Save Money The cheapest wy to buy the Dally News la to subscribe by the year. The cost U (9.00 and your copy li delivered to your address each evening. Juat figure out the small coat to you for thla dally service for twelve monthal XVIII., No. 107. u M. Christopher, 4.800 pounds. At- lln Flsherle, 8 snd 6c. Toodle, 8.000 pounds, iwjm r v.. So and Sc. TO MKATTM. YakauUt, 80.000 pounda. lioUilNii oi:h . iinon nounda: Vema, 8.600 pounds: P. Dorreen. 6.000 pounda. STEWART EDWARD WHITE, IS OFF TO ALtUllAWD 8BATTLE, M78 8"rt Kdrd Whit., the noted iwwli-l. to the Aleutian thU week on a cr.. accompanied by i.Unrf. 11 will be i sithor Hobrrt P.nk.rton They he um-"T- IU explore and writ during two wsnt Pth. .r th. -m. I. ' on,rt and eoutheaeveru CUM w sTI I Alaska. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. MONDAY, MAY 7, 1923 PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper WarshipsAre Distributed Throughout Chinese Waters inView of Prbsen Unsatisfactory Situation That Counfry CAPTAIN SLADE , OF BINGAMON i KILLED TODAY! 1 riitKiiKii mu:n two mkis iioi.i. Tf lOKTIICK HI1KN I NI.OAIIINO IN liNOI.IMI ItVV VANOOLVBB, May 7. Captain T. H Blade, 46, of the barge Blngamon wa killed thla morning when two great logs, which were being unloaded Into Kngllah Bay for rafting, rolled together, eruahlng him. The barge bad Juat arrived from Queen Charlotte Is- landa. Blade was a native of Newfoundland. capespear"' breaks down I.OC.ll, 1IAI.1IH T ItOAT IN' IIIMTKKKK AT SIXW VX INI.KT ANII IIKINd IlKOlllUT IN IIV HAIv VAOK 1'KINt'IMS The local halibut boat Oape Spear, Oapt.' William Parsons, is broken down In 81 wyn Inlet on Moresby bland and the Salvage Prlnoess of the Prince Rupert Salvage ft Towing Oo.'a fleet has (one to bar asslaUnce. It Is expected that too flahtiiR boat and her convoy will arrlva in port tonight. BOTTOM TEAMS IN ENGLISH LEAGUE SEEK READMISSION ' LONDON, Jaj 7. -Nelaon In the nor-thefn, sd-j Torquay in the southern aaetipns of the BnglW footbal League are bottom teama, btah must seek re-admission. It la expected that the Argonauts, an amateur club, will give Torquay strong opposition for the southern berth. uii.MAM iiritN.s in: n VANCOUVER, May 7. -William Duma, pioneer Inspector of nchool and principal of , the normal sobool died this morning ' aged 89. Situation Threatening as Japanese Troops on Way to Kcinforcc Comrades Who Arc Defending: Tsinan May 7. Japanese warships were distributed PEKIN, throughout Chinese waters and additional troops are on their way to reinforce their embattled comrades in Tsinan today. As the Chinese observed "Humiliation Day," the thirteenth anniversary of Japan's ultimatum of 21 demands, the situation took on a more sombre and threatening aspect than ever before. The trouble arose when the Nationalist attacked the foreign concession at Tsinan, capital of Shantung, in the course of their drive toward Pekin. The Japanese troops are said to be defending British, American and other white citizens in Tsinan as well as thousands of Japanese. WIPED OUT t FAIR BLDGS. Saskatoon I.oi-e (irand Stand, Administration, Art and Minor Structures - SASKATOON, May 7. The jrrand stanl, administration building, new- art building and minor buildiiiK" in the centre of the exhibition grounds were deatroyeil by fire early this morning.' Advertise in the Dally Mcwi CALL TENDERS DESTROYERS TWO TO UK IIUI.T TO lifcl'LAC I) TIIK I'ATIIIOT ANII IMTIIKIAN IN CANAIIA OTTAWA. May 7 -The Oovarument propoaea to call for tsndara for the construction of two destroyers to replace the Patriot and Patrician from fifteen firm in Britain and auch Oanadlan nrms aa art equipped for the wort. It waa announced Saturday. The d-atroyera wtu be similar to "A" cisw now being buUt tor the Royal Navy. Roumanian Peasants9 Congress Meets Quietly and Demands That Their Leader at Once Take Office v Peasant Party Congress at Alba Julia yesterday ended iti feet order ana that similar meetinirs at JaseY Draila and centres concluded rfuietly with the adoption of motions detrm that Julia Maniu, Itader of the Peasant Party, take office (mined ately and attacking" the general jiolicy of the government. No die turbancea are rejiorted. ml Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 Pri.-e Five Cents PRINCECAROL FAILS TO GET PLANES TO E Y TO ROMANIA Flight of Prince Carol to Roumania Prevented by British Government Steps Were Taken to Cancel Charter to Prince of Air ships Which Arc Subsidized by the State ODSTONE, Surrey, England, May 7. Prince Carol V 1 ot ouman,'a toll tne Associated Press today that imt iiou iivf BjTtmi iian vi mm: iur hid return I n Roumania, he would respond "when called." LONDON, May 7. The Press Association states that the British authorities, learning on Saturday after-l i.Mii of two imperial airways machines having been charts ivl, ostensibly to fly with Prince Carol to Roumania, t ,; action to prevent the flight. This concern is subsi-( hy the British government. HY COUNCIL BUMPER SALE OF VANCOUVER HALIBUT TODAY UPHOLDS LONG kin to .UfiJU. . wjl l ,lTW" Hill Ml DRFIMIE (IIAKUt. KKOKHIT t-VBR. May 7 -By a rote of .He the city council thi si-uetided not to sccopt Oom-lrnnine'a recommendation that , and Detect, vr Sergeant Oeo. ii be suspended during the in council decided that there w finite charge agaluat the MrLeugnHu it would not be "fair'pkif" 'h i ha report and charging Conunlsslooer Fletcher and were uitsg "intimidation polio.1' O. 8 C3tn. K.C.. thief Long, strongly ob-he council conaldcratlon of Mayor Taylcr added he had n Alex. Henderson. K.C.. hi 1 i hat there had been "In- 1 itneaar." ST. LOUIS WINS AT WASHINGTON Fin itkm hivni in- m:son "III N H;M IIOIXM lit T IN i:i..:vi;ntii voiik, May 1. New York. Cincinnati and Pittsburg lead V.u.m.l League. Philadelphia nid St. Louts lead- the ABitr- u result of Uw weak end .ut his third hoener of the i he Chicago-New Tort game. " registered hi Sixth win oi when the St Loula Mam 1 Wlahlngton In eleven, in- 1 i- registered their second iui Ht Cincinnati. vu-e won Brooklyn't flret s' loin but loat the decision u Orover Aisaartdcr, p.C. PACKERS BIG COMPANY "T" Mtl.H.MVTI(l NOW (ON s Mom; THAN IIAI.K PACK-IIIMNKHH OI' IIX " "''N!i. May 7-Announcement la majority abareholdeta of '' Be Piahlng A Packing 00. " tlu Packing Company bar '"-"i approval of the offer to , ' uinr . omrnon aharaa for common the B.C. Packera ."imioiu ot the twj former com-' m therefore be definitely 1 ",ul controlled by the new v th BC. Packers Ltd. Thla : win ,low control more thin w ''" f the packing bualnaaa of , ;i .)iuinija ritui. nuorrrii to row level r Ti waJ"S 8knpr Bat of baltftiit offannga at the (tan Bacbange thla morning and prieea tck a ahimp fro.r the IotoI which baa been prerallinK fur the past weok or ao. A total of I17.MX) pouada waa aold by nineteen Anterior. reeaeU at blda ranging from t3c and 4c to BAc and 4c. Three Canadlaiu aold 11.000 pound for from 14c and 6c to t).2c and Sc. One American catch wai taken on to Seattle and three boat iare hcldmg over until tomorrow aale. Arrlvala waiw aa folio wa: AH EICICAN Bonanaa. 47.000 pound, Boo.h Plaber-lee, 04c and 4c. Portlock, 30,000 pound, and lien. MUWO powMla. Royal flab Oo , 0.4c and ,4c. Toddy J., 1UO0 pounda. and Avona 10.000 pottada, AUln rnabartaa, 0.4c and 4c. Oootldg. 11. on pounda. Canadian Piah Cold atorago Oo.. SJe and 4c. lihona, 1MM pounda. Oanadlan nab & Cold Storage) Co.. 0.00 and 4c. CHacter. SMt) pounda, Booth 0.7c aad 4. Kicel. 10.000 fOMRda, Atttn Plabartea 9.5c. and 4e. Leviathan, tt.000 pounds, Moth Fish eries. BJc and 4c. Atlas, ls.000 pounds, AUln rishsrlss. 1 8.2c and 4c. Superior. 15.000 pounds. Oanadlan Ptah Cold Storage oo.. c and c. Bronwll. M.000 pounds, Canadian riab Cold Storage Oo., 8.7c and 4c. Daly, 10.000 pounds. Oanadlan Flab Cold Storage Co.. IBs sad 4c. il m 10,000 pounds, Pacific Plab- ertss. B.3c snd Betty. pounds, and Bel lance I.. 10MB pounds, Canadian Plab OsM mtnn am Oo.. BJc and 40. mtmr. 7.000 do una, vwsotwm n.M mimmm Co.. 9 Be Sd 4C. ' Tyw. 11.000 pounds, TOinc-ruuenes, B.Bc and 4c. CANAIM AN Writ mm till umatt. 8M0 pounds, Oana dlan flail Cold Storage Co., 7.8c and 6c BYRD PLANE OIVEN TESTS AMID SNOW AND ICE: A view of the tri-motored Ford plane in which Commander II. K. Byrd iiropos?d to fly to the south pole. Building Permits for This Year So Far Reach $106,425 Including New Store for Ross Bros, in April permits for the month of April amounting to $18,000 BUILDING ivci u i.i. tied by the building inspector, the largest item being a new store being erected for Ross Brothers on Second Avenue. Thin brings the total for the first four months of the year to $100,-tJ.5 and the issuing of permits is still going on. One item, that for ,ie repairs for the offices ot S. M. N'ewion, has no amount stated yet, aj it is not known what he cost will be. il-.c permits tit April were: J. A. Curtis, alterations to premises, I ' o. Wm. Stewart, cottage, 61X00. Jaine!) ZaY.-ll!. addition to dwelling. S 1.000. Rom Br.., nea slore. SB.500. 8. M. Nowtcn. repnir.i to office. D Chr'.-pher. dweUing. 63J00. Investment Co. heating system. 6S00. 4' CKtIl.l; AllltlVEM AT Hl'ITZKEKOKN IHKIOIHLK ITALIA KINO'S BAT. Bpltsbergrn. May 7--Ooicra Nobile landed hU dlriglblp Italia here yesterday successfully completing bis flight from Vadaoe, Norway, pre pa rati ry to flying over the Arctic regie n. 4 SENATOR KING WAS' BURIED SATURDAY OHIPMAM. Now Brunswick. May 7 Tke rur.eral of Hon. Senator Oeorge tierald King waa largely attended Saturday. Public service wss conducted in he Bsptlst Church by Rev. Dr. T. Vf. Patterson, president of Acadia University. Among those present at tbs ;ur.e.-al waa Hon. J. H. King, son of the senator. ANOTHER SAWMILL KITSUMKUUM VALLEY Oeorge Utile, ami Carl rwhle lrlnen In raaxwrii itot I'ar From Terrare 'natures. May 7 The mill formerly ; ;n'cd by Crl Pohle at Carnaby Is r " moved to the Kiuumkalutn valley where it wll In future be operated by George Little and Mr. Pohle on timber tul:'.!:ga not far from Terrace. Mr. Pchle left for Prince Rupert I'KOriNi'lAL MC KETAKV. Premier J. D. MeLaan is acting pro vincial secretary during the absence of Hen. T. D. Pottulas In Ottawa and Hon. A. M. Manson Is acting minister of mine. STOCK QUOTATIONS Noon Ow-tliiR ITIres Twlay on Vaneou-ver KactMMEe (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co., Ltd. I DM B.C. Silver 145 Bayview .OB'i Big Missouri S3 tOlacler Olsdstone Oelconda .90 Independence Ulft Indian .04 iKootenay Florence . . .30 L. L ,MH Lakevlew Leadamltb . .OS Lucky Jim BIW Mirmct Metals 11 Pend Oreille lM Premier 1 JO Porter Idaho rtufna Argents .... .sett Buniock Terminus . . . TnU The congress is said o reireent fifteen million peasants who, Whitewater !! headed by Manui are demanding better government for 1! umania. woodbine . !! DUCHAREaT. May 7.-be Regency I tela nratlano realgn. Ccf.on Belt . today refused tin- demand voiced by From Alba Julia ale two long col- Oeorula River 80000 peasant nuwUng aa Alba Julia iamn of peasants marching peacefully timndvtew ... ytitcrday m.ti the Ooverumaut or Vln- without arms to Bucbarcnt. Outhie .IS 3.39 SO 41 54 1M Asked 1.70 0 W .06 .OS M .IS m Jl u OiH .031, JS ,u lo.aa .70 .37 OS .10 .17 2.S0 340 a 37 .38 S 1 00 .41 v, .34 '.t 1.10 BIG RECEPTION TO UNIVERSITY BASKETBALLERS JIBT 11V llEI'ItF.HENTATlVi: IIELEOA-TION ANII CIVIC KEt'EFTIO.N TE.NOEUEO TIIEI WINDSOR. May 7. Whan the Univer-sity of B.C. basketball teaji arrived hera Sunday t . Piay in the Dominion finals against 'Windsor OoUeglate Alumni first game tonight, they were met by Mayor Jackson and more than one hundred cittaons. The team was escorted by a aquad ot motor cycle officer with the mayor and mem ban of tbs city council, the boaM M attnoatlon. the. cfcuaber of eamaMteo , and arwrsl bunsBta dBuaens and tsM to tbetr hotel wftart a eiele recapUoa 'waa tendered them. .. . . . GIRL CHARGED WITH MURDER IMIIIY OF NEWLY IM1IIN 1'OINII IIFvNtiATII I1KII tVIIICII snt: fieri I'ir.ii OANOCB, Vancouver Island. B.C.. May 7. i.ydta Catherine Rosman, anoighteen year old half breed Indian girl was committed for trial Saturday on a charge of murder after a nroJlinlnary hearing bare before W.HgigatK, J P. The charge followed tta afe 4 a ivwiji uwi li vuim WKgvw W.-S NWI round beneath the bed in tne room which ahe occupied In the hoane when abe waa employed. The evidence showed that the body had a cord of ribbon tied around the rook. It wa found six days after ths girl hsd left. FLOODS DAMAGE NORTH QUEBEC ltllllMlKH sHlil'T AWAY ANII rXLT- THIC POWER ANII LIOUT I'UIXT IIIWTItOYIill MONTREAL, May 7. rive highway bridges In the neighborhood of Labetle and St. Jovlte and a tM.000 electric power and light plant at the latter place were washed away by Hood that swept through the northern Motion ot the Lsurentlsn district st the waek-end. The floods resulted from the breaking of three power dams due to the melting of the snow. MAJOR RICHARD BURDE JUSTICE OF THE PEACE VICTORIA. May 74t$r Richard Burde, member for Alberht, Mas been appointee Justice of the paac for the province of B.C. ANNOUNCEMENT DARI.IXtiTQS, ItASKINS & CO I.T), ' TII,E CONTRACTORS 2127 (Jninville Street, Vancouver, H.C. Have made arrangements for their Foreman Ttlewtter to be la Prince Rupert very ahortly to carry out the tile, mosaic, and marble worr. in the Besntr Block. They wUI be glad to estimate on any other work that can be carried out whust he is in Prince Rupert. 108