Ionjj,y. May 28, 1928 p 8 TOVVU; LOW EXCURSION FARES writ .RjMrrvji EAriTErfN CANADA UNITED STATES EDMONTON CALUAHY JASPEK Tii :l.i!f s on sale from Slay 22. Return limit Octoler 31 Full information from CITY TICKET OFFICE Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. Phone 260 Canadian National- FOR SUMMER WEATHER i i .ijr Caps to $1.00 i Lined Cani for Uaihing Suit Creamn, Powders for Suntoirn or Wind Burn. Large i.m.'h I)utinr iKwili-r with puff, ju't the thing for sun-;ivn 75f and 1.0(1 V i i r.s two for - ."Of, 7." and g I .lift yfie Poteer Drttanisils m AVE. V SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8? ,200 an ad ian National Q7ic Largcft Kailway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AM) TRAIN SERVICE fr m PRIM f KITKRT tnt V.lM'Ol Vl:. VlfTOHIA. SBATTI.R. . rr n d: it point- enrh 'I III KIMY and HIMMY at 11 pJB. I.i l IIIKXN nd V.. esrr. W HMIAV. 4 p.m. S .MWUT eirh TtKIAY si n P ni SOUTH ami SUI I II (l KI.N II AKIOTTK lI.ANP. Fortnightly ntti h:vk ckio: kii'RHT i lOTTslMM ut 11.30 a.m. for PRINCE OKOKOK. EIIMONTON. lilNMI'l.ii. all i i:il' i.aterii Canada. I tilled Stales. M'KM'Y ti l Ol r.AN tt.AMitltie 1.1 f Canadian N.i-ial Kr fr Maaey Older, rwrelgo rtieqnes. aim for lonr n hlrmi ' jt- rlk39IBR0tGliBSSSS in in utt urni c sm THiHli r... phim i m fhmi ii PAcinc Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert K ! i.ik:iii, Vtrungell. Junt-uii. and nkngwaj May SI. June 4, 11. ' mer, lrl.irla and Seattle Mav June t. B, 1. phim'i:hh koval I :i lliiiclale. IM Hell Bella. ".Tun F"i. Name. Alert Hay. is.-li Ither and Vancmver every Irlday. .. ',r all Htesmshlp Line.. , . InformaMen frem- IV. C. ORt'llAKIl. (ieneml Acrnt. l ''-r tif Uh Strut and Srd Avrnee. Prlnee Rutrrt. H.C. I bene 31 LOOK at YOUR CLOTHES EVUKVONK EtE 1M)ES " i -prinff stock of Hiph Crude Men's Wear is now hers, nf Briton's linrst woollens from which to choose i -i i hk rtuit" tailored to your measure by Canada's fsrs- 'Hit's builders "Socioty Brand." Ohcy That Impulue Do It Today THOR JOHNSON Boys Sweaters and Bloomers 'ltnm;,n's All' Wool Pullovers vs. ci ted designs, V neck. Siaes 28 to 34. $1.W5, $ $-"' Hoy.' Tweed and Whipcord Illoomcrs rn 24 to 34 $1.05, t Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Company. Local and Personal Ladles' Taxi Service. Phone 229. Dentist. Di. J. K. U'ut. Phone 688 Skating dally, taVud 8 to 10. tf Oct to big 4 Dibit. When thinKlng I a Taxi, phone 4 U -i' o r ii. .'t'l i.i ' For a Taxi Pbotic 290. Oscar Hanson tand, Central Hotel. tf William William. Whltehorse hotel man, and Mrs. William, coming south, disembarked here yesterday afternoon from the Princess Alice. Miss Horning was an arrival in the city last evening on the Catala from Vancouver to visit with her brother who Is engaged In the taxi business here. Local official of the Canadian Ma ttonal Railways, who went to Prince George to attend a divisional staff con ference, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train. Norman L. Freeman, local representa tive of the International Fisheries Com mission, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Alice for a trip on official dirties to oommlulon headquarters in Seattle. Mrs. John Maabtl, who has bean on ber home in B tew art, accompanied by Miss L. Ifakl. Mrs. Mary Mulcehy of Wrangell ar wtu be leaving the district soon to take up residence on a place they have purchased on Vancouver Island near Na na lino. Mr. and Mrs. I. Fraser arrived in the titf on yeaterday afternoon's train from Saskatoon te spend the summer here. Mr. Fraser. who Is -a member of the stall of the mechanical engineering department of the University of 8a Katehewan and was here last year, will again be attached to . the staff of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station. Rev. (Commander) Oswald Hodeson, Anglican Church clergyman at Telegraph Creek, arrived In the city from the north on the Princess Alice yester day afternoon. He Is to be ordained by ArehbUhop A. U. DePencler at the synod which will be held here errly next month. Mr. Hcdgson had In his charge a sick native which will be treated In the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital. Mrs K. Meaning, well known here as a former resident, arrived on Saturday afternoon's train from Chicago, where she haa been residing for the past few yeara with her son, F. W Hernlug. and will be In Prince Rupert for the next few weeks visiting with friends before proceeding to Long view where she will spend some time with her dsughtcr. Mrs. O. A. Sweet. Mrs Kenning, who will spend the summer on the coast. Is st present the house guest of Mrs. O. W. Nickersou, 520 Fifth Avenue West. C.P.R. steamer Princess Alice, Capt Thomas Cliff, southbound from Alaska to Vancouver, was in port from 4 o' clock to 5:30 yesterday afternoon. Triers were 48 passengers aboard the vessel including the following who disembarked here: Rev. Oswald Hodgson, Telegraph Creek clergyman: Clarence S. Helston, Columbus, Ohio, flour mill In spector, and Mrs. Helston: Robert C. Cutler, Juneau prospector, Henry W. Darr. Juneau blacksmlth;Mr. and Mrs. William Williams, Whltehorse: Mrs. Mary Muloahy. Wrangell. and Mrs. Brooks and family, Telegraph Creek. Union steamer Catala, Oapt. I. A. Dickson, arrived in port at S:S0 yesterday afternoon from the south and sail ed at ' f p.m. for Anyox, Stewart and other northern porta ot call. Passengers aboard the Catala included R. L. Oale, H. I. Martin, J. Campbell, J. C. Murray, J. Koskl, Miss Horning and D. C. MeKechnie, for Prince Rupert; O Oraee, James Carter, A. L. Clements, H. O. Unwln. R. Kaye, P R.Crain. Mr. and Mis. Moor head, Mr. and Mrs. Donohue, A. C. R. Vulll. Miss L. Makl, Mrs. H&ahtl, Harry Undle, A. lensen and F. Palterseu ,(or Stewart, Mti T. Youngs, O 0. Post aj It yewSavt-inrAayox: J. Imbert, ,Mran,!yf-tnd,vicnr and! Canadian Lesion Picnic June 10. THR DAILY NEWS PA OK THRRB Can Eat Any thing Now! Her Indigestion soon ended by "Fruit-a-tives" MRS. E. WHITE West Toronto, Ont. "I feel it my duty to write you in regard to your wonderful tablets "Fruit-a-tives. I suffered from indigestion for months and could not eat a square meal. I started taking "Fruit-a-tives" and now eat anything and feel like a new person. I hope, this letter will help other sufferers." Mrs. E. White. Fruitativcj gives sure relief from indigestion. It is made of the juices of fresh riparuit, combined with tonics, and causes the whole digestive tract to digest and assimilate food and to eliminate waste as nature intended it to do. Let this wonderful medicine help you. 25c and 50c a box. This afternoon's train, due from the a trip to Vancouver and other points Eagt at 3;3o, ws reported this morning in the south, was a passenger aboard to be on time. the Catal last evening returning to Frank Moors salted by the Prtnee Rupert last night aw business trip to Vancouver. rived tn the city from . the north on Rcyal purple bridge, whist and dance the Princes Alloa yesterday afternoon Tuesday, May 29. at 8:30 In the Elk's ana win pay a visit to ner raotner at Home. Everybody welcome. 129 Refuge Bay, Pore her island, before proceeding to the United States. MrY . g. ciapp returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a John H. Hart. Juneau lawyer. andihr,.f tnn to her farm at Terrace. jonn t. Bptcaett. moving picture theatre owner of the same place, who was aeoompjanled by his wife, were among the passengers going south on the Princess Alice yesterday afternoon. Capt and Mrs. J. M Cwithurst. who B. I. Moore, local manager of P. Burn Co.. Ltd.. made the round trip to Stewart aboard the prince Rupert yesterday on business. H. O. Dnwtn. weU known Stewart have been ranching In Use Lakelse ;mlmna mul was a passenger aboard valley near Terrace for several years, t the catala last night returning north alter a business trip to Vancouver. Mrs. J. W. MeAutoy sailed last night on the Prtnee Rupert tor Vancouver. being called there on account of the Ulneas of her mother. Mrs. Peter Stephen. Miss Rita Johnston returned to the cttv on vesterdaw afternoon's train from Inverness where she sat the week end with her parent. Mr. and Mrs. k O. Johnston. D. C. McRae left on this morning's train for a week'a business visit to Interior points, including Haaelton. Smlthers Burns Lake. Vanderboof and Prince George. ,, Tcmmy Woodhouse. charged with s lecond offence of drunkennssa, pleaded not guilty before Magistrate McClymant in city police court this morning and was remanded until this afternoon. Imperial Oil Oo.'s tanker Imperial arrived at 4 o'clock this morning from loco and sailed this afternoon on her return south after discharging a cargo of package goods tor the local station A. L. Clements, assistant general manager of the Union Steamship Co was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening going through from Vancouver to Stewart where he will spend a week on company business. Thomas H. Peddle, principal of the local High School, returtied to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from an angling trip to Lakelse Lake near Terrace. He was the guest of Capt. and Mrs. J. M. Coltdurst. T. L. Jenkins of Montreal, general fuel agent for the Canadian National Railways, and Mrs. Jenkins arrived In the city from the East on yesterday af-ernoons train. aalUng last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. A. C. R. Yulll. well known Vancou ver hydro-electric engineer, was a pas senger aboard the otala last evening arriving from the south. Ke Is here to inspect with O. L. Heckle of Ne York City certain power development possibilities In the vicinity of the city Miss V. H. Whltehurst, R.N., who ha been a member of the staff of the Prlnee Rupert Oeneral Hospital and has been visiting for the past few weeks with friends In the City, sailed last night by the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where she will attend the graduation exercises ot her Class this week. The spring seaalon of the Supreme Court Assise is opening today at New Westminster with Mr. JuMtoe Denis Murphy presiding. The principal owe on the docket is the Sejikey murder J. McLennan, for.7$Me ttttAJl Mayne. trial which was traversed tmn Prince for Arrandate, Walea bland. and H. W. Ellis for HttttHf ANNOUNCEMENTS Women of Mooseheart Legion whlat drive and dance June 1. Rupert. It has been reported that the Jury may come north to view tn of the crime ut Port Ekelngtafl. Rev W. F Trice, paatea af First Biptlst Church, and Mrs. Price will leave on Thursday night of this week for Vancouver whence they will proceed to Toronto to attend the Baptist World's CciiKresn They will alee spend 'heir annual vui'tin. visiting as well Rose CarnlVHl In Moose Hall. June 15 urh p"liits as Kumloopa. Winnipeg it 1 1 rt North li.i .mil will be svlky about Moum Plcilc, June 4. 'hx tUe. Dan McLcod sailed last night on the Catala for " Stewart. Mrs. H. O. Fraser and daughter sailed., last night on the Prince Rtipert -for Vancouver enroute to OhUMwack where they will visit with friends, remaining away for several months . H. W. Darr of Juneau, who reached the city from pprh og, ffjPrincl Alice yesterday. , arn,oon, , .saijea, (Tfs' night on the Ca,t)a, foj, sjpajrb, where he expects to be employed in w mines. J. It. Murrav of the CN R. city ticket office staff in Toronto arrived In the city from the Bast on yesterday aiter- noon's train and sailed last nignt on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver in the course of a western trip. Now here I Louis F. Coles, for many years with Brlnsmead, London, Eng land., Martin Orme. Ottawa and Mason and Risen, Toronto. Repairs and ad lustmenu of player pianos and grands l tnoclaltv Phone Red 108. 125 Miss L. Thompson, recent arrival in the city from London, England, has Joined the staff of the Prince Rupert Hotel as stenographer. Miss Thompson who has relatives here, arrived from the Old Country two weeks ago. J. D. Lawrence, manager of the local Government telegraph office, leaves at the week-end on an extended holiday. The atopotyees take holidays only once in three years and then get a long one. Mr. Lawrence, will be away four months and during that time he and Mrs. Lawrence will visit Eastern Canada. JAZZ AS REASON FOR DIVORCE ACCEPTED AUSTRALIAN COURT PCRTH. Australia. May 28, -Jaxx has been aoeepted by a Judge as a grouna for divorce. 1 "We were quite happy." said a bank clerk DetrMonlne for a decree, "until my wife got an awful erase for dancing. For a time she went Jaaa mad." The Judge in granting a decree nisi said he was satisfied that Jasc bad to tally estranged the couple. The decision has astonished legal clr eles here. HOTEL AKKIVALH. "llullil H.C.' Pacific Milk Makes Friends ITlnre Kapert J. E. Kelly, Edmonton; Rev. and Mm. Ollbert Williams, London. England; J R. Murray, Toronto; H. Leslie Brown, M. M. Mactarlane. E. T. Rand. John -W. Turner. A. C. R. Yulll and R. L. Qaie. Vancouver; M4 and Mm. Oeorge i Jenkins, Mm. Owen Reds Campbell Mrs. Q. S. Ross sad Ur. MscDoueaU. Montreal: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Williams. Whltehorse: Mr And Mrs. C. S. Helston Columbus, Ohio: D. C. MeKechnie, Klmberley: Miss Ferguson. Toronto: Mrs. Ferguson. Obesley. Ont.: Mrs. L A. Morse. North Sydney. SS.: Miss Sutherland. Ottawa; J. W. Russell. Stewart. Central L. F. Coles. R. M. Weir sad H. I. Martin. Vsneouvsr: W. Oordon and S. W. Oould. Smlthers: L. Howard, Prince Rupert; J. Brlandson, Remo; p. Bardat. W. .WeU. J. Watson and I. N. Loyna. CNR.; C. Miller. Stewart; V7. Lund, Klnahtn Island. Satoy Peter Win, city; Miss M. Venn. In- Advertlse In The Ostlv Nws LAND ACT .NOTICE OF 1XTKXTIOX TO APPLY TO LEASE LA Ml In Prince Ruoert Land Recording Dis trict and situate on Moresby Island ad- lMMt Alllfnrrf na WLtAaim Tltt- t)uean Charlotte Islands. take Mjnct; tnst racuic muis Limited of Vancouver. B.C. occupation pulp and paper manufacturers. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencine st a oost olanted at the S.W. corner of STL. 3247P: thence 78 screes so mlnuea west (Astronomic) 800 ft.: thence North 33 degrees SO minutes West (Astronomic) 1SO0 ft.; thence North 22 degrees so minutes East (Astronomic) 800 ft.; thence North 28 degrees West (Astronomic) 2500 ft.; thence North 00 degrees Eaat (Astronomic) 950 ft. more or less, to an Intersection with the high water mark ot Alllford Bay: thence following the said high water mark Southerly to the point of commencement, save and except one island containing one acre more or leas and another island containing o.zs acres, more or less the whole containing Ut rcres, more or less. PACIFIC M11.LB. LIUllEU, Applicant. By Parker Samuel Bonney. Dsterl April 16, 1B2B 161 km fVlRstBlTFa) Mrs. Lamarr of Vancouver In a letter recently received Jf, "Those who already use Pacif it-Milk will continue to do so." Her letter is u tribute to the excellence of this good milk. She says, "In hot weather it is invaluable. Half a glas, to which is added half a jrlans of water, makes a very palatable drink." PACIFIC MILK I'm lories at Aliliotsford mill Ijiiliier. IV C. "Ilulltl lit'." Write for Free Booklet, "Walls That Reflect Good Judgmmt," containing iuia-cetir.g inf ormationcrt home pi aiming with Gyproc, Rocboard and Insulcx. Millions o Insulating Air Cells ! CANADA OYPSUM AND ALABASTINE LIMITED. VANCOUVER. D C Succtitor' K Driliih Columbia Cypsum C'ompasy. Limlltd EMPIRE" sTVTOl fir 41BC 'fireproof Wollboard For Sale By Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Every' day Chairs that flop into beds. . . .bags that suck up dirt tiny ticking things that count all day long for you. Daylight any night just by pushing a button. A stream that never stops till you turn off a faucet. Any voice you want, talking to you from a cage on your desk or wall. Actions of yesterday, of people miles away, going on on a curtain before you. Stilled throats singing to you from discs; distant throats singing to you from nothing! Uncanny, daily magicthis, due to national advertising. Advertisements have given you flashlights, telephones, typewriters, automobiles, cold creams, motion pictures. They have given you new eyes, new ears, hew hands, new feet, new faces, new emotions. They have urged such wide use, so lowered prices, that almost wishes are autos, almost beggars can ride. Through advertisements you've laid down the shovel and the hoe. You can buy a whole harvest ready-to-eat in cans. You've hung up the fiddle and the bow, for a radio. There's little old-time work left in this age of amazing short-cuts. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS They keep you to the fore of modern life. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers TIIE DAINTIEST UHKAKPAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage C., IX Prince Itupert. ILU. What Has Happened WILL HAPPEN AGAIN We recommended Porter Idaho at 5 louts a share; Sflvsrudo AT MARKET! Latest Vancouver quotations, 15c bid, 25 nttked. Situated on the New Premier Hill and bounded on two sides by Premier holdings. . W. M. R0LST0N & CO. Ltd. Sitwart, H.C. Direct wires Vancouver Stock Eychsnfo STOCKSHONDS-HBAL BRTATE