rnduy. May 22, 1928 MOST PEOPLE KNOW -i9a-SBS. These 1 hings Already T" have your presirription filled at Ormes is to knsw that mirredienta are exactly t)ioe your doctor ordered, that they i nr purest and freshet t obtainable that the measurements minutely correct, that the dispensing is done at all tints llltlN'C; VOUK PRESCRIPTION TO ORMES tmes lid. ytc Pioneer Drttotisis THIRD AVE. V SIXTM ST. TELEPHONES 8? ,200 CATARRH Catarrh in an inflammation of the mu-i'ou memiirnne and occurs first in acute form, being almost invariably the result of elements in the circulatory system which irritate this particular tissue. The most common location of this inflammation is the nasal cavaties rfnd throat became they are subject to noxious jrasses breathed from the lungs as wall as internal irritant. Repeated attacks of acute nasal catarrh will by reflex activities of the nerves irritate intrinsic muscles of the neck, causing subluxation of cervical vertebrae, pressure on nerve trunks and a permanent im- "i functions resulting in a chronic condition. 1 n.i.-al catarrh is left to its own ultimatum, the inflam-ii sun y spreads to the sinuses of the fackd bones, .in tubes and Inner ears affecting hearing or vision, in condition will be easier dealt with now than later. CONSULTATION FREE Dr. C. O. McKAY, D.C. Hioncl.'il. Wallace Itlock. Open livening. Canadian National Steamships Co. Umited Prince Rupert 'RYDOCK AN!) SHIPYARD Operating Cs.T.l. 40,000 Ton Heating Dry tnlneers, MachlnlstK HotlerBiakt. WliickHitllhs. IH". makertt, Kunders, Woodworker BLK(rri(IC AND ACHTYI.BNK WBMN- Our plant is equipped to handle all Kind of MAIIINK AND COMMEflCIAI. WORK-IMIONBS 43 and SM I Local and Personal -atflea' Taxi Service. Phone 339. Dentist. Dr. J. R. Uoase. Phone 888. Skating dally. 3 to 4 and 8 to 10. tf for the summer. to Vancouver. habui, S Phb W. Mr. Olof Hanson iWbea tainting 4 ANNOUNCBAI KiVTS "Are You a Ma"r.?" by Players' dub. May 31 and K in Westholme. Women f Mooaeheart Legion whist drive and dance June 1. Canadian Legion Picnic June ,10. Deing so woiiderfui, and after taklnc iwo bottles I am entirely relieved of y tronble. ManufwturM only bj The T. JUlbura My IJmitoo, Toxe-lo, Oat, tt and Risen tf D. Smith or toe C.M.R. electrical department arrived In the city from Interior on yesterday afternoon's tratn. The Junior Football League game between Booth and High schools, ached-uted (or tomorrow evening Is James H. Thompson returned to the city on yesterday aiternoon'a Ualn alter having spent the week-end at Terrace. There was no meeting last night of the Young People's Society of First United Church. The next meeting will be next Mcnday evtnlng. A. J. Oslland of the cut'.oms excise department returned to the city on yesterday afternoon'a train from a trip to the Interior on official duties. 'Are You a .Mason?" is a scream (rem start to finish. Don't fall to aee It at the Westholme Theatre tonight at 8.16. Reserve your scats at Orme's. 130 If you have been unable to get a reserved seat for "Are You a Meson?" at the Westholme tonight, don't forget that there are two hundred rush seats for sale at the Theat.-v- at 7:80 for 75c. 130 spending the pasu two weeks at her TITIC DAILY NEWS , - L 1 I Sweet Dreams " wjfoitfl NiSlSiB qWEBTORBMIS are n O sure to come if you BH sleep in one of theM fadnat-H ing confection! Mr Belle u nighties and pyjimii are made p from our lovely lockstitch rayon, luaurioualy toft and fine end in all tlx beloved pastel shades (Jain or hand painted. Many delightful Mylef are obtainable and all are inexpensive and give long, sstufactory wear. f Look huUe all rayon lingerie for the May Bella label when shopping for yourself ec little grrL Oatsrio Silknit, liWted Toronto Canada ii Xinq&de ALWAYS IN LINE WITH THE MODE Get toe Big if a Tail, pturnt )racticaHr plaho -for talc. PootbalJ tonight jit 6:45. Orand Terminals vs. Th'latf For a Taxi Phone 1290. Oscar Hanson, land. Central Hotel, tt H. 8. Parker returned to the city on the Cateda this irrtornlng from a busi-neas trip to Stewart . Dr. i. A. Weat who Is now on a visit to Vancouver, expects to return to cltv.Xpe,,?, - - Passengers sailing this afternoon on the,,jqatala ,tor Vancouver win include R. H. McUcnlen and T. H Oreenwood. J. Atkinson of Dawson .who has been on a trip te Toronto, will sail tomorrow morning by ttie Princess Alice for Whltehorae. William Jeffrey, Indian, was fined $15 with the option of 14 days' imprison ment, in city police court this morning for drunkeaneea. Retail s teres will be closed all day Thursdky, Victoria Day and open until 10 o'clock Wednesday night. Retail Merehanta' Assorts tana. Mrs George O. Bushby. who has been spending the past few weeks In the city, will sail by the Catala this after noon on bar return to Victoria. D. E. Murphy went out on the Ualn yesterday aa conductor having been transferred to this division with the opening of the dally train service. The city police, saw. desirous of receiv ing information aa to the whereabouts of A. J. Duffy and Dave J. Robertson for whom relatives axe inquiring. Milton Oonaalea will salt this after noon on the Catala for New Westminster where he WUI assist In the pro secution of the Sankey murder ease which will be herd next week. Charles Belnholt, boat builder, and Mrs H. w. Worry, both of Fort Seeing-Provincial Constable Oeorge Wyman ton. are among Use witnesses in the arrived in the city on yesterday alter- sankey murder east who will sail to-ncon'a train from Hasetton nad will ajght on the Catala tor New Westmln-aall tonight on the Catala for New Mr. Westminster whet be will be one of the witnesses tn the Sankey murder j w H Thome. ON baggagemen. who has been running during the wln- . ter east of Ssalthers. is back on the rather D. - J. Mortarlty. OM V of trains on this end of the line, having Vancouver, who has been conducting arrived from the interior yesterday af- a week'a mission at Stewart for the man Catholic Church, arrived in the city on the Ottala tola morning The post oslce retstrUon and sen- and will go to to Anyox Anyox to to conduct era! delivery wlefcets wUl be oosn from another mission before proceeding, to a ajn. to ll .m Tt...r.v K intaiA ! ' saw a-vevs. BUBllr aAlihV -rill Bs, fsu-M 1 e ssvee wsjm at II SSOat- (to 6 pjn. only on that day. tt being bo baa been the Mav 34 seneral holk country home , A Vehe Eatt uyn. re- "Are You a Maaan" starts at 8:U. tarns- o the city m ymtttMy after- B ,OU are not seated ev then, the s tram. mi m reMtrntng iWHn wm not seat -you until the es M plfA Ml t-a-thjat the first act Je-a ttsse W 'finally - to- take un. .realdeoce enjoy the play from start to finish a Ittae Westholme Theatre tonight. Dulon steamer Catala, Oast. I A. Dickson, returned ti port at 11:45 this morning from Anyox, Stewart and cthrr northern pomis of' oall and will sa" at, .Vn'filriri Ajniig fur ha win " "trot tj iSjsjggeaWs- stfirthr i IB aV1usi " iji tn noitfi on irte veeaei "included ISO -nie aaarun ano sua Joe Marin and Mrs. Laoni. u. Edna Dobbte. student nurses of tha who reached the city at the first of the rrince Kupert oetteral Hoapltal. re- ftam SMwart. left on this morn ' -Bnwowy iw ings train lor Bocheeter, Minnesota. noons train aiier naring spent hell- whence they win proceed to Quebec -w hi hh wicnor: posakMy saaklne i trls to tin ou saass saarun at. rraee ana sues use- Country oe at copper city. I Don Matheaon on af City Treasurer Conductor W. D. Mozley. who has and Ma. D. J Matheseo. who returned L-een on iretgnt serriee sor the Can-, to the city recently trosn hia atudia. at man nauenai atailways far the psMbe University of Britiah Columbia coupte or years, la hack on the as-.h,, left tor Stewart where he wUl be eenger trains again tor the sumaaor. 'emptoHd tor tha summer at one of mucn to the appreciation of his many the friends, He easae In en yesterday's train, the tint extra under the dally train service. oger Knox. Indian, was fined SSfi with the opton of thirty days' lmpri- senment. by Meeiatraar McClvmont in Bngineer Ootnaaander T. H. Oreen-.eiiy police court this moraine for wood. R.N , retired, who sustained In- Ihsvlni Uouor in his niissassinii An juries some six weeks ago when he fell additional fine of . with fourteen otr tae tug Lome aboard which he was nays' option, waa imposed for drunken ersgaged as second engineer and has nets. since been a patient in Use Prince , mupcrt oeneral Hospital, will aaU by The regular monthly dinner of the toe uaiaia wis evening on Ms return : Prince Rupert Shrine Club was beld skat night In the Commodore Oafv it was merely a business session, uc entertainment being put on out of deference to the memory of the late mssnber. Noble P E Clapp. President W. B. Tobey occupied the chair and about twenty members were present r. u. nice, n v.ua. is a passenger abeam the Catala today going through nam Alice Ann to New Westminster whan he will be witness In the anwy murder case Mr. nice has been Rose Carnival In Moose Ball, June IS. urvTU lately for the tram i:ne the Wivw r vrest MinlUK oo. plana puttlnr Mooae Plcilc. June 94. ln to the Saddle property at Hastings - Ann. SALT RHEUM T W. Falconer, well lawn All Mn All Ovrtr uver ner Hot nana9 Unrtrln Arm mrcnnl Conservative nom- tor Atim m m. nt provincial and BetWGGn FinPrr,Q ". l pwnger aboard the Mrs. Walter Misner, Midvill,. Branch, eouver for a brief trip. Mr. Falconer N.8., writea: "I had salt rheum all nw foiulderablc confidence as to the over my hands, and espci'iallv between cutcctne of his candidature In the elec- wy Angtn. It was iniposiU for us Uon. He says the people are desirous to put them in water, or do my house .of making a change work. . "After tryinff medirines aud salves, whie.h did me no Rood, I beard of Noll!,. Bradburffee it. Beniaki itHMI Alloc Aim: .I'm D if I Campbell, dm inni P. McKlnuon. ifairi. I'.coi-kc Joy. C 8 RuiiklB, O. Spring; H Vooi, J. E Taylor and Lee Hopkin iicm Anyox. E. A. Mortimer, Father D J Morlarty, F Ckimlln. H. 8. Parker. R T. Applryurd. John BrOtnan. E. Lundgrrn, John Porrln. Mr. Vande-wooi't. Martin JoIuimoi and D. S.Moore, from stoAiirt Then- S(e also a h umber oi i ! 'wiiKem oint through to Van- tvlilll - SYNOPSIS OF LrtilACTnliENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vaoant, unreserved, surveyed Crown lands may be. pre-empted by British subjects over II years at ace, -usd by aliens on declaring latentlon to scine British aublects. eondl-tkwial ufwfl resideace. eoopatien, utU tmprovsmeat ter acrteullursj vurpeaee. FVll InfermaUen oeneernlna rru-.atisns reaardlea pre-empUans Is riven In Bulletin No. 1. Land Series. "Hew to Pre-empt Land." copies of Men can be obtained free of charge If addraaebig the Department of Laaaes. Victoria, B.C.. or to any Government Agent tleoonla will be r ranted coverlni only land suitable for agricultural purpwsee. sad which la not timber-tana. La., oarrylna over t.OOO board feet uer acre weat of the Coast Ranss and t.WC feet per acre east of that itance. Applications for nre-eraotlons are to be addressed to the Land Commissioner of the Land Record lax Division. In which the land applied for Is situated, and are made on printed forms, ooplee of which oaa be obtained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be oooupled for five years and ImDrovementa made to vsJus of 110 per acre. Including clearing and cultivation at least five aerss, before a Crown Oram ean be received. For more detailed InfermaUen see the Bulletin "How to Pre-empt Land." PURCHASE Application arc received for pur chase of vaoant and unreserved Crown lends, not being tiniberland, for agricultural purposes, minimum trles for first-class (arable) land is I per sera, and second-class la-raj- Ing) land 11.10 per acre. Further In formation regardlntr purchase or lease of Crown lands 1 given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Series. "Purchase and Lsees of Crown Lands." MUL factory, or Industrial sites oo Umber land, not exceeding 40 acrse, may be purchased or leased, the condition including payment of turn pegs. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurvsved areas, not eioeedtac It " sores, may be leased as homsslles,' conditional upon a dwelling; being ereoted In the first year, title being obtainable after residence and Im provement conditions are fulfilled and land has been surveyed LEASES J For araslna- and Industrial pur- poses areas nef exceeding 140 aret may be leased by ' ,ons person or a i oetapeny. QHAilHO i I . . . ... Under the uraxing Act tne rro ; race Is dlTldeJ Into graxln dlstrlota m U9 raae inimvifiw wuwr m Oraalng Commissioner Annual graslng permits are issued based pa numbers ranged, priority being gives, te established owners. Steek-ownera ear form asoeiahens for range management. Prea or psrtlr tree, peemlU are aTSilnbls ter setUara, asvwpeca an4 traeeUtira. o te teat heaWL Sitvertewsis "mm i The. high standard of value and appear a nee demanded by owners of TTown Qar" and Gadabout" alike, is fully met by Silvertowne, the tires with a background of half a century of public confidence. i$ 1 i Silvertewn Tint arc made ey tht Ca-nadian Cwxlitd Company at Kitchener, Ontario. jK Jv W. O. McMortis. Ihv'I y. tne K:'.- sault-Eagle Ltd . i.- u rtaseniei aboard Use Catala today oiag through to Vancouver after a trip of inspection to the company's properties at Alice Arm.; WUl lam Hood, who Is identified with the Vancouver Holdings Co Ltd. which la reconditioning the Portland Canal Railway at Stewart. Is a passenger aboard the Catala today going through to Vaaemiver. Gosoclricli. DON'T MISS CD 177 r KlZz Great Sflnd C7hqy CoszJSMgrc Sstl v 1 Further sensational reductions for Wednesday on every article in Ihe store NEVER AGAIN SUCH A MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITY SPRING COATS YARD GOODS DRESSES NOTIONS MILLINERY SHJi UNDBRWKAR SILK HOSE ETC., ETC., ETC. S. FRIZZELL Third Avenue Canadian National Q7jc Largefl Railzvay Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SKKVICE Sailings from llllNti; HITKKT tor V.tX OUVfclt YICTOHIA. SB TTI.E. and intermediate points, each Till Ki.V and SI NItAV at 11 pjn. For KK1TIMKAN and ANYOX. each M KKNK.Him . 4 p.m. For MTKiVtKT each HATl ltli.W at 10 p.m For NOUTII and MMITH Ql KKN ll tKl om: S, M(. Fortnightly. I'.tNMiN'dKK TRAINS I.BAVK PKINt K IttirKKT IIAII.V K.Vt'KFT HI'NIl.tY si It.SOu.m. for I'HINCK IlKOIIIir:. KIIINTI)N. WI.NMMiti. all point KaMrrn Caiiudu, t'nlled states. tUBNt'Y AM. IIVKAN MTKAMHIII' LINKS. lit t'snadian Nat tow I Kxprtos for Mooet Itidrrs. rerelga I'heuues, rtr,. alto for jeur nett slilpment. nrv thk:t nrriCE. awi tiiimi wt... fhinie iiiu'eht. IcanadianJ 'llWSTif niir...., mmi nxniivT very rrrauT. hi p.m. .tgeucy for all steasashln Lines. Full iiilur Button IV. C. RCU,IH. Oeiirrnl Arrnt. Lurnrr or em Mrrtt ana sni ,renae. iTInrr Kiiiert. ItC. Fbeoe tbO Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Kelrltlksn, HrsHgell. Juneau, aud Nkagway May 2, l, 33. In YutM-ouvrr. le(r aud Nwttle Ma u, in, .' A. . ntlNCkH KOY.tl. )" I4lfl. Kast llelia llelia, ticean t'ailN Nautu. Alert Ikty. tfeeh-- I'Jmhis tl EVERYONE ELSE DOES Our printr stock of High Grade Men's Wear ia now here. Hundreds of Briton's finest woollens from which to choose "thut spring suit" tailored to your measure by Canada's foremost Clothes builders "Society Hrand." Obey That ImpulseDo it Today THOR JOHNSON .,r?