendid production of the well-::iowii thiee act comedy "Ape Tou a Mason?" before an audience which took up all the capacity of ine West-holme Theatre las: uight, the Prince Rupert Plsyers Club added probably their best hit to a growing Hoe ol successful Derfcrmanoas "Am You a j Mason.-" pofslbly the moat ambitious I farce the clu!) ha yet attempted, went over in excellent style anil reflected I credit upon n:cniter oi the caste. l:i-iciud:. a i.uinber oi new faces on the (local amatcui aug". the sae dire-tor Alex A .Co:u:c;i. antl all thoe who nui .r.ytMrji u; d with the putting on j.l the i!ow T!:e play, lasting about 'wo hours ai:tl a half. Wjj well sus tained throughout and there was hardly a dull moment in its enure course. "Apt You a Mascn? ' perhaps more than many other farces, must be portrayed !!vly manner If It it not to fall way ,1: was done last 'lllng flat. -en a Mi i fivin ii i: inn or -ed the aw ' lat -terlng .im gro- cabaret door-1 : the other men, was ! ..-ion emerging from the . the proper moment to "brothers ' lean Grieve and Miss Virginia made winsome though lovesick .upper." daughters of the redoubtable motfwr-tn-law . Mrs J J Muldoon earned out the part of the obsequious (to the mcUvr in-law i housemaid In a capable man- UAJY NEW TO REDUCE FIRE RATES IN CITY? IWU'ECTOHM OF NIMHIWIIITEIW AHHOC1 VTION COMIVCi IIBIIB Ttl JUKI! MSC'MhHAKV INVtftfTI-CfATKS liXHpl of sui' ' " W. 'A: d.-eurVfifiSf Vancouver, advance agent for i number of inspector of the British Columbia Insurance Underwriters- Association who will be here Uurtly and will spend aome time In the city niaXlng th- neceasary Jnvestl-ifsUons with a view t j bringing saout a eduction of tire rate.-, m Prince Stupert. U here. It 1 expected that some drastic MducitaM in ttae rates may he made alnoe It U well known that local rates are dlsjiropcrtloskately hlh in oonjparl-Mp with such plaees a.s Ketchikan where the risks art mucti greater It is suggested that a general cleaning up of premises from the file ha- ....jiuiiMi mii hj nmriusttve Of I wu uvfi" r much Kcod In thii c.nnrction. i Man in the Moon ill ' 11 IIM Did you ever keax ol toe man who put in id. tn Uic matrimonial paper and his fiancee answered it. Any person Who wishes to live without mends and at cross purposes with the neighbors should make habit ol telling the truth all the time in low vtb oa arvwi j proclty. I suggest that we might arrange to send the prairies a llttie Of cur sunshine and revive In return a ! little of rftelr rain 0I Among the things that won't get. a , ycu anywhere is offering Woaderphone' , f stock st collateral at the bank. I Farming snastlnm pays. I heard of , e who sou his plsce to golf club 1 d made twenty thousand dollars. if you can't stand being bored, you probably s lowbrow. i Due doubtless to the unfavorable est her the crop of spring pastry has er. lighter than usually. Twa spring and fife Was all a dream - love became ."v writing theme ii winter came m job I lost i . e poem to i dogs 1 ' l) you ever kstow aay at success In life order clothes? To marry her I did propone Said see, "not Ml Mall order clothes." KETCHIKAN hTuBUT FISHERMEN MEETING iltans to lreot Jlerr Selld lrwt In Kepanl to Iw rrleea An impromptu meeting on short notice issued by J. B- Johnson. Ketchikan manager of the Flahhi, Vessels Owners to members of the order and to members of the Deep Sea Fisher - ner. Minor roles were thoie of Mts mens Union brought out soroe fifty ..largarct Palmer, the elderly farmer's : graons Wednaaday night in uoion hall wile from upstate, and Miss Ulllan during which matters of ln'rt to Crots. a cloak fitter l halibut fishing were discussed, anya the One of the features of the jlay was , Kstchlkan Chrwnlcls. the elaborate cottumes worn by some i rnnk Ssmera. aecretary of the Deep of the ladies. 8ea Fishermen's Union was present, Sxcell-nt music was provided for the as welt as Mr. Johnson, opening, closing and Intervals by the j The low price of hail but jud other Westhmoline Orchestra under th question in connection with fishing erection of Charles P. Balsgno. i promoted the call for the meeting. A Att4NTlM ukriCJiLM i resolution waa adopted in which , .Assorting,. m lajM ,OsH,;iHjr msW making the bouse arrangements, etc., ere the following: Business mnager. Oeo. C. Mitchell. 8 1 i;ne manager. B. J. Hunter. Stage settings and accessories and costume committee, Miss N. Rlvett and Mr D. Thermion Make-up. M J. Dougherty and Mra. D niouinon. House mansper. Dr J. R Oosse. Cashiers. E. J. Smith and C. B. Porter. Usherettes Misses Csrollne Mitchell. Molly Cross, Prances Croas. Msrjorie Lancaster, Laura Frleell and Margaret McGulre. Prompter. Miss Wills Dyer. NEW STORE TO OPEN IN JUNE MM 11. I'tOI'Li: I'KINtil'ALH IN XKW XKWlt, I tsrimn There Is to be s new .drygoodv Weif ladywenr shop In town. t will open on the Federsl Block on Third Avenue early in June, the principals being J M MacCormlck and A Brooksbsnk witl, the msnagement in the hands of Miss Etln Robertson. Mr. Brooksbsnk la secretary of the t board of trade and Is well known hem a one of the pioneers of the elty. Mr. i McCi rmack nan lived at varloua points ; .:i the dlMrict and lx well known In the city Mis.s RobertDon I &aid to be experienced in this line of business in the south. present piedfjed Usemaejveji ti aid in' every possible , manner in the more complete organization of their respective associations in order that t.icw engaged In fishing might present a ' more solid front in everything pertaining to their mutual interests It waa the opinion present that mere were a good many phases of the fishing game which could be greatly assisted by closer co-operation. iikii.ii. sruiNrm ion canaiia The production of mineral waters In Osnads in 1937 t. mounted to 0S4W gallons, valued at .114,600. and waa derived from mineral springs located In Ontario and Quebec. Spring waters cuirnlning minerals in soblHon. or a they are usually termed, mineral waters, occur in many parts of the Dominion Msny of thean am utilised commercially, both as potable waters and for bathrng purposes. At several Of the springs where the waters have curative properties, hotels and aanl- 'ixrul Some of the Bo vol Is often better than a heavy meal ' ' " " .s in. r-- .-.a,.Jai. . ! ',Ji-"J msjSsHs-ga,. i INS I S t ON S TOpR LING -:- GIN 30 (Wealern Iteffion) OR a quality Gin possessing the most pleasing no flavor, ask tor bialmg London Dry. 1 It is distilled bv experts according to the best w j aB London tradition and is thoroughly rectified to obtain perfect purity and sparkling clearness. Sterling John Collhu C Two-thirds cocktail glass Sterfatg Landon Dry Cm. utce ol' one lemon, patcc of ice, one teaspoonfta augjar. bottle cold eoia mblan pin mm Oragon pine. The tree grows throughout the southern part of Sritiah Oolumhla and the sawn lumber is shipped from Pacific coast orts. Subscribe for the Dally CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS . SBALBD TBHDBBS will be received at uiiice uiswe u qi untsi smuifsr. winn sic untu twelve o'clock noon. Monday June i, fMi 'or rtplsoement of Forty-Six Woadpn Bob Culverts by Concrete Pipe en fasithen and Xamloaps Division Specifications, etc.. can be seen and form of tender obtained at the Off loo -f Dietrlet Bhgincer. Vancouver. Acting jffiimrtoot'' mf11 D,tolon Tandera will noTbe considered. unless o&w is saisLSd Ali? oTtSSUSa Shklai to frve per cent of the value of the work payable to the order of the Treasurer. Canadian National Bail ways The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted W A. KINqSLAHC. May !. 1MB. 123 Pons No. U. Section SSI LAND ACT. MiT in: oj- intbntTon to apply TO PUltCIIVhi: L.1NII In Prinee Rupert Land Beoordlng Dis-trlct ajssituate aboi-.' a aaitss from the Mil mil n.l Knr uMt Strmg Sterling Gin Vy G; One lump kx an tusabler. aaoe a one icaioii or Kmc Sutlm Lmdtm Dry Cm Fill uj with soda wiser LONDON GS W wt 4 Thia advertisement is not published or displayed by thr Liquor Control Hoard or by thr Covernont of Uritiah Columbia. thermal springs are utilised princip ally lor mineral hatha. .111(11 T HOKIUIH FIB. The Umber cf the Douglas fir la sold under vsrteaie nimm limlsi fir Oal- B.C.. TAASj sns thaae the NOT! Ell Wl! AflSHnr stive ffCrrUJE that tK. n..i. WeaUm Mining Company cf Vancouver! occupation Mining company, in- tends to apply mw j for m pwriuj. perminsn sian to to pur-lowing descriiri lands: commencing at a noat anted one foot distant from the Witness twst nn inW.fft.WSf Lo' 173: 'hence westerly 80 chains; the aoe armherly so chains- ti" n.c f!"uJly 60 ": thence northerly 10 cha1 is. and containing 8 100 seres, more or leu T. PARDOS WILSON. ,Jl Pr'no1 P Lnd Recording Dts- root south of S.VV P" planted one tfcfnc rout 1 westerly 100 chalrutrJJS. easterly 10 chains, more 0 lJSJ-' JSISS nortbeav eriv 100 ehstn. Ins; thence fh.lVT-. was Lull nlnii lao ion - acreaTSSrS --" SO chain., sad containing F. PARDOE WIION Agent for Detroit Western Mlrlm, r Dated 18th April, 1938. DEMAND "Rupert Brand' pers '"THE IiAINTIKpTT DICHAKKAST POOII." SmoLed Dally hj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage fr. W 1 enms! f I'rlnce Ituperl. 1LC Tennis! SUM OUU NHW ItACKIiTB .S7.r0 In ID.OO Itm Hnjls nre In Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 CORSELETTES - Sl'KCIAIv-r Mllht WclRht iforselctle f'a'ncyPlnlt Jscquanl '"'J;-4 irarter supports, 2 one-piece elastic Inserts. $1.25 Sixes 82, 34. 86, 38. Each V Snlin SJrfpe Coulll Corwelelles, 4 garter HUpports, 2 elastic inserts. All sizen Jisch ,.n.-'i'ff $1.75 Fraser Payne Universal TrntlinR Co.