Vciesday, June 20, 128 ASK FOR YOUR 1. VW Vk,vj -J III For Pic-nics For Pic-nics Electric B rea keeps soft longest THE BEST THERE IS! The Electric Bakery specialiies in cutting bread for Sandwiches TP" ASK FOR YOUR NEW MILLION DOLLAR Valet Ant' o Strop OR FREE with every purchase of 10 hlades 30-day Introtluctory Offer. (hrmes Ltd. Jfic Pioneer Drtinrisis TH'.IiD AVE. V SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES ft? V 200 Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating (..T.I'. 20,000 Ton KloatittK Dry !)cl Engineers, Machinist BoilermaLm. lHncknltk. Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 aBd S86 The Sensible Road to Health No mutter what your ailment is, do not think your case li'ipelesN until you have tried Chiropractic Spinal Adjust-'''Ms. What it has done for others it will do for you. Do not "ijirh ignorance of this wonderful science, shut the door to "n ultimate relief and happiness. CHILDREN CAN TAKE ADJUSTMENTS ' any age without pain. An adjustment at the right thud pretent many no-called children's diseases. '"ii:'ull about our Electrical and Ultra-Red-Ray treat-'""iit.s for all diseases. W. C. ASPINALL, D.C. G and 7 Exchange Block Phone :qf fire, Gfjr) ., Residence,. W 283 WanheB and Dries Wiihout a Wrlnner THE NEW SAVAGE 5fl per cent luster From hamper to line in 14 minutes-Washed, Blued, Kinsed and Dried. Sold on eu.i. terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Phone '! Local and Personal 4 a Taxi I'lione 4. IU 4 Tail. Dentist. Or. J. K. Q'xm Phone 688 For a Taxi Phone JM. 007 tand. Central Hot Bet Junior championship toi 8:46. High vs. Booth. Dry Shingles for kindling 83.00 for urge load. Bad' Transfer. Phone 304. 147 Hyde Transfer tor Bos Cutting, double load 3 JO. Oood raiue for your money. Phone MO. tf Canadian Legion postponed general meeting will be bald tonight. Wednesday, June 30 at S pm. Kiss Miriam Laodo arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver for a visit with local friends. J. B. Tan nock returned to the city on the Prince Rupert th,ls morning from a two weeks' holiday trip to Vancouver and Victoria. John O. MeAakeil pleaded not guilty in city police court this morning to a charg of drunkenness and waa remand ed until this afternoon. Ben Pergueon returned to the etty on the Prince Rupert this morning from Quaker Corn Flakes, per pkg. Kir Soap Sunlight, 6 bars .... ;t5f Oatmeal, 7 bars 2Tt P. & G. Naptha. per bar .... 5 Castillo, per bar 20f Bovril, 1 os. bottles, per bottle tiOf Vegex, jars, 2 for O.'r1 We have just opened up a ship ment of Wlllard's Forkdipt Chocolates in packages and loose. Packages priced from . . oO? up Loose, per pound o()p Lion Brand Sour Mixed Pickles, in gallon jars, per jar .. SI. SO Lion Brand Sweet Mustard Pic kles in gallon jars, per jar $l0 Libby's Queen Olives, small jars, per jar 15r Libby's Asparagus Tips, picnic sise tins, per tin "Of You'll like Gold Med I Mayonnaise. Trv an 8 or., jar at :Ur Butterkrust Toast, new stocki per pkg HO," Everything in Green Vegetables Watts' Grocery I'hone !" Phone po "The Slie of Plenty." THE DAILY NEWS PARE THRKR Saoei tor young snd-jEdd at the Moose Picnic oil Sunday- " utr and coffee provided. Good time assured. J. P. Forde, Government engineer, left for California from Victoria at the week end to attend a convention there'. Private dancing lessons at Elks' Home . . taw nrdwuniui Sie anflpB!m.Wr. Sorrtnoton end of I Vancouver aad eoutn. For Information Phone hew oi i and 9. - I 144 1 will leave at the week for a holiday trip to other points In he Due SB a delayed connection on the east en of the division this af lei-neon's train. dMa from the East at 3:80, la reported to be forty mtnutea late. af. B. Henderson. M.A. of the local High School teaching staff will sail by the Prince Charles tomorrow afternoon tor Veooeueer at which place and other points In the south she will spend the summer vacation. Albert Farrow, steamboat inspector, who returned last week from the Yukon and spent a few days here Inspecting the snagboat Bobolink and lighthouse tender Blraie. sailed mat evening by tbe Oatala on his return to Vancouver. CP R steamer Princes Louise. Capt. Arthur Slater. Is due this afternoon at I JO from Alaska and will sail at S40 for Vancouver and Victoria. Peat lingers ailing from bare tor Vancouver will include O. L. Halyard and M. Kovleb. Mr. and Mm. Hampton and a ten day trip south for tbe purpose daughter. Helen, left on this morning's of attending tbe recent Oddfellows' 1 train tor Oourtkuid. Ontario, where they Orand Lodge convention In ChUllwack. ! will pay an estended visit wttn reia- Uvea. They expect to return to the It Is suggested that regular monthly : uvea. They eapeot to return to Use dinners of the Prince Bupert Retail! city In Biplimlin Merchants' Association be discontinued ' .or the lummer months. A meeting of I Thongs tbe Bfttasft motorshlp King rbe eaccuuve will be held today to deal ' James, final grain ship of the season with the proposal. for this port, was originally reported due today, no word of the vessel's an Prince Bupert this morning. Those go- : along in a few dan to toad a ftul cargo Ing through to Skagway number 161 of wheat at the tooal elevator for too while the moat of the remainder ware United Kingdom or Continent. tcurtsti going last by train with a few j local passengers. At 340 yesterday afternoon the fire department had a oafl to tbe corner of Union freighter Chllaoot, Opt. John second Avenue and fieoond Street where Mtttr. arrived In port early tbla morning a cigarette stub bad been dropped and from the south and. after discharging ignited tbe ildswst No damage was powder and structural steel, the latter done. With warm, dry weather canto be used in the construction af the tinning, fires are easily started in tbe new theatre here, sailed for the Skeena elty now and the dspaniiisnl has had River and Stewart. W. O. Barber of Tormto, general manager of Canadian Rational Tese- grapha. and R. Vt. Ball of Winnipeg. general superintendent for the western drvtaiea-. are arriving in the city today accompanied by their wives, in the course of a western tour. They are l-s veiling in a private car attached to this afternoon's regular train and will proceed to Vancouver tomorrow. Tbe regular monthly meeting of the Lett Xrlckson Society wee held toot night ht tbe Metropote Hall, t was decided to open a Mhacrtpttoa Hat for the purpose of aiding a sick mi safe r to go to Vanoouvor for treatment and July 16 was sslsoted as tbe date for tbe annual picnic of tbe Society. After tbe Dullness session. rffnatimsnta were served, i. Mvig. sr.. president, occupied the chair and there was a good attendance of members at tbe meeting j Market Prices j LA III) Pore 25c Compound 30r tons B.C. Preah pullets Sir B.C. Presh lints 40c BjC. Preen estrae 46c Local new laid age kissers, lb l&e Kippered sataon. lb 26c esnokod mack oad. lb 20 Plnnaa baddies, lb 26c MEATS Powl. No. 1. lb Mo and 40c Roasting entekea. 1 4V Srouors tec Ham. siloed, first grooe Mc Ham, whole, first grade Mc Ham. picnic, lb Vfcc Cottage rolls, lb W Bacon, back, siloed ur Bacon, aide 45c to i' ork. art Mit Sit Vyrshlre bacon, lb 3Se 'aal. shoulder 25c Jen! lotn 40c Veal, leg asr Pork, shoulder 28c Pork, loin 40c ork. leg 85c Reef, pot roast Ieeto20c Beef, boiling laue to 18c Beef, steak 30c to 45o 'eel. roast, prime rib 32o iamb, chops 60c Lamb, shoulder 85o Mutton, leg 40c 'eunb. leg . .. 48 MutUn, chops .''.v. 40c fotaun nheulder v...'. .. SOc IIHTTr.R lnok field. Bhamrork and Woodland lb 50c .CD., lb see Cupltol. and grade, lb 45c No 3 grade. 3 lb. bucks $1.40 Prnacr Valley, lb SOr Alberu Creamery 4c New Zulnd. in bulk 48c prints SOr I IIKHHK Osroembert rhewe. 8 or pkg 65 Kruft Llmherger, "-,'s 35c UMUri-i solid 35c N'-w Zealand solids SOc BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada .. To the end of December, 1 926. , ""' ' '' : Jlae produced Minerals as follows: Placer Gold, $78,01818; LeUo'Cold, 1180,972,318: Silver, $80,787,003; , Lead $100,976,442; Copper,. $209,967,068; Zinc, $50,512677; Coal and Coke, $28499,188; Structural Materials and Miscellaneous Minerals, 10,175,407; making its mineral production to the end of 1926 show an AGGREGATE VALUE OF $988,108,470. PKODUCTION FOB YEAR ENDING DECEMBER, 192C, $07,188342 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than those of any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Empire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal lees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which is guaranteed by Crown grants. Full information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HONORABLE THE MINISTER OF MINES. VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. N.B. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of the Minister f Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to such reports. They arc avai! able without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Victoria, B.C. Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable source. of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. Stilton, lb 40c Kraft 45c Norwegian Ooat 64c Kapoieon Limber get 10c oquefort 75c Swifts' Brookfleld. lb tec Oorgooao.. lb . . 76c McLaren's Cream. Jem . . 4ftc and 86c Brookfleld Swiss cheese, y, lb. pkg. 30c Oruyere 4iv Brookfleld Canadian cheese. lb. pk- 35c OoMes Lost lb. 46c Jack, lb eu.- A total of 319 passengers arrived in I mediate approach kid. been received up Romano Sardo. lb 76c the dty from the aauth on the steamer to this morning. The ship should be i Oammelost, lb SOc C.M.R. steamer Prince Rupert. Capt. D. Donald, arrived In port at 11 o'clock this morning from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocesn Palls and wtu sal! at 4 o'clock vhis afterneon far Ketchikan. Juneau. Skagway and WrangeU. returning here at 10:30 neat Monday morning and sailing south at 4 pm. that day. The vessel hss s large group of round trip tourists on board. C.IKD W THANKS. The Imperial Order paughters of the Rmplre desire to express its sincere tharka to those contributing to the musical program, and others who. In any way assisted in making the Rose Carnival a grand success. ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Pic He. June 24 Ptonwm' Plcn'c, Jnlv B 1 . we have all kinds of Fresh Fruits arriving every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Best quality and prices reasonable. This week we have a quantity of Grape Juice to sell at per bottle ST.c several calls during the past few days. SIOAB White, per 100 7.fl6 TeUow. per 100 17.00, nxil'K Flour. '. No. 1 hard wheat .... tSSS Pastry Hour. 10s foe. Pastry flour. VtXJLTAHLbH j Beeta. 6 lbs. for Jac , Beets, sack el.7S OarroU. Mew California, lb. 10c Potatoes. 8 lbs SSc Sack Itas New Texas Potatoes, lb 10c New Vancouver local. 2 lbs Us Parsley, hunch otc 6aruc. Imported, per lb SSc New Cabbage. Ib Mc New green onions, per bunch .... Sj Turnips, g lbs for 25c per sack HDO Australian onions. S lbs 2sc Japanese crated onions, S lbs 25c Local Vancouver radishes eel Up-river rhubarb. 5 lbs Sac Bunch carrots, 3 for SSc Bunch beeta. 3 for SSc Bunch white turnips ' Mc California asparagus. 3 lbs Sic Watercress, bunch 10c I Preah mint .' 5c Long R&glish seedUss cukes SOc White spine cukes SOc Vancouver local lettuce, small .... ltc Vancouver local lettuce, large, S for He Spinach, new crop, 3 lbs SSc California celery 30c and SSc Oreen peppers, lb 40e New summer cauliflower . . SSc and SOc Hothouse tomatoes, lb I New cabbage, lb Mc lUIT California Beauty Plums, lb SSc. nallfornia Formosa Plums, lb 26c California Peaches, doc BOe California Apricots, lb SSc Burnaby Strawberries, basket SOc Oranges. Valencia, doaen .. 40c to SSc Lemons. Sunk 1st. doom 40c to SOc imperial Valley grapefruit 3 for SSc Bananas. 3 lb Mc Extracted honey., per Jar SOc Comb honey SSc Dates, bulk. 3 lbs. for Mc Raisins, bulk, per lb 15r Sweet potatoes. 2 lbs. for SSc California Dainty Dates package .. SSc Yellow Newtona "C" grade M.50 Nancy S4.S0 Extra fancy 84.35 Cantaloupes SSc and SSc Cocoanuts SSc Bin Cherries, lb 40e Outdoor or InJoon whatever your talk. Let WRIGLEVS refreitt you allay your thirst, aid appetite and digestion. Helps keep teeth clean. Afcr Every Meal NEURASTHENIA Neurasthenia is a condition in which tbe nervous system becomes exhausted as a result of overwork; it is a functional neurosis marked by intense, nervous irritability and weakness. Some of the symptoms are: headache, feelings of constrictions about the necjc, pain in the back, exhaustion after slight mental or physical exertion, excessive sensibility to noise, irregular heart action, disorders of vision, loss of memory, etc. The patient becomes mentally depressed, occasionally trying to do away with himself, in fact many inmates of our insane asylums are neuras thenics. In such cases pressure on spinal nerves becomes more or less general, thus disturbing the functions of the digestive , and eliminaiive uigatiB, and numerous glands of internal and external secretions. Spinal adjustments are absolutely necessary for a permanent cure in Such conditions, occasionally giving almost instant relief. Consultations Free Dr. C. O. McKA.Y, D.C. Phene 131. ' Wallace Block. Open Evenings. rflfW Has Happened WILL HAPPEN AGAIN We recommended Porter Idaho at 5 cents a share; Silverado at 35 cents. What are they worth now? NOW WE BECOMMEND Silverbell Mining Co., Ltd. AT MARKET! Latest Vancouver quotations, ISc bid, 28 asked. Situated on the New Premier Bill and bounded on two sides by Premier holdings. H. W. M. R0LST0N & CO. Ltd. Stewart, B.C. Direct wires Vancouver Stock Exchange . STOCKS BONDS HEAL ESTATE P. an ad ian National Q7ic Largcft Kailway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Ballings from I'KINCE KtTEKT for VAM'OI VKIt. VICTOKIA. SEATTLE. MONDAYS, Till KMIAYK, 4.00 pjn.. SATl III) AYS, 6.00 pa, Por AN VOX and STEWART. MONDAYS. ritlDAYN. 4.00 pjn. For MANSKTT INLET. MONDAYS, 4 00 pm. Por SOI TII UVKUH CIIAHLOTTB INLANDS. Portnlgbtly. Por SKAUWAY, WEDNESDAYS, 4 00 pm. I'ASSENHEK TRAINS I.EAVB NUNfE ItlTEKT DAILY EXCEPT Sl NDtY st 11.) a.m. fr I'HINt K OEORIiK. EDMONTON. WlNNirEO. all points Eastern Canada, United States. tfir.M'Y ALL OCEAN SlKAMSIIir I.INEK CITY TICKET OrTICfc. (CM TllllUt Wt. MUM K UKI'KKT. M I'bvne t ay Belle Lingerie THE NEW Tailored style, jr with contrAsf Dimr Special at per pair OUK SPECIAL MAY BKLLE BIX)0MBIt In Bobette and ordinary style, beautifully finished with double V crotch. In shades of Sky, Nile, Peach, Crabapple, Coral, All Btsaa. Q1 Off Per pair V'-eadt Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co.