I 4 PAGE TWO The fur when that Lit;. dii'fiiultics not be a o and two in The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Kwy Afternoon, exeat) ldap;, by Prince Rupert Daily New, Limited.' Airu Avenue. ...; iiiif i PULLED - !3ani5hr Ediior. SUIfijCKIITION KATES ty Delivery, by mail or carrier, "early period, paid jn advaae $6jOO For leaser period, paid in advance, ier monvh JO By mail t all parts of Nortben. and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period $3.00 Or foar moaths for . fl.00 By mail te all other part of British Columbia, the UHUsh Empire and United States, pud in advance per year .... $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year $7.5 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Traasieat Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 ioeai neeoers, per insertion, per line 2S Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word 2 Legal Notiees, each insertion per agate line IS Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporter Telephone - Member of Audit Rureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION 99 86 Wednesday, June 20, 1928 SEE ROTH SIDES An effort is being made at this election to give both sides of the political situation during the election campaign so that readers ( thi- ..-i per will have an opportunity to judge for themselves which party -hall U ,cnt back. While we think that the MacLean gov-einm.'ii' -hull t- r turned to give the new premier an opportunity ai.o realize tli.it i; j c,-, state Tit-ir ra.-c. Y .in- as we hae din- in tht- pa Wh tMi iin new iiapf'! ' i ; -fusing publit iitinii, ji iu :pp best interests of the province, we ; i.-.- .. pqual right to be heard and ' " i . to give Dr. Tolmie's side, :! : - ur limited capacity allows. ; t rings up or hide them by rein a l. iit wav. YISTORIA SITl'ATIOX 'ituatmr; n: -tnria i- i:"' .ne to enthuse Conservatives In- l art i. i ; v iiled et'i cl'. I ill'! Mb-!." n !' th-'ir nu n and it ni(ilett- lot- I.-a.-t. '! ni'tf m the -uiL.rb a b:g effect .n t! .eral ' iy is difficult. The Liberals of u ni. ng, but they also have little - -- le that their convention may n four candidates in that cHy aid hat happens there will have lit : ughout the province. SYMPATHIZE WITH COIjQNEL i rime Kupert i i.pie a ii Lieut -I i f.ii Ml- ;. ,,, . Vi.i: "uve: ' r. ai r!', ., . t h. . i pi'al wnere i - i -a Thi- :. tii;it-j i r. hi.- wa r,..rie wrh M had hf-M i,i, ,, r. j I i i . T:.- : : - r- it in sympathizing with s of their little daughter at tolls had to go to the hos- hospital operation at Win-' Mr from Europe where he .s a hard one. PA..E. RAILWAY i ! (jitoo Bulletin) A gen.-ral ; r a n , ... electioa is being held in Brtitish Columbia A lr on ,i r ; ..aua in tbe platform on which the MacLean government . .... .. Lg re-election declares that negotiations are to be . ntmued fur the sale of the P.G.E. railway to the National Railwaya. " v. xi. uunninr siaiea in inravra uvan u.- - .v . . jo agu lull UCJKUIUI- ti Jrt toifcat end were proceeding satisfactorily. I.0'1 altogether probable that the elector of Britih Cswmbla would approve thi or any other pJan to dispose of the P"i5" pr?y'd trm caB ecured which will not involve too hearv a htm to them. The line has not paid the expenses of operation, nor la there a prospect of it doing so. The capital cost was heavy and ther carrying charges are correspondingly large. Nor has the railway resafted in any general development sufficient to offset the deficits. The PX1.E. was projected from Vancouver to Prince George. In point of fact it neither begins at the one place nor ends at the other. There is apparently little public desire to complete it as a provincial undertaking. A sale would seem to offer the only opportunity to bring the enterprise to completion, secure the advantages of the development it may facilitate, and free the tax-payers from henry losses for an indefinite number of years. repir Brownie apparently sees in these negotiations a possibility that either the National Railways or the two transcontinental will ha in the market shortly to buy the E.D. A B.C. at a substantially better price than was offered a few weeks ago, and rejected. Speaking at Kitscoty the other day. he placed a price of nineteen million dollars on the E.D. t B.C. lines. The offer made and refused was approximately seventeen millions and a half. The.dif ference is not larete, in terms of railway finance. Shotrld the NaUdnal acquire the P.G.E.. it weald be very much to the a vantage eLthe system to control also the E.D." 4 B.C. Should the PT. V li i I ian f I l r-- j - ... BURNS LAKE A H Sit mho :c-n-l) here rlalttn with Mrs V V Tallon. Mrs Wood was the rslson d'etre for a number of deliifhtfu! social sJlalis dur-ing hr v;it here from rnt prvlrcUl police f-rce with which he has aarved btre fcr severs! Two new families oi settlers and their ear tm opened a rw aorrery .'ore cSJect' arrived last week at Bums Lake to the Laker law Hofl n!'.ut to the New rinlsnd aetUewmnt w: o! Collevmount Mrs O a Wood returnad ;' Fnd.y . scrr:nf to her botjae In Prlnot Oumie Ut. and Mra. 1. T Steele and Mlaa s' t -syast vt i- couple of weeks Maine spent a couple of days last week Crisp, tasty and flavory For thirty-five years the favorite cereal in millions of homes - an4 still the favorite. Baked all the way through. TRISCUIT - a crisp.tasty wafer Made try The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. at Oswa t ake and Wistaria, Or. Steel I vi:ig been engaged in emlnlng the I jtiiool children in tiie southern portion I 1 the dutrlct. a rousing reception ra given Hon. I Or. J. O. MacLean. Premier of Brit cJj'umuia, and Hon A. M. Mansotf, j lornev g-neral. wben .they auhlic meeti&f. last ; sauadnjr eva tfter the meeting a In the Community Hall by the Native! Jon, of Canada. Del Cfesldy Is opening tip a general I tfore at XaaUaa SUver. Some unieae spceaaens af roses and! sot u are betes developed m tbe Burns Lake Nurseries. Mra. P. V. Tallon waa boa tea at 1 ctidge party last Wednesday evening In I if nw of Mr. O. S. Wood of Prince I Oeorge. Prise winner wete Mra. J. H.I Pt.ngW. Mra. A. I. Klaaock aad Sirs. H. D. Mac Nell. Arthur Shellcrd. Conservative cajOl-l dale Scr Omtceca was In Burns Lake fori i few uys last Hc after having spent week rampiigatng at Vaaderboof. A Liberal Association has bean organ- :.-d at Ootaa Lake with caTaOtrs aa fol- lews: Honorary President. Hon. Dr. ). D. MacLean: honorary vtee-preaMeat. Hon. A. M Manton chairssan, Norman I Schreiter: rice chairman. Harry Mor gan: secretary -treasurer. J. H. Harrison: I tsecuttve George R. Parker, Uo. H. Bcnne :. D. McOlbfeon aad M. er. Phil Brunell and Stdasy Oaatela of Burnt Lake aaakrted with taw : ration Mr. Laldlaw. one of Bams take :arl!eat settlers, is in eaera of tttel government liquor store BOM which ie- ently opened for Roadwork la now wB thla district and giaraUtng way al cn some of the went petts e( the Ffeaa-j cola-Ootaa Lakes road. Net weak win start on the BaMmr read at ei pclnt near the cievea-mtta post aad re-j conatructkm fr that pOUlt direction of Burns Ipte win be as rapidly as powlsta road has received a good approprlattoo J .ad will be continued fartiMr at aa! rapidly aa possible. A tanner ue- provement which Is pteaeaed la thol d from Cndako to Oten Anaea at! the eaat end of Francois Lake. STEWART Wllllam Tounkte. prosBlnent mlabig man. and Mia BlaabU W. MazwwU. weU known chiropractor, were marrtad , jt the United Church in Hyder Jaat Thursday. Her. s. V. Warren omclaUng. dtsf Kate Ryan acted aa bridesmaid and Dai by B MorkiU was grooaaankta j hlle Um bride was given away by, Albert Mayer Mr. aad Mrs. Tounkin art taking up residence In Stewart. The local assembly of tbe Setlva Sons of Canada baa passed a resolution uiwliig that tfe mn 1 1 1 1 1 hi in i,i 1 1 mt ' packers 'and pvospaetori under the.beake-flta of the Workasen's CompenaaUoa Act. pise support of the Canadian Legion has also been given the reeotu- mn. The Canadian National Coast Stetun-i Odps inneanoe that la rotate the j taa mar Ptlnoe CharVas wtu cast a4 Stewart flrat coming aorta, proceeding then to An vox Amierly An vox wasj he v fasti's flrat call out of Prince Ba-pert. Baal estate asJss oa the townatte cootlnue steadily . The Ste art lead Co. reports having dispose of tlfOOt worth of lots during the but ninety doya. T. W. nuooner of Alice Arm. Con varveUve candidate for AtUa riding, has been here oa a campaign tour, aeooan-pand by J A. Anderaon of Alice Arm Jaa Oouvftie sad a nils tea in the aaontwaJ group of claims aa ta -.east side of Bear Blver divide left Jest are U tt . .1 .!v,rr ox lne wWd scarcely for the property and win carry ov to. tk T . "jsiem.-aaja ax iu raiavAt tyhjcti traHjc-lArt f!'V'fl1h g- y. kmc ki.iwiiik a aiiierence oi a million and a half dollars in me purcnase price should not block a sale. The Stewart that it will take no active part on behalf of any parUcalar party in tee forthcoming provincial election palgn. VANDEUH00F The Vandsrtioof aad DtsUict Beard of Trade ha daeldad to take up the matter of establishing a hospital te tbe dletrlct. the subject having been Introduced by Dr. W. Bom Stone. A committee roasts ting of He. Stone, E. A Mitchell and R. O. MeOorkeU has been appointed to make the nt nasVij invaatigatlons aad report st the next meeting of the board. Karl Buck has reoatved a eafloed of i orw. from Abbey. Ssekatchewsn. j H c MeflSfkatt, has i luaa oi lumber from VancwHsai. . I I". P. Burden of Prince George was a vlaltor last week in Vanderhoof. John D. Chsrleaon. returning officer lor omlneoa constituency, hu sppolnt-1 Oeorne Ogston aa election clerk. Holy Trinity Aagltean OeniMh here has Deceived an organ from St. Andrew's Cathedral In Prince Hupert Oat, Andros Is visiting here aa tbe rueet of his sou-ui-law aad daughter. Mr and Mra. H. V. Tsylor. ' Ini A Fritwr MP returned to hi '" ei :m Tiiuisday sfter a A 1 1 Wnils.. . I I sMsr- "I , : I I' I - - - - kUVI.Ll 1 va a. aiir..w.'.: xsa. . mbhuv .aiaiswi tmt , , i e jHKStmsiiP iiU lin,.. fdl V AW I I ST ate U 'UaVU'a. X X X 1 HaV. IL GMaBaVl T . t i.l. i.llB IVSL. I f J ' m c- tf&iiaB mmm. . x tm m n v yss s i msm&jsK 'mtmm& 1 .... ff"NQ 1 JEfM2y 45vra. iKa Ti-fr'HE? la Hirffvwaa n i ftSxiSSMiaWSl 1 prouueuon increase wio-wzb i -eKSBrsspsfXKrifi n TZftuao 5B.97o n "sSs3B5 imh.m t-iini.a. en "1 JTI W rSWx Hak. xSk. trv rap awaw 0 I II W I I TWENTY years' mining in British Columbia have yielded nearly 800-miilion dollars. The last ten years have increased production by 58.9 per cent. the value of all Canada's production is $25.70 per citizen, British Columbia's production today, if distributed, would mean $111.96 per person annually! Our mined and treated tonnage of metalliferous ores reached a record of more than 5-milllon tons for 1927. The value of the mining industry to the Province is in the distribution of money in wages, supplies, transportation services, etc. And in this respect, 1927 va a record year! The 14,000 employees of the mining industry were paid wages totalling 23 million dollars . . . or nearly $1 ,7C0 each . . . the highest average for any Canadian Province. During the year, distribution of eight million dollars was made in dividendsl British Columbia mines approximately 40 million dollars worth of copper, zinc and lead, a year . . . more than tbe rest of Canada. In gold and silver, our production ranks second ... in coal, third; our total annual mining production today being exceeded only by ' Ontario. Sound legislation, good mining laws and low fee have encouraged this development and stimulated growth. Although the provincial The annual Ftemara' Institute picnic i.mummmK tvoveo w a a very sue- i t week eeasrai aeant. After the wente. a dane waa held in the acnoo! house. -X. P. Saaithan has ktt lor Endako where he will work on tbe new hotel netug built by A. O. Annan. SftUrMO mn nt tit. rfl.tM.. k.u - i W. If. rVrrler ana s. a RyaJl of Fort St James were vi. 'tors is, sm J. M Johnston has been on a trip to Vancouver to consult with Conservative pmnj iraoera on matter of the f.eetien campalirr. in th;s riding. PUnll, r.t th. V.--, m . . . '"-"U aiiCnOOl WMItm th.lr nmi-ml tm m. " Mat .Thursday evenkea. ' the keau. 1 estoa being fsitowsd t a v7hle. with a smoking set on the oe- tasion of his birthday iffss KUle ArUnd of Engen nutate ; PK hfml Kaa Kaon r., i . a ... . R. C W. tat f the Canadlsn :h "Zr " "T" ."" ' Uonal Hallway. indurtrUU deparurent 1 8up,l)or e.hooI to ,,c ' ' ' V.ncouv,r l-t.MeiU.h who has re.,,, HITT OMV IN Ilf. Tbe loe Oeora. oeorgo LMSJe I lanit si Co. has I The ranee nt ih. . Terrace r'"? mill l,rtol " rttom thef Canada la conf.ned to the prov.not Misses Uary and jDf.u.n tnumDit More shlnglea are 1 made from the Western rear than from Uly Hartley are any o"r ..neo Over Jfinnnnnne visiting here . the guests of their sin ter, kfiaa Maud Hartley tiii ' r. Wit,. I board f ( Mr and U.' William Cameron 1 u-:d nr.' 8a,ka,t.n ase vlk.tins e: :!. Mr v ud Mi. S c .Oe.(!.)- M: .. .iia.m inru thu tree in addition over I30.000.ooo Jf lumber. 10.000.000 kUu. "'mb.r .., ;,?. mining area has only been superficially pros peeled within the transportation belt, new lieJds are developing, new roads and trails constantly being built. Chattering drills sink deeper and deeper into the hills . . . heavy ores rumble through the concentrators . . . fortunes come tumbling from the treasure chest of Urltish Columbia I What was once only imagined about our mining potentialities, is now proven knowledge. Mining has become our third largest industry.,, showing over 67 million dollars revenue a year . . . proof that prosperity flourishes in British Columbia. Capital from Eastern Canada, the United States, Great Britain, France ... seeks invest men t. Our great wealth of production, developing so steadily during the past ten years, has established confidence and aroused keen interest in British Columbia's mining future the world over. Rtad Ihtit inHtuttcemtnl mtd undtramnd your pneiiut'i pnxrtst . . . tl,p tktm CHI and irnd them to'nndi. If you dtttrt txlr tttpits s Ihtst announttmtnli a note to tkii nrwipaptr will king tktm. Advtrtut your f'ronmtf paying a visit beat to institute the aewty chartered total Masonic Lodge. :s Mrs. McOaachy's brother. CANADIAN! VSHSVi t t Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coait Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Ta Ketchikan. Wrsnicll and Skagway June II. IS, IS. To Vancouter, Vktorla anil Keattle Jane 9. 1. to. ti lt. I'RINCIS 1K1VAL fc'T lor llatedale. Ba4 IMU liefla. Oreao ratM. M. N'smu. Nawu. Sl Sleri Cacanhell lllve Siul Vannuitrr eiairt ItMii. 10 n.m. terser af fft JUQJtfJijrp.Wfc IStOCs. Hrft.. lua Un rss J' LOOK at YOUR CLOTHES EVEHYONE EISE DOBS Our spring stock of High Grade Men's Wear U T'..W I f 11 ml lo.1. . TI.ll.tn'. rinji., iiiaaII.1.. lir 111 I'll 1 "that spring suit" tailored to your measure by C" ' most Clothes builders "Society Brand." Obey That Impulse Do it Today THOR JOHNSON nrrt-