10, 1028 A mull mm : & . Waitin 1 Wastin i i. f CJ Right now, today, your old car is worth $100 more than it will be later on, tomorrow or next week. If you were considering a cheaper car, this extra, hundred may enable you to have a Super-Six, to enjoy brilliant big car performance, luxurious comfort and the joy of being really proud of the car., -you " own. r If you haven't examined the Hudson-Essex Super-Sixes by all means come in and see them now while you have this trade-in advantage. See for yourself why more people have bought Super-Sixes than any other six that's made. 13 U SON ESSEX Hie Only Super-Sixes. Local Agents PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO. Second Avenue . Phone 272 all occasions when a pure, and full FOR flavored whiskey is desired choose SEAGRAM'S 83. It is luscious whiskey made from an original formula and fully matured and ripened in individual oak casks. Tq oldest stocks oi GovctumwA SVyav VeWs hc soy THE DAILY NZWS PxQE FIVI NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. . Mi'W. HAZELTON w'JTfcu bdard of New , Ilazelton FtfHucd Church met last Monday ftiijjht at the home, of Mrs. C. II. ttwi', uusiness ueing, cnieny oi u routine nature. A joint Ladies' Aid bazaar was ire hi on i'riaay night in the As sembly Hail at Ilazelton. $ 11,. i..'. I ... IV. TlU,. J V'.MLllJ lUIIUfl lit MIC JkUlllCI uc Hou:e mine, whicn has been taken over by l;uke Harris, is now cieaneu out and work is getting unuer way on the drift. Half a uozen men are employed. William SherrJff of the Silver Cup mine olfice staff has left for Vancouver on business. School children here are prac ticing assiduously for the annual Christmas Tree entertainment. SJiJTilEKS i . ' .is ' Dr.,R. C. Bamford and John W. burner ielt last week 'for Vic- .ilArJf where they wflt attwiu meet ings of th auvisory board to the joepurtment of Agriculture. They expect to return about Christmas. Miss Giraud, Miss Windt and Miss Appa are class leaders in first term examinations at the uniitners High School. Smithers had its lowest temperature so far this winter last eeJt when the thermometer dropped to ten below zero. The winter is a month later this year than .1 wits last ' ' . tr Tie Smithers Diatrfct Board of Traqt is asking the provincial government to Institute an ener. getil program if reconstruction '"titl surfacing irSMltj&aTn high: ways in central Ulfuish Columbia. rfSdrV'6rthe roads are Badly In such improvements PRINCE GEORGE Provincial Constable Malcolm M;..tin. Jho leaves here this week for Queop Charlotterlt tftJw;hich point hjhasifbfeff transferred, was the ijiiesLefahvnoi' ata fare- well supjwr apq dance held in the local government buildings last Tuesday evening. Harold Taft. who is being transferred from here to Kam-loops in the ssrvice of his bank. was presented with a handsome club bag at a gathering which friends held in his honor in the quarters of Dr. P. D. Carr. Mr.' Justice D. A. MacDonald has given, judgment In thai sum o 12.000 id favor offffrJrn- DuiiAsraism uscaroqen in a case ; which wm;' heard at the' last ses Ision of tpe Supreme Cqurt here. , ine actMH was in: regard to a j former partnership. . -l . 4. . The Hajae Oil Co. of Vancouver opened for business here last Thursday, with J. D. Gillis in charge, of the local branch TERRACE ! J. Morley left on Thursday for Victoria where he will spend the winter. Mrs. J. Bruce Johnstone retur ned on Saturday after A few days' I visit in Prince Rupert i A. McKtehnie of Prince Rupert. mining engineer for the: Gfensol ids ted Mining & Smelting Co. was jin town at tha end of the week Mrs. W. J. Martin returned on Saturday ftftar spending a few days in Prince Bupert wHh her daughter. Miss Marguerite Mar tin. nurse n training in the hos pIta1, jlA W. F. Treston was in from Kalum Lake during the week. Mr. and Mrs. V. Soucle left last week for Vancouver, where they will spend the winter. ; ion Saturday on a trip to her for-tmer home in England. , The members of the high school literary society undertook the sale of tickets for the movie show of Mary PIckford in "My Best Gal," put on here Thursday and Saturday nights, and F. C. Bishop, theatre owner shared the profits with the pupils. Good crowds were in attendance both nights. STEWART Miss Kitty Salmon, who has een on the staff of Gibson's jitore here during the past sum mer, left last week for Llm Washington, to visit with a sis ter who Is ill. Tim Williams has returned to Stewart from a brief trip t6 Prince Rupert. Mr. Comrie, who has been as- aying at the Woodbine mine, left last week for Vancouver. Rev. Father E. Leray, local Roman -Catholic priest, has returned after spending a couple of weeks In Prince Rupert. George Cameron left last week for Penticton where he will visit with a sister. KNOX UNITED CHURCH GUILD NEW OFFICERS TERRACE. Dec. 10. Notwith standing the inclemency of thl weather, the annual meeting and supper of the Ladies' Guild of K?nox United Church was well attended on Thursday, December 6. " The members of the guild mel in the afternoon for consideration of the annual report and elect'on of office-bearers for the coming year. The report showed niu every department of the guild activities had met with outstanding success. In addition to meeting the usual expenses entailed in upkeep of the church plant, the sup ply of church hymn books had been replenished, the primary de partment of the Sunday school had been furnished with a supply of kindergarten chairs, while exten sive repairs and alterations had been made to church and parsonage properties. The financial report showed that the work of the New Year would be entered upon with a sub stantial balance on hand. Special reference was made to the excel lent spirit of mutual fellovship which characterized the m l.ingp of members week by week. After a hearty expression of thanks had been extended o the retiring officers, the following ladies were elected for the year 1029: President, Mrs. Wm. Allan: vice-president, Mrs. O. T. Sundal: secretary - treasurer, Mrs. E. Brooks; entertainment committee, Mrs. W. Smith and Mrs. E. Ha"-land; work convenor, Mrs. A. II. Barker; visiting committee, Mr-. Allan and Mrs. R. Christy; flower convenor, Mrs. A. Holmwood: guild representative on church board, Mrs. O. T. Sundal. At 6 o'clock the husbands and friends of the members attended and enjoyed a hearty supper prepared by the ladies. GOLDEN KEY GIRLS CLUB MET TERR AC? TERRACE, Dec. 10: Saturday was the social meeting of the Golden Key group of the Girls' Club and the girls were hostesses to their mothers that afternoon at a nicely arranged tea held at the home of their leader, Mrs. Wm. Allan. A jolly afternoon was .spent, the mothers being Tit, duced to take part In their group games. The group singing of the girls also added to the pleasure, of the afternoon. Dainty re freshments were served by the (girls during the afternoon. J. A. Hlnton sailed by the Cat- Mrs. Jarmin. who has spent' ala last night for Stewart where tin- past few years here with her he will spend a few days on busl-itughtefc Mr. J. Downing, The Acme Importers' - 5th Annual Temptation Sale BOYS' OVERCOATS A hundred per cent wear that is what these Boys' Overcoats brag about! And the boys will admire the real snap in their styles. All the class in the wo. Id with their fine smart colors and patterns. Regular $15.50 value. TEMPTATION SALE PRICE $11.13 .MEN'S UNDERWEAR The fatootia Cee-Tee brand Pure . Wool Underwear in eombina tionf, Canada'afamous make. , . . TEMPTATION. SALE PRICE ., .....$..1. MEN'S OVERCOATS The best dressers will admire our new models for their snappy lines, quality woollens, fine colors and excellent tailoring. T-hese are of all-wool materials, with check back. TEMPTATION SALE PRICE $10.8.1 LADIES' RAINCOATS Here ia a fine lot of real quality Ladies' Raincoats a raincoat that really keeps out the wet. Regular p:ice $I0J50. SPECIAL VALUE AT TEMPTATION SALE, PRICE $(1.5 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS We have a great Variety for your choice made by Tooke'e, Arrow and Lang, as well s other manufacturers. Regular values ' . '' '' " Mp to $4.00. fTEMPT ATI ON-SALETRICE- ?: . ... I. $ 1 .U3 ' MEN'S COLLARS . Men's Collars in tne semVsoft finish is" the popular wear these days. Made by Tooke's and -Arrow. TEMPTATION SALE THRICE, 4 FOR .V. .?1.(K) MEN'S SOCKS Men's Fancy Cashmere and Silk and Wool Soeke The finest footwear in the world. Regular value up to J 1.50. TEMPTATION SALE PRICE 3? The Acme Importers THIRD AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT Terms: Strictly Cash No C. O. D. No Charge Accounts HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Phone 5S0 JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double load $6.50 Lare sack '. 50c COAL PMCES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootleas Large Egg $12.50 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal. Piano and Furniture Moving. Express and Baggage Day and Night Service 139 Second Avenue Cold Wealher Is Due ARE YOU PREPARED? 'e Are Prepared: To tune up your motor and overhaul your Ignition for easier starting. To charge your old battery or sell you a new ono iVV, for 410. To sell you chains and fit them to your tires. To put Prestone Anti-Freeze or denatured alcohol in your radiator. To sell you Dominion Royal Cord Tires at lower prices than ever before. S. E. PARKER LIMITED 3rd Ave. East. FORD DEALERS Phone 83