PAGE EIGHT West FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, at 7.00 and 9.00 p.m. And Saturday Matinee at 3.00 p.m. I fl holme Theatre COMEDY "BETWEEN JOBS" HODGE PODGE Adniision livening, 15c and 50. Matinee 10c and 35c MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list, board daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat order.' on Winnipeg Slock -Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue I'rince Rupert, B.C WHAT IS IT that 'keeps you always looking well and smartly dressed? . OUR SERVICE PHONE 619 to have your clothes pressed. We call for and deliver to all parts of the city. For that Suit We have fine Fall end Winter Suitings and Overcoatings on hand. '.Come in today and let us take your measure. Cutting, workmanship, style, all guaranteed. Best materials and reasonable prices. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 Dr. Aiexande r move USHNKK BLOCK DENTIST r coau Your choice i EDSON CA8S1DY - WEL- LINUTON TELKWA c Also Bulkley Hay and Grain. Agent fcr Kobin Hood Flour. Phone 58 l Trince Rupert Feed Co. MILK MILK L Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily, ff' EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. I VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. K, Dollar Days THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY COMBINATION SPECIALS. No. 1 1 tin Pilchards 1 tin Clams 1 tin Sardines 1 tin Lobster 1 tin Oysters AU for $1.00 No. '2 1 tin Sweet Potatoes, 2' 1 tin Hominy, 2'i's 1 tin Quick Dinner 1 tin Corned Beef All for SI. O0 No. 3 1 tin Cherries, 2's 1 tin Pears, 2's 1 tin Peaches, 2'j's T . fin Ptffcnl AU for SI. OO No. 4 I Fresh shipment of Sweet Biscuits just arrived and displayed in our window. , Plain or Sandwich As- sortment, 3 lbs. for Sl.Ofl Boiling Fowl, per lb. . . S5o Hot Pot Roasts, per lb. ;$5r Fresh Crabs, each -"f Mussailem Grocery CO. LTD. Phones 18 and 81 1 I Nanaimo-Wellington Screened Lump. Nanaimo-Wellington Screened Nut. Nanaimo-Wellington Mine-Run. Beacon Hard Sootless Lump. Beacon Hard Sootless Egg. Telkwa Lump. Of the above there is ONE that is particularly suited to your heating equipment. We shall be glad to advise you Albert & McMery Limited Phones 116 and 117 H.S.WallaceCo.M. Dr. Denton's Sleeping Suits will keep your little ones warm and free from chills. Sizes 2 to 7 years. 3rd Ave. and Fulton Phone 9 Waterfront Whiffs No Canadian Halibut In Four Days Some of Boats Commencing to Tie up Deer Hunting Not Very Successful Four successive days during ;,the past, week . on which no hall but from Canadian vessels was offered, although American land ings lugs on uil each cam u of the mc same oaii; four vm. days were, .... fairly ,j heavy, is a some . All- T J - V inntAwlfAnt waterfront. what unprecedented occurrence There were no Canadian offerings nesday or Thursday of this week. lore, all bunched together and week to make up heavily for the to put in an appearance, uniavoraoie weainer msi wet to tou to be the main cause of the condition. Several local halibut vessels returning from cannery charters and other summer work to their regular occupation are expected to lend further to the anticipated heavy landings of the coming week. Capt. John Hansen, who has Canon W. F. Rushbrook, who for fished halibut out of Prince Ru- years, up till recently, had charge tert for several years, is planning of the vessel, to give up the game and proceed j to his native home in Norway toj Generally speaking, deer hunt-take up residence. Consequently, ing operations to date have not he is offering his boat Morris H- been meeting, with a very great nne nt the newer vessels of the measure of success, unfavorable fleet, for sale. He is now making what he expects to be his last trip on the vessel. A month previous to the commencement of the 1928-29 close season on November 15 sees several of the smaller halibut vessels fishing out of Prince Rupert tying up for the year. Among the boats now tied up are Volunteer, Utba Tanun - M'ji-rrilpritp C ipt. J. P, Reed; Livingstone, be-: longing to Capt. Tony Martlnsen.l which has been skippered this I year by Capt. W. Tibbits; N. & sJ Capt. Robert Thompson, owner,! and Capt. W. Bagshaw, skipper.1 and Emblem I., which is owned by Pete Bruno and which has been operated ilea by oy Capt. ipi. Haakon naaicon Lund uunu. 4 t TnA Ru. . . 1 I tU.Ia ni yci i jnajia aic uvn vti !rips of the season to the grounds. Radio Agency To while away the quiet win-'er hours now in the offing, Mil N'ickerson, popular manager of T? C 11. T A Was kaan InrlnnAl number of gronse were also taicen. t. augment his flourishing ship, handiery business with a radio; The open season for ducks and agency. Probably Reg. Webber. , " Pn ow' Monday. Unfavor-who has been appointed master , able weather Conditions do not mechanic and sales broadcaster, trouble the birfl haoters so much for the radio branch, had some-'and the opening of their season thing to do with the new depar-.w"! attract mnr gunmen who i are not so fthd of tramping ture. In anv case, if he does not sell any sets, Mil is at least hope-! through the mountains for deer, ful of giving his patrons many! A number of parties are already pntPrtalnlne demonstrations dur- ii'g the dog days oi tne coming winter months. Trailers Jennie, Capt. George Sorensen, and Minnie V., Capt Alf. Benson, left on Thursday for Skidegate where they will be engaged in fishing until about the middle of next month. Reports are still received of a good echo run at Skidegate Inlet and quite a few local trailers are now there. Frank Allen had hie pleasure cruiser Colifer on the Lipsett Ways this week for minor hull work. Practically all the local vessels which have been engaged in flaharv natrnl Work durltllf the ll.H.l J f - - I r. ! ... . mmap in vnrlnu nnrt nftthtr winter Quartan. the district have ... now returned to 1 I port. Some of the boys have lounuj , iki. . .t.lrv If nni a nrnflt-1 HUB IB" awmj - " - " I ' I able an occupation during the j past few montns as tailing u nance with the fish. Having Joe Greer and Paul Aiv-azoff as his guests of honor, Skipper M. M. Stephens left on Sunday morning aboard the Vera S. Frye on a deer hunting expedition to Porcher Island. The Frve returned on Thursday even- mitt, fnni. iar tram the Korth Arm. Kumeleon Inlet was also! ylgjd Dr. R. G. Large was In on Wednesday from Port Simpson .board his power cruiser Sunbeam 111., and again on Friday. The doctor recently- returned north from a holiday cruise to Vancouver which proved enjoyable and without mishap 'of any kind though the voyage wasjin-dertaien fairly late fn ftie'seasohT Northern Crosn Off ' i Skinner (Rev.) W. B. Jennings; left on Wednesday with the An- -i. ti.,t Kwif Vnrthprn iriiruii ,fi,i.nivii www i Cross for Jap Inlet, Port F.ssing- ton and other coast points on re - .... .. ,t.,iu..ui Hnii Aboard (the Northern Croaa this trip is, THE DAILY NEWS on the Prince Rupert on either Monday, Tuesday, wed- The Canadian boats are, mere- are expected during xne coming j days during which they have failed. ; weather conditions being held partly responsible at least. Continuous rain does not tend to the most comforor convenience in tramping the bush though some of the boys have, nevertheless, been persistently trying their luck. Dr. J. P. Cade and party were out to the head of Tucks Inlet at the end of the week and "the same old thing" is the way Shef ' nomson reports me reBui. Benson and Bill Wilkinson and the liter's sister, who is vis ting here from the south, also tried Tucks Inlet and again it was the same old thing." The party heard lots of wolves, however, and Ben hA been thinking of going into id. twtinv htilna until the ao- ------ ----- - - ' i nroacn 01 ine unriBtusas wow i l Al Ml..4.n.vB. ama nnnLH Lflt- IintlLUIIIIlllIlJ KCSWIV. - George Bryant. Bill tiii iifjii Williscroft. and party went to Refuge Bay and brought home a few birds. Claude Kirkendall picked up a nice spike buck on a trip to Re-1 fuse Bav with Charlie Starr and Doc Alexander on the Marjorie. A oemg piannra iw The bird season will continue open until January SI. ' Dr. W. T. Kwgin's power cruiser Full Moaji was taken on the Ward Ways yesterday for copper painting. Hull Painting Alex. Macdonald's Vaquero, Geo. Rorie's Nancy. Dr. West's Wylo and George Bryant's Harla have all been on the Yacht Club grid during the past week for copper painting. Th wintrv winds can come on with all their fury now for Shef Thomson has all his smaller charges at the Prince Rupert Row- loir & Yacht Club float safely In rne oniy thing Shef is worrying about now a A I l,HBi is tnai some oi wcae nwnpm m&v lie wanting to take - their vessels out for a beach party on one oi me am noons, thus upswung me pro scribed Yacht Club routine for Uie next few months. Trnllnra KrMl II.. Star and Penelope Girl have been taken out on the rocks on the beach near the Yacht Club for the winter. Shef "Thomson has been consider- ably agitated by a baby buggy mystery of late. Bach morning during the past wee a, a pram nap been parked on the Yacht Club entrance and. Just as regularly a the nram has arrived there, Shef has as religiously removed It out of the way Into the nearby bushes. The matter, in fact, la getting somewhat on Shefs nerves and he does not know what to expect next. As long, however, as 'nosnHaTirhg InfonTH Avlsned on to him one of these fine mornings, he may be able to survive the - - strain and mystery of the tning. A valuable innovation at the s Yacht Club is In the form of t a 'club register that has just been supplied. Th.' purpose Is for the boat to regi-ster as they go out. state where they are going-and how long they expect to be abject Ih ease of any trouble oc'cunrlngi Information contained in the book would permit of an intelligent beinir made. Under such conditions, a lot of anxiety and Inconvenience might be avoided for all concerned should times of fatress arise. -. '' ''' Leander Back After'harinir snent the summer ---- Urolling at North Island, j ft capt. Harvey uumas nas reiurneuvu, port wun nis ooai iuiu . is ue.a up ai wie n Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing and 7c paid the Helenl for 1,800 pounds and the low 12.7c and 6c received ty- the Cape Beale for 23,000 poundi. Only five Canadian boats landed catches during the- week. Buys Trolling Boat The trolling boat Iloyal, be longing to the estate of the late J. Lndfieth,who lost hla life In a logging accident down the coast durinir the past summer, has been sold by the official administrator ! wkfc The prjce paid ;for the veSM Jg not Buted To prevent traffic passing onto fence the . .. . rear of the fish i house premises on the government wharf from the track. False work is being iPUt in for the concrete piers wnjc, will hold the fence posts fJtrafH frora that vlin,ty 1 , , Umrrv Motllio .inH Ij n De l i left'; , ii I. - Tl ,),. kn..,l iUo ... .... hntlfMiri Ull luuinuaj awoiu : boat N. & S. for a few days' hunt-j ing trip down the coast. . . . . w . . The local halibut boat oeima. i fchris Olsen, has been on the, McLean Ways at Seal Cove thisl week for cleaning and painting preparatory to the final strenuous days of the fishing season. Exceptionally heavy landings Hurimr tha naat wtttk. toUlliBIT 872,500 pounds, brings the record of American halibut at the port of Prince Rupert for the season to date up to a point where it is possible it may overtake the figures for 1027 after having lagged behind for the past few months. American landings at Prince Rupert for the season up to and in cluding yesterday totalled 16,- 355.000 pounds or just a little more than 100,000 pounds behind 192711 16.440JI60 nounds. Un to this time, American landings had been serevar hundred thousand pounds behind the previous year. On the other band, Canadian landings during the same week were unprecedented I V light ... . . mw"mi v we,-w k"-" 'Tka CmnaAiun fnttl frr tho UkA. tV VSIIiauieiU wvws vb son, however, still maintains a healthy lead over that for 1927. This year's total to date stands at 6,811,900 pounds as compared with 6,987.-100 nounds at a similar date last year Total halibut landings for the season now stand at 23,166.900 opunda as compared with 22,436,-750 pounds last year. Labor troubles at New York affecting the handling of halibut at that metropolis disturbed prices somewhat during the week, but. upon settlement of the dispute, bids started to move upward again. The high price of the week for American halibut was 16.3c and 9c paid the old Torden- skjold, making her first call at Prince Ruoert this season for 7,000 pounds, while the low bid of the week was 10.6c and 6c given the Clipper and Helgeland for catches of 42.000 and 25.000 pounds respectively. The high bid for Canadian fish was 14.1c District "CATERPILLAR" Tractors IIIGGEK THAN THE WEATHER! A Size for Every Use A Hundred Use for Hvery Size The Dai 2 TON, TWENTY, THIRTX SIXTY QUICKHK CHEAI'EK Literature and Prices on Heqaest BETTER Sole Distributors for 8. GL MOItRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT C O. LIMITED N'oMhtrn rail'lr r(ht HulMlng 9I SlatiKii Mtrrrt VANCOIVEK. It. r Phone 15. Phone Till. B. C. Butchers & Grocers LIMITED 28 Specials this week Details by Mail If you arc nut on our Mailing List, Phone, us B.C. Butchers & Grocers, Ltd. THE HOME OF GOOD THINKS TO E AT Phone 574. Phone P. ot ly News Saturday, Oi t,i)r,r j. Who do not subscribe for the paper hut who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $3.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. t ' ''All the News of the North, coast and country, from our special correspondents, as well as world events will Keep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you.still think of it! i,,. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage. Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal Sand and Gmi. V Snwiiilizp i" i'!nit tad Furniture Moving. IimimIi oin. f lllplWf'M HI'Hk M.I.MJN, 111 . v