We'll Wash You Iron IF you like to iron we'll be glad to do the harder job of washing. And without messing your home! We'll call for your family bundle. We'll wash it snowy white in pure soap and rainsoft water. We'll extract most of the water in our special fabric-saving spinning basket wringers. Then we'll return everything to you, sweet and sanitary. . . . and just damp enough for your own hand iron. We call this our Wet Wash Service. The charge only 5 cents a pound. The LAUNDRY Does it best CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 HEALTH FOLLOWS ouaoPMcnc comers rnssuttON swim, EKES IN MSHHIOf TWFauawMOfHJS ' aswaj Ml HUM rUN6t LfttlU irtMAcn AFKNOA SI &&QCS trad JfcuSUf U 11 A SOUND INVESTMENT IN HEALTH Produce a Bigger Dividend than the safest bond W.CAspinall CHIROPKACTOK C Exchange Illock Green 211 Spring Hats emers Costumes :: Latest Frocks MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now doted Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. TeWph.me 657. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST LOCAL COUPLE MARRIED HERE MISS LAIIKIN BECOMES IIK1IIE OF ARTHIR NKKtltSON AT PRETTY CEREMONY TODAY The First Baptist Church was the' scene of an Interesting ceremony ttais afternoon at May do Belle, mi P. aP" oT Mi, and Mrs. Cam. E.aLgrJOh. 310 5th Avenue West, was uiiftttf in marrlaee to Ar thur Smith N&erson, son of Sheriff ana Mr, a. A.fNlckeron. of this city. The church was beautifully decorated with early spripg flowers and fens. Rev. W. P. Price officiated and during. the signing of the register a vocal solo. "For You Alone." was rendered by Mrs. J. Muldoon. The bride entering with her father, to the strains of Lohengrin's Weddlne March, played by Miss Marjorte Ln-j carter, was lovely In an imported Dells- Robla model of orchTd georgette with picturesque hat of variegated pa nates in harmonising shades. The bridal bouquet was composed of Ophelia roses and mauve sweet peas. The bridesmaid. Miss Stella Nlcker-son. sister of the groom, was charming in an Aden green georgette gown, daintily beaded with rhlnestones and wearing a picture hat to match with crown of pink rosebuds, while her bouquet was of pink and white carnations. Roy Lancaster acted as best man and Eddie Smith and William Watt as ushers. After the cereniony a reception was held for the relatives at the home of EGGS THREE DAYS ONLY. B.C. Pullet Extras, 3 doz. . . ShXc Circle S Hams, per lb. 2oc Droken Shell Walnuts, per lb. :fc5c Halves, shelled walnuts, per lb. All High Class Assorted Biscuits reg. 50c to 75c lb. Special, 3 lbs. .$1.2:. Hovis Cookies, 2 Sir 2."c Tornatoes, Iarge;i!ns, 6 tins for :. $1. 05 Heinz Pork and Beans, 9 for 81.01) Loganberries, 2's, 4 for.. SI. 00 New Bulk Dates, per lb 11c Pumpkin, large tins, 2 for. . :Wc Fresh Ground Coffee, Special, per lb 15c Fresh Green Vegetables arriving every boat. See our window B.C. Butchers & Grocers limited I'hone J5 - 574 WESTHOL Was Subject to BRONCHITIS Every Winter Mrs. Win. Healer, 624 Hill Street, London, Ont., writes: "My daughter, aged fourteen, was (abject to bronchitis every winter. f ' She would cough until ihs was sore from the exertion. ' ' Last winter a friend advised me get a bottle of your Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup o I got a small bottle to try and was delighted to find that before the had takes half of it her cough was completely relieved. "I certainly feel justified in recommending lit to those suffering from coughs and colds." ( Price SSe. a bottle, large family size 60c; pat up only by Tbe T. Uilbnrn Co- limited. Toronto. Ont. the bride's parents. Mrs. Chas. E. Lar-kln. mother of the bride, wearing a gown cf grey flat silk crepe and hat of mauve georgette, received the guee'.s. assisted by Mrs. 8. A. Nlckerson. mother of the groom, who wore a gown of naVy silk crepe with hat to match. Alter the reception Mr. and Un. Nlckerson left on the 6.S. Prince Oeorge fci Anyox where they will make their future home. LEGION BILLIARDS Crank AldrMg anil 4. MHilashln Milium In Third Round Last f.'trnlni; In the third round of the Canadian fglon handicap billiard tournament last night. Prank Aldridge won over W. Hance by a score of 306 to 153 and J. McClashin was victorious ever Frank Morris 300 to 1M. Jock Tait and Prank Aidrldge wlU meet In the semi-finals as well at Bob James with the winner of J. MoOlashln vs. 8. A. Bird. Newton P. Burdlek. Identified with the Pacific Salvage Co., Vancouver Drv Dock St Salvage Co., and Pacific Ooyie Navigation Co.. as well as the B.C. Towage Lighterage Co. of this city. I Hi lal ' trtAfttAV kt iMMMtauUri !by Mrs. Burdlck. be arrived from Victoria on tbe Prince Oeorge this MINERAL ACT (Pom P. CERTItlCATE OK IMPROVEMENT Minn: Princess Pat. Let 43fl; Pilot. Lot 4M7 R A.F . Lnt 4SSB-. O' r T lt in Mineral Claims, situate In tbe AtUn Mining Divis ou 01 Ca-Aisi Otabiev .. located: On Munro Mountain about four m'le from te town of Atlin. TAKE NOTICE that we. James Stoke and C. R Praser. Free Miner's Certificate No. 89M0-rMl. intend sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mlnln Recorder 'or capavrlcate of Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the. above claim. Aud further take n-.tlce that action under session, OS must be commenced before the Issue of Mich Certificate of Unorovemen, Dated this Sth in ' Morrh. A O 1M I H. McN. PHASER. An ME THEAT WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. 7 and J p.m. RE John Gilbert in "Twelve Mile s Out A thriller of the sea. JOAN CHAWFOKD. ERNEST TORRENCE, EDWARD EARLE, BERT ROACH, DOROTH.Y SEBASTIAN and others. Admission COMEDY. PATHE REVIEW. - - 35c and 10c DEMAND "Rupert Brand" .TUB DAINTIEST IIKEAKKAST FOOD.' Smoked Dally by i r rt'; tr Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert. D.C. MAROONS TOOK OPENING GAME SEMI-FINALS HEAT OTTAWA SENATORS IN CI.OSE-LV I'Otllrtf CONTfcST AT C.il'i-T.U " "' LAST XyJHT ' OTTAWA. March 28 - Montreal Maroons took away with them a one goal ktd In the first g:ne cf the N'stlona! Hockey league ptoyoffs here last night against Ottwa Senators when Lamb iret the only counter of U-e evening. The final game between the teams will be played In Montreal tomorrow night, the majority of -goals for the series to count. Tbe crowd which packed the rink here last night witnessed a typical Maroon-Senator olaah with close checking but not unduly rough and little advantage to either s.'de. Lamb's goal came In tbe second period when he fooled the Senator defense. This first game of the, semi-final drew a crowd of more than nine thou sand leather lunged fans who filled every seat and dou of the standing room In the auditorium. Oovernor General Wllllngdon and the viceregal party were present. FULL LIST OF ELK OFFICERS IlKKT MOROAN KI.KCTER i.KADIMI KMdllT TO HI f'CEEII LATE Mt'RRAV H I.I.Kit R. ORV-IIAM, EXALTEII Rl I.ER Bert Morgan was elected esteemed leading knight of toe local Elks' Lodge to succeed the late L Murray Puller it a meeting of fhe lodge last night. Tbe full list of 1B38 chair officers C he Brother BU to as follows: Exalted RuJer Russell Oraham. Erteemed Leading Knight Bert Morgan. Esteemed Loyal Knight -H. B stiles. BsteesMtl Lecturing Knight Eddie Clapp. Secretary IL A. Ross. Esquire- E. C. Bayllw. Treasurer C. R. Biggart. INQUIRY IS -MADE REGARDING LANDS Prrtnier Intlmateii That Hon. Charles Stewart Mill Give satisfactory Reply OTTAWA. March 2T In the Bouse of Commons Tuesday ilon. 8. P. Tannic asked If It was the intention ' of the government to Introduce legislation this session implementing the recommendations contained In tbe report of Commissioner Martin advocating the return of the B.C. lands fx the pro vine Premier King t4pld that possibly the question may ; Ae Ulowed to stand until the minister W the Interior was n the chamber. The premier Intimated, however, that he felt sure the reply of Mr. Stewart would be a satisfactory one. IDIUY'S WHEAT PRICK. BROKE RECORD FOR TRADING NSW YORK, March 28 All trading records were broken, the total sales be ing (4.762.000 shares on the stock ex change here yesterday. Price crashes of from five to twenty-five dollsrs a share during the early trading were mostly substantially reduced or wiped out and In many cases converted Into material galus before the closing hour Trading flowed down trday but the general movement Is upward. CHANGE METHOD OF ROAD CLASSIFICATION ENDORSED BIT MEETING ABBOTSPORO. March 2 - Representatives of virtually mil U-e municipalities in the Praser Valley meeting here have agreed with the proposal of Hon. W. H. Sutherland that the Highway Act should be changed to place the primary roads completely under Government control snd secondary reads under the municipalities. " INTERIM SUPPLY BILL IS PASSED HOUSE AT OTTAWA OTTAWA. March M An interim supply bill voting 37.000.000 tor public service for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1229 was given its first and second reading In the House of Commons yesterday. The amount la to provide for the activities of Use Ooverament pending the passing of the estimates for the various departments. MASTER QUORN HUNT FELL FROM HORSE DIED YESTERDAY MX1.TON MOBRAT. March SC. William Edmund Paget. Lord of the Manor :! Wyuteswold and joint Master of tbe Quorn Hunt in which the Prince c4 Wales and bis brothers frequently ride. :eU from his horse during a chas yesterday and died soon afterwards. MORE MONEY VOTED BY DOMINION PARLIAMENT OTTAWA. March 26. The Common in committee of supply last night voted amounts required as the result of operation of the maritime freight rates act duru.g the past year. The total sum provided in tbe estimates was HAIL- .000. In addition a loan of a million ts I to the COM M. passed. The final tariff I resolutions on the budget passed al- though tbe Mil is based on reaoiuuaos still to be submitted. KILLED WHEN STRUCK BY A FALLING TREE NEW WESTMIK8TEB. March M. Oeorge Darling. 36 years of age, was VANCOUVEP. M irch 28 .-The price of J by falling tree near Kennedy hat today Lt quoted at S1.S3V THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Braid's Best Coffee, per lb. . . ( Braid's Best Tea, in tins, per lb. 70? Suirar, 10 lbs. for 750 Flour, al brands, 49 lb. sack $H..V Wild Hose Flour. 10 lb. sack r.? Fancy Mixed Biscuits, special, 3 lbs. for 1)5 Del Monte Sliced Pineapple, 2s, pr tin 0r Aylraer Crushed Pineapple, 2Va's, Pr tin iwc Nabob Red Pluma. 2,.'s, per tin i 'Sit Kmpress Jam, 4 lb. tin oOO Your choice of Prune, Red Plum, (J reengage, Gooseberry or Loganberry. Malkin's Strawberry Jam, 2 lb. tin itM - Seedless Raisins, 4 lb. pkg special this week ."Of Instant Postum. lanre tin . . 50c iSwansdown Cake Flour, pkg. I.'O Swifts Premium Bacon, average 4'a lbs. apiece, per lb. .. 12c Circle "8" Picnic Ham, per lb. 22c Kggs, Fresh Extras, 8 dot. Royal Crown Soap, G's, pkg. Fels Vnvlhi Rouy.'j.kg'.' .'.T.V Sunklst Orangex, your last chance, 3 dozen 81.00 Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street. I'hone 208 station south of here. LKT COM TRAIT TOI.VV Mtask Atvoaott. on Mt arrival from Vancouver this morning, atated that the I contract for tbe building of the new I theatre to be put up by himself and Paul Alvaaoff on Third Avenue near ruiton Btreet, wouia likely be let today .NO I IMI SM.i: TOIiAV Thcugh one American and three Canadian boats offered their catches, there was no bailout sale at the FMh Exchange this morning. The boats in are Tahsma. 10,000 pounds; Viking, SjM0: Sea Maid. 9.000; Margallee. 4,009. WKATIir.R REPORT. Prince Rupert. Overcast, moderate southeast wind; temperature, 40. LOCAL NBWS IT H.MS H. C. Praser, Inspector of schools, returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning following a trip to Ocean Palls on official business. J. M. Hoar, who is Interested in mining in the Interior, arrived on the Prince Oeorge this morning from Seattle and proceeded to the Interior by train. Capt. Larry Thomson of the Federal Pilot of British Columbia returned to the city ou tbe Prince Oeorge this morning after having piloted tbe grain ship Mansepool to Oomoa to load coal. J. R. Turner, manager of the Duthie mine, arrived In the city from Seattle on the Prince Oeorge this morning and proceeded to the Interior by train. Mr Turner has been absent from his duties at the Duthie mine for the past month, huvlng spent part of the time In Nelson in other mtnlnlg business. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE - Phonr Rpcl ilM tf I OR RENT FURNISHED SUITE U Weekend Specials HOT X HUNS, per doz. 2.-,c W are .a. week ahead -of our schedule with loi you cnnoget too, muchtof a good thinK V fsCOMiUNATION SPECIAL $1.1)0 1 only SanUfry Porcelain Steel Tinted 0a li-colors, blue or white, retail vnlue 12.00 anvw dishpan contains the following, which vwii can free goods. 12 bars P. and G. Naptha Soap. 4 bars Wool Bath Soap. 1 tin Union Hand Cleaner. 1 tin Gold Dust Scouring Powder. 1 -large package Chipso Soap Flaked. The above special is the beat ever. Thr dish; shaped to fit the oblong style sink. We bought Diahpans for this deal, so come early. FHIiSH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Rhubard, per lb lov Head Lettuce. 2 for . . . 2TC Tomatoes, per lb lllif Cucumbers, each I0r Cauliflower. ilXf and IO Green Onions, per dog. Parsley, bunch . I Of Sweet Spuds, 2 lbs 2Tf Bunch Carrots, 2 f or . . 25? Texas Cabbage, 8 lbs. for -t Chula Vesta Celery, 2 lbs. for 2flr Gaiifornia Grape Fruit, 8 for f (i::!i Florida Grupe I Hi, LemoiiM, wr doz. :ir,i- Ovang'H, our leu). for Other f. and 7."c nsr di i New Hallowi Da'.. 2 lb for 5 lbs Comb Hoiii-y. cr i California Soft nuts, lb No. 1 Drazils. Ii, No. 1 AlmonJ. i: LAKGB HIPfi HANANAS. per Imskel. r,o, Each basket contains 4 lbs. of No. 1 Itaiiana. . guaranteed firm stock. DUTCII.MAII) MAYOXAISE, 8 at Jar. speii;.! :,, Thfs is a special price for this week only to gi-; introduced. Home's Custard Powder, 16 os. tin I Of Flavors, Lemon. Vanilla and Standard. Polifloor Wax, peg. 60c lb. 8pecial, per Un I.'p Victoria Cross Sockcye Salmon, S'g, Special, 2 for IX f 6 for $1.2T, Pcek-Freatis' Short .,, Special, er lb. Chocolate Kcluirs. !!, Our stok h I're.-I. .n. Chocolate Cream and assorted samlv. cults, sHcinl. lb Why pay 'n,- ! cuits which an good. ' ! i SI ', , MAID OF CLOVER CltHAMKKY HUTTER in lin k i ll. for I.IH Butter prices have all advanced. The abo i- i be withdrawn Saturday night, or sooner if our pr- . . is sold up. New shipment arriving Mondav will r higher. VEIJ.0W NUWTON APPLIBS, unwrapped, per b.x s-y We have 20 boxes to clear at this low price. Size ai lar, but stock is all sound. EVAPOHATBI) PHUIT8 Medium site Prunes, 3 lbs for 2Tr 1 lbs aor Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs. for Evap. Apricots, 2 lbs. . . 4&r Evap. Pears. 2 lbs fi.r SulUna Raisins. 4 lbs. Wf Currants in Bulk. 2 lbs itff 1n COAIHINATION l ) 1 I M 5 for $;.( 1 only 2u oi. j. ii I Pickle, sour, -w' chow. l'Jar Malkin's Or.n M 1 Jar Libby's Pn p... I V Urd. 1 bottle Queen Oliw 1 bottle Worcester -- H.C. FHB8II PULLET IJGGS, 3 doxen for H.V. DOHOTHY JIILK, per case, ST, With every case purchased this week-end, w. u 1 only Nugget Shoe Polishing Outfit, black or tan. m il.. value for half priee. '.W(. This polish outfit contain i Nugget Shoe Polls)!. 1 only Brush and Polishing Mag. all , in a neat tin. COMBINATION SPECIAL 1 large pkg. Pancake or Buckwheat Flour and 1 only Jug Waffle Syrup. 2 for 71) Jelly Powders, asstd flavors, 4 for 22 C Have you tried ln . The new Break fa.i positive relief for "" tion. This line i-- 1 market to stay, per package Our Fancy Cake II' large pkg. special 11 Phone 210 - 211 - 212 .!) MEATS AND PH0V1SI0NS Pork Kidneys, 2 lbs. for JtTf. Pork Liver, 2 lb Pork Hocks, 2 lbs 2flf) Shoulder Roast Pork, any weight desired, lb '"' Picnic Hams, Circle 8, fresh stock, each Swift's Premium Back Dacon, machine sliced, Extra i ! " lb :!,r The regular price, 50c per Ik, will prevail in less tban l 1 sales. Fresh Fish, Spring Salmon, white or red, Halibut. ( o.l I i ' Shrimps and Crabs. Salt Cod in 2 lb. Bricks, special, ;lf each. Run - F ert Table Supply UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED r.iiiiiiiK iiiiiii ...... .......... ... ii., . lor VANf'Ol Villi. VICTORIA, Hwsnnn my. HulrUslf. Air" r VAXf6rVr.lt. VICTOHIA. lluleUsle. Alert llnjr. rlr. MMliirilm lor ruiiT NIM -.HON UIKl NAAS RIVKH HUMS. ' ,n,i.,iN ' lor ALICK ARM. ,NVO, STKiVART. WALES IM.ANK. PORT fcanaaH... at ... I'M inrt A't'rniir. ' It, M. NMITII. Aurnl. Prliu-r ""I"'1' Tliroiith lllkrl. In lllllirlu llllll Mllllll-, HIHl IWKIM-''' P '.laic i iiirimiin iii ocKtinuiior.