FAGB FQtJB " rTH2i CAILTw . "" ,1 I ' I " " By George McMapus LOCAL OFFICIAL BRINGING UP FATHER LEAVES ON CAR ACMOT-rU-fttt Nou MOVED f:C H ht Mt BB ?Su RDE V - W A f OON'T KNOW P J T2jl- THA- OOM'T I .UPTOWN- Jfi VTT 11 ' ' ' W BOT PU. TRV J I 1 fcl VOU? M ' "SAVE THE rOUBST" MOVING PIP TritE EXIIIIJITIONS AM) LEf-TI TAKE A WALK Uiy.1 Jfe 3F"R JXkL M fefrft(-1 l" i1.!1- -" UDS WELL ATTEN11F.H TERRACE NEXT 8TP The OMkmtM Ponwtff "Save the Fomti" demonstration car attached to the regular passenger .train left this morning for Terrace which will be Its next stop In the oourae ol a tour to various Important points between here and Jasper Park. B. H. Leightcn, fire inspector attached to the local office of the Forest Branch. went out on the car and will remain with It until Jasper is reached on June 96. He will give the addresses wrier the moving picture exhibitions are made. Much Interest was taken In the many Illustrated lectures wblcb were given aboard the car while It was in Prince Rupert, the seating capacity being fille.' on every occasion. On Saturday, there were four exhibitions two In the morning and two In the evening. MISSION BRANCH IS FORMED HERE PltHe.llYTBKI.VX LAI1IEH .UTEIt IlKAHIVl; AIIIIKEH8 IIV Ml" LWIIA l'ELTOX Tlt.V VE1.1.IM1 SECRETARY on the work of the society. There was an anthem by the choir. Mlas Pelton sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. PRINCIPLES OF CHIROPRACTIC THE 1'IHHT OF A WEEKLY KEIIIEB OF ARTICLE KXPLAlMNfl THE philosophy or Chtropractlc la based upon five fundamental premises: (a) that a vertebrae may become tubiuxated; b) that this subluxation Induces impingement of the son tents of the Intervertebral openings; (c that, as a result of this Impingement, the irritability of the corresponding segment of the aplnal cord and Its connecting spinal and autonomic nerves Is reduced, and the conduction of the nerve la unpaired: (d) that, a a result thereof, certain parts of the organism are deprived of their innervation in whole or in part, and become functionally or organically diseased or predisposed to disease: and () that adjustment of a aubluaated vertebrae removes the impingement of the structures passing through the lu- intervertebral opening, thereby restoring to diseased parte their full quota of ln-nenvu'.lon, and rehabilitating them tuudlonally and organically. Spinal subluxations, or minor displacements, are caused by: falls, twists, blows and Improper posture, their pre sence Is proven by palpation and x-ray photographs. It Ik that, a spine free from defects Is Invariably found In healthy people, therefor, if your health Is not of the beHt consult Dr Eyolfson. the Chiropractor, or Phone Hlue 85 for nu npnolnment. Advt FORMER LOCAL PEOPLE MARRIED AT MISSION Ml linrothy I-uxton DeemuM IWile of IV. II. I'rolms-Plemlng ana Tlinv l.lve In Vaneouver Cards have been received In the city announcing the marriage of Miss Dorothy Louise Lax ton to W. H. Probus-ftemtng. "The wedding took place at All Saints Church, Mission City April 38, and Mr. and Mrs. Fleming are now living In Vaneouver. Maw Lexton was formally a member 9e teaching staff of Booth School In this cjty, which position she resigned kjbi Since tht she haa.bean living at home at Mission. Mr. Probus-Plcmlng was for several years with McBae Brothers and later with Rose, Cowsn ft Lutta lu this city. Blnos last summer he has been living In Vaneouver. H. O. Otsen. Bmlthers manager fer tlie Hanson Lumber ft Timber Co., left by this morning's train on his return to the Interior after h.ivlng spent at ere! Saga In toe city on company business. TERRACE A Ooodenough, Bmlthers, was a busi- vlsltor here on Thursday, his first visit since his prolonged Illness. Miss Marguerite Martin of the Prince Rupert Hospital staff is holidaying at OKQANIIE nrm1 ;,, .WI, The organisation ' of a local branch the Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church of Canada resulted trom a meeting yesterday afternoon of Miss Laura K. Pelton. travelling secretary of the Society for Western Canada, with Presbyterian ladies of this city. Miss Pelton gave an interesting address on the work being carried out under the auspice of the Society both In the home and mission fields and stressed the desirability cff a local branch being formed. There was a vocal aato by Mrs. James Waugh. Officers of the local society are as follows: President, Mrs. J. R. "Prtaell. Vice-President. Mrs. Alex Mackenzie. Secretary-Treasurer. Mrs. R Cameron. Visiting secretary. Mrs. W. D. Mox-ley. Miss Pelton also preached the sermon at evening service last night In First Presbyterian- Church. She again spoke Tl. Doric- i r ; irsietl :j a short business .. : ' 1J: Rupert. The W.A. of the Anglican Church met on Thursday at the home of Mrs. T. J. Marsh when arrangements were completed for their home cooking, candy. and apron sale to be held in the Ter race theatre on Saturday afternoon, May 13. J. E. Gordon returned on Saturday Irom a short, trip to Prince Rupert. Henry Conroy was Lake on Saturday. In from Kalum ii:.UTgo. He was accompanied home by Mrs McDonald and his daughter. Mrs. Head. ' A. McDonald, scaler at the Ameitbury - mill left en Saturday lor Telkwa where' Tli steady rains of Friday and Bat he has reccied an appointment on the ui day did much In the developing of forestry staff. leaves and grass and all out doors has since taken on a spring "like appearonoe Mrs. BrummiU waai'tpa afternoon tea lf'Kt-ss oir Saturday- . .- tfr , Miss Sfbary. formed .Copper City schor l teacher and "ftfc mother, who -rrjntly arrived from q'hfniwack. left 1 u Sunday for the south. . Owing to ill ' alth. Miss Binary ba had to give up her school duties. A. E. Little returned to the Prince Rupert hospital on Sunday for further medical treatment. Me was accompanied down by Mrs Oeorge Little Mrs. Orlfflth of Prince Rupert arrived Saturday on a vMIt with friends HAZELTON Archie S. TordUte of Cedarvale who i has been on the Forestry service during the pan two seasons,' la again on duty. Mrs. J. Vlgar left on Thursday for i but Is at present relieving tor Herbert Seattle, having been called south owing Hankln, who Is recuperating after his to the Illness of her parents. severe Illness. , . Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Curaon of Prince j Delegates to the appronehlng United Rupert spent several days here during 1 Church Conference at Vancouver next the week and left on Saturday for TJak jweek include John Hewlett and Mrs. R. iTomllneson. A good supply of golf requisites has! Concluding a rather exceptionally arduous voyage which took the beat part of two weeks, the Anglican mission boat Western Hope, in charge of Bev. C. O. Darby, finally reached port yesterday from Masse tt. The story of the Western Hope's passage Is an Interesting one not without some thrilling and, at times, perilous denouements. The Western Hone started out from Massett for Prince Rupert to undergo some repwlrs following a fire aboard the vessel. Well out Into Hecate Straits, the engine broke down and several days of struggling with the engine and drifting ensued. The little though staunch craft had been driven perilously arrived in town and many prospective1" Mrs. and Mrs. Smith of the Hudson's 1 close to some Islands north of Ketchl- playerc are now equlpr"! to start cbaa- Bay Co. have been transferred from kan when, fortunately, a fishing boat tng the ball. .fort Fraser to HaaeHon. j hove in atght and took her in tow much f i V T ' ' rellel, needless to say. of those W.Tl. McDonald returned to hb home-" H herelfc Saturday front theTprlaoe Ru-Hht pert hospital fat doctor advising.' 9 u Inst the operation he expected to, rad m pMrfjH 1 what mwh Tlneb Is nar in charge or ' on uoara cldent occurred when part of the road making machinery at Carrlan's camp. Skeen Crossing, lolled over crushing Oeorge Hall. Hii- leg was badly crushed and be is in the hospital resting quietly. M. Wars of the Hudson's Bay Co. waa Uv town last, weak on a general Inspection taw. Plans are being perfeot-ed towards the erection of a new autre In the near future. arduousYrip western hope AM1UCAN allMttlON HOAT UHUHL liOWN IV .HECATE HTKAITK AM) IHltrTHII FOli MANY WAYS lee. j The Western Hope underwent tem- . ; porary repairs at Ketchikan and arrived t have, keen a serious ac- here under bar own power. She Is Trout and Salmon Await Anglers' Hies With wintflr snnwH d'mpersinK rapidly and ice dissoK lng into lake and streams; with tlie mine of aap and budding of tret.s, memorien of anglers awaken picturing Btrtams where one would wish to fish daya "vTen even the deep blue heavens look glad, And gladness breathes from the lilosHoming ground." The waters of Nova Scotia, New Brunawkk. Quauoe and Ontario have all their devoted followers waiting fer the ica to disappear. These anKleia ara always eaggr to try new flaning ground, andthey will have new water this year, according to Wm. liarber Haynes, writing in "Outdoor Life and Ilevnutiim." The lateat bid fur the favor of tlu siiortsmas i the opening of part of that (skua-i aulmon rtvrr, tin- Keatigoucna. to any K,nrtMman who can pay a sum for a day's lihhing. Heratofoae, it hail been imposatbla for anybody to fluh the R.'stlgouche unleaa he rented liHhinc wnter for a term of several years. Now the province huH mnde it ptwjlhle for men in o.'dii-.ury cirruirtitaneei to nut up moi.i y noui;l: lor the reulU. t un of itl'i lui (irti ai .u u w''.V ll h in;; foi wal-v-un of the BMti uuclie in New iirunswicL. IBwEwEwipEB " SeS DbHbS BBwEBBflP wBt&'mffmF BBwEBwhim iiBmg BaUlwEwaBm gwWkJaSRflaHRlBv'FW The season for aalmon in New Brunawtok is from May 24 Heptombar U0. In the Rastigouche tUver and it tributa-iw, nuh 'mhiiig is peniustuble from April 1 t August U-M:- th limit m JO per week. The salmon nuasun in Nova Scotia is irom yulinmry 1 to August 31. Quebec's trout Atreama are many and widespread, and ara ally reached tnaking them deservedly T:opuiar both with Canadian and Americttii nHherrnf-n. Satisfying s)n)"i i to (" hnd in the ..trentiM in t'e l.:i!.e Kd.,-krd '.rt-t ni.-t N 1 1 1 1 - li i ,i '. I'uil 1, 'if ut ir.ief'o- I ic. l.l.' BJjU. L.1UUU. i.ij JlUlllOU Ul . .he North American continent is more riohlv en. lowed with flh and K'.ime. The innumerable rivers, treainH, lui 'n and great atretcluM of fnrext offer an alraoot bewildering selection to the man planning a hunting, tinning or canoeing trip. The trout season in Quebec province is from May 1 to 8otemter 111) for speckled trout, and from December 2 to Octobar 14 for the luke trout. Onturio'n mottt celebrated trout eount'y emliraxa rlvarg' and streams north of Lake Superior whose t ames many angler are already :imiliir with. In this aer-tiori iM''ial liuni;ulow camps are at fin. - serviea, operated by the Canadian Hutifto Railway, they afford every advatB4W of SB outdoor life jutt Bllgftily Ufhtening the hard iliii o.ipaolaUy tor thoa who wish t ive greater comforts than il tint and camp outfit afo.-ili. The .iuaaon lew opens May t. Iiint nelde are alwuys ,!.-" ii, ai' I iliiit'.nt streams appear i iiHi Ht.wu, wiiih) pool glow d::r',er ,i i na intttlen, pli:tUW n;!.ink days iii spring. It! ' " V anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertwement taken for lets than 50c FOK KENT -OR BINT. CLAPPERTON HOUSE. Ninth Avenue East. Sent reasonable. Apply OttyJTreasurer, City HJ1. tf FOB RENT. OARAOI a&.OO PER month. Corner First Ave. and Pint Street. Apply 116 First Ave. ill OR RENT PIANOS, PLATER-PIANOS, Phonographs and Sewing Machines. Walker's Mushy Store. tl FOB RENT FUBJtHDilD HOU8SKMP- lng rooma toy the day. week or month. Phone Red 807 tf "OR RENT OB BALE MODERN FIVE roomed bungalow. Phone Blue 37V. FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART - ments Apply Muaaallem Orocery FOB house NEW MODERN Phone Owen 371 uay. New York: W 8 Smith. Out.: Mrs. L. C Helm, Btewitrt M. Oeorge. Toront.i. u a wwvv tf moored at the Cow Bay floats and will receive permanent overhaul here. flAZETON FLOWER SHOW AS USUAL NnrtfcntMitrat Aaeueiaifciti Elt Oflicsro With fir. Wrliwh a ITnldriit BABELTON, Maj 7 A general meeting or the Haaelton Horticultural As soclatioa wu called on Tuesday evening to eonelder wy and means of carrying on the work of tlie association during the year. AlthuuKh many mem bers have left the district, thereby putting more pespoMmllity on those Interested, yet It wax generally freed ;he Mower Show Day should be ob-urasd again this season Blcr'.'nn of offloers for the season was held winch resulted as follows: President, Dr. Wrlneh, M.P.F. Vlce-Ftes., Mrs. B S Sargent. Sec.-Treaa., Dr. L. B. Wrlneh Executive aammittee S J. Winsby : nd Mrs. H. W. Sharps. WOMAN CHARwES IAN WITH STEALING GOODS Theft Case llpenaw Hefear Magistrate VM Ivmunt txia and tdjourninenl I BtU Tomorraw The prelunlnary trial opened before Maittstrate McClymon! in city police court this morning ot John Prevail wlii is charged by Mabel Central A. B. Bright, N. B Scott and c Port i t ve: H R IkiikIiiii Mlw E. Mer- Butharmar ataa jatm, xmi,, nUy; m Hrt'tnel and boy and Mr and Mrs. K n-iwiny, xiin. o. Bardal. Pohle, Terrace Havny Tom Wllaon. Vancouver: Lennsn, C.WR ; p. Voyer, C Beck and E H Smith! '' N R.: Carl ! H A Me-J Anderson city Dr. W. T Kergln n, di.imhter Margaret KerRln. wh, ilVe Im-im, Miss i'ii a couver on the Prin,e Qeorgs Wednesdav I I morning. Rupert. FOR Low High Low UK. FOK SAt.R FOR SALE. One Morse 2 cycle M 7-h.p Fairbanks & B Oaa engine for Vancouver and one 6-h.p Gray Jump spark piete with fhuft. clutcltes and pro pcllers. Submit olfcn, to Bupt VU11-tie City Ball on or before pja. May . 107 OLD NEWSPAPERS MAY BE OSES fB- ittuil of building paper or to laf ka-neatb oarpets on the floor. Oet pedal prloe on large quantities. Dally Hews OR SALS.- LOT 3 BLOCK 10. art. Thai lot faces Sixth Street and back up to the post office Tnepriet is HMD. Box 600. Dally News, Prince .Artidt, Lott tad Found,&c STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS Sunday as Prlncr Hur: Tueaday as. Catal.i Thursday es. Prinn nr Prula) as. princev. it.,; ,; Saturday s Cardm., Majl 17 as. Prliii-. ai v May 17 as. Prmres- a . Vaaewaver Sunday catain Wedaaaday as Pr (;-,,; : FtitUtf m. Osidenu rridaf as. Prlnceiv Hmv.i' atUNtafas. Pr. Hup. BJay 18 as Pnno- a;. May B as Frlnrew A): lit H Hi 10; It I t 'I loio , tf fat Past MmpMwi anil s.u- Win. i Tl klag at CardetiH - DtNINO BOOM SUITE. IvaM Peat Mmamn and u Hns- c.rtnoohonle. singer sowing machine, I Salurway at. Csrdem kite nan eablnet range, brass bad. Fat A agar typewriter, etc. Phone Bed 736. Sunday as. Cntal.i I; 107i Wedaaaday as Prmcr iforf 4: IFOR BALE FUBMUHBB ROOSB n lota; fine garden. MS atn Avenue E. at a bargain. Price 11400. part cash. J. Bqulrchuck. IBt FOB SALE. PICTURE8 BAND-PAINT -ed china, art craft srUcla. dask. chiffonier, bed. typewriter and rocker. Phone BUck 16B. 107 HUILDING MATERIALS HPttCIAL LI'MHttK PHirBS. Par M. 2a4 Com Blued, a good grade lit 00 lxfl 8hlplap, No. 1 S1M0 H3 Fir V Joint S4t 5 in or 4 in. Flooring or V Joint aia.oo 16 In Wall Bhlngles ... 1J6 it in Roof ShUiflaa. Ho t Pert. BSD V in. No. 1 BMplap. any width to i3 m giaoo Rough Fir Boards. sMBad widths tvSO 4 Light Sash. eaoB i. 6 Light Bash 1.40 Inside doors. 3 ft. to k 6 ft. m 40 Baek Doors. 1 ft I In i I ft. x a in. (glaas) a 4 JO Front Doors, ditto a.78 Also a big stock of finish lumber alway on hand, as well as Lamatco. wall board, veneer, etc Writ tat for prices. BXCSMIHU LITMBSH HHtNOtX Ce, Umlted Ft of Victoria. - Vancouvr. B.C EX'CHANOB with the theft of good, from her ure-HRtV AW HCTUNII lUMit FtlKNtTOHT "" m ' snsam !in -awpute sre two trunks, their contents and a gramophone .which Frescott submit be owned and had authority to move After some af tfcfe evidence was heard, ad- H'MniMehaewwa.'taken.mtii omorrnw L. W. Patmore l appearing f(ir tlx. m-formant and W E FUher lor the II(TKL AltlllVAI.N Iflnre Kauert J H. Mnnes. Calgary: O P Piaher. J B Honeyman. c H. Hosken. Ji-epn k Whltten. J A. Motherwell. Ralph j Parsons. C. A Oarrlck. D F DbviiIkoii Mrs. Blbary, MIhh Slbary and W K Bennett. Vancouver: J. f. Strang. Bunnysliie: P. 8 Bonney. Ocean Falls: E Heaphy Seattle: Alan B Heaven. Ottawa: Mlas Helen Oaynor. Mij Ahiich M Iiwh ami atr ana Mrs H B R.:h...si. Bsstiigton: T. Milne. Prin,,. a, W Chambers. Inverness: William Black-stock. Haaelton: Oeorge Curbett. Ketclil-kan: Mrs. Oeirge Little mid dHiimner. Terrace: J. R. Morgan, River Blyht: Mm! D. M McLachlan and baby, and Mrs tx. ... 1 ... . - . i. , . . j """ cniiaren, mileditle. R bought and sold and exchanged Flayer Piano sad Two Cash Seals seta M etoek PArMhOMIiMS HA1IA CHIKOPRACTIC It. K. RVOI.HH1N Clilf nifMiiif 639 Third Avenue. Telephone for sppointment now to Bin US Residence phone Blank 3U. Acute and Chronic Disorders fully treated Bsts Wished fft4 AUCTIONEERS. I'HINCK UtTMtT A I ACTION MAUT lfrsl lUnek Furniture of all klaos bought, sold or sin hanged. Crating and pa iking dont Ooods sold on Oomaaiauen 0. J. DAWES, Aiietlnneer. riwne 446 High Low High fvf '444 l'KINCB HUl'HIlT TUH 4- 4. 4- fMff4M TtlBSIMV, MV t:64 a.m. IBii ft. to.otp, m. in . ...i.i'l.. ;0flta SB " 1 Stiso p.m. SB " WBItMHNOAA-. MAV I) 8:37 a jn. im tt. 16:4ft p.m. 16.6 " 10:31 a.m. 4S Wtre p.m. 6 7" TlllMtUKW. MAY in o:06 n,m. ig.g ft. 17 41 p.m. lfl.u 11:06 a.m. ti.t :07 p.m. 10.4 " PRtllAV. MAY II 17.6 rt. I6:4 p.m 16.8 13:04 p.m. s i Caul a Far atawart aad iTrmirr -Sunday as ct..:,. 8aturdasai. Pm H"it Thursday as Prui'. May IT es. Prlnce-Mey JTr-as. Prince.- Iwf He Monday. MAIL SCHEDULE Weduead.i freed the Kawt iTwas Tarwoiitf and Preml" Sunday as Prince Hi.ir Tuesday- -as Catala AaBam CUkAaNBafltaaa M - Bw BBf'BsjaBB B!lBBvaasBSBsr May 10 s Prince .)-: iFtaaa Bjao farhti May 17 as. Princr J May M k Prlncr J..: Wednaeaay ss Pr.i... May 13 es Prl May 3B as. Prim:-- v Tuasdays, Thurvi ' v-mall due To Va nsaater tundsys Tuesday Thussaays Saturdays CJ.B.--May 6. i a:." Tralna. Mondays v- lli: t WaaaaaaMia " r 4 Saturdays C.P.R. May 13 ami ' Train. Sunday. Tiieiur Say Ta Any ami A He Ana- n,,ll (!' 1 Wednesaays rroai Anya and AMe ,in- Thuasaay or Stewart an4 Preaii" - Sundays Saturdays Mn Mtawart nd l'i-ti"- Bundays Tuesdays Tt N Ulr Paints Friday Pveni Nsnn River Pni- Saturdays ' Ta Attka IMlnls May M and U.i r"riii AUk Polnls- M"j 6. 1 and Ta Quern C 4rle4e Waul fYein ()uen rimfi'"" Mae 17 and 81 I.UTTtlt t'Ol 11 Qranam k Atlin Av Ut A6. A Ith Bt 6th Ave. A Fulton H' 6Ji At. A Thonii-" i Utb Av. A Baeriii - t AW. A Colirail 6th Ave. A Hays ' 6th Ave. A Hayx '"'' ttb Af. A Cotton H Sth Av. A Oreen Ht Stb Ave. A MoBride -Frov. Oovt. Bulldinr Prov. Oovt. Whari O.T.P. Wharf O.T.r HUtlon . ll I 3nd AM. A tnd Bt 3rd AW. A Fulton R' Sni A. Aj 6th Bt Sundays -One :uu p.m. collection. H' 11-ptM ii mil)