o;h!.,v, May 7, 1928 THE. PAILY,. NEWS FAGE THREE ate 1 R" v uv BE II., I K"" "'iiniH'l .ir i I- i First the Boy then the Man YOUR- boy can start life with a balance in the Bank. Many a boy has $100 cr more Gyed from his pocket money and is proud of his bank book. A thousand dollars saved at 18 may mean a college education or a good start in businc The Royal Bank of Canada Plince Rupert Branch - - Ft Robataon, Mariagei Pafckw ;eof K0T6X If von buy 2 packages here for W9 fines IM. c ftianver Druort.sls .THIRD AVE. f, SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?i,200 "CATERPILLAR" Tractors for the I AKMER, LOGGER, ROAD IIUILDEK, MINER I KKIGHTKR, AND MUNICIPALITY Wherever rutted power and performance are dcmtJtdati. .... Literature and Prices on Request SOLE DISTRIBUTORS FOR B.C.: MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., Limited MJj STANDARD HANK BUILDING VANCOUVER, B.C K0LT T ennis: BEST 1 ennisi SKH OUR NEW RACKETS $7.30 ta l.00 1928 Balls are in Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone S LOOK at YOUR CLOTHES EVERYONE ELSE DOES " 11 riiiu stock of HiRh Grade Men's Wear is now here. t Briton's finest wiml'ma from which to choose !" injf suit" tailored to your measure by Canada's fore 1 ' "'lies builders "Society Brand." Obey That Impulse Do It Today I THOR JOHNSON Canadian Pacifif.RaN B. C. CoMlServicM Sailings from Prince Rupert "hhirHI. Juneau, and skagwu May 2, II. ' Vliloriu ami Seattle Mny 11. !. '-!T. liuiirnvuM ufll'll 'Inlr, Kant iuiii lulls' iv-miii lui:. Nuritn. Alrrt ,',y wrr mid Vancouver even I rlii;n M a.m. steamship Lines. I mi Information ,., W. C. ORCHARD, (x-nrrul Agent. Mrtu and 8rd Avenue. Prim e Rupert. IL phone tl Local and Personal Tommy's Taxi, phone 671. Dentist. Dr. j. a, a,t The steamers Princess Charlotte I Princess Alice win also be on this a rice during June," July and August. Tor Alice A'nt: A E Davi. H L. Batten P. B McKay. L. f)ll)rmairrl. R. E Snyder. J. Pederson. O. Jarvln. Dr. R. H Carson. E. M. Wilkinson. Mn. M. Thnmas. S. Richardson and J. A. Mo-Kciv'e for Stewart: P. Hlgglnbotham an:! Mrs C Haiueit. for An vox: A. Mac-Aulay. Ur Wales Irlnnd; Mrs W. E. Walker for ArsKdule. 10. . 4 ANNOUNCISMICNTS e . . a- t ' A- Flay entrt 4hl 1 VJtrtTg Country Srhoolma'am" at Dm ted Church. Msy Qyro Hoe down, fay 11. Meow Hall Friday. Women of Miosehertrt LrgKm Chil1 rn's Mnsquerndp. May '8. "Are You n Un-'-n"" M;iy ? snrt 22 in Vriholmiv m I Moose Plc&lo, June i4. 113 Phone 68fl Skating dally. 2 to 4 and 8 to 10. r.0, Wl)flW,' ben thlnklne ,?f,a Tj.V ... ' Por a Taw m'jof - Cec'ar ' kanaon Stand, Central Hotel. ti J. Skonseng. pioneer Alice Arm mining man, was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon returning to the camp following a trip south. R W Reld. United States customs officer at Nome, and Mrs. Reld were passenger aboard the Princess Alice yesterday afternoon enrcute to Seattle for a month's holiday trip. John Williams, government liquor vendor st Atlln. was a passenger aboard the Princess Alios yesterday afternoon bound for Vancouver on a combined business and pleasure trip. . C. Pickett, owner of the Tiger mine up the Kltssult River valley from Alice Arm. wan a psseenger aboard the Oatala yesterdsy afternoon returning to the camp after having spent the winter near Los Anteics. There west more passengers than us ual aboard the Cats la yesterday after noon bcund for Alice Ann. Most o: them are la sane way or other interested in the opening of the season oi mining activity m that camp. William BlacfeMeck. construction man tor the Oovemmeat Telegraphs, arrived in the city on the Princess Alice yesterday afternoon frcm the Yukon and woceeded by this morning's train to Hue! ton where he makes his head quarters. Constable Thomas E. E. Oreenfleld of the Kltwanga attachment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police reutrned to he city on the Princess Alice yesterday afternoon irom 8ksgway. whence be escorted a shipment of liquor for the Yukon, and proceeded to the Interior by this morning's train. Mrs. Reld. the wlrtsw. and her daugh ter. Miss Pugh. were passengers aboard the Princess Alice yesterday afternoon going through to Seaule In company with the remains of the late Judge Reld. prominent Juneau attorney, whs lied recently and whose funeral wll! tiJw place in 'the south. With the arrival eere from YaaoouvcT on June oi use at met rr incest Louise, the B.C. Coast Steamship ser vices of the Canadian Pacific Railway will open Its Alaska tourist schedule Misses Laura PrtaaaU. Evelyn Delay, by Ttooisson and Ada Metusgohr, members of the Girts' Drill team. Mrs. B. Lamg. Douglas Prlasel and Alex Mitchell set out arty Sunday morning and, after making the fourteen mile hike to Sunayatde Cannery, where they had luncheon, returned to the etty on the afternoon train. A. C. . Obrherdl. president of the Homeetaks Conaolldated Mining De vetapment Oo- was a pssssngir absent the Oatala yesterday afternoon going through to Alloa Arm where be wiu superintend the starting of the aease operations at the Tortc mine: There are ooawtderahle adJiaataMMa to be made to the mm which. It Is expected, will be producing ooucen treses before the sea son etas as. Mr. and Mas. Edward Hswaliy, who sre moving from Atlln to the Peace River district where they will engage in farming, arrived la the elty from the north on the Pnneeas Allot yesterday ancrnoon ana nroceeoeo amoatrn on this morning's train. Mm. Henatey la strtsring from a broken lag and was taken to the Central Betel m the am bulance where she and her husband t topped overnight. Union steaater Oatala, Oapt E A Dickson, arrived in port at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon and silled at S pan. for An vox. Stewart and otlier northern points of call. Pauenirera aboard the Catala included a. M. Blake. John R. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs Walter LongwtH and Mrs. Bentham and child- frr Prince Rupert: A. C. H Qer- ardl. J Skonsenif. T. K.irx. E. Aube sun. r, C Pickett. J. Sinclair. R. Hard ing Mr, t. A Hciinen and P D. Rloe For 24 Years theFavorite Remedy for Constipation "Fruit-a-tives" has no equal many people owe their good SO health Fruit-a-tlves it is small wonder it is Canada's largest selling laxative. Thousands have found complete relief from Constipation, Indigestion, Kidney Trouble, Rheumatism and kindred ailments through taking this wonderful medicine made from fresh fruit juices, combined with tonics. It restores bowels, liver, stomach and kidneys to act without further aid of medicines. End your Constipation. Try Frult-a-tlves. 25c and 50c a box. Charles Larson sailed by the Prince Rupert Saturday night on his return to Stewart after having spent a couple of week in the city. Mrs. R. R. Leigh ton and nephew, Jack Coupland, left on this morning's train for Winnipeg where they will visit with relatives for the nest two months. Jimmy SUnm. who sailed away from Here on the grain ship during the winter, arrived home on the Cauda yesterday afternoon, coming north from Or. R. H. Carson of Premier mine, ifter having spent some time in the south, was a passenger aboard the :atala yesterday sXteenoon returning to Stewart. John R. Morgan, well known coast 'egging operator, is a business visitor la town for a few days, having come north .rem Butedate on the Catala yesterday iftcrnoon. Mrs. W. E. Walker, wife of the manager of Arrandale cannery, waa a pes-engcr aboard the Oatala yesterday af-ernoon going through to the Naaa River to spend the summer. S. E. Marling of Porest Branch bead ua iters at Victoria will arrive In the City on Wednesday. Accompanied by R. Allen, dlstrtot forester, he win abate a trip into- Bab las Provincial Porest. H. L. Batten, Vaeaawer pasaengst pssesnger giacer. was a aboard the Oatala yesterday ' afternoon aoini through to Stewart where he wtU unine certain properties, la a onrtstilMng capacity. Miss Jane Davie arrived In the city in yesterday afternoon's tram from Edinburgh. Scotland, aad. aiwnsiil by her brother, Atsj JM. Dane, by whom she was met here," proceeded to Alios Arm. On the front page of Friday's Van' eouver Sun appears a picture of Bruce Stevens of this etty who waa one of the finalists in the British Columbia Ora torical Coolest Mat Friday evening at Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Longwlll. who were recently married la taw etty. the bride having formerly bean Miss Peggy Stewart, returned to the etty on the Cauls yesterday afternoon from a brief honeymoon trip south. . Mrs. A. O. Morse of Oanst BJver waa brought In on Saturday by Arne Berated on the St. Hoi aad taken to the hospital suffering with appendicitis Her husband accompanied bar aad she wss operated on at onoa.- Oecrge Corbet, who baa bean lonsry englneor. arrtspd, ta the city from Kctchlltan on At Tl III uses Alice yesterday afternoon and left by this morning's train on s trip Bast. P. D. Rice. B.C L S who has been his morning's train on her return to er home In Toronto. The appointment of R. Gibson of Port Easing ton ss a registrar under the n errlage act and t W. H. Pierce of Port Eulng ton as a:: lwuer of marriage licenses bsve brr:i rescinded. Mr. Pierre is sppointed rculstrai under the 'MurrlaKe Act.' s m cling to the BC Oasette. Judge F. Mc B Young aad H. F. Mc leod, court registrar, sailed mat algbt 'in the Prince Rupert for Oeeaa PaUs where they will 'mhl a session of nsttiraliration com' The regubv mon (lily veseion of Hie County Court, scheduled for .iav la poetjxaned untH af.er their return on Wednasday morn ing. Southbound from Masks to Vancou ver. C P U. steamer Piiueeae Alice. Capt. Thcmas Cliff, wh in port from 4 o deck to 5:30 ycsKrrtiy afternoon. The vr .k-i brought 51 piisnengers from the north, including the fallowing who dls-en.b.irked here: William Qlackstock. H:iel'on liiiemun: Edward Hensley. Atlln lurmr. mid Mrs Hensley: Edward lliirmel. Atlln miner Constable T. E. bv Pl ivi'i.-.' C'lui). ,K (irteniield. Kitwaima: Arthur Burch. :rvlitnd laborer: Julius Olsen, Dubois. Il.t!i'. fanner, unci ticorge Corbett. eu-'giusor, Premier. Jack Joy sailed last night by the Prince Rupert on a brief trip to ' Foster WlUan sailed by i prince Rupert last night on a business trip to Ocean Falls. t. C. McRae sailed Saturday night by the Prince Rupert on a business trip to Stewart. R. A. Creech made the round trip to Stewart on the Prince RUpert yesterday on business, i - : i ' "Mi i Executive meeting of Canadian Legion tonight at 8 o'clock. General meeting Wednrsday. May 9, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Milton Oonaales sailed last night on the Pilnce Rupert for Vancouver on a month's holiday trip. She will visit with her sister, Mrs. Cecil Naaon. Mrs. II. B. Rochester returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Port Eestngton. where she spent the week with her mother, Mrs. James A. Brown. Mrs. P. Rmpmecr. who has been a patient in the Prince Rupert General Hospital, sailed by the Prince John Sat urday night on her return to her home in Port Clements. H. C. Praser. Inspector of schools. sailed Saturday night on the Prince John for Queen Charlotte City and will spend the next two weeks on the Islands on official duties. P. II. Clendennlng. local representa tive of the Empire Shipping Co.. sailed last night on the Prince Rupert .for Vancouver. He has been stationed here (luring the grain shipping II. P. S. Woolverton. Vancouver min ing engineer, who has been examining properties In the Top ley and Terrace districts, sailed Saturday nl&bt on the ranee Hupert lor Stewart camp. Major J. A. Motherwell, chief Inspec tor of fisheries, after spending s couple of days in the city on official duties, sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on bis return to Vancouver. ''Passengers sailing from here for the afternoon Included O. Holmes for Vic toria and Mr. and Mrs. (3 us Antonsen to and Mrs. Chios Macrae for Seattle. Miss KaUMrrne Newell, who has been visiting for the psst few weeks with Mrs. O. W. Mlekerson. Pifth Avenue West, sailed by the Prince Rupert last algbt on her return to her home in Bell Ingham. M'ss Mabel Mills, who has bean visit ing for Use past few ntontfea with t brother and stater-tn-law. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mills. Waldron Apartments, sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on her return to Seattle. ANGER. THE TAILOflf. SIXTH ST. Oonv in and see our new stock of English and Scotch woollen. . Special! line of fine tweeds and worsteds for ladles suits. Stop and see our window display of men s suits for S5S.0O on the Princess Royal for Vancouver. o i 0.. US E. E. Smith, who has been ssslstant ! district engineer beer for the provincial department of public works for the past year, sailed last night cm the Prince Rupert for Now WeteaaJneter to which city he has bean transferred. Mrs. Smith !s already in the south. Miss Doris Ntcbolla, R.N., who has been nursing at Atlln, arrived In the city from the north on the Princess Alice yesterday afternoon and Is visit-: ing for a few days with friends in Port ployed st the Premier atbe as a u- tmpscn before sailing Friday night spending the winter in the south wNh Mrs. Rice and family, was a paest aboard the Catala yeesterday afternoon (otng through to Alice Arm where ho has considerable mining survey work to carry out. Miss E. M. Oeorge. who has been luting for some time at Stewart with Mr and Mm. w. J AeselUaa. reached he city from the north on the Prince Rupert last evenini: and proceeded by O. 0. Mackay, who has been district tsiglaeer hot for the provlnslal depart- meat of public works for the past three years and a half, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver oaronte to Penticton to which point he has been transferred. Mrs. Maekay and family will be going south later. Miss Slbary, school teacher at Terrace. who has been compelled to relinquish her duties on account of Illness, leech ed the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the Interior and sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for her heme In Vancouver, accompanied by her mother who had come north to meet LVATION ARMY HAS PASSED $700 IN ITS SELF DENIAL EFFORT The Salvation Arm- has Just passed the 4T00 mark of the objective of II.-000 in the annual "Self Denial" effort. As a result of the tag day on Ssturdsy the sum of 4190 waa raised while a special offering last night amounted to W. The drive will be continued tor the nest two or three days. Capt. Ales. Parkinson of Ketchikan spoke at last night's service. MORGAN WILL MAKE MILL ANNOUNCEMENT DURING THIS WEEK John R. Morgan preferred this morn ing to make no statement as to hla mill project on Kalen bland along the I railway track south nf the city. He wUI be In the city for tlie moot of the week and stntea that he will hvr n ((.'Unite annum cement to muke witlun a days. Everyday EXTRA HEAVY " Chairs that flop into beds bags that suck up dirt tiny ticking things that count alii day vj long for you. Daylight any night just by pushing a button. A stream that never stops till you turn off a faucet. Any voice you want, talking to you from a cage on your desk or wall. Actions of yesterday, of people miles away, going on on a curtain before you. Stilled throats singing to you from discs; distant throats singing to you from nothing! Uncanny, daily magic this, due to national advertising. Advertisements have given you flashlights, telephones, typewriters, automobiles, cold creams, motion pictures. They have given you new eyes, new ears, new hands, new feet, new face8, new emotions. They have urged such wide use, so lowered prices, that almost wishes are autos, almost beggars can ride. Through advertisements you've laid down the shovel and the hoe. You can buy a whole harvest ready-to-eat in can3. You've hung up the fiddle and the bow, for a radio. There's little old-time work left in this age of amazing short-cuts. HEAD THE ADVERTISEMENTS They keep you to the fore of modern life. Canadian National CTfte Largtfl Kailway Syftem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Salllnp from PRINCE Ill'I'KKT tor VANCOUVER. VICTOHIA. SEATTLE. and Intermediate points, each IIHRHUW and XI NUAV at 11 pa. For KLTCMKW and ASYOX. each WEDNESDAY. 4 pjn. For STEWART each SATl ItllAY at 10 p m For NORTH and HOI TII (JI LLS CHARLOTTE 1HLANHS. Fortnightly PA&fENGER TRAIN LEAVE PRIM E KI'PERT Bach MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and KAllliDAY at 11 AO am. for IMllM't OCOROE, LDMONTON. WlNMl'EO. all points Eastern Canada, United States. tOENCT ALL orr.AN MTEAMMIIIP LINKS, tse Canadian National Ktprrss for Ma Oidrrt, foreign Chnines. etc also for your net? shipment. CITV TICKET OrilCE. StS T1IIMII tin.. PRIME KL'PEKT. riwn ZM FUJI SPUN SILK A new shipment just arrived in all the newest shades, 29 inches wide, viz.: Natural, Cupid Pink, Tea Rose, Star Flower, Brier Kose. Belleck, Mother Goose, Neptune Pilot Blue, Chin Chin Blue. Caatilian Red, Black, White. Special, per yard 65c Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings from Prime Rupert, for VANC'OIVKK. VICTORIA. Swan-en Hai. Hutestele. Alert Ikiv. eta. Tuesday. .1 imii. I'of VANCOl VKR. VICTORIA HotedaN-, Alert Hay. rlt., Saturday, f aj. IW PORT SIMPSON and NA AH IIIVIR l-MIVTM. Insist on inou. lor ALICE ARM, .NOX. HTF.WARl, WAI.EM IHLAND PORT SIMPSON, 13 nl Aienue. il M. SMITH. Agent. Pritwe ItUprrL H.C. T,,07,t,.,,c',u.M,, l VUterh sad Seattle, and baggie Peeked .u lliruuth la (lestimllur . B.C. PRODUCTS They Lead in Quality City Meat Ma , (SELVKt BROS.) Srt! Alcnito. 1 L Mfflg UISI VKCfBTAIJLKS' rket4 Ki$i)& op ' "Ar, an PRontj? i'honeJRJj TWPwNT at low prices, and immediate delivery Obsenel All articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. ".Advertise in "The Daily News"