j ;,. .by. May 22. 1928 Why Buy Cake? i i .l, in Vancouver when you , hi Say a better quality cake wi iy per cent cheaper ,ia.! in your own city and i;x!- daily. r.fjjht and Dark I'rujt Dike, (! lb IOr J Cherry and Citron (Jake, per lb . . '. ."Hty Pound Cake, with mixed fruit r.ich lOf? lunch Cake at ZZf !. . nioii Cak at 'Jt'tC Help to make your own cry prosperous by encour-iiii' the workmen of your !i town. Our t?oodn are all made In our Itakery and the Quality in unurpansel Electric Bakery ... ffi-i .jt s. nnii tm ip.ru ivirpnune ov f H. H. WALLACE CO, LTD. I OMPI.ETE CLEARANCE ladies' and Children's Dresses See our Windows All COATS ON SALE .! Special Reduction ES.WalIaceCo.Ltd. I'hone 9 :rd Ave. and FuRon Insurance Real Estate Bonds rialine In B.C. Min-nnd accept buying 1 1 iiK order, on Van-Kx'hanire at Vancou- S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. IT 2nd Avenue A cuts for M fVi. t ourt & Co. Ltd. MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 1 ' tM.s for $1.00 ' H" Hh for $1.00 ' ;nh price tlekela. 1 Ufiilt- Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - lllh St. Tclt phone 6$7. NavySuits and Ensemble Suits an emers NATIONAL RACE IS CLOSE AGAIN fJIM llO tfTll.l. IJ. l.r..U WITH CIS-HSNATl. HT. 1.01 IM AND NL1V VOKK FOLLOWING CLOSE (Special to Dally Nwt) NCW YORK. uv M-tk, M Philadelphia Athletic and the New York Yankee for the leadership of the urican imiptt waa reduced to three uu-a-nau game yesterday when the ataexmen took the Washington Senators lor two game while the atelier Huggtn aquad wen aharine a dmiiiu.ww with Boaton. Waahlngton sank to aUtb piace in the standing Toe race for National League honors s getting close again. Th Chicago uuos dropped another game to the St. Louis Cardinals and are now but h.ir a game ahead of the Cincinnati Reds who spilt a doublebeader with Pltu burg Pirates. The Cardinals, in third place, with Mew York Olsnts. are but one-and-a-half game behind tbe lead ing Cuba. Yesterday's scores were as follow: NATIONAL I.EUII K Pittsburg 3-4. Cincinnati 4-3. Chicago 7, St. Louis 8. AMIUICAN LBAJU K Boston 8-J. New York 4-3. Washington 3-1. Philadelphia 4-2. CO 1ST 1J3AOIE Mlaakm S. Los Angeles 0. Only Chicago . . Cincinnati St. Louts . New York l.llAOli: STANDIMIS Nttktnal league W. S3 33 10 16 Brooklyn la Pittsburg 14 Boaton 10 Philadelphia 6 American League L. 14 It 18 13 It 16 30 33 W York 34 6 Pbtladolpbla 16 8 Cleveland 30 14 Washington g g Boaton 14 16 St. Louis 14 13 Detroit 13 33 Chicago 10 33 if the necessity arise." Pet. 411 MS Ml 471 JOO JSS J07 44 410 47 .434 J61 JIMMY McLARNIN OF VAN COUVER FAILS IN EFFORT TO SECURE THE LIGHT-WEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP (continued from page one) McLrnin appeared in the ring wearing a bright green bathrobe with Wg yellow harp em Masoned on Ut back Mandell wore an ordinary brown bathrobe Both men were smiling confidently s they were announced by the referee. MandeU was the flrat announced aa tiaUinf from Bock ford. Illinois. Me received a greet ovation. Ttoen Jimmy UcLarnln was announced amid loud shouts They shook hands and i-ccelved their inatruetlons from Hefer Lou Magolla. Then the battle waa on. Bound I Mandell waa the first to (text hostilities with sharp left nook to the body. Jimmy came back with several lefts and rights to the body and head. Sammy missed a left Jab and McLarnln countered with a left to head and forced Sammy to the rope. Mandell la the cleverest. McLarnln put a tHf right to Sammy's jaw and ?mmy looked very pale. They are 1 ncblng frequently and exchanging Wt and tight to body. Sammy put a straight left and a right to Jimmy's face. Jimmy came back with a couple hard ones to tbe body. Hound 3. Both men rushed to clinch, Jimmy hitting Mandell on the ribs and head with a long right hand. Sammy blocks most sll of the punches and abort a straight left to Jimmy's face. Jimmy hasps forcing Sammy over to the rope, and back him in a :.eutrl corner and Sammy gracefully loiter- r of imSifON to'aVi ly a e a V 8 a I.E At LAN I in Prince Rucert Land Recording Dis- .ttn.iV on Moresbv Island ad jacent to Allltord 8ay--SkMigate Intet-tjtieeu Oharlotte lalands. TAKX riirilia mai rwuio u Limited of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation nulB and paper manufacturers, Intends lospply for s lease of the following described lands Ctinmencuig i hu' j.eirM"' "'jr ui ,n.r nf stl. 6347P: thence 7 dexrees 30 mlimes West ( Astronomic 1 1300 ft.; thence North 8a tlegrcjs JO minute. We-t I Astronomic) ftW ft.: thence wortn m v'S'" '""rh"M (Astronomic) 800 1 ft ; thence North 36 dearees West (Astronomic) 3800 ft.. ?neno? North 80 degrees Ka (Asttono-mlc) M0 ft, more or leas, to an lWr; Sitton with the high water iart ot the said following thence AUIford Bay: h ib water mark Southerly to the point oicommenc?ment. save und excepf one uland containing one acre more or leas nd SiShS flalSnd rOnt.ln...K 113 whole conUlnlng uiore or less- the cres. moreUM, u , By Psrker Samuel pohney. 101 natadAprUiL9?8 MINERAL ACT (Form P.) CF.KTIIIC.UE"JoFn7p)yF.IT e date hereof, JX?t,0t improve-SSSL TSS'Su Sofmwch rtmct of (dthel 1$ jfodusayj Concrete Mixers Wettlauier Improved mixers will help you to meet competition and reduce the coat of mixjpfa; emicretc, mortar or plaster. J fere axe a few pomU of superiority : 1. AH steel construction. 2. Shape of drum give faster mix. 3. Quicker discharge. 4. Lest friction. Drum rotates at stss speed than other makes, meaning longer nit. 5. Ring oiling system of lubrication of main hearings. C. Fair banks-Morse Engines and Motors provide power. 7. New automatic safety conUol. 8. Efficient service maintained. Write Jar wort information. Qfte CANADIAN Fairbanks -Morse COM PArTViOMSM A-4Mvralenf skips out of barm's way. They are lighting very hard and faat. both men trying for a knockout. Mandell depend -lag on hi speed to offset Jimmy's punching ability. Both exchange blows to body and bead at bell. Mandell round. Bound 3. Jimmy run straight to a clinch and puts a hard left to Simmy' atomach and crosses right to head li the exchanges that follow. Jimmy lore lng Sammy all over the ring lancing hard and vicious left to the ribs. Sammy Is very busy keeping out of tbe way. Sammy put a ha.d right to Jimmy's chin and books a left to the body and again a right to tbe jaw as tbe bell rang Mandell s round. Bound 4. Both men come out Immediately but with little damage. McLarnln forcing the fighting, pound ing tbe lib and bead. Sammy stuck couple of hard letu to Jimmy' chin but did not bother him very muci Sammy la Jabbing with the straight left and Jimmy la pounding the body. Jimmy slipped down to one knee as Mandell jabbed a light left to the face. Mandell has the best of a fierce rally In this round. Roughing It with tbe challenger Sammy hold McLarnln and repeated several left hooka to the head, jbamy does not appear to feel any of tbe punches but keeps on boring In land pounding the body. Round Man dell' by a good margin. Bound . They rush Into s clinch and Jimmy backs Usndell into Jimmy's corner and pounds the rib. Mandell la Jabbing effectively and boxing prettily. Sammy appears very pale while Jimmy la flushed and rugged. Jimmy rushes Mandell to the ropes and hooked several hard right and left to tbe body and jiw. Jimmy struck a heavy left to Sammy's chin but no damage wa done .Mandell backing away with Jimmy on top of him all tbe time. Sammy jabbed a left and kept Jimmy at a distance only for a few moments, Jimmy running into a clinch aa the bell rang. Jimmy's round. Round 6. Mandell Jabbed left to fstce and a tapped Inside of Jimmy's left book. McLarnln' nose Is just Heading allgtftly. Tbe man clinching. Jimmy . pounding Manstell with rigcds Omps Ten To TTTlflnrHff Hooked a right to the body. Mandell is holding Jimmy. MaOUl separated them and they run into another clinch and both pound tbe ribs, Jimmy forcing Mandell all over the ring and struck a bard left to Sammy's chin which shook Sammy but be fought right back without doing much damage. Jbnmy't round. Round 7. MeLaraln comes out with a smile and pounds Sammy's body and rushes Sammy to Sammy's own corner. Sammy using his left asTeotlvely on Jimmy's nose snd tbe blood trickled down his face. Jimmy la bleeding. Sammy boxing and continues with backing away and Jabbing left to stomsch. Sammy repeat left to Jimmy's stomaeb and Jimmy rushes Mandell to tbe copes. Mandell jumped up In the air and Jimmy's bead was down snd rushed MandeU. Sammy holding Jimmy's hands at arms length. Jimmy poked a bard left to the chin and tbe the bell rang. Jimmy' round. Wad Pmmi ) iU tbe left ih. mMvi wuitu i rinn pile Bounty labs thjree strsigfet Jefts in suocess-13D to Jimmy's ee, Jimmy nuaaed a hard left to Sammy'e head Mandell hit with left and Jimmy missed. Sammy la pounding the atom sen and Jimmy still forolmj Sammy all aver tne ring, jufunt seems HU1 of fight They clinch and referee Magnolln break them. Mandell struck a hard left to Jimmy's nose and a right to the head. Mandell opened hi mouth v.ide and smiled It was MandeU round by a large margin. . 1 . y ci r our of ( MftW. ,n, rt - ' ,','rr,lAV-K ,1"1,t '" cllnpb MrLarnl ,j u n i lft to the stomach llll.s .1 Mandell flgiiu SHE IJA1EY TTEtTS FAG2 FT73 back. MandeU' left Is working with unerring decision. Jimmy with head down bores In ' and Is repaid with Baouny's left for bis try. M.mdeil 1 jabbirg snd holding j.juiim. Jimmy pounding ribs and Htomach. Jimmy keeps coming In but Mandell ntep out of harm' way. Jimmy lands s right to ribs and misses a left. Mandell' round. HcWd Iff. irhey, oome to cent re Ml ring 'gatf 'r for an opel lefta to the head. Jimmy's left eye 1 slightly puffed and his nose bleed ing freely. They exchange blows to , the body In clinches, Sammy's left finding an easy mark on Jimmy's nose. Jimmy bores In bead down and Sammy mashes his left to Jimmy's left optic, which Is dosing gradually. Mandell la giving Jimmy bating lesson. They clinch frequently with Sammy crossing right and left to tbe bet,d as Jimmy pounds the body. Wendell's round by good margin. Round II. Mandell Is far too clever for the rugged Jimmy, boxing beautifully. Ja'jblng left and hooking right to tne jaw. Meurnin drove MandeU to tbe ropes' and tended a bard right to the stomach and Sammy Jumped up In the air and appealed to the referee. McLarnln has been toning Sammy all the way. The referee '-autlons Jimmy to keep his punches up. Mandell hooked a right to the Jan and a left to the body. Jimmy wliiiing away with both hands for tbe body and rroning a left to the Jaw. As Mandell backs away. Jimmy In close juts a hard right to the ribs. Sammy book a hard right to McLarnln' Jaw as the bell rang. Round even. Round 13. Jimmy rushes Mandell In i comer, pounding away with both hands to tbe body and stomach. Mandell Jabblne Jimmy's nose and spattering the crimson all over Jimmy's face. Mandell hooks a right to tbe Jaw and Jimmy comes In dose, whaling away st Sammy's rib and kidneys. Sammy hooked a pretty left to Ma-'s face. -iKaln and again Jimmy stabbing bla l-:t to Sammy' stomach and Jaw. Sammy missed a left hook which went around Jimmy's neck. McLarnln ruh-c4 Sammy In the corner and wanged away with both bands but Sammy held him off with a straight left bander at arm's length. Mandel'.'s round. Rcund 13 They rush Into a clinch McLarnln hooked a left to Mandrils bedy and head both men clinch and pound each other with both hands. MandeU lands a right, to Jimmy's bead. A clinch. Jimmy missed s left honk to tbe Jaw, MandeU pound ing Jimmy's body. Jimmy la still on tbe aggressive In dose and whanging away at Man dell's body they run to a Jlnch and Jimmy's head struck Msn- tell'i fare and Mandell locked at the referee. MandeU ties Jimmy's arms in tbe clinch which ensued. MandsUI round. . .'Ti Round 14 Both cnffSh: MacLarnlri puts a light right to the jaw. working fast with his head down pounding ManCeli's ribs and rtomach. Mandell I backed to the r. pes but wriggles out and back to the other aide of tbe rcpes. The crowd Is yelling furiously as McLarnln keeps In close, pounding Sammy's rib and kidney. Mandell shot a hard right to Jimmy's ear and jabbed several left ui Jtm;ri. i nose and Sammy made Jimmy miss several rights to the bead. McLarnln 1 trying for a nockout but falls short on every punch. Mandell Jabbing backing away. MandeU a round. Round 18 Tbe second's are applying Ice tq McLarnln s damaged eye. Jimmy rushed Mandell to the ropes, hammer ing both bands to the stomaeb and body. Mandell Jabs a left to the face and clinch McLarrin drove a ..ra right U Sammy Jaw shaking him up They are fighting nard In clinches. Mandell Jabs several lefts to the nose. afar dell rrrosed a iird rtrht to Jim my's ear Sammy !v ids jimmy's arms In clinches so Jimmy can't do much damage. The rrer heads UKfether banging awny at the body and Jaw Jimmy placed a right to Sammy' ettculdcr. No damage. This round was C SPORT CHAT Sammy Mandell. lightweight champion, successfully aud. possibly, merely temporarily, warded oft tbe challenge of Jimmy McLarnln of Vancouver In be title bout before twenty-five thousand fans in New York last night. Ior fifteen rounds the champion M.ished and tore at the little challenger but be could not put him on tbe floor. The tetter part of the bout McLarnln' left eye waa closed and tbe other, eye Was half shut but he carried the fight gallantly to Mandell every Inch of tbe ay and drew the plaudits of fan throughout the continent for hi hull-dog courage and rubtlng heart. Judging from the accounts. It was the greatest battle of lightweights seen In many years. The prevailing opinion seems to be that McLarnln nad MandeU should fight iixiin. The Thistles, who made a good early season showing lu'.thist ' the Regiment i-: ..- i.' Hi u ,., ij.kai ' WOli li.; Cty'i ,V tcS 1 Around The World With Sport Fans (lly Tbe Tramp) of your copy of I he Daily mws every night by having it delivered to ypur address by carrier in tbe opening game ol the Stuai' .Shield series on Friday night, mee. Srsnd Terminals In the second match his evening and as good if not a L-t-.er game than the first Is expected, rbe new Scottish eleven sems to be confident thst It will be able to carry he Terminal scalps Into its camp a well, thus getting s real decisive hold n the silverware. On the other hand, .he Terminals, as yet untried, are a promising looking outfit snd sre Just as confident. No doubt, s large crowd of tana will turn out to wltneu the match. Line -up for tbe Thistle wul bt as follows'. 1 t !!te J. Currle: A. Halg and S. Brskme: R. Wood. 8. Currle and T. Haddou; A. tfcbeu. a Irskine. J. Campbell, J. btW. .CMieu iu Hamilton and James Andrews. The Grand Terminal team will be as follows: S. Qurvlch: Vic Menzle and Brick Skinner: George Howe. George Hill and Harrison: Chenoakl. Krnte Warren. A. Dickens. A. Strachan and J. Hamilton, reserves. Bond. C. Cameron and H. Lobllck. Nelson soccer enthusiasts are wishing they had daylight saving so that they might play tbotr league games In tbe evening and have time to Unlsh them. Chsrlle Betenger. Canadian llght-heavywelght champion, will tackle the toughest assignment in hi ring career vrben be meats Leo Lomskl. of Aber- takwn, Washington, in an open-air abow in Chleago some time neat month, tgider h direction of Jim Mullen. MuRen lifts few? selected a date for the fight, as hfe has yet to arrange for a site, but it Is piobable the abow will be stager! at one of the ball parka. Lomskl ha come up lst in the liut year, haa earned the sobriquet of the Aberdeen assasaln. This seeAs to be a suitable title, as he ha shown he fire a devastating assault with hoth hands. Ho was given almost an even chance tc take Tommy Loughran j paid in advance will bring it to you every night for a year Keep Yo way back urse Wei Loughran '.i'.i It I Posted about World news, district news, all the doings of Prince Rupert, your own town, and by no means the least, get the NEWS OF THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading regularly THE DA LY NEWS IT WILL PAY YOU! UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED J Naillnts from iTIntr Ituitert. lor VANCOIVKB, YICVQKIA. Dwanxou llay, lUitrdale, Alert liay. C1UT Bricker of Gteltj OnH ,lOia)isnj Olympic marathon runner, -earn WH leant to Holland, in advance of the Ztinadlen toam to prepare tor tbe world UlOk erlnd. Inform fxtoisfaLln his horse quite different matter from running lit' Canada. He aay atmospheric oondl tlons are somewhat similar, but after running two or three mites be tins rapidly. DtSerenoe in food and water la also marked to one engaged i'' conditioning for a marathon. Brtckei opines thst he will soon overcome th' setback occasioned by tbe obnngeu conditions, but bis letter Is illuminating In that it act forth some of th obstacle which the remainder of the CanadlaQ marathon team must overcome snd In a much shorter period fairway I still tbe favorite for the Derby at Ipsom May 6, but favorites often do not win. Being a favorite imply means that tbe big money is Into camp, but the present champion Rhelm and etc lurKduv, 3 p.m. lor V AM ol Yblt. VICTORIA, tutedsie. Alert Itay. He.. Saturday, 7 a.m. lor TOUT SIMPSON and NAAH KIVKIt POINTS, Friday. lor ALICE A KM, ANYOX. STEWAIU, WALK ISLAM). POKT SIMPSON, Sunday, 8 p.m. - i . 138 2nd Avenue. IL M. oMITIt. Agent. Prince lljwrt, DX. Through tlekrts sold to Victoria sad Seattle, aad Uagga&e charted throocli to desllnatlor to a return match with being placed on thai horse. e Telzo Toba wlU captain the Japanese Davis cup team In their second round American xone Davis cup matches gainst Canada, which will be played in Montreal May 34, 38 and 3d. Xenao Shlmlau, veteran Japanese tanttls acs, who has led the Japanese contenders lb reosnt years, will be unable to he in Montreal for the matches. The Edmonton Commercial Qrads girls basketball team are ttcheduled to reach Paris July 16 tind play tbe following afternoon against a picked tesm. Thsy will play several games la France and Italy and tben proceed to Amsterdam for the Olympic games. They will play at Straasburg and returning to France will wits too smart lor him However, meet the Pari champions Jar Us i.miki Htill ranks among the leading j European championship. They are conundus, and possibly may fight hi due to leave for home on August 31. LADIES' DRESSES, Coats, Millinery and Lingerie All at Rartain Price at FIRST ANNIVERSARY SALE , Richmond's Louvr Third Avenue Radio Radio The Radlola 17 will give you the best reception. Price complete 151.30 Cannot be sold tor Jess Special -1X HMlTIUir f'OSTALH of yourself for 11.80 Winnipeg aud Vancouver Prices. F. W. ( HANDLER l'tilotTH)lier Sixth Street. I'hene Km! W KIWSllli: 1QU The Daily News