PAGE TWO VHB DAILY , NEY7S Wedm-.-ii, 3i7 f The Daily News PKINCK UUPEHT - lUUTlSU COLUMBIA v' Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Jlupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. II. F. I'ULLEN - - - Managing Edi.or SUSCRUTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.(io For leaser period, paid in advance, p- month ' jsq By mail to all parts of Northern and Central Brftjjb1a, paid In advance for yearly perjo.j..- ilflHNRtf ' - -- piM Or four month for fTT.... icHJi??; . $100 By mail to all other parts of British ColujBbii.tti Bri8h Empire and United States, pifd in advice per year $6.00 By mail to all other countries, par year . . $Vo Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 9S rSdilor and Reporters Telephone - - 86 . Member of Audit Ilurear of Circulation DAILY EDITION Wednesday, March 2g, 1928 LADY MEMBER AND PEACE Agnes McPhail, lady representative of Southeast Grey in the Dominion parliament, made rather a striking proposal in the House Monday which seems to h;ve been taken seriously by Premier Mackenzie Kjnjr althoujrh it was talked out. No one opposed the general idea. It was only the method to which they took exception. MisaMacPhail objected to expenditures on military affairs and asked that instead there should be a department formed for the sole purpose of propazin peace among the nations. The Premier expressed himself as in sympathy with the object but he thought it was something for the whole government to attend to and not for a department. No one asked for adjournment of the debate, so the subject was dr..;vl automatically when the hands of the clock pointed to eleven i.n.l the House mso. IDEAL VEILSIS THE REAL Many years ag- ihere u;t- in South America a peace-loving people that had reached a er high :,.. ..t ( i i li.ii ic,n. Many people say it surpa.-sed anything vu h.,e loday. The people were sun worshipper.- and tin nad an iioniic .-sten: which has been the envy of Socialists of the-.- later nays I're.-iott in his history says "no man could l.e.onie rich in I' ru and n man ..iul.1 i.e. ome poor. No spendtl.rilt emild wa-ie ins s i- in riotous living. No adventurous schemer couid ini. .-.. u-n hi- family hy the p,n' of spec-uiation. 1 'ne law u.i- ...iKt.tiith 'i;r. , ;, d t n,f.,Vr(. .-teady industry and a .sober management oi aiair-. No mendicant (.,., rated in Peru." In 1...1. a. mi ding ;.. ;!,, an nun:, there was a dead level of competence. I'tie people ee pt a. e-io i.ig and eeinp: i ;': .-. i 'heir beliefs in their every-day life. Then came tne warlike Spai.ianl.- and -wept a i.iished civilization out oi existence. The example o; iVn, i- W v: i. . one lo l :..!!.. u e.l. Any ,.?ace nui-i reach, oit ;,, ,,,,,, ,,; , em,!. - , ,,',V tj,e strength of the British. Krcm n i,r.., ; mg w-;en.- ;h;i keeps the .Mohammedan.- from t, .s.-. h.ring a i. nad ;, naimii- of the world and enforcing their religion in it-,,, -word did thn foundel of their religion. There ,- n.i-;,"lg peaceful ahoip tin comnuini.-m of Russia w hi. ii now and hrca'e: to ineuk forth and -weep aero-.- the . mintrie- O'lnrriu' all .. their r.-i, ..,. i control h; ti e ignorant i'ev. ., : I . . .,.,. il. -';i; t j -t,:-,.. The Oriental aw. kentng may n..: ne a in. i.... , ;,.ta 1.,,: no ,,,., ...a av when it may he ome a.-i,.. H..rd. - ..: c:low men am. ., and in-.-pii'ed ,;h a proper pal riot,, -pirit could .,,.,.p the wocld. AH these people mills! lie !ir-' ed.n . 'ed and In. r, 'u I to co operate lor the pca.e of in,, world. .. u.B ,. manv generation,. At lime Europe conl'oile.i all the.-e lor..-. To.l,. the controi is gradtiaiU shifting to mi- continent. V. . mav not have !.. figh; iuit we lmis'i at any rate keep in a state ot preparedness. Those who hav- read history hae read nt t in- l.arl.anan- from the north -weeping over .southern l.urop,. just a- the Cerm.m actiie- threa'.-n.-! sweep over the modern world. It i- u-.-ie - to m u-h ; h.-.- thig- aside and say "Let us hio e I'eace " We agree with Mi- M.l'haii that we ahould cultivate peace but to lay dow n our arm- and epu, ourselves to the dangerous inroads of th. warlike wouid be a grievous mistake. Ideals are fine as long they are tempered with reason. 5IA8SEV IN CALIFORNIA One work of a Canadian ambassador in of!her countries is to educate the people of that country in regard to Canada. Those people who visited in the western states will be well aware of the gross ignoranoe in many quarters in regard to this country. Hon. Vincent Uassey is there now delivering a series of addresses on various phases of Canadian life and his work should be very valuable in letting the people there know that we are really a nation with similar aims and aspirations to their own, with a form of government which is just as democratic as their and with a people who are virile and keen and ready to build a nation which will become a power in the world and an influence for the betterment of the rate. STEWART- AND INTERIOR Stewart people are rather worried af 'a stiggestion that a railway connecting that town with the interior is not feasible. We have .... ... ... A -J 1 J a l. iu nuniu we un not snow aiiyming bdoui it, not naving read the report of any engineer in regard to it. We hope that Stewart will become the terminus of a railway connecting with the great interior of Canada. There is an immense country sufficient to supply that town and Prince Rupert. There is no reason why both should not he important ports, especially when it is considered what a huge business is likely to develop at the Portland ( anal centre from the mines that are surely and steadily being developed there. This nntr him rnnt:inflv Hruwn ultunllnn In lkA :ut lu tn. i .... w ...c J'oaniuiiiilCB of Stewart and we expect to continue to do -so. Many I'rince Rupert peopie are financially interested in Stewart anrl they along with the rest of the community will w'sh t. see the town prosper. The more railways are built there the better we shall be pleased. Serve breaWast promptly ! mflN mP PBVwA HP9 Baasam. slmPHk wHfwTOU wPsSv Gets the family down on time Prepared quickly and easily Warm in oven and add hot milk MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS COMPETITION FOR HOTELS C ANADIAN NATIONAL AMI CP It. VIB-l.NO UTtil EACH OTIIKU IN CITY Or' IIAMIMX FOUNDATIONS ARE LAID ktaiion ami iiotix to iic com- IIINTil WITH KM BOOMj AT E.hT-EHN 1'OKT MONTREAL. March 28 - The tallowing olflcial statement on the Hallfu Hotel, H.'tuaXlati was issued at Che Canadian National headquarters today. ! ... In 10M a plan which had bean prl- vately promoted (or the erection of a modern hetel a: Halifax was presented to the board of directors of the Canadian National Railway for consideration. The ' plan propcaed was .found to be unsatls-factory in Its method of finance and was rejected. The need of more modern hotel facilities at Halifax wav however.1 apparent to the board, and It was re-1 cognized that with the establishment In the winter of 1938-1939 of the new and I important senrloas of the Canadian i !eaii-i-hlp be'woen Halifax unci the! Wi; ladies, thin need w.uld beoinej -,tiil mjre preint j Pratruried negotiation ensued be-j rued iKlweea Halifax l; and -he National Railway In an efurt to arrrre at a satisfactory plan whereby the Canadian National Bailways might participate in the proposed undertaking, although the inclination of tht board as ihat the railway should construct and own Its own hotel at Halifax. After aegc nations nad been In prograsa tar iame time the Canadian Pacific Railway vai invited by the promoters to participate in th enterprise. But no decision waa reached by the board of that company until Btptcmber 30. 1937. when the Canadian Patlftc decided to take up S3W.000 of the preferred stock of the hotel enterprise Mere than two months prior to this ctlon by tbw Canadian Pacific, on July 14. 1937. Col. J. I. Balaton, minister of national defence, announced the posal-tillty of the Cans d Ian National EUUway participating financially In the build las of a hotel by HauTaa nrjuioters bad been considered by the cabinet and that approval, would not be forthcoming for the purchase by the Canadian Nation 1 BaUwaya of minority thares in a privately financed hotel without th: direct authority of parliament. On July 30, 1937. the Canadian National Railways announced that an appropriate amount would be Included In the annual tall-way budge: to be submitted to parliament for the provision of hotel faculties .- Halifax. On September 33. 1937. further repre-ca itlons that the Canadian National Ha.; j. Aye should purchase pralatred ::ui- U the privately prometedi JBtMf I Ha' i t wet considered by the-etjjjfej Kial Co; Balaton notified the preaMtau . t !k hotel company Immediately itut the cabinet had adhered to the decMon reached on July 14 ai4; em-1 pbaalxed the announcement of the Canadian National management to Include In the provision for 1938 a railway terminal hotel at Halifax The decision Of the Canadian Pacific to take up the preferred stock of the hotel company wa made by the executive committee of that railway three days later. NOW Ittll.niNO The new combined station and hotel of the Canadian National Railways at Halifax, upon which foundation work la proceeding, la admirably situated to tn the transportation needs of the r immunity, being on the ocean termla-its. and Immediately adjoining the pre-'tut station site of the National Bye-tern Ample land was available without additional cost. The hotel is to have one hundred and sixty rooms, with an ultimate capacity ot tlreee hundred rooma. Authority ! asked In the railway estimates to be tabled In the House of Commons this week foe the expenditure of si .360.090 and the board of the Canadian National nail ways ba-Ueed Utah it ha acted1 with wisdom 4VJMMii MM JftlftkK tfWue. srn'.lal for the protection of the company's Interests. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert MAIU'll t. I9IR. A splendid concert was given last evening in the Impress Theatre by Word has been received that Sergeant J. II Kelly of this city has been awarded the Military Medal for service rendered under great danger in assisting in the building of s light railway at :he battle of Taachandale Ridge. The marriage took place quietly In the Baptist Church last evening. Re. i yawaw - iAm jtnvi. umi i utim it aih i nji in h3miT-ir-j- izx vmoa l. a ""sawiBaw.. . Greatest Man intheWorld TO those dear to you, you are the greatest man in the world . . . the wisest and the most far-sighted. They trust you to protect them from hardship and privation. And to the best of your ability you would do so. Yet there may come a day when you will no longer be here to shield them . . . K to provide for their needs. Will their faith in you then be justified ? You realize that their confidence h challenges you to greater vigilance in 'u frtheir behalf. Have you made the provision for them that you know to be noses at the common people, you may be pretty sure their fa than or their grandfathers swept streets or dug ditches. 1 KNOWLEDGE of the foibles of the! long departed Indicate that you are educated in the classics. Knowledge of the foibles of your neighbors Indicate pupils of prince Rupert High School that you are a busy gossip unoer tne direction oi the principal. J. C. Brady. Outstanding Items on the program were a dance by atlas Muriel Patmore: violin duet by Mike Syiotuck and Will Murray, choruses and gymnastic exhibitions. Over S150 was cleared for patriotic purposes. Cold Suirsge trawler Andrew Kelly Man in the Moon TO make good citlaens out of criminals begin with the ureat grandfathers. WHEN young people turn up their THOSE who would conquer in the financial world can never be like Alexander. There are always other world's to conquer. WHIN we look back and note how the women fought for the right to vote and what little difference it makaa on election day. it makes us wonder what It was sll about. POft Is the quality that enables you to go s round with a hole In your penta without feeling darned W. W Wright offlclHilng. of Miss Jeffy "I like to see a BUM set mid aome- "' sister or mm Joseph Osy sndt"" have some bad hablta. too Btromdahl. enntneer of thedn't like them when they're too good Thomas Edhon NOTICE IN THE MATTnri of an application for i.1??. ,,?u Provisional Certificate of Title for Lot liten 1 10). Block sixteen (IS). Town of Stewart. Map 8 18 A J B.Vff"ct,ry ffoor of the loss of the Oertlflcste of Title covering the above laud having been produced to me. It la my Intention to issue, after the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof, Pn.viMonsI Ccrtlflcste I .T.".'r "bov land In the name of W It VICKEH8. Ths original Certifl- ibju, ana m numoeeea wmi. Sia4 efsstry Office, Prince 9 JO.. 19th Mare, IMS. Act; and Jve That cJS of Title la dated the SSth Oetsfeer. Rupert, P. UAOLBOQ. Aegis trar of TWes. IN I'KOHATE IN THE NITKBMR CIU'IIT OF nilltfSII COI.UMIIIA In the Matter of the Administration In the Matter of the Jsrtate of Joseph William Chrbtl.Ti. Deceased, Ta-tattaus. TAKE NOTICE that j- order of Ills Honor P. McB Young, th.- ISth day of aisrcn. ma. i was Aamins-trstor of the eetote of Iose-b William Christian, deoeawra. and sll parties having claims against the said Mtate are hereby required tj fttrniah same, pro- Rrly verified to re on or before the th day of April. ISM. and all parties Indebted to the estate ate required t pay the s mount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 14th day Much. 1190. IN PKOIIATE l THK nl riilctlv. i in iit ill' nuiTtuii I I III I t In the Matter of the AdmlailttaUon In the iiatter of the Estate of Benedict mien joanaon, Deceased, intestate TAKE NOTJCE that by oMr of Ills Honor P. McB Young, the Mnd day of March, HtS I was spsolnted admrViU-Ira tor of the estate of Benedict Steffen Johnson, deceased and all parties bavins claims against the said estate are hereby ret.utred to furnish same properly verified to me on or before the Mth day of April. 1938, and sll parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay :t amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith NORMAN A WATT Official Admlnlntrntor Prince Rupert, B C necessary? Is your Life Insurance sufficient to meet their needs ? Do you realize that 5,000 invested at 6 yields an income of less than 6 per week? For the sake of those who love and respect and trust you . . . those to whom you are the "greatest man in the world" . . . take pencil and paper, and figure how much you have done toward the building up of an estate. Then call in the representative of any Life Insurance Company and learn how little is t!ie cdsrofaUequa'fe protection. &AYSER HOSE FUU. FASHIONED POINTED HEKI . 8?mf Service Weight a new line all the n $1.75 pair. Fraser & Payne Unlvcrwil Trndlns Co. Tennis! Tennis SEE OUIUNBW RACKETS to $IIM0 ' 1928 Halls lire in Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3