f AGE 8IX THE DAILY NEWS II II i lie 1 1 uur LYE You'll find no lye bottle under our apron when we do your family washing. We use only sudsy soap and rainsoft water to wash clothes clean. We don't rub your clothes threadbare, either. Just HwiHlt suds and water through every fabric pore. Our method makes clothes last longer. .Makes 'cm cleaner, too. Just let us do a trial job then you'll see! THE LAUNDRY DOES IT BEST CANADIAN LAUNDRY end Dry Cleaners Phone 8 BISCUITS! If BIG SHIPMENT OF FRESH BISCUITS JUST IN This is your opportunity to save. High grade North West Biscuits, reg. 50c, per lb., in full caddies, Special at per lb :vt Caddies run from 6 to 10 lbs, 60 boxes of Sodas, $1.00 boxes. Special for 5." Peak-Frean Biscuits, large variety; this biscuit is well known, try them. Dr. Middleton Cookies. We have decided to cut the prices to rock bottom. Prices 10 15?, and Macaroons tlOfJ , Place your orders Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD. Phnen 18 and 81 P.O. Box. S75 AreYouWell? If you want to be well but are discouraged because health is denied you if you have tried everything else, then this little message conveys a HAY OF HOPE Nearly every kind of disease is being permanently corrected through the new drugless science of CHIROPRACTIC When the cause is removed, Nature can do her work. Consult W. C. ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Mock Telephone Green 211 Residence: 1037 1st Avenue. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies, Bulk-ley Valley Hay and Grain, Seeds, Fertiliser and COAL, call up 68 Prince Rupert Feed Co. i ATHEISM TAKES PLACE OF ISLAM Tt'ltKISII GOVERNMENT MEM HE US OITOMED TO 1(1X1(11018 1MLI"-LNCES AND LIVE LOW LIVES TRIAL OF 3IINISTER rOLlTlOAL-MOVE RATIIEK THAN EF-lOUT TO CLEANSE CABINET IV AS rnosEciTioN (Kenneth William in London Observer) Two things have' happened in tbe last two weeks In Turkey which throw a considerable light upon the develop ment of tbe so-called Kemallst Revolu tion: the disestablishment by the Grand National Assembly at Angora of Islam as the state religion of Turkey, and the sentence to two years' Imprisonment of a cabinet minister, Ihsan Bey, on the charge of making Irregular money out of bis oflloe. Both steps have been hailed 1b certain quarters as signs of Turkey's advance. But let us look deeper. It can be argued that tbe preservation In Turkey of Islam, even of an Islam horn of the accretion which had grown round It In the centuries of orthodox Arabic Influence, was Inconsistent with the progressive lalclaatlon of Law and Jut 'Ice, and that disestablishment was. therefore. Inevitable. On tbe other hand. It can be argued that this final act of disestablishment Is proof that tbe Muscovite leaven has at last worked In Turkey and that although the economic theories of Bolshevism are Inapplicable to Anatolia, the "spiritual " Impulse of the leaden of the Russian Revolution has at last communicated Itself to their Turkish comrades. Tbe weight of evi dence is in favor of the latter thesis. M?st people know the nu?h outline , o' reform In post-war Turkey: how first the Sultanate a abolished. Turkey be- It Ain't Gonna Rain No More" Get Your Picnic Supplies Here. See Our Windows for Suggestions King Oscar Sardines, 3 tins for oOf Brunswick Sardines, 4 tins for 25c Clark's Veal Loaf, spreads fine for sandwiches, per tin . . :5r Sliced Chip Beef, Clark's, per tin 4."c Meatwich Spread, per tin .. 20? Potted Meats, 3 tins for .... 25c Bullen's Sandwich Relish, per jar 25c Libby's Prepared Mustard, per jar 20p Helmet Corned Beef, 2 tins for 45r Shamrock Pork Sausage, l's. splendid for picnics, per tin lOf Bullen's Lemon Cheese, special for sandwiches, per bottle 10 Jellied Tongue, sliced, per lb. S0f Why make work when you can get Patterson's Camp Coffee, per bottle 750 Nu Jell, assorted, 3 for .... 25f Stuffed and Plain Olives for your picnic hamper, tier bottle . . 25t C. & B. Individual Jars of Pickles, special, 2 for 25 Sumor Orange Juice for your Orangeade, ner bottle . . . '.Vie Heinz Sweet Midgit Gherkins, large bottles, each U5r See our windows for numerous other suggestions to help fill your 24th of May hamper. Don't overlook the fact that our usual supply of Fresh Killed Milk-Fed Chickens arrive Wednesday. Phone your order early. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables arriving Wednesday and Saturday boats Fancy Cucumbers, Head Lettuce, Celery, Green Onions, Rad ishes, Watercress, Parsley, Mint, Asparagus, Cabbage, Green Spring Cabbage, Caulifrower, New Potatoes. Bermuda Silver Skin Onions, Hothouse Tomatoes. Garlic Sweet Potatoes, Leeks, Bunch Carrots, Bunch White Turnips. FRUIT Fresh Pineapple, Cherries, New-tort Apples, Strawberries, Grapefruit' HUisieek "of Oranges, Lem ons, Bananas. Rhubarb. We always nave air new rruita in season, so WATCH OUR WINDOWS IT PAYS B.CButchers & Grocers Limited Phone 15 and 574 lng officially proclaimed a Republic on October 29, IMS: how, on March 3, 1994, tbe Ottoman Oallphate was abolished by Angora; how, on April 8, 19)4, the M schemes, or Courts of Muslim Institution, were abolished, being replaced by Law Courts formed on an Oocidental model: how. on September 30, 1935, the Dervishes and the Tekkes in which they lived were abolished; how after the autumn of 1926, orthodox Private Law was abandoned In favor of a Turkish Civil Code; and how, tall; year, crUllbVijltt7oh6fte In rfj ligion was oriictsjiy accorded to Turkun majors. What, then, it may be asked, more natural than tbe consummation of these acts, which Is the repudiation of Islam as a State religion? ISLAM AT A IIISfOlNT Attempts have been made by certain admirers of Nationalist Turkey to claim that what tbe Turks under Mustafa Kemal Pasha have done Is merely to return to a pristine Islam, to tbe pure traditions of the Turkish race, before Islam and the Turks had been corrupted by Arabic thought and theological Influence. It was thought by such observers that tbe rurks, who. though they may once have saved Islam from conceivable disintegration (it was a near enough thing beore the appearance of the Beljuqsi really had no vital cultural traditions anterior to the rise of the Prophet Mohammed, would never throw wholly over the only basis of culture whxh they possessed, would never tn.it is, declare themselves an agnostio state and become officially hostile to the Muslim and other faiths. Such Ideology was false, and the ob servers whs indulged la It an now proved to have mistaken the nature of the agent of tbe Kemallst Revolution, be leaders of this revolution are there u no earthly sens in burking lacis. which are attested by all Impartial visitors to Angora a low-living, atheistic set of men. U?w long the priseni administration at Angora may last it is inipusslbto to say: it survival would appeal to depend strictly on Ute limits of physical endurance, so free are ibe personal hablU of the Nationalist leaders. Pjt the tune being, at any rate, Islam la at a discount in Turkey. The actual atheist has forced his atheism officially on the mass of Anatolia. A IMKADOX OP rKOOUDSS Des this dlsestaMlahment by Turkey of Islam Imply tbe disappearance of Islam in Turkey? It to difficult to answer, but conceivably it may be so. ThSv Turks were ever whole-hoggers In religion; it may well be that they will baccme whole-hoggers In lrrcllglon also. Already they have lost their former prestige in the religious Muslim warm al though they still maintain it the Nationalist Mussulmans of country to whom politics is more than ssligioa. There u this further point worth remembering. Turkey, unlike genuinely i Western States, such as France, which have b son me Republics and bare abeUak-,ed state religUMS. has no civilisation oa which to base its future actions. There Is nothing la Turkey unless it be Islamic out or which things may grew; all that can be done henceforth at slavishly to imitate tbe Watt. But tbe let ter Is more easy to imitate than tin spirit. It is a little lronioal that almost at tbe very moment when atbiUsn ta officially enthroned by Angora, there should have arisen an outcry again? foreign religious endeavor la Turkey. Nor should It be targotten by Ue prctrjjt west that a most i spiibanalMe practise at being Indulged la in atantlnople of discriminating non-Muslim Turks, in flagrant defiance ot the Treaty of Lausanne. THE IHSAN TRIAL Those who know most of Turkey's inner condition are by no means lull of hope. The trial of Xhsea Bey. on the charge of eorrunttoa has revealed the nature of the power which is being wielded by those In authority at Angora, and the purposes to which It Is being put That trial was a political trial; the ei-mtbistees of marine was sus pected, in the musky atmosphere of tbe Turkish capital, of having attempted to raise a band, with the assistance of "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT" I'ltIM X lUTIlUT tXLCTORAL 1I1 HICT NOTICE Is hereby given that I shall. on Monday, tns zist osy oi May. ivse. at the hour of 10 o'clock la the fere- noon, at the Court-bouse, prince mi' bold a sitting of tbe court of Ert, viiion for the purpose of revising tbe list of voters for the said electoral district, and of beating and determining any ana ail oojecuons 10 we retention of any name on the said list, or to the registration as a voter of any applicant for registration: and for the other purposes est forth In the "Provincial Elections Act." Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this stn oay or aptu. ivw. IIS RaroiBTKAR Or VOTERS). Prince Bupert Bertnral District PATRONISE THE Montreal Importers CHEAT BARGAINS in MEN'S HOYS' AND CHILDREN'S Running Shoes one or two others, against the cabinet of which he was a member. In other words, hi "offence" was not really that with which he was charged. It to impossible to study this esse; from tbe first report of the parliamentary commission under Yunus Nadi. the journalist deputy who Is in very close touch with the Ohazi, down to the sentencing of Ihsan Bey by the president of the oourt.who was his personal enemy, without realising that it was than hli IwKit'' acumen, of which rW'eisUarl&Pwe resolved to mike fan etanpte. fur corruption, official cor ruption, Is still rife in Turkey. This trial was, therefore, a farce and the alleged "cleanlng-up" of the administration is a mockery There Is quaint lies v indeed, in tbe thought that- the bribe-taking and debauched Turkish politician wUl In fu ture take his oath, not "by Allah," 'but cn what has In the last few years been tbe most eonsptcuouH absence in the whole Turkish Revolution, namely, "bis honor." Market Prices Prices current are as follows: LA ill) furs J6c otnpouod 30d COOS B.C. Fresh pullets e B.C. Fresh fltsta Mc B.C. Frcab extras c Local new laid see mil Smoked kippers, lb 15c (iiwirr -e'nvHl. lb 26c Smoked black cod, lb 30c iiiitan baddies, lb 36c MEATS Fowl. No. 1. lb. 39c and 40c Routing cMeken. lb io Ham. sMced. ftfst grade Me Ham. whole, flret grade Sfo Hun. picnic, lb 31 Vie Cottage rails, !b 39 Vi '"""lav 22, 19 1 Bason, back, sliced 508 BVtracted honey, 1U. Dates, hulk. 7 tbs.' for .... . 4e to Me Pork, Jry salt 36c Arrehtre bason, lb. . lie Veal, shoulder 3M Veal, loin too Veal, leg 3er Pork, shoulder 38c Pork, tela 40e Pork, leg Sic Beef, pet reset 16c to 30c Beet, boUl&g 13fce to lBc Beef, steak 30a to 4te Beet roast, prime rib 33c Lamb, efeept 60c Lamb. shoulder 3c Mutton, leg tee leuab. leg 43c Mutton, chops 40e Mutton sheuMer 3(r HITTER Brsekflrtd. Shamrock and Woodland lb ;.: .' Me E.C.D, ib ,;: e CeettoL tod grade, lb 4ie Jaer Valley, lb. sot Alberta Creemarr 45? New Zealand, la sulk 4c prints Mr CIILESE Oamianbsrt ebeeeeC 8 ec. pkg. .... W. Kraft Uinberter. uj's Mc Ontario setMe New Zealand solids . . . Stilton, lb Kraft tierweglan Ooat .... feapeteoa Ltmberger . Hoquefort wins' Braokfleld. lb. Porgensels, 14 see 4C 4C etc 70c Te 4&c ,75C Metsuee. Cream. ira ... 46e asd SAc BrookfteM Swiss eheese. lb. pkg. 30c Brooklleld Canadian cheese, lb. pkg. 30e Oruyare tec OuMea Loaf. Ib tec Jack. Ib Mc Swreo. lb Tec Oammetoat, Ib 30c 8LOAR White, per 10 M.00 Tallow, per 100 , 17.76 rutin Flour, te's No. 1 hard wheat .... ISM Pastry, flow. 10'a 76c iaatry flour. 40 s 63X10 VF.OI3TAUf.E8 Beets. lbs. for 3&c Beets, seek 3.7t Carrots. 8 lbs. for 36: Carrota. sack I3J6 Potatoes, 8 lbs. Seek ItJS Parsley, bunch 06c Cauliflower. B.C bead 36c California bead lettuce 16c Oarlic. Imported, par lb See Leeks. 4 bunches for 36c California celery, head .. 36c and 30c Spinach, local 10c Texas New Cabbage, lb 10c Cooking onions. 4 lbs. for 36c New green onions, per bunch .... sc California radishes 10c Turnips, 8 lbs for 36c per seek M4 Brussels Sprouts, per lb 36e Hothouse Rhubarb. 8 lbs. for .... 36c I'flLIT Oranges. Valencia. Jesen. . -40c to tim Lemons. Sunklst. donen 36c to 40c Imperial Valley OranefruK ....3 for 36c Florida grapefruit. 8 for S6c Bananas. 3 Ib 3c 36c 36r Baisins. bulk, per ft, ....... r, J BVeet rotate, J Is lor 3c California Dainty Dates, package .. 36c Tallow Newtons "CT grade 6160 Faucy 686 Batra fancy 00 Wlneaeps, "C" grade 88.80 Fancy , M 7a Bktra Fancy M .00 Navel oranges 46 to tixi niiitii rnuiTS Lessen and orange peel 80c OttfOB peel 80o Black cooking llnv 3 lb. 36c M Javc Hit V l "Pokv Hands" ' VV ilil TURRET) ; CIGARETTES It ' White figs. 3 lb 36c! Currants. 8 lbs. 36c j Apples 36c! Peaches, peeled 36c Apricots. Ib SSc Prunes. 80-100. 4 -lbs 86c Ib. box 61.86 Prunes, 00-70 lb 3 lbs. for 38r 80-40 3 Ike. for 36c 40-60 lb 18c 36 lb. box M OO Evaporated peats, halves, lb. .... set. 36 lb box 66.60 Almonds, shelled Valencia 06c Braaus 36c Walnuts, broken startled 60r Walnuts, sancled halves 06c Almonds 3e Peanuts sec Meaeburian walnuts 36r California walnuts 48s No. 1 mtaed nuts 3er New filberts 3ee ixrii loe lbs. wheat, tie. M4M ts 6446 Bran .....a 3.3 oru ,.t tt.V Middlings 64.70 Sertey , MJ8 Poultry mash MJ0 Special aegmssh 8 36 Oyster shell IJ0 Scratch food MS0 Beef scrap HM Orouad oil eakt 4J6 Baby chick feed 64.36 Pine oat chops moo Crushed oats M IS Pine barley chop MJ0 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4 4 W. J. Orswfosd of Stewart Is a pas senger aboard the Catals today ajoiu hrough to Vancouver on a business trip. CJeetge Prlaeetl afvernoon from Bksens River cannery points aboard bis powerboat Laura F. as expected heck that a business trip to Hary SoovU. road loresnan for the provincial department of public works at Stewart, la a passenger aboard the aetata today going through to Victoria on a business trip. Under the new sis-day -a-week train service of the Canadian national Rail way, no train la ached ulsd to arrive here this afternoon from the last. Mall will be brought on tomorrow afternoon's train. John Sankey. Margaret Saukey and Margaret Pierce of Port Simpson are passengers aboard the Catala udy going through to New Wtjiuiuttr wIm-it they will be witnesses In the Sunkry murder cssr slsaLLa4siiUa -X--.-r.Ti.LlI Itwlr teeth are of a touch-nest which mskra them hold their keen cutting edge under every usaaa. SJMONOS CANADA SAW CO. LTO. WESTHOLME THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday. 7 and 9 p."1-' Thursday Matinee, x'm- and 10c SPECIAL HOLIDAY ATTRACTION EMIL JANNINGS The World's Greater Screen Actor in "THE LAST COMMAND" Conceded to U- Im.h greatest iierformai.i EVELYN I1RKNT, WILLIAM POWELU NU Hol.AS SOUSSANIN. MICHAEL VISAH0H and many others. COMEDY "DAD'S CHOICE." Admission A SPECIAL OFFERING OF PATHE RKYIKw 50c and 25c What Has Happened WILL HAPPEN AGAIN We recommMid'd 1'nrh-r Idaho at fi crnta a shar. -at 35 cents. What are they worth mm V NOW WE RECOMMEND SilverbeO Mining Co., Ltd. AT MAHKET! Idlest Vancouver quotallons, 15c hid. I n-tA. Situated on the New Premier Hill and bouml. ' 1 ! aides by Premier holding's. H. W. M. ROLSTON & CO. Ltl Stewart. H.C. Direct wlren Vancouver Slock ExchnnRC STOCKS ItONDS HEAL ESTATE RUNNING SHOES FOR TWO DAYS ONLY Tuesday and Wednesday, May 22 and 2" Women's Hifj Brown Uunning- Shoes with Cre ular $1.76. Sale Women's White Oxfords, with Crepe Soles. Kn' Sale Misses' High Broujn, With Crepe Solos! "Regular M Masses' Vtojfa Onelk'trapJ wi$'crepe'soie"on Ul. MiBses' Brown 0re8trap, with Creie Soles. ' $1.50, for Child's White One Strap, sites from G to VoVse. O" '' Boys' High White Running Shoes. Regular $1.K&. Boys' White Oxford with brown trimmings. Ko"1 Sale 15 per cent Discount off our stock of nil Men's. W HoyH and Children' Running Shoes also. VAMCeUvrH. ST. JOHN, N.B , TOBONTe Phone M , .; III.5 :,r HI' "' SI.H' ,,!, SI-3,1 si.' omen' JABOUR BROS., LTD. , e G C15. 15. At'.mia anil iih11