March 23, 1928 i itr- rlay, THE DAILY NEWS PAGE "THREE 71 r'"' IIIIWl"INIIinill III Ilillllllll II ITiii i Local and Personal r'11' a Montreal :: Importers ' jfT i ru sbm na taw mwm m mma mmm tmm wmm ja.v aau Dentist Or. J. R. Ooete. Phout 886 H Hi 0 QE. BUT Ri MJPL S 8katlng dally. 3 to 4 and S to 10. t: I I U I i iJB 0( tbe Big 4 Habit When thlnxins of a Taxi, phone 4 Marcelling and Halrcutttng. Skinner. Phone Black 62 01 If WHOLE STOCK MUST HE DISPOSED OF QUICKLY ENGLISH UAUARDINE RAINCOATS Imported from the best makers. Regular values i,-rn IfJO. and up al! troiiii: at half price. RUNNING SHOES FOR SPRINt; WEAK Dominion Make Running Shoes, rtgular $1.75. Now ' Jf. 1 .:. ' KunniriK Shoes, rugulpr $1.50. Ni.v.-. $1.25 i.' Kunning Shoes, regular $1.25. Xw $1.10 i' i,'.s Running Shoes. rogulur $l.2.j. .Vnv .. IKiv ontreai importer Telephone Blue 418 Ti ird Avenue J. B. Miller, Proprietor Pa A FINE ASSORTMENT OF scan s aster Novelties lias just arrived direct from England A. i.fw hipm -nt of PACK K Sfl.VWS CHOCOLATES I I KK TOYS, lAf and JOi . PAAS' EGG DYES, 10f IlcL Tfie Pioneer Druatisl.s Hiii'D AVE. tV SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES K '6200 For Best Results i all your baking use obin Hood our l'fSITIVE MONEY HACK GUARANTEE IN EVERY SACK Canadian National Qic Largeft Kaihoay SyAcm in America STEAMSHIP AM) TRIN SERVO r,.m l-HIM't: Id Itl.T for MM. .Mil. " 1 ' .' J" .." r H i MA at 11 p.m. u ,nrmedl.t point., ea-.h M iMIIK.W and ANYOX. ea.-h MUtM-l'- " i 1 Tl:.uiT each HtTl'UDW at 10 p voilTII ami KOITH HIKKN (llm"l it: ll vM'-v Fortnightly . ... .. ...& ....... I' If I N I r. mi r,ni MOM..IY. UM.NMI.AY and Million ' SJi hurtern Canad.. On.V "KOIMlt:. MlMOXTON. IVINMl'Mi. all points "" AOENCY All. OffcAN ' 'IL-.. I .. . . t.der. WieetgB CM- y t. anauiiia IKnil ivi yviir urki piniifiiviTi. . . ,Hf S ' "V TICKET OmCE. 9I TIIIHH ' H,M ' Ml LOOK at YOUR CI 0T EVERYONE ELSE DOES (ur nriiiir ntock of lliffh Uvilr M' t v" ." """'''Ik of Union's finest wnolln : n ' '-'it Miirinir anlt." tniTmvil In vmir mi " " " ' Clothes builders "Society Bi.u i Olu-y That Impulse D" ' iiipw here. ,n wiu. li t" fh"'se ... i , r iii.nlii'- line- THOR JOHNSON The Ladles' Music Club If holding its regular fortnightly meeting this after noon. It la Junior student' day. P. Wlckstrom, well known blacksmith lu vartoua northern mining campv wat an arrival in tbe city rom Alice Arm on the Camoaun yesterday afternoon. H W. Sinclair, accountant at Inver ness Cannery, arrived In the city on the train yesterday afternoon from the river and sailed by the Camoaun for Vancouver. A. D. McBrlde- of the Hecate Fish Products Co. Ltd.. after spending a touple of days In the city on butaie returned by the Camosun last night to ! .. j.couver. ! Mlsak Aivazoff la here from Vai.cou- iver on buinsis In connection with hi ':tw theatre project .having al rived I'.om the south on the Prlr.ce George tUls morning. Albert Plynn of Premier arrived In the city from the north on the' Camosun yesterday alternoon and left by this morning's fain for a trip to his home In England Grand concert by the Sunday School children In First Presbyterian Church on Friday. March 30. at 8 p.m. prompt Admission, adults 50c. children 25c. Everybody welcome. 78 Mrs. Morte H. Craig, who has been visiting for the past few weeks with her daughter. Mrs. D. D. in j Victoria, returned to the clt on the Prince Oeorge this morning. Called east by the Illness of her I father. Oeorge Crelghtnn. Mrs. H. P. Pullen left this mornir.K for Retina I ; where she expects to spend a few weeks before returning to Prince Kupert. L. S. MoOUTof 8mlthers is the author; of two special articles in the last Van couver Sunday Pr-v rce. Ore dcils! with mining around 6m It hers ar.d thej other describes the ranch of F. Doekrlll at Telkwa. Benfer. prominent hotel oper-! attfcfeeepo I noon s VM K l Prino RupOT j i i ducts Tins service nhoul1' peclilb 'appeal to all Interested In ml mus c I C.NH steamer Prlr.ce Oeorfr. Capt. Harry Nedden. ttiatltuting the cim-panjr't spring twlce-a-week schedule ot ;sallirgs. arrived at II o'clock this morning from Vancouver Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock thl afternoon for Ketchikan and Anyone, returning here at 7 o'clock tomor-rr evening to sail south at II pjn. ANNOUNCEMENTS United C" urrh Easter Bale of Work. April 3. Queen Mary Chapter annual DaUlodll stall. Easter Monday. April . Anglican Church Easter Sale April 10. Ca'tiolx Wo' b l.eaKiie sprint! of work April 12 Whist League Cup-prlaes distribution Moose Hall. April 13 Uidle' Auxiliary St. Andrews Horlety kater Sale and wnlit drive, April SO. Royal Society of 8t. Oeorge Whist Drive and Dance. April 28 Prince Rupert Olrls' Dance April 27. r - for Drill irt. Illinois, i.rr.vcd n t'.ie lb Bast on yesterday after- pay a vilt with his , He is u pueat at the ; Hotel. - M tj . Passengers saillnjljv wcrtliig by the Camotun for VancoveSrliililplrd R V Slncla.r. Constable V.'lluajr Bartljoii H T Mv.on. Ernest wStfaSrib J-! ( Oretnhvg. Mr. and Mr Alex 'JflS't nd child and A. D. McH;ide . "1 N W. Jasper. Srn-.tle min'tic men who Is Interested In the Tupler ftehl. arrived In the city fiurA the Intcuor or. yesterday afternoon's train Mr J..ppr has been nefctlatl"- for the purchar of control of the La Hose mine at Alice1 Arm. ST ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL Oocd Friday twlog. April 6. A apeclal MutiIrM Eeivtee wll b fiven ay augmented choir. "The Cruel'lxirn" by J 6tf.lner and program of anthcrr.v .k1c IS " THE BICYCLE i immm. l. Mrs Charles Leclerq left by this morning's tialn for the East enroute to Farts for a visit to her former boms. Adjourned Annual meeting of the N BC A St I Association tomorrow. Thursdny. at 8 p.m Buainees -election of Directors for 1828. We are Headquarters for slme repairing. Nravl tkem la us for value, avnlre and Ml kf art Ion. Mar Arthur's Shoe Slre. U Mr. and Mrs. Edward Upaett. who hove beea ir. the city for the past week, will sail by the Prince Oeorge tomorrow night on their return to Vancouver. Royal Purple Anniversary Dunce. Friday. March SO at 8 p m. In Elks' Home. HolticrMm Block Drawing ol priors e.n:ille's Orclu-ntra. Admission 1 on Kverybody aelconie 76 Hoi T D P.iii'illo minister of lands and meniLer ui the legislature for Prince Rupert, arrived In the city on the Prince Oeorge thla morning from Victoria and will return south by the same vessel tomoriow night. F. M Dockrlll. well known Telkwa rancher and Conservative candidate for ISkeena riding In the next provincial j,m jelecUou. mtched the city by yesterday jafternpon'a train from the Interior and i proceeded by the Camoaun to Butedale. Passeugem giu ihronf a, tftiVtmoounet .board t,he CuUKaun . y((dr m-eluued B V. Thcrmon. Mr.,, and .. Uo.i : Knipple and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bt Clair. Mrs. MoLeod IM Mis. Haynes from Stewart, and J. B. Lambert from Alice Arm. Th- Belo t, which Is taking tin- pl.i,' of the BeUlnghhm temporarily in in- Prince Rupert Krtchlkiiu carrylim acrvice. .irrlveil fnm Kel-riiik.ui nlMiiit 8 o'clock Uils morning ih . ,-,ilial of halibut for tranaahlp-n" 1 t K.i-; .Hi tin- Cauadtan National is one of the safest vehicles of locomotion, "says Mr. J. F. H. Wyse, General Manager of the Ontario Safety League. mgrni snS? Let's make it safer. a Wn SFUiTi :JI17 ID IS U Uim Mi la hi fovr lv, aunm (..k in Last year out of over five thousand traffic accidents, in Ontario, involving automobiles, truckg, busses, bicycles and pedestrians, there were only five fatally serious bicycle accidents involving children under 16. But even these may be lessened. They can be reduced to zero. Let motorists show every care for cyclists. Let bicycle riders this year ride still more carefully. Obey the traffic rules and signals. Safety First 1 Watch out for the traffic. Take no chances. Don't be a Jay rider. Ride a Bicycle You Can Depend On The C.C.M. Bicycle is a strong, sturdy, reliable piece of conscientious workmanship in its every part. You can depend on the Hercules Coaster Brake in any traffic emergency. Cold drawn seamless steel tubing, reinforced joints. naxstvassa U A. Woodland. loceJ agent of the Imperial Oil Co.. returned to the city Ion the Prince Oeorge thla morning I from a trip to Vancouver. Mr. J. K. Oordon of Terrace and her son. Fnk Phlscator. who have been on a trip to Seattle and ' other points In the south, arrived from Vancouver on the Prince Oeorge this morning and proceeded to the interior by train. Mrs. Shine and daughter, late of i London. England, and Vancouver, after having spent a ecu pie of weeks here visiting with Mrs. Shine's alatcr-ln-law. Mrs. A. Richmond, left on this morning's train for Toronto where they will take up residence. H F. Kergln. M L A. for Atlln. la a passenger aboard the Prlnc Oeorge today returning to his home at Alice Arm after having attended the recent acs- alon of the legislature In VlcUrla. Mrs. Kergln and family .re now residing at Victoria, the childern being In school there. tTttttTTTttTlt (ONSKHYATIYi: AMHOCI.UIOX' MKKTIMl TIUKMlAY. MAKl'll i In 4 Coiikervathe Club Room at RSO p.m. Business: Selection of delegates fur NomlnaUng ConvenUou. 1 All cousarv.tlvee welcome. 7 t PAIN in BLADDER I'riMiiptlt Ha-d by SANTAL MIDY lie -lire to e-l tilt- tii-niiliie Look lor tUa " nil "JUDY" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ch 10 Commandments canadianT PACincii for Cyclists Keep to the right and near the curb. Meeting traffic pats on right, overtaking traffic past on left Turn right close to curb. Turn left around centre of intersections. Raise one arm when stopping, and slowing up and to Indicate direction when turning. Ride straight. Don't vobble. Watch for STOP signs and traffic officers' signals. Give traffic coining from right the right of way at intersections. Do not hang on to moving vehicles. Don't "cut in" in front of a moving car. Keep your feet on the pedals yon bands on the handlebars. u I mil Hb I it give you a frame of great strength. There's quality in every one of a CC.M.'s 1761 parts'. And skilled workmanship in their making. Many of these parts are machined to closer-limits than the time fuses on shells during the war. You can pin your faith to a C.C.M. Big C 1 The Triplex Hanger, for smoother, easier pedalling. 2 The Hercules Coaster Brake, the "little fellow with the giant grip." 3 Gibson Pedals, one piece, aluminum frame, rustproof. 4 Dunlop Tires, fully guaranteed. 5 Twenty-year nickel-plating. ' i A bicycle of class. A C.C.M. will never let you down if you treat it fairly and "Keep to the right." Columbia-Red Bird-Cleveland ' Perfect-Massey and Joycycles for Children iropractic I wish to announce to the people of Prince Rupert that I have opened offices in the Wallace Block, corner Third and Fulton. My system of curing acute and chronic diseuses is ultra-modern and rarely fails! I wish especially to get in touch with those people who are suffering from so-called incurable disorders. Without obligation on your part, call in and allow me to explain my system to you. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Phone 131 Office Hours: 10 to 12; 1 to 5 daily. Evenings: 7 to J Canadian Pacific Railway Coas? Services Sfmngswom Prince Rupert To Kelchlkuu. tYrungell, Juneau, ami skagwa.v .March SI. April 11, tl. To Yuiicoutcr. Ylitorla and Meattle April 4, 15, tl. PKIM'KMM HOY.IL li.r lliitrdale. F.ast Itella Hell.. Ilraui Falls, N'ailiu. Alert IU. Caniphell Klter and Yaueouier eery IrMa) IS p.m. Agem-y fur all steamship Lines. Full Information fruf- IV. r. OKI-It Altl). (lenerul -ent. Corner of 4th street and 3rd Avenue. I'rlnee Rupert. UC. I'liWie 31 Advertise in "The Daily News" 41 urn -A .1 A) I 11 3