March 28. 1!2K YHE DAIL7 KT5W3 Tfri STEEPLECHASE rr.owawn I WHA T I MIGHT HA VE BEEN TJf iTaiiHriTiaaiaHs WT FRIDAY NEXT As Told lo Harold C. IJurr Hy PAUL WIIITKMAN "L NAT,0V' TO HE ,t, V at KEEP FREE FROM PERSPIRATION ODOUR FROM BATH TO BATH It s simply a matter of changing t o Lifebuoy Toilet Soap for face, h.mds and bath. Thus you will neutralize the effect of the one to two pints of moisture which, physicians say, the body sends daily through the pores. Lifebuoy it a superb toilet and the protection .n-aintt perspiration odojr la I -e, because Lifebuoy costa no more than the toilet soup you now uae. UV-4 LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP Purifies and Protects i'i ;. at Prince Rupert of the New Chevrolet I h; Delivery Chassis I $02(1.00 ; ! ! ' Ton Truck Chassis j &S00.00 -.ulster .8808.00 : xlster Delivery JjWOH.OO irii-.jf .8808.00 ;;. SIM 1.00 i h $0.11.00 Hi glomoo 'riolet SIOitO.00 ! u rial Landau JSIOKfl.OO I rrnit Bumper and Rear nij)erttes standard equip- : ' it on all Passenger M ..l.'ls. !':o Wheels Standard pment on and , riolet only. On other l ls $30.00 extra. :mre Tire and Tube, : 1 0 extra. Kaien Garage Phone 52 S. WALLACE CO. LTD. MERCURY FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE 1 1 ii l'on and Service WeiKht ' u nmetul. Black, Atrno- if, Nude. Kvenjflow, Mer-ida, Flesh, etc. I'rtim $1.75 to $2.50 I h Hone for Satisfaction H.S.WallaceCo.Ltd. Phfini- 9. 3rd Ave. & Fulton. COAL Prices DOWN PrmWnn PcerleM EjtR $12.00 IVml.lna Washed Nuts $11.25 Vlhcrtn SoolleaH. Err $1100 VIlKTta Lump $13.00 Tliene Coals are under "v'r and delivered dry. HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avinuo I'KKI) F.NTItlEH. j UNCERTAIN AS EVER Any One of a !, ,.ukeit , Win rirrat Classic Race ! LIVERPOOL. March 28.-teeplechas-ing Is traditionally uncertain and the Orand National. greatest cuitrst ,f this kind in the world, has a long record of upsets" In form and of heart-breaking mUhapa to favorite candidate. I This year'. Grand National, to be run ,v.r ine hlatorlc old Alntrw course on Friday. March 30. is more than ever. The entry i the l-rgcn i-the hUtory of the race, which Koes back to 1839. nd there Is no dominant contender or popular favorite Upward of half a hundred horses will face the barrier and easnv the gruelling four and a half mile- course with It deadly fences and dan-en,n, water Jump, More than 100 rnrvs were entered, u record nomination, and M accepted the wrlht.i Out of tin entry, which of courso .ncludes many horaea with only a remote chanc of completing the course the public of Britain is trying to "pick a winner." j The Orand National, which haa no rival anywhere In the world, haa gripped the Imagination fully aa strongly aa any previous National and a record attendance may result. This world seaport la converted Into one great hive of Speculation-on the Identity of the horse who wUI triumph in a classic teat !of stamina i I.IM-'.K TO 111' IIF.II j Moat of the spectators will not be able to tell one entry from another, especially when they are well away on the grind. But It l the race, not the horses, that matters to the average man. Hundreds of special timns are belne run and a (trent line: 't sailing j TIMBER SALE X9786 1 Sealed Tenders will be received bv ; the Minister of Lands at Victoria B.C.. not later than noon on the 23rd day of April IMS. for the purchaae of License X8788. to cut 3.130 000 BJ. ol Balsam. Hemlock. Spruce and Cedar on an Urea situated on Rjecoe Inlet, mouth of ; No'jta R.'ver. Range 3. Coait District Three i3i years will be allowed for re-1 move! of timber Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C . or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X99S7 Sealed Tenders will be received by Utnl.l., 1ntm a. Vl.nia BP not later than noon on the 2nd day of April 192. for the purchase of Licence XBM7. to cut 'JOH 285 lineal feet of Cedar poles and piling on an area situated "ii Lot 424. Kumdls Slough. Queen C'harlo'.te Islands Land Dlatrict. Two 2l yean will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria, B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert,B.C. . TIMBER SALE X6731 There will be offered for aa le by Public Auction at the office of District For- B SI mt nwin nn i April 13lh. 1Q3S, Use Licence XS731, Oet- !Wtan nay. aiuvs-u iniei. i.n. vu tut 74S.OSO feet board measure of Spruce. Cedar. Hemkrlc a:::l Balsam sawlogt irniTWH M i . .... - -- - ' Auction In person may submit a sealed , -jnder to be opened at the hour of luctlon and treated as one bid. Three years win oe auoweu ior removal of this timber Further particular of Chief Foreater. Victoria, or Dlatrict Forester, Prince Rupert. B NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed Tenders, endorsed -Teodwr for .idsi's-toas itisi"sisaaafl -i o abv e- Masrtav. . . w S AM Spec tleatloiv. Contract and Form of Tender may be obtained at the office it the District Engineer. Court House. The successful tenderer will be called 3ii to deposit with the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, an accepted cheque equal to ten per nt 01 hetotal amount of his tender. Tenders will n.'t be consldeied unless made out ,n the forms supplied, sinned with the sctiiul mniinture of the tenderer, ana -neloert in the envelopes furnished The kiet or any tender not neoaa- rC'p,el1 O. C. MACKAY. 70 District F.nglneer. City Meat liarket (SELVKi BHOS.) Third Ave. l'hne "65 KJOT HSR (IRONSAKER (.JKTOST NOKKKLOST FUTMYSOST PIUMUI-A fiAMMBLOST FISKKBOI.LER FLATBROD MULTUR 05.V. lHt fcl. vnrer. nilllge prlser. Hi::-''" n .i' rln;- "I HAVE been a mechanic with a union card and evervthlna. I iik to take thing apart and aaaemble them again, especially automobiles. After I get through J don't have a nut left over, either. That nrov r mechanic. "Hut I Mini claim any Inventions. The nearrot I rame to that wtrt of fame was out In my liuuir town of Denver. Col., when I was u wmn-.t-r I t up ii water motor lo run my mollier'n sewing machine. "Eten loday anjiiliig lliat runs rylh-inlially ran sit and ualdi for hours. I've hrtn knoHii lo Install a inlnlaliire ii-,,tr mii the table of my dressing room to kill the walts-hetaeen performance. In our family there was a musical i.idltlon I was bound to uphold. My mother waa a singer. Before her marriage my slatti did concert work, and for a great mimy years my father waa aipervlaar of music in the Denver pub- schncls. . "Vrl. utter all, the rhythm In ut- liluery unit iiiuMi' ure alln. Ala-ays It is win ml I hat come) to our lira In alien things are wning. It's our ear that delects alike the dlM-urd of an orchestra unil the kniKk In an automobile. That's why m many miish'hiis are niHlunl-rully liiclltieil. "I received some practical mechanic-training first We had a dirt track In Denver, and the ctewa used to atop off and race their can around It. I got a job as a mechanician. .And right here I want to throttle a libel that's bean going the rounds of Irresponsible gossip. It'a to the effect that a couple of apllla changed my mind about becoming a daredevil driver. I did not throw up that haaardous profession aa alleged, to pet into something safe tike teal driving. "The chauffeur's place came through pull. Sitting beside the Clock That Never Runs Down waa a mild and harm-'eaa occupation then. I'll concede to my critic The taxi bandit hadn't been glorified. I went to work for one of my college chums whose father gave him a checkbook, and the boy started a taxlcab company with It. I gueaa be waa tired of looking a meter In the 'ace. "It waan't a lark for me but a genuine ttrlnd. I learned a lot that theretofore I hadn't known about the night life tiom the Mersey will be delayed some hours in order that lis passengers may see the race. The fascination ilea in the efforts of a wonderfully-conditioned, nervously-eager field of thoroughbreds and the ominous threat of the fences and water Jumps, which have no duplicates. ; Bectter'a Brook and the Canal Turn, as always, will take their toll of unlucky, runners and the multitude wUI gaap at , the stumbles and the nalrbreadtb es-1 capea of the riders of unfortunate mounts from the thudding hoofs of more successful competitors. When It Is ail over the actual running takes only a few minutes prises of more value than at any time in the race's history wUI be divided. Thanks to the record entry, the value of thla year's National will be very close to 60.000. FltWOK AMI l'.S. The United States haa sent Billy Barton, ataepluaaaae Idol of Msryland. 1 wuu rniKfl turn mii wiipina wsuj i others rne coyote, a renowned jumper on continental tracks. But the experts! the r neana have deonnsd RlUv ' Helton from "contention." because of his very disappointing record in me National trial raoea held at various courses. The Coyote Is admittedly a real threat to the Brltlab owners, but more rellanae is piaosd on ,U veteran ! 'ksewSKvaaMeW-ed ' tfteir mettle In various Natlonaia. Amberwave, Lady Helen McCalmont'a ten -year-old bores, rules more or leaa favorite at odds of around ulne to one agalns.. The other moat prominent candidates are Lady Partridge's Sprig, winner last year; BovrU Third, who ran third laat year: Maater BlUte, who haa hud much National experience, and Easter Here. Just transferred to W. P. Draper. American turfman, for MO.OOO. i Jack Horner, winner for a United 8tates owner in 1926, Is not generally j favored to repeat and various other candidates at one time well supported have fallen Into disfavor on their show- lug ii, the trials. At least a down others, however, stand a good chance .' winning, by all accounts. 1 LST YCAK'H WIWKUH Thoae who watched with delight Mrs. ' Partrldge'n horse win the rare last year scan with misgiving the weight table for the present Orand National Sprig Is right at the top with the punishing poundage of ITS lbs He shares this doubtful dlatlacttos with Bright a Roy. KngjUah veteran owned by Stephen San-ford of the United States. Brlght's: Bay haa a good National record Amberwave Is to carry Iff pounds. ; the aaarte as The Coyote. Veterana like ' Mount Etna. Trump Card. Ruddyglow. : Oreat Span and Thrown In are to carry j heavy . Imposts while Dovril Third gets by with 154 and Billy Darton with 111. Master Blllle Is comparatively lightly handicapped with 148. The hulk of the remainder arc at lower poundage with ii koo'I score of hopefuls grouped on the bottom runit at 140 pounds. One of these t'lrre are food horesa even at the botti n may win. Stranger ililms h.iVc happened In '.he tlmiil National. I'.UL HHITKMAN "I might have been a mechanic HI a union card." of a city. "Alter I quit chaperoning that commercial gasoline beetle around the street" I went to th fther extreme I got into a symphony orchestra. But that dldnt I eat long. Music with a. hop to It waa tooling into vogue, and in San Francisco. I got a Job Jattng. . "nut the leader said I didn't baagi It out loud ewsagh lo suit him a an I was fired. Noise was hln Idea af syisro-pal lun. Mine was dlllerent. Ho I organised my own orreWra, and we were engaged by a Las AagrleK fwlrl, deakv ling with my haal as a movie eitra on orratloit. . "No, there's nothing I want to be. I was born lucky and it seems to be keeping up. But there Is scene thine I like to do. I like to get out In the Micks and tip off the youngsters coming up how to get on in this profession That's the only ambition I have now." Tomorrow William T. Tlldett. td Copyright by Public Ledger. SPORT CHAT PreparaUona are already under way for the forthcoming summer outdoor sporting season in Wince Rupert. Annual meetings of the CMnadlau National snd Prince Rupert Tennis Clubs have already been held and play wUI start in full swing In the very near future. Var ious organisations which will figure on the football and baaebaU fields this eaeon Ire looking out for players and the annual meetings of the two Associations should be held be tore long. Plenty of material seems to be available and the prospect la that the season in the various lines of outdoor sport should be as successful as any that have gone before. Joe Wright. Jr.. of Toronto, champion single sculler, and Jack Quest, who will be his partner In the doubsao event la the Olympic sports, will leave Canada for England on June I. Both will oasn- pete in the Diamond Sculls In the famous English Henley, in whiah event Wright waa finalist last year. The man making the better showing in the Eng lish regatta wUI represent Canada In the Olympic singles, only one entry frcm each country being 'accepted. Bert Morgan's avarag per innings in the junior billiard game Monday night was 3.6 and Mardonald'a, 2.6. The time of the game waa 1 hour and 26 mlnutea. Ben Self waa referee, F. Joslln marker and Jack May, scorer. Jos Brown's average was 3 S and Bess-ley's, 3.2. the time of the game being one hour and twenty mlnutea. J. Hill-man was referee. P. O. Pyle scorer snd F. Joslln, marker Tile draw for the second round In the Junior series Is as fellows: Bert Morgan va. Joe Brown. Outdoors or Indoors whatever your talk. Let WRIGIEVS refresh you allay your thirst, aid appetite and digestion. Helps keep teeth clem. After Every Meal vMi of your copy of The Daily News . every night by having it delivered to your address hy carrier paid in advance will bring it to you every night for a year Keep urse Well Posted about world news, district news, all the doings of Prince Kupcrt, your own town, apd by no means the least, get the NEWS OF TIE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading regularly- Jack May vs. Ben Self. MAKES MONEY ON ELEVATOR K. A. III.ATt III OHH AMI ANMtM'IATKM M: tll OIUIIATKH 111 T MAKE Hill PKOITT EDMONTON. March 27 Ex-Mayor X. A. Blatchford. M.P., spread sunshine last Tuesday at the winding up meeting of the British and Oriental Orain Oarn-pany. Tliis.-oompaax was ;fejad . by Mr. Blatchford some two years agb Tor the purpose ol teasing the Woodward j Elevator from the Vancouver Harbor I Board. Owing io a dispute with the Harbor Commissioners, BUtchford lost I the lesse, which waa later given to the United Orain Growers Limited. I The British and Oriental Orain Com-: pany. through Its solicitor, a. O. Me- Goer, K.C., then entered action for dnmagra against the Vancouver Har-' bor Commissioners Reorntly a friendly rettlement was arranged for 1138.000.00. The total expenses of the company utter effeetlng the settlement are said ii have amounted tn sea M0. which left. Ivviever a profit if aas 500 : no M ,.'''. of the corapaii) cotmlsted ol K. A Blatchford. MJ.. Senator P. B Lesaard. Col. J K. Cornwall. Stanisy Tobin. ex-M-P., and A.J Boilleau. all of Edmonton. The share-1 ii idem are said to have put up only! sli'3 esch to form the company, which never operated owing to the cancrlla-t ion of the lease. On the basis of sn equal division of i he profits, esch shsreholder receives tin- handsome sum of I12.O00. J B. Lambert, assistant district engineer for the federal department of public Works, was s pvseetiKer abotrd the Camusna yesterday return lint south following a trip to Stewart and Alice Arm on official duties. The government float at the latter point recently drifted looae and arrangements have now been mads to repair it W A Talbot. ii.vltut district engineer for the provincial department of I public works with hesdquarter at ; Anyox, arrived In ti.e city from tin i smelter town on the CnmiMiin yeater-d.iy altvrnoon. IT WILL PAY YOU! NEWS Richmond s i rfV.' Lad: Third Avenue Louvre Famous for Values. -in - ies' Wear Phone 532 Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited . . . . . ss ' - 1 1 L e i u vm Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND , , SHIPYARD Operating li.T.P. SOoO Ton FhwtUiK Dry Dufs, EnolneerN Mnchlnlstft, Dollermakertt, Hlarkamitlut. Pittlern makers, Founders, Woodworker. Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACBTYLBNG VEI,I)IN(J. Our plant Is equippet) to bandit) all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3S5