Roofing and :'T Spedalities- Mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Koll Roofing Iiuilding Papers and Felts Everjet Elastic Paint Plastic Elastigum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Scam Pitch. Distributor! Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 11G and 117 LADIES' DRESSES, Coats, Millinery and Lingerie All at Kargain Prices at FIRST ANNIVERSARY SALE Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue BLANKET Special For three weeks, commencing May 7, we will give the following prices: Single Blanket :ir,? Itotthie Blankets r() All Blankets washed is Ivory Soap and returned nice and Huffy, i Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 DRY : BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load SS.30 Double Load $.50 Large Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerleaa Egg jfl&QP Pembina Washed Ntttlf 1 1 .26 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other claMsea of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL C0 139 Second Avenue Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST Li.-. - LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service-Coal S&ad and. Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnituiw Vmvln. BRINGING UR FATHER J J COU-f TKSV-iMUST HAVE WQKriBD KDR A. WRECKIM' COMNlV SPA n;IS A WISH MAGGIE WOULD ORAC ME TO THB'aE, PARTIES-r'Wi L PRINCIPLES OF CHIROPRACTIC THE NEKVE IMIHLKE The neurones form pathways along which the nerve-lmptilees travel. It is through the power of conductivity possessed by the neurones that the impulses trawl along the nerves. The impulses which errivs at the cell -body produce these chemical nhiiiai. These changes, wheat they reach a given volume, cause nerve-Impulse which leaves the cell-bod; by wsy of the axone. The amount of nerve influence gen erated by the brain must always be commensurate with the amount of work required of the parts - supplied by the nerves. This is excellently illustrated by the following : We have he power of determining beforehand the amount of nervous Influence neoes- aary for the production of a certain degree of movement. Thus, when we Uft a vessel! the force which we employ in lifting It depends upon the idea which we have formed of Its contents, when we are not certain what it pnn-tffns. If it "should cwntaln' aoojKhfjfc mvcb lighter than we had estimates useless tone would be expended, sett K would be InHtd wMb ewartkmal ease; but if it eoatiamed something much heavier than we bad anticipated -HERE PROPOSED I'KF.I.IMIN AKV OK(i ANIMATION TOOK I'LAf'E LANT EVENINO AFTEIl SEIIVICE IN ANflLlr.AN rATIIEDKAL At a meeting following evening ser vice in St. Andrew's Angllcsn Cathedral last night, preliminary step were taken with a view to organising a Toe H group here. Sixteen young men attended the meeting which waa addressed by Padre Oilbert Williams of London. gland organiser of the moweaent The wish was expressed to try out the idea of tormlng a croup locally and lames Underwood was appointed to be aotcng oonwapaadeat during organ laa idea siinssasruay takes root, a group will be definitely organised, possibly in two or three months. Rev. I Comman der! Oswald Hodgson of ' Telegraph Oreefc'. em old merrfber or Toe H, wSto le In b' owy trast the 'north for few weeks, will smist is tlM preltrhln- ary organization. ExplsUnlng the nature and purposes Of Toe H. Padre W'liuuns stated that Its menh'strshlp was open to men over slxtee years of age. While Toe H had Its origin during the Oreat War la France, Its membership was bf no nseana confined to ex-service men. It was InterdeoomlnetlonsJ and non-poll- J4toel and no creed or dogma tests were squired of its numbers A man. on raining Tor H. however, rerofrnlaed that he was Joining the Chrlsttsn tsouly and asesptsd the four points of Toe H. 1. Think Palrly: 3. Love Widely; SPECIAL SONG SERMON GIVEN LAST EVENING Service la Tint ItapUst riiurrh Last Evening Enjoyed by Uvge C A special song sermon last evening in First Baptist church proved both interesting and enjoyable to a large as win ne pointea out. me impulses :cilgfation. Rev. W. F. Price, thel travel eisoer toward me central system pBslor tj, u nto object "Christ's ar irom it. ine lormer ciaas 01 on- Oood Cheer" which was Illustrated by pulses are called sensory, and by means musical numbers. Soloists were Mrs. lot them toe proper mlatioaahln of all Chi4es UrJrJn. a a. McFheraon and parts of the body, individually and op. Mr, a tbm was a duet by actively, to their environment is main- Prlol Bessie rjexry. The aineo. xe latter ciaas m impulses cboir un choruses and anthems and are known as efferent, or motor, and w Vaughan Da vies presided at the j-it is through them that the functional organ. activity and organic integrity of every ; part of the body are maintained. PARK BEAVER FOR SCOTLAND TWO ALSO KENT TO NEW ZEALAND 1HOM JAM'EK KEC ENTLY JABPBB, Mwy ag-o that the young riew Sealandesa will get a better idea ui their sister Dominion, Canada, the federal nwnnsn has just shipped frosD JafcosTto AucUtM two live beaver They were taMn from their todoe la Caladola eveefc and so that they inould not became hemsslck. given ape-eial acoamasorUrtieri on the train and imamer. Two other beaver who have we would very likely drop it. because ) Just left on a long oeean voyage were insufficient force was expended to ac ' taken out of the Malign Rang dams oompllsh the end desired. od shipped to wd in burgh. Scotland Just as the response of muscles Is The Seotoh beaver went removed from proportionate to the amount of nerve ooi?ny of 40 which .w 1t a on!: rive Jqrc received by them, so also are the oUles long In otght i jdm-s The r:eek I functions! activities of all organs of whlcn spouts out u! ., mik n. se boas dansmdiT on the amount tosat Mai least . Istaey emptier into he strength of the nerve-impulses re- j inabasca near IKu.rv Hou celved by them. U, therefor, anything-' l wo line specimen- i m tn -uin hheei oiterferoi with the power of eon- "aJ goa". tnuibe ihe benvr. of the nerve. the un- dead, aw now in Bdmnn: -m be.n yulses which It normally oonveys nwunteo tor toe vmri M.-m .r:i m to the parts which H supplies are not wum. uvsawa. ana mvp tonhcooung. and these part will auf-! h0 oem prepatii lur fr. There will be either functional dl,n baeoy at Vwhllik!t n deraagernent. or changes In lu struc-! aU rf nil""" i ture It will therefor be seen that P" wardens for the psir; . i Chiropractic applies tc all functional dls-orders and a good many organic HARRY I AlIIIKR NilT oondltlons It will pat you to lnv gate. Phone Blue 86 tor an appointment, or call on R. K. tyolfson. the Chlrcprsclor at SSS-Srd Avenue, West. Adrt TOCH BRANCH ,'l o he C; Tin O fc Ui I Fmivk ! Caasj Hfitam iigfcu i Hewat of Stewart. A A j tew if sc v A !a. Witness Humbly; 4. Build Bravely. veroees: Charles A. Bramble, Vanoou-1 Before leaving this morning for ver. Princs George after a two day visit. 'here. Padre William, expressed CMITUEPC MAN MARRIFi Imit Dlrumr at hla stav in Prince Wl "WW mmi mmtluiJM JBupert. He and Mrs. Williams were deeply appreciative of the kindness that had been shown them. GIRL FROM HAZELTON HAZELTON, May 27 On Wednesday afWi'Boen tm Interesting wedding took place at the priest's house. Rev. Father Allard oOfeaatlng. when allss Veronica KatberlM Bnooner. daughter of Mr. and lira. Ralph Bpooner. was united in marriage to Robert E. QUI of Bmlthers. The ortde, who sjpre a gray Kasha ensemble travailing salt, was attended by Miss Agnes RsbJnaon of Bmlthers whose oos-:ume was sand crepe-de-chlne with hat c match. The groom was supported by yrll Spoonar, brother of the bride. A eddlng dinner was held at the home the bride's parenU after which the aunle left for Bmlthers where they wU! ake up residence TERRACE Vcrjtil B. Moore of Stewart, arrived ji Vtoneaday to visit at tae homo o' his parents, Mr. and Mrs. X. J. Mocre. He was accompanied by a friend, L. Mrs. Oewlg of Port Xssirgton. is -lasting at the home of her dcighw, Krj. H. L. Franks. J as. H. Cratty of Detroit arrived tram the east an Wednesday to spend a holiday with Mr. and Mrs. M DU at he Kslum Lake hotel. H. Rroalay. loafing superintendent of the loan) noted Materials Ltd. arrived un Tuureday fsom New WestsBtustet on buatness in oanoeotkm with the shipping of oottonwood logs tram Terrace to the veneer plant at New Westmln- a M. Cory of the Lokelse natcbery staff spent the boll day at his home here. Henry Saatth and sister Frances of eases rwiry saant the holiday in T--- Matt Allard was In from Kaarja Lake U: r.e Mth. both ' runiws on vaaavsoai spent i tiurnduv in a w ms a bualnsss visitor Vancouver during tlte week. M' :(! Ma. W. ML Watt of Amcr.-'iu ,t the holiday in town. I R A McRee, R. Beaeoer and F. rrlefl of Hb. Visiting Jasper Baja, I Isf Abet Meror has returned to town eruiny rose ime hm nrw r CAT SUCKLED YOUNG Advtrtut la tbt Dally Nws. - - . ..m.. . -- hLv trap line o the south tors 'of the JASFER, Park. Hay St. Harry Ocnaor River Lauder's "meanness" is onlays pom ac cording to oos o( bis qM ftteodt JsJwO iMred Roblna of Bmlthers h jiea ml " - .u s liuii sit i. a J ' . f rtJr, ' of ikt. tmd Kr. R. Bpooner tunda of Jasper Pork Lodge mat night, j "Of course." said Mr. brtvh. "Harry lUr Mrs. c. V Smitn bat taft ttaseiton to vpend a twe months 'bnUday in tbs FOX IN NOVA SCOTIA"1 Mr. Lsngiands has roturned to Van- ciHausonwiw, s. May m. The omiv r afier having anent severii' othsr day a lucal tabby-oat lest her months in IfeacUoa with bar sister family of kittens and was Inconsolable. Mrs. John Kevriofc, On a neighboring farm a baby fox lost I , his mother and was not only lneonsola- f Mr. Praser of the Oomot mine staff ble but hungry. So the bereaved oat was a patient last week In the Haiwi-and motherless fcx were Introduced and ton Hospital having a rock splinter re-tebby enthusiastically adapted the moved Irom his eye. ' m range baby. Last report were thst both were happy and thriving. I Mm. Stanley Oottid was here from Smlthrin ti, apend a few days with her I parents, Mr and Mrs. R. Spoons, and V anted For Sale For Rent PRACTICAL RDSO OH AOBO- polls Bin. Apply Dafty News office. attend her sister's weddkng. m the WaaaHnri Hospital. Work has been -started on the so- Haaslton Hospital to Mr. and Mrs dues not throw money away. lor be preaches to (the Copper River bridge ! Pishsr of Vanderhoo! rwu uir ai a pis ooy in sar nunee wnicn win at one OI toe imporU'lt and he knows the value of money, but connecting links in the highway u"-h has ocen guilty of acta of the great- ) iwecu here and Terrace. After the est generosity. He gets more publicity Copper River bridge has been commit of bis so-called meanness because pie ted. it , expected the gang will he public likes to think of us Boots as move to New HaaeHon to put up tus close." new bridge serosa the Bulkley River a'. Mr. Lelth. who la hand, of a large dla- Hagwiiget. t tilery in Aberdeen, left this rooming for . - RcjClna after spending several dais en- Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wilson entertain-Joying golf aad the mountain air. "This ed at bridge on Tuesday evening, pru-n my first trip through Canada." be winners being t&n. U. E. Thornto.i sr.ld today," and I can tell yon it's a and Al Harris. great oountry. I didn't know anyone when I tended and now I have a hen Robert Tosallneon loft at the firs: of friends." One of the friends be ntadr of the week for Sew Westminster when tion. tnis provisional group win motion the western trie and with whom he t. win !......- i .k. agsia neat Tuesday evening and. If the ; came to Jasper, was a J. Dickinson of um.r tn.i S1 -Paul. Minn . psnfenger traffic man- , airer of the Oreat Northern Railway, wlto ; W J. Larkworthy has completed U returning est after vlaUlbg CNacier thirty years of roaldencc la Haaaltoo and Jaaper Parka. and New Haaslton. " -,J--.-. .... This snriAg is on week la advance of last year. A the wild fruit trees e now ia fuO Mass. A son was born on Tuesday at the Mrs. Id. Ends and Mrs. Walton H Sharps entartalaad at bridge on Tuesday evening. There were five tables end prises were won by Mrs. W. W. Anderson. R. S. Surgent and Mr and Mrs. C H. Bawl. Features of the Victoria Day celebra tion In How ltaaoRon Included s baseball game between Haaslton and New Haaslton. the first of the season hen-and the crowning of the May Queen and Maypole danoe. Word" Is received here ibst proeres." 1 being made to Vancouver iu the m- oornaratlon of the Sliver Standard mine and that the mine will resume wots in tbs soar future. u Bpboner 4PW W teeiU . Of hi. SieSlMlsa am Vityer and MsrshaU Sabo down from Ben it hers on Sunday. ' osen organised In Vancouver to flnnnos development of the Silver King mine on Kin. wu Mountain. It la axneotad th., . Soatn or mom men win work there this season. Everything la In readiness for resuming work on the Sunrise property on Nln Mile Mountain as soon as snow conditions permit nor getting over the trail witu supplies. By George McWj niJ( ' SHOULD Vf TMtY ARE I ! 'YOU MAKE ME THOE , MUSIOAM ARE VsONOERroL ( , BUT I THOUGHT WE i i THEV HAVE BEEN PLAYING Js I WERE HERE. LONGER ) , , I DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertitement taken for lest than 50c WANTED capital to flnnaot hsrrtng taltejy. For ssounty and particulars, apply Boa lam, Dally Mow Office tf OOATS AT 118.00 each. Apply Olsfl Jonsson, Oslsnd. B.C. 134 ?QR SAI.--S30TTAaC "wKUXIMTNrl Bait 1 nass, also sowooat. Phone Blaok 737. 130 tKT.TAm Apply Dally Mews Ofnae. FOR 5AI.E OLD NEWSPAPERS MAT BE USED in Stcatton of the Laketae Hatchery staff POUND. 1 I spent Thursday la town. MEAN AS HE SEEMS; new hazelton stead of building paper or to lay beneath carpets on the floor Oet special prise on large (fuantlUas. Bally flews. 'OR SALE lt OIXSSMOBJLS. IN good condition. New tires. SS60. Very easy terms. Or would trade for close in residential lot. Phone Ped no. FOR BALE. 94 FOOT FLBABTJRB best. First class condition. Equipped with 16 hp. motor. Phone MM). 13S FOR BALE FORD DUM TRUCK good condition. I1&0.00 Phone Qreen B4S 1S6 LOST UJST OErrrLBataN'S WALLET OOM-talnlng Bank Book and Army Certificate John W. Weaver. Seal Oove FX). BowaasV 114 LOST LAST WEEK. TMTOSFFAWT Business Letter. Finder please return (0 PO Bos loSS its FOUND FOR RENT HaraUTTHIfl FOR RENT. CSX ROOM MOOEBN WAMTsU).- OB BALE CAdta--SIX FOOT SODA Fountain; Bunklst Juice Extractor: Cash registers: Six foot SUent Salesman: Candy Scales: Floor Scales: Tables. Chairs: Twenty-five foot Roller Awning. McCutcheon's, Prince Rupert, B.C. OB BALE --GOOD VOW LOTS IN Section Two: sixty feet frontage on Orahaat Avenue. UOO.0O. Two tou on Atlln Avenue aaoo each. MpCaf-lery at Qlbbons. Limited. 126 PUR RENT -FURMISHRD HOUHEKXEP-mg rooms by the day. week or month. Phone Red 607. tf PT'RNNiHED ROOnfS TO LET week up. Richmond Rooms. Third Avenue. meat. AUCTION SALE a. J. DAWES Auctioneer. SSS TMrd Ave. AUCTIONEERS. -S3 A corner . FOR BKNT. MODERM PURRIBKED Suite also bed sitting room. Phone Oreen SM. FOR RENT. PURN1SHED APART- STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS house, 2SS Sixth Avenue Went after fur Vaneootrr June 1 . Phone Black 738 evenings. Sunday- t Pr.i OR RENT. GLAPPBRTON HOUSE. Ninth Avenue East. Rent reasonable. Apply City Treasurer, City Hall. tf OR RENT--'PIANOS. PLATER-PIANOS, Phonographs and Sewing Mach.n Walker's Stare. PLAT FOR REKT.T-4IX ROOMS AND bath, on 8!xth Avenue, W Piiuns 543 or Black 32S if Tuesday- sa Thursday- as Friday s. Prin. f . i Saturday -ss ( .r . Msy 17 ss Fr i. . May 27 . Prin. tt From Vsaruuver Sunday c.i.:.i Wodnesda) at, Srlday Card. Friday m Prin.' h Saturday I': May IS- ss Pri',.. - Msy 23 m PriiHi or Port NimsMHi umi Friday -a. Card. ram Port HlmoMin .u.,i Saturdsy -ss Ones' Aayos Sunday - C.r.t. . Wednewday -s I tf From Aoyes Tuesday Cut. . Thuradav m V: : menu -Apply MussMlem Grocery fm NUwart ,. ,,, ON MONDAY JUNE THE 4TH. AT 2.30 Tom HI en art l-nn, pm.. I will sell at Publk Auction at liunday s Prin-. i Aimrur'a th gasboat "OWL' - Tuesttsy- , (': lenctti SO feet, beam 9 feet, draft or qosro I torhir. fett. equipped with 10 b.p. Palmer ; May 18 ss F:.u Enxlne, togetlier with other euuiu- from i)mrf) SALVAGE AND TOWIM. Prince Rupert Salvage ft Towing Co. Ltd. HAM BAROAINH IN OAK BOAT" Small Safe and Typewriter for Bale Airenu tor Basthope Engines. Coolldne Propellers, and Tuxlube Oil Honta of all ftestrtptksa far Charter paivrt: Rt-pvitT Atmo mrt Feorral Work Furniture of all kinds bought, sold or exchanged. Crating and packing dons Oood sold on Commission L . G. J. DAWKS. CHIROPRAIC HR. R. B. KVmPStOM - SSS Third Aveowe. Telephone for appointment now to Blur 85 Residence phone mack MS Acute arid Chronic Disorders sueenea- fully treated Bstabluhed ISM PttlNCy KUHEKT T1DBR . f SS(t MONDAY. MAY SS HlKh B J3 ant. 10.4 ft. 28:04 pm. IB S " Low 3 :48 am 8.4 " 1B:8S pm. 7.8 " T1KOIIAY, MAY Ml High 10:28 am. inn ft. aa 42 pm it s Low 4 SS tSJS. 7 2 ' 18:23 p m. 7 4 " WKONBHItAV, MAY SS High , 11:17 a.m. 17 1 ft. 28:18 pm. IB S " Uiw S:BDjSJ&. 8.1 " 17JI,pm. 7.8 " SS its p m 80 8 Hdl ' .;'. ,'.!.'.. -8:88 S.m. 8.8 17:44 pun. 7JI FlIhVAY. JI NK 1 High 12:40 p.m. 17 7 tL low 0:38 a.m. 4.3 18-21 pm 7.7 BATt'HJIAY. Jl'NE t High 0:87 a.m. 207 ft. 18:18 pat. is.o " low 7:8ff a.m. s o 1S:B7 pjn. 7J " 1'NHAY, JI NK 8 High 1:00 a.m. 21.0 ft 1S:84 pm. IS 2 " low 7 40 a.m. a l " 18:88 pjn. 7.0 " Sunday v ( . Saturday -s I' I Msy 17 a Prn.' Msy :il m Pi:m-or Alaska Wednesday e r May IS -ss Pru. May SS- r Prm Fran Assaka Thursday m P-May 17- as. Prin.-Msy 27 ss Tr : Man Lake Perry. Phone Mt Tot the ttust MAIL SCHEDULE 11 1 ' i m Monday Wr.n-EXCHANGE cioo . . vrrv Asro mm omi hand Pt KNiTt ih bonirht and sold and eaebanted. Flayer Fisno and Two Cash Registers in stock FAPADOPtXO MAMAS I rom I be Kt TueHHys. Thin mall due . . To Vaariuvev undsvi . . Tuesdays Thursday Saturdays C P U- May 8. If Trains Monday v Saturdays . . r'mia V ! uv Sundays Wednesdays Fridays Saturdsy CPU Mny IU i" Trslns. elmidsys. I days I Avnx sad Alter An" Smndays nf. rto Wedneittlay . Prow Am and AM" Tursdnys . TUurstliiy . . or Hlevurt imd It. ii.' uitlny Saturday . . mm Htrwnrt ami I'' "1" Bundaya Tueiiriays . . Tn Nass lllver IMInl' Friday Nass River Pnln-- ' S-.turtlays Tn Alsaka Polats May 12 and rrom AUiks Point- U: v . I' -ind To Queen n...rhte t-1 " May B anil IB From O rim'1"' Msy 17 and Si i.trrTLU iiox Oraham Ac Atlln A ' 1st Ave. A Stb ft Stb Avef Sliltfv ib llth th lltb lib Ave. Thonip Ave. At Slici'. i Ave A Coiinni 8th Ave. Hayn ' 8th Ave. At Hay ' 8b Ave. Cotton s llth Ave Ai Oreen H 8th Ave. ft McBrlfli- l' Prov Oovt Btiil'H i' Prov n.ivt. Whsrl OTP Wharf . OT P " Station ' 8n Ave. At Bud s 3rd Ave. es FuHnn " Bed Ave. etti H Sundays- One c pm. oollsotlon. Articlei Lett and round,&c s .a -t t A ;a ' -a a ' :X l 1 a I a t - .1 ; S ti -.1 f i ii lrt Ml'il'- ins "'""si M i il H I' ' ., if H "'! i i' I'