IN This advertisement U not published or displayea by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government t fUls Columbia IN i COLD STORAGE Suns of Canada Second and P. Hotel Third in Criblmge League Standing League Table W L Cold Storage 89 W N. Sons of Canada . . 86 76 P. Rupert Hotel 84 78 Moose 83 .79 f'-inarlian Iiirion .... 80 82 Eagles 77 85 C. N. Operating 75 87 Grotto ! 85 77 C. N. Mechanics .... 72 90 K of Columbus 86 76 R. , Prince Uuierl Cribbage league results Tuesday niht were an follows: sitin.' 12. Rupert Hotel 11. Eaglaa Ic- i 043 " " ' " C. N. Mechanics 0, Mooao 18. ! Native Sons of tUanaaa, ioki , Stofofe. s Canadian legion 13, New Em- press 14. ; Grotto bus IS. 12, Knlghta of Colum- Pts 89 86 84 8:1 80 New Empress 78 84 78 nruniro Jvf T7 85 77 77 75 85 GROTTO LEADING IN BILLIARD TOURNEY 1 Four of the five games in the first division billiard tournament , last night were nlayed. Grotto winging all but one frojn the I Canadian Legion. The score so far. with the one game between M. M. MeLail and Aid. G. P. HealdinxerdseNo.18 Spread lep pi Brtnf the head forciblf over towards on kneo. Sit tip in first position and bend over toward othr.kno.!a Krpeat from ten to thirty time. m&J? . m m wit ta 077 to 907 in favor of the Grotto. High breads featured last night's games. Andy Donald turning in a run of G7 while Art Easoh made 43 and Marcus Andrews 35. The jndlvdual scores were as follows? A. A,. Kasson (Grotto), 327, S. J'. McMy.nlie (Canadian Legion), Fr. Stephens, 250; Alex Mur- ray, 247. Don Drown. 250; J. Andrews, Donald, 250; M. Andrews, RADIO PROGRAM FOR THE WEEK KPO. KFI. 8.30 p.m. Half Hour with Max Dolln and Chan. H. Gabriel, jr., yet to be played, stands at KHQ KGO, KFI. 71 Writ for Fret Kacsdit BosJdct Itc, onlaininc a compUtt m of 21 Pmauni LmIcI for tW tkin(. All tttrcioM fullr trxoj ond oaUiaod I in drtiiL Wnu "NJO need for a physical culture expert to teach healthful exercue: A ' Simply follow instructions in Penmans Free Exercise Book.' Thtytre what everybody needs for healthful blood circulition and' bodily vigor. When buying underwear, insure quality, warmth and long, service by specifying Penmans. In the low-priced field there's nothing to equal Penmans 71. For men and boys, in two-piece and union suits. NOTICE TO PENMANS DEALERS By distributing Penmans Free Health Booklets to .It A t "II fl your customers you win create vaiuaoie goou wiu ana substantially increase your sales. Write for as many i. of these booklets as you require also for Penmans - - 1' a. a a 'attractive window and counter display cards. PENMANS LIMITED Paris Canada ft it totUy ' rfefU rHU ufting ittone uprieht. uprieht. CUip CUsd Kinds hinds behind behind bod.. h X I HEALTH UNDERWEAR 1J Kincolth Beat Players' Club in Closdy Contested Basketball total. 1 M. mil ,Mitchii Gome on Tuesday Evening Kincoiith tinental Program, KHQ, KOMO, fi Stewart C KCJW, KGO, KM. ? A,Ian ..v... 0 8.00 p.m. General" Indepen-c i0bertfon 10 dents, KHQ, KOMO. KGW, KGO. , JnhnRi 27 Trimble 3 Total 52 1 Players Club Bill Larobie 2 Eddie Smith ft 1 Poll Howard 5 4 Geo. Mitchell 10 1 Tom Kfclsey 3 0 Art Phillips , 0 0 , Total , 34 it intermediate league Th n r. v v n nivH ,im i : H-e3 Mackenzie :t.Knaw Oet Dyer Total Toe ll. J. Underwood ,,......, ,Frcd Burdett IrdiHe Smith Ilatehford 4S. Cufrie Eddle Smith . Pt Pa T. Hughes p uiu wratnail 2 Ceo. Hills 4 Doug. Stalker 0 Geo. Hill 2 Total Pt Pa C 0 5 0 11 0 0 0 Oke Jackson, storekeeper; u 1 It m III 9 w. Allan, doorkeeper; uert wai ters, timekeeper: R. IJ. Skinner. Pt Te re'frt oug- Friiiell, umpire. 11 0 2 2i .. 7 i Frank Morrisson , 2 W. (MHaaan :.-- 0 T. Smith 0 'J. Morris 0 Total 11 Pt Pe 4 i) 2 BILLIARD TIME Si 0 0 1. 3! Eaglcx vh Dig Four In an exciting second Inter-1 mediate game the Eagles took! wings and vacated the cellar position to the Big, Four when they, defeated thm 27-22. The Eagle J playing as the supposed underdogs, surprised the. Big Four team and played a fast combination . 1 . game. The Big Four team reuen , on many long passes but the Eagles were able to intercept j many such passes and convert 1 them into points for themselves The Eagle team ahewed vast Im-j prrivement over their first appearance and should be among the leaders of the Intermediate tLettjrue. Although Dig Four seem ,to have a strong team on lnipw. they do not appear that wuy an TABLES ISSUED rIKMT DIVISION NOVZMBCA 17 a rot t a v Orand Terminals, w" "C nnumiiK 111c umu v. Morotfo V. Oiud Termlnala a lot of praetlce since their first " game were able to defeat Toe H. " - 24-11. The boys from the Naval Reserve will be a hard tram to beat before the season is ended f.they continue to Improve iik y bave during the last wWk, life Toe 11. boys were very weak n handling the ball and many mistakes were made when a wejl fkught ball might htae meant atljasket. This fault should be edHy remedied as tbe bojs Kfejn to be anxious to learn the gfigie vv -. R.!(l!N. W W ;v ' A Pt Pe McDonabiW...,,'. 2 3 ihwe ,Ji. 1 2 ierce 4 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 m Boulter 0 BASKETBALL TIMETABLE November -20 Senior, Klnco-' Uth v Port impson; Intermed in 1 iate' RfK Fotir m Naval Reserve. 1 l 1 11 m 11 1. rnnj u 1 1 Kincoiith defeated the Players Club 52-34 in a hanl-;nigh schon v Kagiea. i'oilght senior basketball game Tuesday evening in the Ex-1 November 23 Senior. Native aibition building. Wonderful combination was played by in of Canada vs Kincoiith; in- both teams and it was only the shooting that made such a , tfered!nlf ' c: N: I: v" difference in the score. The Kincoiith boys missed very ljuS few shots at the basket, while the Players Club seemed colts. to lack the necessary accuracy. J. Johnson, for Kincoiith, Noember 27 Senior. Players I with a score of 27 to his credit, played a hard game, and,!Ciui v Port simp-on; mtermed- with his accurate one-hand shots, while being heavilv ijf1' ,N"' J1"1 VH II,Kh jchecked was a skillfulplayer to watch. C. Robertson, also j FZ! Native of Kincoiith, played a nice game, .Son. of Canada vs Port Simpson. aconntf id points, twin tnese the floor. Perhaps It is the ImK t.t.m.. Wa Four v. C N players ave the guards of the 0f practice or too muah Individ- RjUdlea,' Mapie Laafe v Dril imiriumj i oyers ciuu piemy oi warrr i uai playing. Unlets tMjr remedy Teiin. Junior Hiirh School 6.00 p.m. Seiberling Transcon-: ing the game. Although the Play- this fault they will be occupying Colta. tinental Program, KHQ, KOMO, era Club was on the short end of. the cellar alone, as team worki Dtbflr 4 Center, Players KlJW. KGt)f KFI. the score, their combination plays. gives better results thft Individ- club i vTlnneolith; Intermediate, 7.3D iarn. Standard Symphony j were worked to perfection, but!ual playing: Etjrlea va Naval Rtwerre, High HourVKJIQ, KOMO, KGW, KGO,' their shooting eyes seemed to have Eagles School Va Toe II. KF1. i left them during the last half of Pt Pe December 7 Senior, Native 8.30 p m. Memory Lane. KGW. the game. The Players Club took II. McCallum 9 3 KGO. I the lead at the start of the game. 'E. Dingwell ,.. C 0 9.00 p.m.Correct Time, KHQ, with a series of combination plays B. McDonald 7 -lKOMO, KC.W, KGO, KPO. jand good shots. At half time the Klmer Smith 0 . 1 1 It : A I I... . 11 f 1 ll V" 1 f . f I A 86 J.JU p.m. laweii iiouae iro-:cure sioou o-io in iavor ui ine imiw vmrviin u pram, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KGO. Players 'Club. With the begin.; Fred Dlugwell 5 KPO, KFI . HX0O p.m. The KFI, KPO, 11.00 .p.m. The KPO. Four nut of Five Games In first, Friday Division Fixture Played j 5.35 p.m. Land O'Health, KHQ Last Eveninu KOMO, KGW, KGp. COO p.m. Wrigler Transcon nlng of the second half, Kincoiith W. Murray Trocaderans, took a determined stapd and, with j . wonderful passing and shooting,, Trcaderans, they were able to overcome the i ilead and continued to add to their E. Total IC Four , 0 .'S7 3 4 0 2 1 10 Sobs of Canada vs Players Club Iiterrdiai, C. N. R, va Nava Reserve ; Indies,' Maple Iaf v-Drill Team; Junior. High School vs Colta. Deeeraber 11 Senior. Klnro 11th vs Port Slmpaon; Intarme' kte. Toe H. vs Yf, 1 Four va HHth School. ItASKirrilAI.I. I.IUGUE STANDINGS 'Senior League V W L Pts Part Simpson Natlv Sons KlneolHh . . Player Club klW aalaV fk. sm AVaBV w r 0N : a. V Cork Tipped RED package Plain Ends BLUE package 6' is 1v t 2 1 Maple Lf t 2 0- 4 Drftl -Team - .!;;'. t -2 High School Toe H .... R. a N. V, Eagles Big Four . C. N. R. R. 7 , 1 PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEW3 Thursday. N,,u. New s and Views In The World of Sport I At I ila'V III 41 2 0 IdieN Ingue r w 1 pu 1 1 ' II MBMaGHHHan I Hi 1 BrR-l-HV I Bii Tr.i d. 1 lish.-.l Liqum '' the Goven -Tit fulu! SCHEDULE FOR LADIES' voyXMRi a P W LPti Onttf V4f V 2 1 1 1 1 2 P 9 0 0 1 1 2 ft ft! niXLMHI K 4 (roM Ladlea t 6 Ok ptaadtta NatK.m. tla. ' t8 CaatUM N!:.i U- Ladtea. at. Gearje'i t-o 3 us