ft iVnTircY THE DAILY NET7S i- -44- The Daily News rP.INCE KUPBKT Boots and shoes of every description are the better kept and preserved when regularly polished with Nugget For a lustrous polish that lasts and lasts, use "NUGGET Shoe Polish Thtrt't a Svttrt Shade for tveryshoe mmdt BRITISH COLUMBIA I'ublisheii livery Afternoon, except Sunday, by Princr iiuperr Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue.-II. F. I'ULLEN Edi.or - - - ManujriiiK SUBSCRIPTION RATES CityDeHrery. blg&aU, or carrier, yearly pe For lesser perkiaiaid in advance- nfiso By mail to all trt gi" XorferUMfMRtiHm paid in advance for ve Or four months for aaaa t ht ttt-j i U IMUCilVU ia-asvt-. h. . HKHDIMr MOVEMENTS It is diftieult to understand the psyi iehv .. movements tvhieh influence large groups peopl-things at certain times. Just now in the nor! h ') travelling to their summer feeding ground-, urged coming of spring. In itoumania 'tie jwasant.- are i h:. fto ad van Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - SB Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION iumbi By mail to all other part ofilnritiah Columbia, the British in the hope ot getting hetter got-ernnii-nt, Ti.i -,r. .. ti much a are ttie carihou and 'he umleihing uiio :- mu They want conditions whirh will give them !- t . r !r, united for the iause and are trying to mote togeih-i. We find that at certain lime.- a mania -ei.e- ttie p country. They heconie dissatisfied and n.ote tog.-U,. r caue. Now and then a religion- mania -unp- lead in :he matter of the ordcrh running community. The washing of dirty linen in of the criminally inclined to cover them-i ie and tends to make peopl wonder whether it in a hig city. aii'i d. It will tie interesting to watch the outcome of t!:i-the peasants and hew mu h hetietit tiiev and tin- oiiiimit a will get from the movement. SHXT.W LE AT VAN! Ol VEU It is not a ery ediiying -jh, ta e that is in progre couver in connection w ith the dice prohe. Tin Idg 1. c the leader in many line- and it is to he hoped it wilt gj( u Empire and United State, paid ia advance per year .... 56 00 By mail to to all all other other countries, countries, par-War jrar.jfagr fl.e Mjtffi it Display Display Advertising, Advertising, pfeg'jnch. pfetnnch. I Transient per insertion I1.4J Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $180 Local Readers, per insertion, per tine 2C Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word 2 Lejral Notices, each insertion per agate line 1V Contract Rates on Application Wednesday. May 9, 1928 BASEBALL FOR I'RLNTE 411TEKT There seems to be a lack of interest this year in regard to baaeball. In the past the game has usually flourished and more fans attend the psmen than any otfcer branch of sport. Comparatively few hen- go on! to watch t'oothiiM played. In Prime Kupert the ground is not suitable ti the nij.rb game and lacro-e dors not seem to hae -i-ii d :m- ;:ii.g::ia'!oii it the young t'"pli JJasi hall is aily il;i.-l ai.d rv ..; ,na-phernalia is ei small. It it is true that one club this vear ha- grahiii-d ers, 'hat should ! easy to remedv lu title-- 'hi ;, an men and will ne willing to pool the rni-ni!" r- airl di-them fairly in order to get a seiic- o game- .-.., 1 1 1' Vii.;;:ng everj thing in sport. The game i- the thing. If it were trin- that memtier- of team- were ti'ia:iei! n: of the organization iiaiking theni. the -y-iein ..j i . -: i i t . i i ; : not take place. Tin- not being the ease, oi;,e an.itigi-mi-n' he possible by which those who jn-ole-- to be int.,e-teii ;i could apportion piayei-.- and have a very i ntere-t i ng thj e that would pmide poi: for -he players and !,,; iiiri'i who would go out to watch the ganie. Hie play- "i sport." Ml.-,- oil :i: I'll le,i.'lii :t.e l.il'- herding eel-ta' i iti iiou at i : Some 1- did in WjiU-s -nine years ago. l miiy he a temperance mania or a licentious mania. It is like an iniection. It -pnad- 1 1 ni Jamil.', to family and from tow n to town. In Russia 'hi 5o!-i e ih jnoenient spread that way ann itn- -anie seems Jo ha' e luppei.ol in China. In each ca-e there was an ignorant populat ion readx to Pe influ need The iiotiinanian peasant- seem to he a somewhat -miliar people. i''g of h ile n Vmi i it a' I of the aftair- oj the ulilo and 1 he effort -i- nio-t demur, ilizing a gi d t hing ti fl i o, , THE riMME f'AHOL CASE The ttritiah government undoubtedly ha -; ne i i.-i, .. w he-it aaya that a visitor to that country mu-r not uae it aa a m.. ' which to interfere with the property conatituted authority of some other country. No matter what people may think of the settlement of tha Roumanian succession, Britain cannot be a party to interfering with that country in its governmental activities. If the Roumanian peoiY wish to have a boy king instead of the dissolte fatheiv there la no good reason why they should not do so. Prince Carol at turn to be a man who hat neglected bis proper duties and row wishes to be given the right to upset the mature judgment of the people over whom he would now be the lawful head if he had behaved himself. DOLLY VARBEN ITOTEffl WORK . MINE TO WORK TO PROCEED rII.OF.I. MIKIK XITWEK AMI AK-'.T. U. CI M son eleo t , th' , . . ' .i phantom it, : n ., igelher -anie if ATK MTIA, KXMiBHt; M M- in; it five daiM The IiVly Varden and Wolf ml ' ' .Tm .. - fiqta at Vancouver I : l. J hAWWhlin i . al "'""iX Aim Herald Ooeraiicms sw 1 imr tidert ineuaim I. HIM. HAVE rilAKflK Tlt: II.I.AiE May g To dtmrnenoahhU if, f restoring OffliftW nts ihe twn Bwa River Vr.l r. X - - j tlai Engineering crynianu to commence at scon a the OW is off,' . , . , o.rt. here. rlM UUWU ,i ... ' - the ground. Mi.. , to. H.zelton. B.C. Mr. It u the manr of coajectare atta. .JJ rhar of tk. -ork t!n will b carried on thl. yr ajMartBH-rt of IndUn ASala. tron, U ntTnlEncvTM on ever, atMoA . or the Dolly Varden U cm w nrg detn.t and th. CWMMttan not explored thU yr. but ma. Honal.o whc Un th pim work will h concentrated on the Num- J tht .a oer 5 ctalm Un" pTea hav, bten 'Stored at the todU- dfvei-ped. and alao the Wolf mine Kluete. The Dolly v..r;ii oe.a3 cpwaoaa . " , . in 120. ,-xoept :or a IKtle rk In 1621 and owing to e.itangUm:;it- it v.m i pciiible t again operate it In :tf palmy da- ".hlpFfd hi i grade filver ore si lasedi'aU richr.ts-.. and It anticipate! that u- ser.o difficulty will be anoauntered In U gating oiier rtt Oodiea of ore. The Well, which Ilea acroaa tfae rnvr. about S mile north, contains mev- II V" :. Hoard. alocae i--.. ,:- - ifk option on tle Mtoae i .'!- t :.rt',e l.- -x(er:en ijxir. M il - -,11! i and aucr Hoard, and )t umaintt will be ira today or the eany a.. Sow at opart 1m are "1 e.r .1 -II - off a "he. Can a and t Frtnew bP"- "I shall and' i lake a aaaujr a po-fible of Um 18 io;-mi at Kltaeugla. Skeena Croaalcg th; rummer," he aald. ih i rrv fl.if aceclmena and '.rtid In full vlw ti tht paaalng trains. I Mr. Campbell aapecU. alao. to com- j p:cte tha work on the po owned by 'he railway at Prli.ee Rupert one ol he largest. clueM and heavleat in britisb Coram bia . X tne iar. .ure - - n back- ug lo '""fV ,: in oancrete. creoaaUnf and palnt-tTl tlle a thm-mtorln, them and -m. ( i v:rtor 'i-tor flpaoeer flpaacer aad and aaaoclatea aaaoclatea - "-..'"L ' aperatlca C the Indiana la the fiist CONTROL 0VR vaafe) eaaamUaatlon , . . i..-.: c : WOjO WW decide '!.' .on lil,,.ic! !! Hot d onTaura-v,eouvar. la con tact and tympathy In the paat and tbo Indiana are beginning to appracUte Uto mctlrea of the hite men la paaaarrlnf the grotaaque tut in their own way beautiful rellr of the colorful paat. FRUIT MARKET for Oct. Victor loOMMITTiX m oihetthin APPOINT-! Kit BY 4tlKS AMI OftkEH M . . . jr.,, - . conatota of live- ' ahEII on the saat siisj K :r H - ,nd la owned by i VICTORUL May . Bon. I. D; Bar-) ' ' Arm. Don Cam- row yesterday put ttaroagh hla oroer-in- u ,( Chria Kelson of r.un.A uuder the Produce MarMUng k i- tou- mile from inatitartlltg a coroanlttee of alree- i i malderable work tlon oapol and regulate ataraeUaa a fooi tonnagr o! ,,;r,woorrtr raapberrlea. lofanbarrkM - " ar.d blackoerrlea. of tmo cl,lme T!i- order, ccvera the whole of the . -.,, Beaner of Princ. ;, wr malnjjnd aa lax aat aa Beoot-l e been driven er. Ac1u 1&d tmb w the railway watt. - , property appeara growera yeaterday nomine tori Alex Pankm ot Mealon and Prod Co? v . -mntloned propertlea as repieaentat'.vea on the committee .:; K ult country. The -jf ROTexnmem wUl appoint a third - i : . .rth of the Dony member t , Soard cln the I : ; t atttnt Covered included prme-cilmaa and Mooee )olu Silver tically the whole berry productlng a.a and The Chance Jotoa thel nrovinee with the exception p: I Victoria and Vancouver bland and Tor- LOGS SOLD AT SHERIFF SALE race fruit diitrtet in the Sa-eena coun-'.y. Terrace may, however, be brought under tat control qratem later ajad the ' Ulanda and Creaton dlatrlet are apanglag to co-operate with too oaas-mlttee glvir. practically pronneewtde coatrcl of '.;. year'x email fruit crap. v inr miixm take iwr TERRACE SCOUTS hi en ill' tvii iiriijkiv rnu I i - H. oner, on behalf of the Pacific ; -A. ol which he la logging aupec, at, yearterday afternoon at Sheriff Presbyterian Church last night. W. B. WUUajna and Mm C I. Monroe told the story of trie opera and John B Dsvey, Mlaa Brand and H Harvey participated la the zniuiciil rolfk. RECEIVE CHARTER Mapper rrr4 and Tatka Often to? Two apewwtaew and iMrieea ., iwucni I or eaio a ran oi aw. TfSBACB Maf 8 At their weekly ft. epruoe and hemloca moat j muo wrida, evenlnc last lower graoea. wnico were am aa of the creditors jf the defunct O ucui and ammeraon loailof oMitern. I he lose were rut Is Warke Canal aad ire now htoaaed at Dlf hjr laland Seven- y-nlne rhalna. the jjroperty of the Big Day Lumber Co.. are to be returned u he owmrs wlthta four monUM' time the aate waa aoodueted by Sheriff S. v Mlckeraoti aad a reserve prior of MJOO waa placed on the lot. The flrat bid of MJH waa made by W. O. Fulton. Mr. Bonney then offered M.0O0 and 8 D Johnstone followed wlta ae.OSO. The final bid waa Mr bonney ..SJTf. Tboae attending the aale Included Capt. Reg. Oreen, J V. Clyne, J. C. Savlgan. P. S. Bonney. 8. D. Johnatone. W O Fulton. E I Qregg, W I. Planer, J. A. Meeker and dipt. W. P. Armour. Ten Years Ago In Prince Kupert hav a. tata. Rev. W. t. Oolllaon and Rev. Canirn a. A. rib afllclated at the funeral for the tale Mrs. John Carroll yeaerdy i prvaiim to b- a very full one and In- C. P. Keats, John My hlU -Jones. William Relth. George Hill. Oeorae Willlama. Bdward asaart. P. H Uneey and Harry A Ulna. Word bat been received In the city of tne recent marriage in Victoria of Mlaa Bmtly ltuntr and John M Morn-em, the latter brin.' a pioneer resident of the city. They win take up real- the rhartrr u preaentad to the local Bey Scout Troop, aad the event wet celebrated by a sapper to wfcem ttht Trail Ranaen aad their Madera aad T.aben of the eoataUttee vrere tnvtt- d. Supper wan aarred undrr the direction of the two patrol fcadera. Jack Bparkea and DcataJd Burnett, following shlch appropilate addreaaas were made by w H. Burnett, a member of th rx.Tomr.tee and hf A. Bokawooai. trail raTigei mentor. Rev T. J. Marsh who haa long been aaa acta tad and always Interested in tha work saaong the boy a waa present and aeMresatd theaa In a rovlal way. but aeBaoalabed them to endeavor to live up to the principles nned with aysnpathizera and there were uu to whlch u,, ooya are all already maay floral tributes. PwUbearera were of the troop A forceful talk waa alao given by Rev Wm. Allan who preacnted tne charter lor i-..fe keeping to the eoout chaplain. Rev A. W. Robinson, he. la turn, making a suitable address. The apeakcra were lntaoduced by Bcoutmaiter s K. Klrkaldy, to whon. goea the cred - of organtxtng aad carry ing out the work of the boy aoouta, who themselves chase htm as their leader The summer program of aoout work looking forward. Osnce at Allot Aim where uhe groom la! weak end eagsgrd In the Utuiapurutlon bualneaa The music club gsve a splendid ren dition of the nnerat "liOhengrln" In the TERRACE X. Milton or Vancouver arrived from the south on Ssturdajr to take the position of nieehaale In tta Torraot sioiora uarage. W R. Buckneii aad W. a Bennett of Vancruver m-re visitors here st the s. C. Bayliav Uawn Oil Co. repre-senutlve of Prinea BVpert. waa In tnwa at the beglntiing Of the week. P. J. Tolhurnt, Nsdiera River was In Terrace nt the ead of last week. Mr, oturge utUe aad Edith returned Does it? Dots uoui:f)pdLle or Vilaiilij suffer from ML- ink Indigestion? "BttiJti Itht tirtMflist, 1 in f,t 's fw kmuMl. 7s tit 'fmg if ifjt, ukil, rrmimm ftr bW aswW tmitm, I mflmd fnm ctuttfattm, md tin cttJrrjh.' mlrrfirtJ trill) my Mtttttm Om dji I itfftmJtftHmlUm nrt frmul f ram wit ktU ws 1111, TUiuhtiunn i ) -ait ftr avw mmthi, mU it mrrd tm rn it jtrmyamflsmt. Tit mnttimm A Mg. Tar frf sml tuslity thit Hunt-sasss'f It fit far ear arrr mm thm I tear mhcipttJ, J 1 Ant I nui rrmtk-jmllt saw tit I fit iuill list IMJ tit Imt ti my csmr Mtmy tlxmkt U Ftmctmtm'i Yttit. W. Bsawp, Vancnuver, B. C on Ilea day after aeootapaartng A. B Uttle to the Prkace Rupert hospital on K. L. Paetaa. Port Xsaiaaton was a vUltor here at the end of the week. R. BrajBley. Nana fane, the oaaet on Batarday aaa 'ays tn towa. A. A. tt the arrived from spent a few llcDtaald of Oak waa la end. Prtae wlnaara ta the saaay on "Why Should I Boy Empire Osods" ataaed by the Toai aas. Board of Trade to oanneetioa with Empire Bhoa ptng week hose bfen anaouneed aa Allows: High School JaiOe Meoh aad Dorta Boblnaon (eooal.t. Orade 8 Amjle AUaa Orade T AeXtae The jvataat wot H. aUlsjon. A. If barker aad Or. Bruomltt. ALICE ARM Anywt OosjemraUvea have gone on -toord ae Nvortag the roadldaey of T W. raleoraer of Alice Ana for AUla HaBits la the neat vrovlnciei eteetaon Or. tsiaiwpd Is pnasKiut of the aewiy 'armed Conasrvatlve Assoc is thm in the melter town. Oa to the amaat tasrae owm- 400 new iimes have been added to the voters' list far AUIn riding . Tale figure will e laereased after aourth of revision. 'PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT I HIXt E Id TEIIT RIJ3 TOKAL IIHIHICT NOTzCS m hereby given that I shall. ? Xaa$"- the "Ui of May, isaa flx hovir of 10 oc:o?k in the t: neon, st the Oni rt.tir.uM Mn .. PT' .aold a sitting of the Court of Hevlilon for the nuruae at ri.i.. iu?.,S!1 0,-,ri? tor olectoral district and of bearing and determining any and all obleetleaa to t: . retention of any name eh the said Hat. er to the registration aa a voter of any appllcaat for registration; and far the other K tk.tMtb """M wwd at Prtace Bupert, BC tth day of Aaru. isaa ..a. ItBaitTRAS OP VOTBR8, t W this Witoe aawt BPectorai PWrtet. MINERAL ACT (form p.) CEUTinCATEOF 'nTpROVEMBNTB J;, til. jf. Observer, Lot tatt 1iS?tii"ro Mo.u)o abeat tour . "ST1015 th' Jamea a token 52! SkSLSSmV- rtlfloatt 2; r120"- tatead airty days f?o ue date hereof, to aaal ta tha uioiii. Rworder for a Crt51cit To? Irnprove? Crowi' Z'L..01 obtK ; under aedT asm be "omrnSnoH TJated thu 5th day of March. A D laaa H. MeN. 1RA8BR Aje&t. 77., J et .h,.tJ yj l.anf uu' appetite . . . . uKf ing vitality. (omrtKii'cM yssjiti)iiii nf ti;c .ilrticii! ol todav- indn-i.i. 1 he 1. 1 ue it fail v (, ,, t.r T-j tc-'iiea are ahirking tl.tl,- '" lutea.1 of cleaaiing the M ,l! i dry -c harboring hat ml, ! h InuxioaJ MsJtgcMHin j 'liMiti lie iic JCVUds n: anil eat today, tt c t.ii -i.hkJ where palan;-itLli;'i' the mi mutating, numn.r Mc licineuootsthe'curr habit-furming. The ag,-. 1 1 : t hcjr ihiakU corrc. t The way out r nature prc-cr IihiJ. You do mu l.j tour Jict. You hat o: ; lie one food that corr- X ., rrr lnif1l fhm "It 1 Tl arc dai ":ii'i.ka( am! Aidi fiMiimri -hirts: t , , Tint luud a ycaat a i tal ! , at muca a prodiiu : ,:u,. ,"( i.t -p lettuce leaf It trjin. iliciricMinotiK,-a, ".-r tlivi gh irt action on t 1 ; - a .. . ;IJ afJ the walk at the ai c. Tluee caact ot yeast a tvi.r. between ratali -have htuwic ,r :im .rwirt yeara the Grcst Health Hj J ( ana la Htr-mbe th diet lor our-ll Or-ti a lair trial. A lew eti mil v'u, it in retreakwi vualiry. Nir.n. 4 hrina you the fall benctii Ten your grocer to ii ?w -jr.: hty lilt for regular delnr i j. -Let at your family rnj .- .( ,. h member c e Ht r v i vv ' ''ivies "t -on is 'if or iht'ijfi .. ; a .J The THRICE- FLEISCHMANN' A -DAY Health Custom tft2& S yCMWooiforlkih Canadian National Steamships Co. Limil I Prince Rupert DRYD0CK AND SHIPYARD Operating (.T.I J0.000 Ton Floating Dry Urk HrlneerH. UarJilnlalR, Bollcrmakera. niacksmilha, I'aM makra. Founders, Woodworker, Etc. BlaBCTHIC AND ACKTVI-ENE WEI.I)IN(i. Oar plant ia equipped to handle all Wnd? nf MAHINE AND COMAIEHCIAL W0KK. I'HONBS 43 and 385 DEMAND "Rupert Brand tvippers THE DAINTIEST MtEAKFAST VOOlV Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage C- Frlnce Kupert. B.C. Tennis! Tennis- SEE OUIl NEW RACKETS 97 AO to 910.00 1028 Halls are in Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone S .