i June 1.-1&28 Till i mi ""nw"'"1 iff M WW V j V ua lie: in V ancouver when you iiuy a better quality cuk ' jut cent cheaper I. in your own city and - daily. I lit and Dark Fruit Cuke, lb !0f i hrrvv and Citron Cake, i lb 50 uund Cake, with mixed fruit 'h un- h Cake at U."r in Cake at 1 i 1 1 to make your own pruttperotiH by encour-i' the workmen of your town. :, cwda are all made In our Itakery and the Quality if UtiMirpaaHed Electric Bakery T! (J Ave. Telephone C67 I - W ALLACE (O, LTD. ' hVipi.eTE CLEAHANCB Ladies' and Children's Dresses Sor our Windewa V COATS ON SALE iii-rial Hedudiena MWallaceCoIld. Prmne 9 d He. and Fulton AreYouWell? , want to be well but 1 ' u raged because - denied you If you I' d everything else, i- little mi'tnaife eon- I'W OI HOPE ' iy every kind of dis- - being permanently ' 'I through the new -if mience of CHIUOIMtACTIC n the cause is remov- urc can do her work. Consult V. C. ASPINALL ' id " Exchange Dloek rl U phone Green 141 "l nie: 1037 it Avenue. "Demers" for The Newest In Sports Wear IvASHA ENNKMIiLISS, WOOL HUim WOOL IJNSEMPLRS. Radio Radio 1 " Itatllola 17 will glee you 'h heat reception. ''inplate SBSIJW t'annot be sola for lew Special S'N I'OltTIUIT POSTAIJJ ..' v""''i tor lum ",,uM.K and Vancouver Price. F- W. CHANDLER h'-ttli Kir riiolnjra plier uu- u.-d an TIGERS SHOW IIAt NEW STRENGTH IIKTKOIT NOW IN I IrTIl VUMR IJj, .im-ISUAX I.KAOCE VANKi:iW win tiiiuty-hh ittii (iamk I Special to Dally Xmi ! EW YORK, 3Vto 1. The sllpplnii St. Lou 1b Cardinals dropped another 8 to the Ptttebuvg Pirates yesterday. Boston, though in seventh plooe. Unproved lu position with a win over Philadelphia which, u a result of so many km, Is now occupying rather unprecedented place in the cellar of the National Leagu. Hew Tort Yankee, not to be denied long, blanked Washington Senator yea. (tarda. DetroM Tlgera, who have been showing reaewed strength of late, advanced from alath to filth place in the American League, displacing Boston which was Idle wHh Philadelphia on account of rain. Chicago White Box nd Bt. Louis Brown shared the honors In a double header Yesterday's cores: national i.i;(jh: Boston B. PhUadclphta 4 Bt. Louis 3. Pittsburg 3. Only two games AMtltK.W Ll!A(ll'K Washington o. New York 4. nutaeMpbla Bostoa. rain. Detroit 8. Cleveland S. Chicago 7-1. at. Louis l-a. COAHT ILAdlE Sacramento l. Hollywood Q Oakland 7. Missions S. Ban Francisco t. Portland 6. Los Angeles 4. Seattle 6. l.r.MH K STANDI NO Nallwnal League Cincinnati so New York as Chicago as at. Louis to Brooklyn S3 Pittabmrg is Boston le PhiiMtaipMa 7 18 13 14 14 W. A merle h Isatsf NOTICE. L. 17 1 W IB 19 34 3 31 New York S4 g Philadelphia 26 14 Cleveland 33 30 Bt. Louts .31 33 Detroit Chicago Washington 36 83 37 M Bsjbacrtb for the Dstlv News LAND ACT Pet 4106 .878 6341 .439 .410 .184 J10 Bi .477 473 MO WOTICK OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO IB Prloee Rupert Land Recording District and situate on lUriekg Island adjacent to All 1 ford Bay--ayudVue Inlet Queen Charlotte Island. TAKE NQTtOB that Paetfst Mills Limited of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation pulp and paper manufacturer, Intends to appey lor a lease of the fotfowtitg described lands Coenaaenclng at a past planted at the 8 W corner of S TL SMTP: thenee IS degrees 30 mlnuea Wast I AstroatomiCI 1300 ft : thence North S3 dagreus 30 minute West 1 Astronomic) 1800 ft. thenrr North 82 degrees 80 mlnutas Bast 1 Astronomic BOB fx . thaw as StorthM degrees Wost (Astronomic) 3P0 ft.: tbanoe North SB 9 daes digi'iis Baat Baat (Astrwao-or (Astrwoo-min BS0 ft. more or or lea, lea, to to an an Inter-ascuoh Inter-m with th high high water water malt mart at of Minora aay: inenoe Mnoe r followins 01 lowing the tne said seta nign water mara souineriy 10 ine 1 01 eoaajneneemsn lahUMl containing ig WlW.tltll KOMMIOi; lerraeil NOTICS IS HBRBBY OlYBN that all person having alalaas against the estate of aMwora Donah oe. late of Naa Hsr- bci In the Provlnoe of British Columbia, who died an th 3rd day at Maroh. 1938. re reaulred on or before the 13th day I (18th) (lath) day day DATBD at Vancouver. BC . this 36th ROB&rON DOUOLAB Si 8YMSS Solicitor for The Royal 144 Trust tomnanj. LAND ACT MITICK OI INTKNTMINTO APPLY TO I.IIAKi: LANK in Prince RuperLand r'n District and situate r'" '""ST? Bay Moresby Island Bkldsaate inlet. Quean Charlotte Islands TAJtl NO'ICB that Paotflc MWa LlSte? of V.ncouver. B.C., OMUUJtlon Puh to apply and f" Pap i T least Msnufsmumat. of the following Jands de- h'Hh water murk of sn Island: thence fifflowmg the high waior mark around po"n ot commenoement. the Wand to and .Ui "ntalnlnn intinlnu me acre, more or less, VWgm Donsld Wilbur Hodadon. Agent lo" Pacific M1IU, LlmlWvl. Dated May 3. 1928.. LAND ACT T0 notice or -J" In Prlncr Rupert Und tto Alllford trie" and altuat, adrtegn urn, llil okiaegave Bav, Moresby TAKX r HOTICK that Pacific Mllto Limitad, of Viiih- hi invenos PWp and psi m - ,oUowln(l to aaply for ,,s aoriard land- ' ' oommenciiiK klMb iMbr liril'K following the m tne ine isisnci wisnu w ; Dated May i oh1 planted on the 1 l(i Inland: thence mars arouua iminencement .Hilre or Jess and 'Wul Wilimr Hutlsdun. ,. Mill" Limited IRISH AND ITALIAN BOXERS ARE CHAMPS. Tnnney, Ltmrliran unit Walker from Erin ami tiiinrtrr. Mandril and Oanzonrrl fnuu MimmjIIuI- -;iihd .1 c- ' Vir- .new York. 'jun. 1 ai it ... boxer unlverssUy recognised a 'present world's champions m their otasees are either Irlsb-Amerlcan or ItaUan-Amtrl- csu. honors being evenly divided. Irish - Amerieans rule the tap three ntssnns and Itallan-Amerlcaus the nest . three. la the last two there are no undisputed champions. Here's the lineup: Jnan-AmerloatvOene Tunney. heavy weight; Tommy Loughran, light heavy- velgbt; Mkkey Walker, middleweight. iiaiuaaiAmefftcan Joe Dundee, welter weight: Sammy Mandell, ltebtwelrht: Tony Oanaonort. featoerielght. HOLE IN ONE Kohln riHI-lnlug of Powell Itlver Doe it at Jacper lUil litihr JABPM. June I Jor the first time in the history of Jasper Park Lodge golf I courw, an amateur has made a hole In one The congratulations are showering In on Robin Bell-Irving of Powell River. B C Tb feat la aU the more spectacular because It waa accomplished at the lath hole, which is known as the Bad Baby. Mr Rll -Irving was playing over the course yesterday afternoon with Oeargo Stevenson of Hamilton. Ontario, against Dr. H. B. Lee of Nigeria. British West Africa, and Oordon Barr of Jasper. Lee did the Bad Baby In two and the game up to that ttme'wss so dangerously close that Ball-Irving had to accomplish the Impossible "H ought to be able tc handle bad bableV' said his wife, "he has brought up four." I SPORT CHAT In the Isst Vancouver Sunday Pro vince sporting pages appears a large group picture of the Bmlthers baseball :eam "which captured the champion ship of the northern Interior last sum mer and la preparing to defend Its honors this year " The team made an enviable record last year with twelve victories In thirteen starts Among their Ytethna wore Included Prince Rupert ( intermedia ta ) , Haaalton, Burns Lake. Vanderhoof and Otaoom. Those ahewn la the nletus are W. JPume- 1. M. Q. OIen. J K. Plnnerty, Dr. R. C. Bamfard and W. 8. Henry, supporters of baseball m Smtthera. and the im oimalatlng of Wllmar Lewis. Pred Bosmen. Arthur PeUetier. Saalth Arnold. Alf Wowiett Billy Orchard. Warren Lewis. Osorge Roberts. Clarenoe Oood- acre and CluT Warner. year out by L. O. Adamaon with a IBS a versa for the same muevber of gamm. n Jul IBM. to detiaer ear send h am-1 the District Forester at Prinoe KUDert. aid letter poat full partlculaN of tlr th Ltotuo JtSOttl, to out UUu.aOu claims duly verified to The norai Trust , pjjji. apruce. Comaany. saeeutaw m us aaw m n Ml loaf rVnOrrirtSeat, couver. B.C. JtmV tut the last msssh fW rrf V SesM flstfWWre assets Om oe -eased among th ptfaan en- t it led thereto having regard only to the elalane at wnicn 11 srnti im m uu T1MUEK SALE X9W1. Hemlottk and ONstr on an area covering a portion at ' Boat uusaai) 4amt. Ran B.r'" "yUn' ni btHlftwed tor removal of timber. "Prattded aay on unahle to attend the aaetton la pnaa may submit tenww tc oe opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further particular of th anhtf Porker. Victoria. B.C., or District rurewter, PrUsee Rupert, U.C. Form No. 13. Section 39) LAND ACT. Mil Ifi; ( INTI'.MIOV TO APPLY TO rilKCllASt: UN1) la Prince Itupert Laavd Booaraing District and situate about I nailea from the mouth ot Khutor River. TAKE NOTICE that the Detroit Western Mining Oompsny of vtaiswer, B.C.. ocattaaMoa Mining Comaany, Island to apply tor permission te pur-ohaM the rhuowlHg described laaos: Cummeneiiu at a noat nlanted nn the Wast aide of Lot 178: theno wester- If 80 theno os erly ly ohalna: thetice southerly 30 eadttenir 90 ohaln: then 10 aMlna. and onuUlnlni chain: sins; acre, more or ism. r. PARDOE WILBON. Agent for Detroit Western Mining Oo Form No. 18. Section 30) LAND ACT. MlTlCK OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO H rttllANi: LAND In Prince Itupert Land Recording District and situate about 4 miles from the mouth of Khutav River. TAKE NOTICE that the Detroit western western Mining Mining Company company of of vaneouvt Vancouver li in' BC. oseupatlon Mining Company, trad to agpto tor peimlaatoA to pu hae the YoUowing deaortbed lands:- ur Oommenoine' st a nnat nlsnUd due toot south of B.W. comer. Lot 204: thence southwesterly 100 chains; thenee easterly 10 chains, more or less: thence northeasterly 100 chains: thence westerly 30 chain, ana containing 120 acres, more or leas. P. I'AKDOE WILSON. MB DAILT RKWB . FAGE FTVB WEST INDIES CRICKET TEAM IU.EVEN' WILL I'LAV TENT MATf'HUS IN ENC1LANII Tills HI MMKft LONDON, June 1. The growth of first class cricket, If slow on the continent of America, has been very rapid since the war In other parte of the world. Australia Is the equal ml often the superior of Ingland In this game. South Africa san put up formidable toanu la the field. Indie is coming along. Perhaps the greatest development has beam in the West Indies. There have always bean fine crioketaTa In Jamaica, Bavtadt, Trinidad, West Oulana aad rontamnlative teams have touted Kaatenst. Wot till this year, howevst, ha a Watt Indian team been considered strong enough to engage In rat class test marches The presence of the West Indians In England this year will be taken advantage of by the llaryleDone Cricket club, which rules the game, and the English team to go to Australia next winter will likely be sent uealnst the visitors. Dates for the test mutches are: June 33. 23 and 36 at Lord's. July 21, 33. 24 at Old Trafford. August 11, 13 and 14 at the Ken- nlngton Oval. Around The World With Sport Fans . (llf The Trsmpl Cincinnati I unlucky in having two of Its star hurlers out of business at the same time. It was only Sunday that Red Lucas was Injured when hat ting and now coma Luque hurting a tendon in hie arm which may lay him off for some time. e Rugby seems oestlnad to came Into It own in Ontario, ssys an Eastern writer. Now, for the first tune, the game is under centralised control and an earnest effort Is being made to promote and popularise the code which far generations has been one of the moat favored team competitions in the British Isles. Our own football la an outgrowth of Rugby an evolution of the game which or Urinated at the famous school for which it is named when a player picked up a soeser hall and ran with It Rushy is a fast, skil ful and tricky game replete with opeti play, fine passing and minting and leas of the llne-plunglng and battering attaoks of Canadian football. In other parts of Canada, especially in British Columbia and m the Maritime i Provinces, the game of Rughy is plsyed almost to the eaeliiMon of footbal' There is room enough for the fine Ok: British game, for the Canadian code and for soccer too. e Swinging back into the form which k.. , . .. . .Z 'gve him a sensational string of vle- has won JL1L the team bowUng champion- ship of Ocean Palla. Pour teams par- ' - 'Jw city -corl a declare win ttctnated in the league. Oeml Store. J&h,m' H"k" ' Toom ' th Papermakers. Pipefitters and Civil 6er- to,""""1 ol the arena card .10.. The Papemakor. ran a to the Owwral Store Mam. win-,!" 37 gam, out of 44 a. agoinM the mrL ' I ami 111 it er w knjuthiliHiM kA S . 4Wa Oeneral Stores 39 out of the same!-""" r"' rne iweoma dot ran I nuw Tk- tm hwl . Tl of U4 per mvl a tots, of r."!.- oae aore moii W leas M.498 pins Tom Ahota won the high . V. LZXf SSZJHtrdVll Prte with 166 for 46 mot or I th whole aontaaaing lit . ... ... imm, In 1837 but ,hl. this was beaten scrss. mam or smb. PACtPIC MILLS LlkUTBD. Applicant. By Parser Samuel Bonnay. Dated April ra. 193S 161 Par th second year in succession the Oeneral Store team consiaUng of W. H. T. A ho Is (captain), 8. Bar- nett I. a AdiMann us a J JfuiAun and this proved a handicap the rest of the Journey. e BUI Peden. champion bicycle rider of British Oolumbiti Is in the east training far the speed trials there with s slew to trying to get a place on the Canadian Olympic team. The great question in Olympic event i We are dosing out our complete stock of Ladies' and Misses' Coats for tWe4flon. It is not often that you can have an opportunity to purchase at euch drastic reductions such fine Coats as these. Long before this season opened, large orders were placed covering all the latest styles of Spring Coats which are now in demand. We have now decided to confine, our attention to Ladies' Dresses and Hats only. To do this, we have to, clear out our present stock of Coats. And at these Sale Price?, it will pay you to shop here. You will find plenty of new styles, including those charming light and navy blue models, which we are now showing at popular Sale Prices. Ten only, Ladies' Tweed Coats, vises 16 to 40. Coat Sale Price 6,95 Third Avenue. National Lsasue team artar hnef New Weetm roster recenUy thwt Ms tenure of ofltoe. Rogers Rornsby has Oovernment '1 responsible not only taken over the Job When Hornsby!to cspitol but to the conauming pub-went from Bt. Louia to Now York It!1- M th Oovernment ha power was expected that lie would be ate- M control high (electrical 1 rates." draw's successor. Then came th amai- KKAK HATt; INCHKAafiN :ng switch from Nrw York to Boston. Back ol all these developments it the and immediately iM.otoall wnKuu be- . , v..nk ,. ,,i hi. .. Columbia muni gan to wag. It was predicted that tlpai author. ,.t ifnd provincial legls-eventuslly Mornsby would he manager int,ori! tllt the recent purchase of the of the Brave, but the change was not flc Electric interests and the sudden expected so soon Jack Slatterys real- expansion, of the company's oapltalim-natlon Is likely to be followed by that -ku, front a35.0u0.aoo to 880.000.000 of other managers In the major De- 1 :1),,y ujt i greatly Increased power trolt fans will tell you that Oeorge llgnt rat, it la thin fear which monamy win noi nuian tne season as naa caused Muliiland municipalities to fact distant fram th Witness post oaipllot of the Tigers, while in Chicago lt;arnin(te , conference is said that Ray Be -talk will "get out '-hole situntiun to dlacuat the from under" a White Sox leader. The i The tor move a public utility com-al which sent Manush and Blue to mtulon hafi clearly defined in Dan Howley team has not harped the provincial politic for same time hut Morlarlty cause. Whan OoaUahey pald th. B.C. Electric purchase and the th alleged sum of 4138.000 for Ctasel arbitration between Osnd Pork city ens were especieu so start ciinw- council snd the West ing. Btsaenslon 1 hinted at by Ohio- ught Company S" rr" It When the Leslsli UTILITIES WILL BE PROTECTED tX ! WPPtoailt "HI the Issue by cms ting oteimy jPowet 1 cryjuuad meetsij aaatd 1 1 1 finally with commission to hnve ample powers of control over all electrical rate in the Province. AKIIITItATION TO PHOt'KLU While municipalities are postponing their conference on the question untN ; Vancouver officials have had time to ACTION IN CONNECTION' WITH 11.C. I Interview hoads of the B.C. Ihxtrlc IXM'TtllC SAID TO HAVE land secure complete data from them, CA1 M'.D I NEAK1NKKR tht Wuter Board here I moving to - ac! for the first time In the capacity VICTORIA. May S 1 Creation of a. a arbitrator In u power rate dispute. tHIle Utilities Commission tn nAntml TKj aetlAn f flrmnM Wnvk rliv In Detroit Western Mining Oo u'r ' " ' "'"' "'wna! haa(ltlng the board to Intel vene In this Dated lBtn Aj;rl;, 1D28 juetn forced to tin- lore as one u: :h way Uts deiuututra led tli wide powers Six only, Ladies' Navy Blue Coats, light Brown or Grey, with moleskin or squirrel trimming. Coat Sale Price .. . ... . 29.50 Eight only, Navy Blue Ladies' Coats with fur collar. Sizes 36 to 44. Coat Sale Priee 14.50 Six only, Navy Blue Moleskin Trim- Eleven only, Ladies' Coats, size 38, in med Ladies' Coats, ske 42. Regu- different colors and shades. Reg. rar price up to $2.50. price up te $49.58. Coat Sale Prfce $29.50 Coat Sale Price $24.50 These are only a few items of the many available. Come into our store and you will find hundreds of others and at prices which will suit anybody. RICHMOND'S LOUVRE Llggest public Ist-.ies rcliif British Col- of the board over any company which umbta ss s result of three develop- j -lev;'lop and Hells electrical power moots In the last lew days. At the same time it has brought Uu 1. The action of the Provincial Water Provlnoe face to (ace with the necea- ta whore will Paavo Nurml be? Tbet8ora ta mclng to act virtually aslslty of making final and complete ar- great Plnniah athlete Is said to be en-1 PUue utility commlialon lu settling irengemenU for handling all power dls-tmA ism anna - m mu am hanortant Interior oower rate dts-'nutM in the futim" " ' " " " There wlU be ottered for sale at Pub- i "' . , 1 Ik Auction, at noon on the Slgntosnth flat races and the hurdle events "" , -- oi juiy. ibw. in tne amee oi Those Uitereeted in field sport r . " TKlcltAl K wondering If he has kept hi form o. U to call a conference ot reprssanta- ' ' . j ? v will be go down before the array o( ' mumcipalltt lttliilHMS apnady runners to be present at the Ul operation of the BC Electric Jack Blattery, former Toaaoto player Hallway to oonaider th recant pur- chase of that organlutton by British and eanadma 44stehteA. ha realgnetl as manager of the Boston ' 8 Premier MaoLeani atatenftH,j Durmg th ahsaao of Bav. A. W. ohlhaon tor the osdinsftien slo on dutvliy and tor the meeting o( the iynad nexi week. aarvuM be sail b eaaawted h Itbawsjttd. ssuT'tf . rtaf- wrTjTTrreTniaraaass . Mrs Dhjgl and children returned on Monday from Kxstew where they 'Pent th week-eetd with Mr. Diggies J Blgreld has the hides of the Kruxlles which he shot at Lakelse Lake last veek stretchefi on 'tie id- of his cahit-m the bench nurmweai of town. Boui .nother and cub had beautiful well furred hides Several anapshote have en taken of the display. B J. smith. Prinoe Rupert, was a business visitor here on Monday. N. A. Watt, government agent. Prince Rupert, came in from Kalum Lake mi Tuesday and returned to the coast on Wednesday H. B. Psrker. Prince Rupert, called m local gBBsers, 00 Monday. rlc AVastln. Prinoe Rupert, is ing a few days in town. A. Y. Wilson, on Tuesday. lum Lahs Re mo, waa in town B. M. Craig waa a business visitor hare from Vancouver durlat the week Mr. A. C Powter and daughter arrived from Bmlthers on Wednesday to visit at the home ot ftev and Mrs T J Marsh Advertls in th Dttly New. Prince Rupert, B.C. YOUNG White Leghorn PULLETS Ther liird nre tram the pen of the K.O.I'. Poultry BrraVr Assn. of 44'.. femw beun of iiish egg 'producing lntlii lien with re-rere under llnvernssewt lnie'-thin. Mar. Apr. and Mat hulclie. Prlreo S weeks old. SI. Is; nine week tIJMi: ten weehx. Sl.iU. An HNirtanlt.v to get high prMtHi'lng bird- that wUI lav early. List Orders now. Prof. K. A. Llmd. He B.O.P. llrreder. I nl-trrally of B.C.. Vuiirouier. ItC. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone SI CaHBKe. Wars Bousing, and Distributing- Team or Motor Barries. Coal Sand snd Gravel. We Specialise tn Hani, and ftirhHtftft Moving. Dr. Alexander Smith Brack Fhane S7I DENTIST T