t All ore KhipnientA from !!: mine ncir New Ih'rcn hd' penden until 'he Kover.'nmn The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT II F. PULLEN simsnti the sum i! 4 5.00(1 rem um ; be rc-mit:a -.a: this. Out (: : lie ir:MMir Stork 250 000 s!ia:? a.-- n. a mit r op- Hon 'o Ku.hsh 11. !( n r.eh trie 're.i-.ury by 000 if t he up' : in :.- 11111(1 !1H''1!1 jt thf place r, Tluircliu x; r.-iM-J t:.. .i: 1 11 ; n : ; 'a ,l; it nex' "eK 'a!.' plans i'.r future (level- pmcut 'a:.: '. i.itl before ' !if lv,irerrMrlei Tlirouuii .(li ;i(lju-L!ii :.t lift -a 1 1 II (' Bri(!it unci .1 B Wii'- :i ,n-ci at ! the Wo ,(lbn:e Ciotd Mni.ii: (" . All ),.. receii'ly i'urncd fr m ft t: .p 1 Kui ipe the former' nr't.-n itrinii' the , ir.p.mi lias ten w::hrir:in. i' t 'nonn ! which i?. Hi w (it vn-k (r i the property m shape At llu(".(i (level: piii! lit mi N 4 tunnels 1 h-lnj puhoil . It Is cxjie ''erl by thiA "K another 250 teei Silver cup Ijet'.i ..i;-- 1( a(l -'.d.u he r.iad the mm' I :(nd N ' .irei . lid I..' :n "TT highest and most consistent values ever obtained mine property have been In the ore now coming from the long tunnel away down the hill at the milt site." stated BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Litpited, Third Avenue. City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, iter riionth 50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, ' paid in advance for yearly period $3.00 Or four months for : $1.00 By mail to all other parts of Brjtf.- Columbia, the British Empire and United State, paid in advance per year .... $0.00 By mail 'o all other countries, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, per "line 28 Classified Adrertiaing, per insertion, per word 2 Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line .13 Contract Rates on Application Advertising; and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION :: .-'.irf.. 1 ;r; .,:,u i in ; i (i ii.. I mu. 'i.Dl..-:. ; U T -ta'rj tiy i'.h hl.i 93 86 Monday, May 28, 1928 News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Million Tons or Ore in Sight on Woodbine at Stewart Much Activity in Smithers and New Ha.eKon Districts F. J. Grassland, the company's consulting engineer, and Mai culm .McKpniie mine superintendent, estimate that approximator l.ooo.noo t mt of ore ar now in sight on the Woodbine mine at Stett-;irt. Plans lor tiir erection of a mill are beinfr madr. ;h- intention bcin tn have ((instruction completed this season. The Woodbine Gold .Mining i'u.. in whose treasury remnins l,:'.:'.o,000 shares out !' the total capitalization of 6,000.000 ..hares is free of any indebtedness and has $I2!.") in cash and federal bonds. A total of 500,000 shares of stock were recently .-old in England and -1 - (1 for ,i ler.e !; A' lilt M tun ()(idrt. . ,t-,r. - : : '0i ni:i r-.uu.ms li.n :n . : M n !i ::ie dr. 1 ,- .it 1 1 . . v .ir ini; upon k !iat' To .r bote. : .ij-mi:' ' ii. Ii;' are ot the pr.,j,en Mruu.ine (I. .lie -.it! cir:': r." i- Ui ,.;.,.( -. rl-!;. 1 ii- (irili o.i- ijoeu ni.ikuit 'torty pel rs o.id a" pleseil' .c ft (.,,.') o' thru- h'ifdi (I ft" A r.-,ti!t . 'trl:- aiirl r v -am' sljor'iv vx' '' "he pr p ' -pevd up ,tu-c ' i;4 f iie inli.. r.iii.'cd Th;-,' 1:1 ' iioti iiniln ft in 000 ' 'il.ll. ill! in !.' plupcf It i -; "' 'rite .ic new drill in oper-iy tlie it: ond week ai Jur. A "' 1'lirt pjAcr Ull.t ,f .V.j 101 -cpo'A'Cl 1; . i th- pr .) rV .iiii w:'h tue ar-rlvul of another roniprejgur and tn ( ii.:.!'t!oii i: t ht rai-ie from 'he i.or';. " .li'ie.t ".,:i:ie: ; tic TWi. uiulfc Will go ! Ult0 opetlon MW bunkhouw,. The OmlMc Hmld m.k. tb mher M00mm0,,Un ton wl MMtlou. pmltotton tbftt b, the nd of I fn' " " " tMttM cn 1MB Nw lUulton will be tb. inwt to- m portent mlBlog camp tn Mortnrn Brit-'' ton Coltunbta and In IMS will h mow ahlpplng mtnM than any other camp in tbt north. Complete mining equipment with a capacity for two machine drills, arrived at Smithers last week and Is being hurried up the Hudson Bay Mountain to be nut Into Mi-vlr tn t h tionmjmt on the Duth'.e ' ... , . . : . . oi ine victory property tor tpi. J. J. O'Brien of Philadelphia, with the new machinery Installed, two shifts will be ...i.j. ail r . m i w. u , u . B. Turner, flMnager of the Duthle .'., M , . , . . mine. In addressing the Omlneca of the British Columbia Chamber of Mines In Smithers recently. "Six weeks ago at the bottom of this long tunnel we found two ore veins instead of one and. In nlr nt th frrmr small volna IUI1UT1 W UilUVI h branch . WWll"a fjCV of very rich ore. we are working In a f'"1 the No. 3 ore bodies. This tunnel hat been progressing rapidly In recent weeks by hard work and there is now lean than 200 feet to gj to reach the point of contact with the ere showing at the higher H L. Batten, consulting mining engineer, ' has " keen engaged to make a large mineralized none, comparatively I , ,""'' . "V soft and permitting pf rapid prSgrMS " VTT TlJ rmosrVfgffint V S?T with the drill. i "hat ' Wlth the .xrt.Uon of encountering fact of recent operstlnn. i. the 0rc Kln n' best ruby .Uver ever found on this, or poM.blv any other property, has recently ! IlUd0" l ""Til?' ? " v" P CPl O'Brien the force ha. been o.countered far back In the low-1 est tunnel on the Duthle mine the mill site." that at c.en aouoiea to two sniiia. to get in touch With the ore on this property It l.! expected the tunnel will have to be : driven about 100 feet and. with the ,... . , a A .-(. of f about huge showing good ore. , . ,.,,.,,, ..... ,,.. , ., ... i 'Ugmented crew. It is expected to corn-two hundred feet easterly from the haft , . ' work within the next thirty and running northerly and .uU,e,1y on, f al.!y" A portable compreor t. handling a parallel with the ore upon which ' ' orlt' prerlous development h heun con-' centra ted. has been opened up at the Topley RlchfTeld mine, the valuer liein : Dr and Mrs. H. L. Alexander return- such as to make the latent discovery on. , ,t to ,)u. ,.ty on yesterday afternoon's of the finest outstanding in aD the de- train rr-in Terrace where they spent velopment of the property. The disc iv- y w-?K-errl. Strength for spring days will give it."Vbu need it after the heavy foods of Winter the crisp, cruncliy thoroughly baked shreds of wholewheat TRISCUIT- a crisp, crunchy wafer lade ky The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. ORGANIZER OF TOC H SPEAKS IMliffE dlUlKRf Avii.UAMS Of 1.0X-'NOVrTtll.AWytflvKrf TWO All- Th oris In ot the now widespread .. . ,,. H-t IOC II movement cfpiivu - j Padre Ollbcrt Williams ol London. Ens-land, in an lntcrettlng and lucid ad-drew from the pulpit of 3t. Andrew's Anglloan CaUiedral yeaterday morning and again In the evening Padre Wli-llami wae the speaker when he told of toe great progreas thet had been made by the organisation tlnoe Its lncep-1 tlcn In the days of the Ch-eat War. The organization had come Into being, Padre WUIama said, wtten Neville Talbot, now Blihop of Pretoria. 8uth Africa, and "Tubby" Otapton. both noted chaplain with the British forces of he Drear War and both men of means. jftabliFhrd club quarters In Popertnghe. France, where recreation along healthy ; lines a provided for the soldiers and j where the spiritual and religious side' if thing was also kept to the fore. I Trie quarters were named Talbot House in memory of Padre Talbot's brother.! who had given up his life earlier In the conflict. Talbot House was abbreviated to Toe H." and. In the subsequent spread of the organization, this name had been retained. Afur h War. the need of some such trgai.;. atlon aa this to retain and develop the companlotublps of the trerviit'.t bad been felt and thus Toe HA was k.-at alive. Undenominational in cha-'u'-T, lta oojecttves had been, bre.uK ntd out to include tn idea of. terte, mutual welfare sad goodwill mi he organ I rat ton had grown to i eh impcrtanee that It was now pteni throughout the Bsaplre. Kven i : British Columbia there were now thirteen branches and It was the desire 3 establish' even more. If the right 'eaderehlp could be obtained . a branch might also be formed tn Prince Rupert Per several years. Padre Williams has 'crrt engaged in organisation work in '"no with Toe H and It l on us h'.!v:;t "-i fnat he to now making a u: caniidn. During the past -,ir . o I:- ti.i- travelled eitenslvety :i' nicli other Domlniona of the SA- ;re A''r..:..- New Zealand and ' rth A : : . 'i. P.oire Wtir.anis i,-rt on this morning's noii !u Prin, . Oe ia where there te ,ln dv a Toe II imp - Man in the Moon The picnic season Is On so how can l : .dllf : be etpreri I s jfT :o ;t p. uir Tnc( ni:x .ji.i fill) with grit Af.ci i' '. i - -rt .tady beach I'll: 1 e u : 'K (1 of It. rue ',' ul the first person Instead he oiird is quite common. Thoae ,.m wish to be correct say "It is I" and not "it is me." "I am coming, it is I" Said the spider to the fly Never say that "It Is me" BStd the bedbug to the flea. "Tea." said one man to another. "I realise that motoring la a great- thing. I used to be sluggish before motoring crsze, but now I'm spry and energetic." "I didn't know you motored." "I don't I dodge." It's wonderful how the people who rn't pay their grocery bills manage to pay cash for their gasoline and liquor. Some questions require no answer. When a man asks you how you are. h win be terribly bored If you pro sied to. tell him. clean up. palm up and shut up. Actions apeak loader than words. If you rush into trouble you are likely to hobble out on crutches. The only reasonable way to kill time' satisfactorily Is to wlrk it to death. The beat argument for eseteiee aa a mcaiiH of health Is that there is seldom anything the matter wMh the tongue. Direct advertising Is the kind that travel direct from the merchant or manufacturer to the waste but. The difficulty these days Is to find s wife who wUI help the husband wash SlKhes. a 'Would you marry a millionaire?" Not unless t knew itlrn very well Indeed." answered lllss Cayenne. "Ife ml bt he a iJootleilger." ' I girl Slwaya tnltilra her present flnanee better than either of the previous ones. To the majority of people the world once was flat, then It was round and row it is crooked. Jake says there has to be a locomotive boiler In order that there may be a locomotive tender. Somebody will kill Jake one of these days. A woman who wears last year's hat is a Conservative and the neighbor who lives on next year's Income Is probably a radical The person who drives this year car is a Liberal -Conservative. 5 New the' u May holiday Is over, it is about tlm for the April showers to eeaas and, VDrhot spell set lu. Let us mi knyoke the weather ' Man ttr ohat to sirrling hot. .sk him wbjr this rainy period? Perhaps tfev sunshine he's forgot. . '' ' f '' How 4d- it ia 'that no one seems to scree with the alrls who get married as to tto .pi f man tliey ought to choostv - ; JaM UysttVJrlfne is just a non-skid pancake, i Who Hits Wes? j "I," said the lad "I new 'em bad I'm fond of waffles." Who sites JH cakes? "I." said the man, j "I eat all I can. "I eat pancakes Wt.f.K AT TIIEATItK 4- Jlenrtsy Lewis aestei and Dorto Ken yon in '"The Bkmde Saint." Ooinedy 'TJSsrWi Back." 4 Paramows !ws. i. Tliewlay nVtelldtXas 'Preferred. " OoraedJ "Hats 00." f rsinwum News. 4 Wednewliv and TrHirmlay. Clara, Dow la "Oet Tour Man." Comedy "Tood! ' Pathe Review." 4 Krhlay ami Mlnnlay "SJorrell Son ' 4 The HaffirMan " Metro-Ooklwyn News. ! "SORRELL AND SON" SHOWING him. com i: iitsKE ton tug m:tK-i;mi with r.nLin mknkm r crfler that no false note should creep laVo "Sorrell and Sen," uu fife: H (taction lor baited Artists, Herbert Brenon, who personally directed the screen version of Warwick Detping's stirring novel, tock : his unit ot the Joseph at. Bchenck organisation to Bngland for ine eaicnor scenes. Borreu and Bon c oaves Sere t the week-end. In Ingtaml. Brenon and his company filmed scenes In London, Hldhurst. Mar-low, Ripley, OUford and Cbilworth, the last five towns all within 100 miles of London, tht orlglna! of the "Pelican Inn. Is at Marlow, and It was employed as a setting In his ploture The marriage cf "Kit Sorrell" and "Molly Roland" nas photographed In an old Kngllsh church-. Brenon says that changes m the story of "Borrell and Bon" were minor and that each was made with the ex press approval cf Deeping, who collab-c rated with Brenon on the scenario the film during the director-pro-duoBT-a visit to Bngland as Deeping's nouse guest. The essential facta, incidents and spirit o: the father-arid -son ttory have been faithfully recorded "GET YOUR MAN" 1 TUMOROUS PICTURE (Mrs lw kt "II" One .More ami the iMreHer wee a Ijwly "Oet Your Man," the mid-week picture here, was built for Clara Bow. It shows her as a are-free American miss who start) out to see Parisian life alone and winds up by falling ih love wKh a youth of that lountry Charles Rogers. But ,the big item in the. Story con-cerns a betrothal I in which' Rogers figures. The Trench boy has been engaged to a French girl. Josephine Dunn, since he was five years old- Although It Is a loveless match for both Rogers and Mlsa Dunn, they do not care to incur the wnttlt pf their fathers by breaking the i--etrothai and It la up to the American girt to do the work. And how she does It! ' Ttxj picture abounds In humor. Miss Bow lurnlnlies the majority of thu tat she has able assistance from Harvey Clarke, who appears as the Mar-quia. Refers makes a distinctive hit as the leading man and Josef Swlckard. as Rogers' father, is the same strong character aejor that he has been in the past. Dorothy Anmer must be given s huge bouquet for the direction. She has achieved her greatest success. "THE BLONDE SAINT" IS HUMANPERFORMANCE Doris Kenyon and Lewis Stone, always finished perrormers. give the most Inspired charactir!7ation of tnelr respective careers in "The Bbnde Saint," here tonight Stone, ordinarily the suave sophisticate of compopolltan surroundings, has donned the simple garb of a Sicilian fisherman and riven one ot the most human performances of his life. He plays the role of an American novelist sojourning In the little Sicilian village where he me?u the regal looking girl whose puritanical philosophy has won her the name of The Blonde Saint." Doila Kenyon. whom we have always held t.i be one of the most beautiful umen of the m iceu. now becomes one LA JOLLA SCENE OF I "WICKEDNESS PREFERRED" La Jolla. Calllornia. recognised by world travellers as one of the moat beau tiful scenic spots of the entire world, tn the background of much of the action in ' Wickedness Preferred." the Lew Cody-AUeen Prlngie oo-starrtng film being shown here tomorrow. Much of the action Was shot at the lamoua Casa Manana. a new and exclude hctel. said to be one of the most beautiful on Che American continent Ctber action was taken along he broad beach and at the entrances of the fa-.nous La Jolla eaves, though a part Of t.ie scenes were filmed far out at aea along the edge of a semi-tropical island. The picture was directed by Hottait Henley and is a screamingly funny faree-omedy. Oecrge K. Arthur, Bert Roach 1 and Mary McAllister are seen in the . supporting east. ' NOTICE. Ehir.um IMINDIIOR. heredMI NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN that all 1 rspns having claims against the estate A M ward Djnoboe, late of Naas Ifar-b r ia the Pruilhu of British Columbia, v ho died on the Ird day of March. 1928. are required on or before the 15tb day cf July. 1938. to deHver or send by prepaid lter post full particulars of their claims duly verified to The Royal Trust Company. Bxecutor of tho estate cf the sld Id ward Oonohoe, deceased, at Its -ffiees. M6 Pender Street West, Van-ouver. B.C. itm TAJCB NOTICE that after the last mentioned date the Sx ecu-tar will proceed to distribute the assets Lf the deceased among the persons entitled thereto hwvins rerd otilv to the claims of which It shall then have bad I i.aitae. DAT gO at Vancouver. BC, thu 36th day of May, A D 1998 ROBatTOON DOUOi.AS ei BYMBB, Solicitors for The Royal 144 Trust Company. CANADIAN NATIONAL ItAIIAVAYS (Western Itecion) SSALBD TWDWta will be received at the Office of Cfttef Bnglneer. Winnipeg, until twelve tfclenk noon, Monday. June 4. rM. for repieeernetit of nrtyStt woooen box uuiverta oy concrete Pipe cf) Smithers and KamlOops Division. SOeclfloatlons, etc.. can be seen and farm of tender obtained at th nrfi cf District engineer. Vancouver, Acting! District gnalneer. Victoria, and Division engineer, prince Ruoert. ! Tenders will sot be oomldered unteas I rooted cheque oh a erfijrtered bank equal work payable to the order of the Treasurer, Canadian National Railways. The lowest er any tender not necea-srlly sccepted. W. A. KfNOSLAND, , Oeneral Manager. Winnipeg, Man 1 MfJL' 'Wg; Form No. 18; Section 38) j LAND ACT. NOTH'K OK INTKNTION TO APPLY TO rilCCIIASK LAMl Ih Prince Rupert IMid Reeordlng District and situate abou. A miles from the mouth of Khutre River TAKE NOTICE that the Detroit Western Mining Company of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Minis Cbmpany, intends to apply for perm:;: in to purchase the following deac-ifRd lands OornnwncinK at a post planted one r-ot distant from the Witness post on the Wast sirie r !. I'M ly SO oheins; thctioe srutherly 90 chains thence easterly O ulisltis; thence northerly 10 chi ii. ai.d containing too acres, more or less. P. PAHDOE WILSON, Agent for Detroit Western Mlnlhe co Dated lath A pell., im. form No. 13. Section iri) LAND ACT. NOTICK OP IXTBNTIOV TO Al'l'l V TO I'l lK IIASi; M, Is Prince nupert band Recordlns Du-trlct sndattuatrabout 4 miles fromThe mnulh of Khutae River. TAKE NOTICE that the Detroit Western Mining Company of Vancouver B.0 occupation Mining Company Intends to apply for Mrmlilon to'"-ehsse the following described lands" f""'"? '', llP"tl one -j uurntir. iw thence acutl westerly 100 chains: 904' thence JrLr'y ,,0,,h"". more or less; thence .wliot'v iW cnams: tnence westerly cont1'n 130 acres, mori w um P. PARDOB WILSON, ARPiit for Detroit Western Mlnliin 1 cin Dated 18th April, 1928. jsl 1 1 II 1 1 1u i tmsj i rTOUBtrr RITISHCQLU our tkvorlte actresses. Shel 1m- mense as "The Blonde Saint " Intsrwoven in their unique love affair U the romance of a lovely Sicilian glrll and her husband, who have been ban- j lined to the hills for marrying agaJnet .he wishes oi their families. CfBBEBBBXaSl MBIA The Mineral Proyince of .Western Canada lU n,t -.'. ' To thtrtfnerKen J'J2. t H.aa nrnrliirr! Minerals as follows: Placer Gold, ?78,01M,04K; l-od.- (.-)I1, t?''.')7' Sllvef, $80,TS7,OTO; Lehd, $10G.07C.442; Copper,. $2on,fW7.or, ; Zinc. $r-),.M !.:,r.77 ; Coke, $284,590.13i); Structural Materials and Miscellaneous Minerals, lf.r.(i,l7r, -in, , its mineral production to the end of 192G show an AGGKEGATK VALUE OP $98K.I0M70 I'HODUCTION FOH YEAK ENDING DECIlMHfiK, 192(5, fC7.1f.842 The MIntnK Laws of this Provlnee'are more liberal ami Vh fees lowr than h,,, any other I'rovlnce In the Dominion, or any colony In the urmsn empire. Mfrwral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal feo. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of m fuarantenl by Crown grants. Firll Information, together wntli Mtnine Itcport and Mpi may tw obtained addroMftig TUB IIONOItAHI.E THE MINISTER OP MINUS. VICTOIMA, RltlTISlI COLUMBIA. N.U. Practically all Drltisli Columbia Mineral Properties upon which d. work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of the Mi u Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to such reports. Thy :u able without charge on application to the Department of Mines. Victoria. M.C. I:, t the Geological Survey of Canada. Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral 8urvey Districts are published separately, available on apfHctlon. I'.'.ti-. ! I arc "CATERPILLAR" Tractors for the FARMER, LOfifiKR, ROAD RUILDER, MIN I! FREIGHTER, AND MUNICIFALITY-Wlur. rr nifjKcd power and performance are demanded. .... Literature and Prices on Request S0I.B DISTKIIIUTOIIS FOK H.C.: MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT t o. Limited 132.1 STANDAHI) HANK !IUILDIN; VANCOUVKIl, IIC, HOLT $&&&&ci$!fflVt BEST Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AMI SHIPYARD Operstlnn (i.T.I'. 20.000 Ton Htwtinc Dry H H Engineers, Mnehlnisln. Hollerhinktrn. llUckxrhith- " makers, Founders. Wiwxlwoflifr. Kir. KI.KCTIMC AND aCKTYLRNK WKLDIM. Our plant la equipped to handle all kind f MARINE AND COMMKUCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38S ICURE DEVuCTIVE VISION. DKFEtTlVJ :i IN(i. CATAKHII and other organic trouble.' I 'methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Wnllncc HlocL I'hone Ml. Open I vnu'-- "TRY A NIP TQNJGIIT' BEST PROCURABLE B0TTU0 A OUsRANTetOJjr 3 ferw,,-' psouuci or Scofuso v ti wtmscK s UiMtMt-Sitmvtt cu""" The Original Label look for it at the Vender's arid "a GRANT'S "BEST I'ROCUKAbLE" This advertisement Is not publlfdied or dlsplnvi'd i '"' LiiUoi- Control Uoard or by tht! Ctovcrnmi n1 ' ilritiah Columbia