Save Money Boston Grill The cheapest wy to buy the Dally News U to oubscrlbe by the year The cost la S.OO and your r ipy la delivered to your addreaa h evening. Just figure out the mall 'coat to you for thli dally service for twelve month 1 LIM:B KirrATLY l'lKllltl BY Flit):-TON MVKIMi UHH: HI III MADE Ills 1ITII ''DRK. June 1 -Apparently .i'.n out of pennant eon- I'utsburg checked a losing ;. tesajwrarlly Willi ths ... a Bitt'lxlt affair the id theOaflve together to s: Urals. ' hi nineteenth homer aa iiut out Wanhlniiton SiMer hit lil firt national iimt at Boston mde it tour !i-oin the downtrodden Phil- fOMAN KILLED HER CHILDREN Alt Mil: WOl IJ HE KENT TO AsY- L' M AMI THEY NOT WITH H Ont.. June 1 Peel 1B wpiiuj upon lier, the aald. i-rt that she would be aeut iium where her children could mpnny her, Mrs Evanfefltne mi 38 years of ace. utraiu-iwo children. Rita. "Ked 8 : i 4. ycaterday afternoon nn ' iiiMic(l the police to cuiic und PUBLE MURDER THEN SUICIDE l:XIONTON June 1 Bill OoriAchuk rt . 1' .1 tluiru Mill 11 ml In. nnrth Hi'. hot and killed hi wife i il then dew hu mother-in-law i""''i are Investigating- he slr- 'it he oiime. iftetwrt That lien. Vlnrmt Manftey IllM tu Allmd ItefHibltaan Contention OTTAWA, June 1 In reply to a ueatton of T. L. Church. Cone ra tire member for the Toronto woruiet in the Houae yesterday. Premier Mackenzie lling declared be would laqube "with jHeaaure" into a atateeaeat sppeartnf in a prees deapsteh that Hon. Vincent Maawey had accepted an tnerUUoo to attend the Republican oonventlon at Kanaaa Cltr. FISH ARRIVALS Three lwt fmld llfm I'onwM f IUIlt at leliamre I W Mnlix A toUl of 71.000 pound of halibut was sold by three boats at the Plan Bi-' chans title aDornlnf Sale were: I AMERICAN' Pioneer. 41400 pounds. Booth Ptaher- lea. .c and Be. Sumner. ttAOO pound. Atlln Plaher- lea. 11 &c and Sc. CANAIUAN nniitkm tr A .ooo nound. Canadian W..M.H ' . fan at Cold Storage Co.. 9.1c and 8Se. BIG, SUM PAID FOR VANCOUVER REALTY ON HASTINGS STREET . 1 Th Mack VAffWVVBn - Block on the comer of Heatings and Icambte BtreeU. built In lews oy Thomaa Flack on nia rewn r a Haataaaanf( fnnfllri Yukon, nsa -Thomaa Flack by the BO. Bststes Ltd for uoooou. KENNEDY NOMINATED FOR NORTHOKANAGAN t..., i w P. Ktnnedy. for North Okanagan lii member alttlng 1 . . ... m-nomlnated at a me-venhMtnlght. Frank W.terhoUM arter nnK-iimn rUINCK KUI'EKT LWEKAL ASSOCIATION A MEETING Will be held in the iMelropole Hull, nt 8 p.m. FRIDAY, JUNE 1 ' r Conwn- n BuMness-Electlon of Delegates to the Nominating 'inn. All Liberal welcome. Seulu rew-iv,. imr Upkeeiulre Here for lew Montln at (leterninrnt TrlfSraph1 Office J. Upecombe. one ef the pioneer tele ;raprm of the province, la In the city to supply at the Oowrnmnt TelegTaph offloe during the abaence on holiday of J D. Lawrence, manager. Ur. Upecombe waa for 2S yeara general agent for the White Pet and Yukon Railway at AfOn and each pring h: paiaarl through Prlnoe Bupert and hsa noted the progress made. He alao say be peered here before Mr. Jtmmte An-demon ehove th townatte. N' Atbernl ... AUln .... Burnaby . Cariboo .. Oh till week Columbia h SaanVeh : Balmen Aim SiittUhtincen hEYBN KILLEIt DANVILLE, . Ills., June 1. -Seven per- ona were killed and s soon Injured. some fatally, when two Interurban esrs srsshsd head on here. Riding Oowtohan -Ni'Mi'esetVt . . . Cran brook Crest on Delta Oewdney Bequlmalt Pernio Port Oeorge . Q rand Porks-Oreenwood The lalsnds Keniloope Ivaalo-Sloean Ullonet MaefeetMtte rknsiSM Ketaost New Westminster North Vsneoamr North Okanafsn Omineos Prlnee ftujKtt Heveletfrke RlehrnaMd-Peutt Orey . naswIaad.TSsU South Vancouver Vancouver (8) Victoria (4) Yale Oonwrvatlvaa Percy Ruah ton P. W. Pelooner Hod. MaKenale Wm. AtUnstm B. J. Seoeil Dr. Oco. Kerr MefSaughtan 0. P. Daele L. A. Ranna N. A. Waltlnger i p. M Uberal PRINCE RUPERT Northfeto.&ndiGentraI British Columbia's Newspaper POWER EXPERT PREMIER NOT VISITS RUPERT COMING UNTIL INNl'ECTM 1ALI.H ItlitK AMI 1HIIEK roMUI.E Mil K( EK 1)1' HI I1LY while nnti; O. U. Heckle of New York city, an electrical engineer, accompanied by A. C R YulU. left for the south on the Prince Oeorge leat nlghi eftet bavin j uaspeete ad the waeg jmwets o the eheetnood includrflntlfflf " on its Beatall Blver. WarkS Canal and Shawat-tarn. He expreaaed hlmaelf a well pleaaed with hi ruit and particularly with the prospect of Prince Bupert which city he eonaldered waa bound to make good progres in the near future. Mr. Heckle did nut care to aay who be waa acting for or to give out any Information in regard to the p-wer ur- r be had made exsspt to mention that there waa a nice little power at Pall River which might well be aup- piemented by a number of others. There wae an Immenve lot of water com- ng over the fall at the time of hat lalt. Although an ardent fisherman. Ur. Heckle did not have time to enjoy the aport at the pcinta vialted. t . e wss Qol. P. Uater ! P. Putnam J. W. Berry Nets S. tougheed I David WMafAs B. H rooiey , Mr. H. B. Capt. M. McLean ! Pred P. Burden i H. O. Vmt Dr. 0. M. Kingston , Ool. C. W. Peek. V.O.. DBX). 1L B. Jacfcaoh. Kjy ... John R. Mlehell I J. K. OoUey Capt. Jaa. Mtawlnvnon .,.... a O. Carson W. J. Heath V. D. Harrlaon Dr. L E. Borden Dr. A, M. Benford A. W. M. aray Jock oault J. M. Brysa . w. a Kennedy , Alfred Shelferd , J. K. Thenipaon Adam Beil : J. II. Sohorteld Ron. MacDonald Hon. a P. Tolmte i N. W. Whlttaker ' W. A. MeXeosie 6keeo. Frank Dockrtll South Okanagan ' J. W. Jones R H. Helmer 6. it Tuaper ' A WEEK LATER Word wan received late this afternoon that it would be im-pfwsihle for Premier MacLcan to cume north next week. All wad elounu14 thern British Columbia, including I'rinre Ilupert. FREIGHTEOMIMED OFF EAST COAST AND SEVERAL WERE DROWNED VIMBYARD HAVEN. Maaa. June 1 SSesmer President Clerfield rammed and ank th freighter Ken haw off bare early thla morning. From seven to twelve people were drowned and 99 as eed. Thla afternoon's train, due from the Bast at I SO. la reported to be oa tuns. Candidates Are in Field in British Columbia EXT week will see most of the candidates in the field for the forthcoming provincial election campaign. The Conservatives, fearing doubtless that they might be caught napping, have chosen practically all their own men except in Vancouver and district, Victoria, and one or two in the interior. Liberals are now busy filling the positions. Id on or two constituencies represented by labor candidates may not be nominated. Following r those chosen so far: Other I OlWtal, 80s. . T. OphUl. Ub Ind. Con. D. M. Sutherland. Ind. Ub. Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and; best for the least. Phone 457 r- ; 7-" " - ' ' . i- m i-j'r lj l.L----r-L-.V. ... -.1- ; - - X VIII.. No. 128 ,t b Price Five t m PRINCE RUPERT, B.CVi FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1928 ; WELCOMED BY ARMY AND NAVY PLANES THIS AFTERNOON hnopl ane Southern Cross Made Successful Flight Over Pacific to Honolulu from Oakland, Cal. left yesterday morning and for time lost posi tion but picked up early today and landed at 12. 19 coast time HONOLULU. June 1. The tri-motor monoplane Southern I rosH landed wifely thU afternoon at 12.19 coast time from Oakland, California, en route to Australia. The monoplane made a landing after hours of tenants during which she lost her position and her fuel supply ran low. She finished with little gas to spare. Escorted in hy army and navy planes the arrival of the aviator wan announced by scene) of enthusiastic welcome. The distance of the flight was 2,100 miles. NOLULU, June 1. The monoplane Southern Cross, which ;t Oakland airport yesterday morning at 8.61 was reported his morning to be nearing the Hawaian Islands after being i a time. 'I nun aboard the Fokker are Captain Charles Kingsford-rnmami.-r and pilot, and Captain G. T. Ulm, co-pilot, both .ans. James Warner, operator, who has been keeping in . 'i:h shore by radio, and Litut Harry Lyon, navigator. ) l ' V ill I i i I ii i GEORGE SISLER premier will inquire HIT A HOMER DIED RESULT KKTIItLII VANCOIVLK ItlMMlWIAN tKACTllCLH SKILL IV 1 1 EX EN-TLKINU HOTEL VANCOUVER. June 1 Alfred E. Has-.elr. 70 year of age, retired bual-nrssman of Vancouver, died laat night aa the result of a fracture of the akull received when be fell on the steps en tering a local bout. Mr. Hespeler participated in the gold ruah to the Klondyke thirty yeara go. PIONEER TELEGRAPGI1ER RELIEVING IN CITY AN AM-: OF THE ACES : Bert HinKler. Au.-iruli;.ii aviator, who broke five records when he landed at Port Darwin, Australia, after a flight of 15 1-2 day from London City Prosecutor on Witness Stand at the Police Inquiry at Vancouver Yesterday Afternoon XV. 31. McKay Thought Georgie Chow Could Have Uten Prosecuted Successfully for Attempted Bribery June 1. Itesponsibility for the reduction of the VANCOUVER, narcotic charge against Wing Ching, a Chinese, was placed on Inspector Jackson at, the afternoon session of the Vancouver i'olice inquiry yesterday, when City Prosecutor W. M. McKay declared that Sergeant George McLaughlin recently told him Inspector Jackson had altered the charge. Original information alleging possession of cocaine and morphine was produced showing that it had been changed to a charge of .smoking opium. Wing Ching, according to evidence of the city cc : .art ateuogrspher, had pleaded S ,d.lty to the leaaer charge bad been i ed SJ0. The penalty for the first h uge would involve. It waa previously t3 ed. Imprisonment, and deporta tion. ire city prosecutor was alao examined by O O McCeer. K.C., counsel for rullce Comnilaaloner T. W. Fletcher, abiut police "entertainment" fund. Ms- Kay declared that It might have bean P aalble tD obtain a conviction against Oe rgle Chow, chine e. for attempted bribery when be left 1 100 In an envettpi n I:at:erior Jackson desk. The fast hat there wa a clip of paper with ..i.ney on whleq was written the ad dressee of three gambUng ho una. might have Infloanead the ecurt'a iliehlnn, he McKay was juso questioned In regard w cnargrs asanas men apersung onw jrderly houses and in reply to ques tions :d that If Mr. McOeer would write to him requesting the arrest o: Joe Celont and James Zere. allegedly Jte brother. Alfred, he wculd under take to hare them arrested. The pro-ecutlon would depend on evidence sub mitted to him. he aald. CANADA'S REPLY IS HANDED TO UNITED STATES MINISTER Niiwralile Kenly on Anti-War Treaty teM Irhti f ree Male ami New Zealand WABHINOTON. June 1 Canada re ply to the invitation of Secretary Kellogg of the VM. to participate In ne-gotlatlona and to become signatory to the anti-war treaty, waa banded to US. Minister PhlUlpa at Otuwa yeater- day and win be made pnbllc hre to morrow morning. The Irlah Pree State and New Sestsnd have soeeptsd the invitation and Cans-da's reply Is understood to be favorable. STOCK QUOTATIONS XMi ClwNOf lrier TmUy tut Vl ter Kxrlwte (Oourtesr of S. D. Johnson Co.. Ltd.) B.C. SUver Bayvlew Big Mlaaourl oCrk Province Dunwell Oladetone Ctlsalar Ooloonda Independence .... Indian Kootensy Ptorence. L. A5 L Lakevlew Leadamltb Lucky Jim Marmot Metals National SUver Psnd OreiUe . Premier Richmond Rufue Argents Silversmith Sun lock Tsrmlnua Torlc Whitewater woodbine Cotton Belt .... Oeorgla River . . Orandvlew ; Duthle Marmot Oold . . . 8locan King . . . Topley Riehflekl NoranUn Bid Asked IJO 1.T8 mffl 0814 aiM sa SI M M SO .08 lBVi .10 .Tl 1H M at 28 J0 .08 4 .09 .16 IS 15.40 18.60 J 30 3J4 .86 .84 .10 JS Jl m m 11 Vt .13 90 .17 1 a so a.7o 30 3 00 8 00 3.40 2.44 at M'-, .14 .37 '4 .40 .48 '4 .46 1.30 1.38 10 10, .00 1 ... '.SU, .68 20.73 3U.B0 TRIAL HALTED . BY SICKNESS PJUSONKU TAINTED IX DOCK A.4 Jl'ltY WAS HEIXO CIIAKGCU 11V JllKIE CRANaWOOat, June . An unusual oocurrence halted the trial of James Sutherland yesterday when the accused. charted with the murder of Patrick - icbolae In a bUBkbouss at oorMn on ftn S. coll peed In the prisoner's dock Vhrle Mr. JosMee tpr dbwtsed the jury. Sutherland was carried from the court unconscious, hi gandltion being dlagnoeed aa a severe fainting apell. The court adjourned. GRADS WIN AT ROMP A IV AY WITH IIALIIOl'KIC It.M. VEHSITY IX gitMI'IOXHIIIP UA.ME UtST MOIIT KDafOirrON, June 1 . Delhausla UT-1- veraity giria' basketball team of Halifax. Nova Scotia, champion of the Maritime provinces of the east, were juiplayed by the Commercial Orada here laat night In the opening game of the asriea for the Dominion Mill. The O rati romped away with the game to the tune of M to 6, the vial tori not having even a look-in. I The aecond and laat gams of the aeries scheduled for tomorrow night. DR. SANDFORD IS CANDIDATE CIIUSEX I1Y ('(OKKKVATIt 1JM TO COSTKMT XKW WUXTMINHTKK AOAINNT OKAY NSW WaVTMlNSTBR. June 1. Dr A. M. Sandford. principal of Columbian College and former pastor of Werley Methodlat Church, who waa defeated by Dr. Rothwell by a substantial majority In the laat general election, wa chosen aat night by the Conservatives to be, their standard bearer agalnat Mayor A. WeUs Oray. the anting member. MANSLAUGHTER IN CORBIN CASE JAMK8 MTIIKItLWIl WILL III) f- TKNCEK I.ATEIt 11) It KILLING PATKIfK XiniOLSOX CRANMIOOK. June 1. James Sutherland, on Ural here on a charge of murdering Patrick Nicholson at Oorbln on April 6. found guilty by the Jury of manslaughter with a recommendation to merry The verdlot wa Kirlved after 6 hour 30 minutes del lb- rrsUon He will be aenteneed later. 1 IMMIGRATION LESS THAN LAST SEASON OTTAWA June 1 Immigration to cunad i rm I lie utuntn of April totalled 3S.SR3. a dec reuse of 34 per cent com (Mii'ii V! ti April 1927,