"Orange Pekoe" Is only the name given to a size of leaf-Some good, many poor, Orange Pekoes are sold The most economical and yet the finest flavoured Is "SALADA" Orange Pekoe Sealed in metal pure-fresh delicious 43c per Hb. A !. ore 1 1 Arm I dx-ovcr. Mi Or, illi!- (I ' 1 r M 1 into ::!: :i:il . ; ,; .. e mumis w. nr:,i-d tn. i : 'iiokeii by dvke- iind .. (xjx-i'eii yield large ''H.aee A .uup la to be btult anapMUatety st the mine on ai. ctmtlaa two ban dm feet lower than the present camp. At aooa aa camp enn-atructlon Is completed. It la hoped that will have arrived. Hand Canadian National Railway Ttie Mohawk mine has been taken over by th Federal Mining at &mellln Co ol Idaho and the outlook for the property Is good. The Silver Cup mine hn an appreciable tounage of ht?h aveiage value in silver The Suimlune lm th largest ore bodies in tie ramp but t grade is much lowr H"-.m tint. the type of property thai u!' ,ni'-:-makes the best mine If It aure inrjr tonnage and long IKe Silver B'andi'rd Is anotiier good mine As a remit nf the uikm of the Da'hie nutie r' 8mlt'ier there lx grrrt' ai-'ivitv .n tint camp Hudson Bay Mruntsm ana tin The larg .ucti hi m mil raw3 ffl&v ..,r- A3 m nm BiApEKOEi i onQ The Daily News PBINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published livery Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION 93 86 Friday, June 1, 1928 News of the Mines . ROUND PR!iCE RUPERT New Concern Active at Alice Arm in Acquiring Properti New Strike at Esperanza Tunnelling on 1- and L. The Ti.'i ; IP Im In tfc-- A!' tht' Hurt h i iU :,c( ii .. of Kitauit Ki-r ;.:'lrv. !: furniinv' tlir I lility Mn.rt.' Peleri'i!. vv hn w.i former h and a ;!i le developed :nx - men! m11 hi-have also a i c the we-d and the K. :. Join :ic D- ilv Ketio::,r: ti ar b qui.-.;: .m, o! pr ):.- i:. Alio r:n 1 prop-: ' x-- ;' bam? -!n;;iii of a'-; town it Ahor n til" ill red ,lT'i.- T: V.i rip tin the ill.: Ki Arm camp, adjoining the Toric on -. tt, well known pioneer prospector taken over by Eastern capitalists, ancintt Co. represented by P. E. . ied with the Gran by Co. at Anyox. i 1 1 ills, compressor and other equip-n a :w weeks. The same interests t . which adjoins the Tiger on i i consists of three claims and .ni -a- - .tnitary to Orlttvood Creek develop several valuabls ' the or on the SUver .: Alloc Arm. whicn la njr tlx Kltaault-Kale unprorlss a depth ' . manaiemeat la con- . i .'.i a mtoe to the i - -d tunnel, which a all in order to fain .i a c 460 feet from Ute por v over the whole lace. Bam the ore .to be at a good grade a large body, carrying high g:U. ailver. lead and due. It would not be urprlslnj to find that the are body U 100 feet in width with fur ther cMMtuttlng aa the ledge ahowe this width on the surface. The paeaeat depth from the surface is (bout MO feet. It Is already, therefore, plain that a large tonnage of ore ha been devel oped. No ore of auch value as la now being encouBteied underground has been Mlllag will then be discontinued and . discovered on the aurtaoc except at one power drills Installed, thus lncreaMnn ; point and this Is at an elevation of S the tonnage production and facilitating ooo feet. During the winter, over seven dsvelnpraent work. hundred teet of tunnel work has been j carried out on the property and tt Is H J. Tnooaey. superintendent of theitne lntenUcn of the company to push L. sad L. Consolidated at Stewart, re- j development without Interruption. Alports that an additional' fifteen ffet ! teady the wcrklng force has been In- have been driven cn the Columbia tun- ; rreeaed and several tons of supplies nel. making a tctsl of SOS feet. Mm- i nave bren taken in. During the pa esHaatton la the nasae aa last reported 1 two vr-tf the company has opened up i r-.- .ther w n about 300 feet to the left A section of the province in which j the eciud tunnel and values aa high minim u, making immense stride. uuncea of geld have been obtained ter many years of atruggle and difficulty j Stbe with very good values of allver, U the Omlneca Mining division. wnte lead" B0 Ul. t" ddltlon to the Bu st A Haaien of Vancouver. The He I Cord the ctimpany 1 also developing Hasieltoti camp U making good and tht j th Eagle and the leRoy. wrltet has sc n 'tr plac? where rnn- I dHkM are nure favirabte far Individual Wellluatcn Beatun. president of the com parties The ares are rich: physical 1 Clcjrgla Bivrr Ocld Mines Ltd.. a eanditkons admit of eoonamle oDera- Tchti P. CoaU. CDawnlUnt; ailaanier. are tloa. and all mrr.M nrei coomlrnUy R.w e)na vnilt to Stewart, for the pur-lccatod for transportation of eve to tt p4ee-oi 'meaiagi fanes aratiiai awii aqr ' he openlnE up of the property work on .. inch ha already been rommenoed with .i small crew. Supplies and equipment v ill br shipped immediately, and active wcrk will se ryrled on until the mine ! br- uph' to production. Mr. Beaton Vi nnn-unrrd The balance sheet h-ia-s i hat a:ler providing for Work t i dte the cutnpanv ha over UtOJOOD in rah for development Mr Beaton .- very aUs!ird with the result of op r.itln-is t i date Direi torn of the com- !.: ::re Wllllu-.:ton Biiton. A C. Bur k n S leiiii e Alrxander Ruther- H ir-.'ld A Mir: mini. J C. Hogg i iv t: juiM . x rig ' WJ M VnV c. full-size biscuits J WW WAT 9 vv auuni 100 per cent whole wheat - thoroughly baked - every shred crisp and tasty - a refreshing relief from the heavy foods of Winter with milk or cream . TRISCUIT, the crisp, tasty cracker Made try The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. NEW STEAMERS Man in the Moon CANADIAN USE S Sometime wo.brur busUsmn - tlflg up a heal ttftt :t l u nothing to the wall 01 the M.'Oall uub eai PASSENGER VESSEL OF IlEt HUiKRATIMi M'.UT um'ciiallv roil rum OX TWO WINWIPtO. Sune 1. Bat islactory progress in construction cf the five nt earners mv tflng built for the Canadian Ka- .lcna! Steanuhlpb to be placed in toe west Indies service, la reported In cable advices received by D. X. Qallo- way. vice-president of the company. The message from Birkenhead la to the effect that on ship Is fully plated, two are in frame and the remaining two w.ll oe trained b:fcre the end cf June Ihc first vessel wUl be launched on; July 17 and this will be followed by ' the launching on August 16 and Sep'.em-1 ber respectively of the remaining two reamers for the service to Tne eastern group of the British West Indie. The firt of the two vessels for service to .lie western group will be launched ibeut October SI and the last one on! Present plana call for the Inauguration of these steamers on the eastern ervlce with the first selling out of Halifax on December IB of this year, '.he western service commencing early ti the spring of MSB. The leading dimensions of the new teamen are: Length between narpsndln-ulart 415 feet, length over all 48 feet. ;cam 60 feet, moulded death ft far the three ships in the eastera service, and ta feet I inches for the two ARCHBISHOP WITH ROTARY IUU' OIlfllMTKA MKMKEKM OF CLIU Ll'KCIIUIN IIOTKL UIIIIVALH Prlni-e Unpen B. Plckford. Edmonton: Mr. and Mrs. a W ainctalr. Inverness, Bmil M. Oreli. Balmoral: t. M. Plrby. A. C Knight. H. Cbemln. A. V. Boaaona, T. Kaye, John Clark and D. Oouatneau. Vancouver: Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Judsoa and Mrs. Yed Nash. Terrace; Ur. and Mrs B. E. Morgan. BUIanor MUI: Mr. i nd Mrs. W. B. Begg and W E. Pleyter. "toti.nto: Mr. John Kayaer, Ketchikan: T r singleton, Anyos: H. C. Oraham, Virions; Mia D Xdenebaw. Masse tt: iMU M rkua..Bkldpc. fWal jfohn Macfver, Anyoa: M Morrison. Queen Charlotte Islands: Alecander Smith. Shannon Bay: H. Campbell. Queen Charlotte City: D. McDonald. Vancouver. tvoy James Magulre. Liverpool. Harry Kemp. Kwlnttsa: Mr and Un Robertson O. VI. Anderson and P. MfPhee, Maasett. M. A. Jamas Jack, superintendent of con-traction of the Kslen Island Highway for the Vaneouver Medrivlng at Con-trarting Co.. sailed laat night by the Prime Oeorge for Vancouver on Neglected forlorn Forgotten ay all, I'm out la the rain, site Molly Baseball. No lanair rat I belong ta th or ta lot To the Before I t Are all ma needed r feaa "Alao mm. help. help! Mow ataftlac a dlrget Plying -to feet earth then la marry. ltt alaagerous. on the spending end. to vessels in the eta ter ii service, minwiwaa . drauaht 34 feet for the shins ta the laMglnatlon to that which eastern service and 33 feet tcr the ships pie to think they caught cold a the western service. They will have blbing too much fresh air. i gross tonnage of. about 7B00. speed 14 I ;nct. The three t teamen in the east- I The other day at Nelson a m aerv:? will have accommodation for j of an inch of rain fell and tt i03 first-class nauennrs. ta second- reoesaary to mention the fact back to Tola ephor-thoee ahwnt t. peo- by im- quarer in 2lass. and 100 third-class paseensera. and newspaper. wUl alao be able to carry general caigo up to 170.000 cubic feet and win re-j A fool and his money usually never r igerate cargo up tc It .000 cubic feet. meet. The two steamers In the eastern aer- - v ice will have accommodation for lot At the next election the llectori will first-class passengers There will be decide whether to nave cream wnn S04.000 ruble feet of ventilated space for then- porridge or porridge with then the carriage of bananas. 34.000 cubic cream. teet of spare lcr general cargo, and 15.- 500 cubic feet for ordinary refrigerated It's easy enough to get rich. Al space. I you have to do la to earn tots ofaaoaey and refuse to spend It. Moat of us fail Perhaps porrtJcVts thicker than blood In any case, the fact that "Dooly Pal coner" of Alice Arm Is the Conserve tive candidate for Atlln coupled wiu another that his brother "Al" la oa of the newly appointed executive of th BNTEltT.JIS ; Liberal e rolwUon In Alice Arm migb AT At the Roury Club luncheon yes ter suggest so. ft 1 peak of day afternoon the ladles orchestx led ;ui by Mrs. George Bryant played selec- .uma, much to the enjoyment of the s em bera and visitors. Those present were Mrs. Bryant. Mrs. Heimroner. Miss Lancaster. Miss Tite. Mlas Currle. Mrs. Woodland. Mrs Parkin, and Mrs. Col-lart. In addition there was a piano duet by Misses Tite and Lancaster and olos by Mrs. Jarvls MeLeod accompanied by the orchestra. Among the gueiu of the day waa Archbishop De Pencler of Kew Westminster who spoke briefly expressing appreciation of the music and strongly urging pride in the marvellous country in which we live. The Arcfchlsbop told of the statesman he had heard and met and of the Loyalists who came to Canada from the oountry to the south enduring all kind of hardships and then on reaching the north aide of the St Lawrence hoisted the Union Jack and sang the National Anthem. Bora and brought up with auch people it would be da-cult not to love one's eewotcy and be praud her. In fact tlw' jdwe be to kliuw OtrSV&ahs. the prouder he was of his country. The visitor told of the wonderful coast, part of which be had been vlaitlag during the past ten day. How ever splendid as was the country, the meat important thing waa oltlaenshlp. H. P. Pullen presided and there were ten visitors present. t a sign of friend and seam te think though It la. importance t. acqnalrrtanc Is largely the result at la temat. That la why a wdkaan may re member the hate and clothes of tht worshippers add forget the teat. People try to anelyee Bernard Shaw with poor success. The great write defies analysis sad Is one aim In Uf re an to be different fsam every out else in the world. My name Is Bernard Shaw. I'm a freak. Noterlety I am after. That what I seek. I am not the same a you If I were it would not de. I am of the chosen few, Im Bernard Shaw. Oeorge Bernard Shaw wak taking pot shots a modern society. "Old age hat only Itself to blame If It Is found Ula the vteng people do not treat it wttr respect. Action that are gatural for Infant, J forgivable in yoatth. beconx unpardonahly allly la old age. "A curate was admonishing a young thing for lack of i aspect to her grandmother, when th girl Impatiently Interrupted him. " 'I know that grandma Is old and feeMe.' th admitted, 'but that is lc reason why she should not sweep dp her own cigarette ashes.' - ENGLISH SCENES IN SORRELLANDSONAT WESTHOLME TONIGHT Msny picturesque places In England were used by Herbert Brenon and hie eceapeny as backgrounds for scents In "eorreJI and Bon." to be abown at the Weetbotase tonight After working for month in Hollywood, making Interior, the Brenon unit of the Joseph M. Boheack organiaatlon went abroad for the eiterlor "ehots." At historic old Mallow several scenes were made from the ancient Paper Mill Bridge, with Marlow church and bridge in the distance, showing "Molly Ro land" (Mary Nolan) and "Kit Borrell" (Mils Aether) in puhtiag and romantic episodes. Crowd thronged the bridge and the river bank to watch the Amer loan motion ptrtur company work Xepeelal interest by the English was evinced In the scene along the tow- path. In which "Stephen Borrell" (H. B. Warner). "Thomas Roland (Norman Trevor) and "Kit Borrell" as a boy (Mickey Mr-Ban i took part. Warner and Trevor. Britons, renewed I IaTEST STT III AH TH . I ii' TYKE NEEDS A .C. 3- r-r- 5U Want - c r 'jtr ' ? k ml f cfl iipv i H a. finfitet Twelve tu;l-!2ed pa(?c. overflowintr with entertainment and interest foi every member of the family . . . Co mien. Complete Stories. Cartoon. Fashion and Women's Department. That's what the New Comic Section of ever- Saturday's I'rovince contains. He sure and'eet your copy and read the New Section ... it leads them all! W SATURDAYS DAILY PROVINCE acquaintance with the spot where u.ev bad lived In riverside bungalows year. before. Director Brenon chose "Th Com- pleat Angler" for his heidouartars where the news of the , reaence of tht noted producer, who was born in Ireland and lived In Infc...:.d as young man. as well as British rr. n bers of hi cast, quickly spread amot:n 'he visitors tnd developed into an lnfoimal reception amongst old afuitrer; of the play-ea In their London days. CANNIBAL MOSQUITOES AREBEING IMPORTED KBW YORK. N T, June 1- Pr-nrh mosquitoes will be pitted against tlx domestic variety In an experiment m rid the Borough of Queens of the peats Mr. Charles B Williams, head of tht tnoaqulto M termination committee of the Oood Cltlnenahlp LesKue oi piuah-ing, Long Island., said she has written to Ftofoasor It. Lenenrtiw of tw. ' Mir Academy of Pranoe for a connlirnmsnt of the rreich variety, known as "cannibal" inosqulto because of their reputation of rot attacking human being hut of confining their diet to other mosquitoes. Advertise in the Dally New. It pays) fr IkP Taama itaM IcanadianI Antrtrir J asiixri I CURE DEFECTIVE VISION. DEFECTIVE HEARING, CATAHHH and other organic trouble tiy method". Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C Wallace lllocl:. l'honc 131. Open I - i'"1 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ke4 lilkan. WrangHI, Janesii, and Hkagway May II, June " To VauewHtrr, Vlelrl and He tile Mny j, , 9, je, KsV . WllNTKaM KOVAI. for Hutedsle. Kast llella ltlia, mean I a lis. Nauiu, Alert l" CswajM-ll Hlier and Vaimmver every Itlday. 10 p.m. fllir1 Ageney fr st) ftlewmshtp Line.. rBi i,rmi " " W. T OHCIIAHII. (ienersl Ageni. ..... Cfiver nf 41b Btrett and trd Avenue. Krlm Hupert, ILC. '