yer 11, 1962 rime 4 182 feet 15.6 feet 88 feet 84 feet adequate’ ypervision CP) — In- ion led the no- Boyd gang ere last cOmmis- iday ip ommis litions at ugh Gov to do under try- to Keep mstant on his d further that yvmpathy” for had been preo- ste staff, the have oocur- xkey Scores er 1. Ta Vancouver non 6; CHRISTMAS STORY YOUNG AND OLD Child's v ife f ‘ jesus b FULTO OURSLER) u strated by eil () ‘ Xeelle ‘\, entertaining, “ith meaning for ‘ite. This ever-new * presented with clas- hallow this special Christmas Story ‘very day until Christmas — Med A CHILD’s LIFE OF g Site of Coronation Service sting place of Che ani mt ' ily News NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada’s Most Strategic Pacific Port—"F ince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest” VOL. XLI, No. 289 The coronation essentially WESTMINSTER ABBEY, rc the coronation of Queen Elizabeth before the magnificent high altar Voters U And Avoi j Rupert open at 8 d volers who may cast their bal San ¥ lot This compares with 2.903 the nuditorium of voters on last year’s list Centre where ratepaye will se Returning officer Bill Long i f ’ : t f h atesand his deputy Miss Audrey for alde € : ne Wrathall will be on hand when byla and a referer t polling station opens. It is The largest v the milly place of voting in the city's t tors f af ‘ iDi¢ CIRCULATION Race Ora Prize The AS BOYS VIE FOR PRIZES GETS BOOST for the most new subscribers Dally New oming keener as the days pass Robert Jensen Jumped inte a big lead over the 23 other iia when he brougt names of 14 new subscribers this week > send His Wwota ‘ To te, the have added 79 new subscribers to The Da N tl f a nder way Nov, 24 Phe rr Ri Sklapsky is in second place i” Mat 0, \ Maskulak has nin¢ ‘ ‘ for ' xt © new customers F ew subscriptions before Christ a 1 I a Grand Prize for be t imi NEW YORK (P).-A old gunmar wanted by th Fee Ru ee Lion al t 7 eha A itu nr wit? ¥ 1 [¥ wound Poi ler i t P q ; h id ve nd ' were wounds 1 ' street ink qua ' Po quoted § vil ihe an or ! ‘ fh leanne were n New York with ithe intention of “pulling sor tiiquor store boldup: | The _ WEATHERMAN | Says Sytropsis Strot i blowing stations in m yester g winds are at some north coast the wake of the Which reached the coast day. This storm has weakened rapidly overnight Howeve!l skies will remain cloudy today with showers along the coast and a few snowflurries in the inter- jor, Temperatures remain at or above normal for mid-December Another storm in the current series is expected to bring rain and strong winds to coastal sta tions Thursday. Light snow will fall over the interior as the storm moves inijand Thursday after- | noon active st Forecast North coast region, gaie warn- ing continued WS to your children. I *y ; rrow In t Daily News Cloudy with a few showers to- day, rain Thursday Little change eats ee in temperature, Wind southwest ing, otherwise southerly 25. Low tonight and high Thursday at Port Hardy, Sandspit and Prince } Rupert, 35 and 42 35 in exposed areas this morn-| Police Capture Criminal ‘After Furious Gunfight Senator Seeks Aid For Addicts oO CP)..A British Co timating that quarter of 4,800 tic addicts in Can- it ms province, says government should e attention to the ser usnt of the problem nator Thomas Reid Lib i] uggested during the Th e Speech debate that the co-operate with iti lumbia in establishing pilot treatment centre for ad- lict The government alse should eriou consider recommenda- tions of lunteer committee et up by the Vancouver Com- nunity Chest to study the prob- iem The Chest last week request- ed lighter court sentences for addicts but drastically increased penalties for narcotic traffick- ers The requests were embodied in an extensive brief to Health} Minister Paul Martin, asking drastic changes in federal ner- cotic laws The brief praised the work of RCMP in enforcing the Opium and Narcotic Act but said ad- diction is still increasing. It said there is an “urgent need for a different approach to the whole problem and for immediate amendments to the federal act.” Other items asked by the brief) include Provincial government oper- ated clinies for administration of drugs to registered addicts. Compulsory detention of ad- dicts who volunteer for treat- iment and who have violated the | federal act 15 British monarchs, will be the setting next June fer . |Laws [today tossed his country’s! For Scraps . CAIRO (CP) —Kgypt’s| reform premier, Maj.-| | Gen. Mohammed Naguib, | 1922 constitution into the? said his government is} religious, will be carried out rged to ‘Come Early’ Last-Minute Rush Voters are urged to go to the polls as early as possible, to avold last-minute rushing. With more than general interest shown in this year’s civic election——al- though there is no mayoralty contest-a record number of voters are expected to cast ballots While ali taxpayers—-inciuding those paying poll tax—-who are registered om the voters’ list-— may vote for aldermanic candi- and on the referendum, the school money bylaw may be voted on only by property own- ers The SA LO; aales refere for asks that dum a bylaw engoor- milk al i @istributed in the Prince Ripert city be ordered pasteurized The money by val for construction a &i room school at Port Edward at a cost of $167,960, of which the city’s share would be $39,311 and asks appre the rural area’s share $44,669 The rural taxpayers will vote on the bylaw tomorrow at v polling stations in the find may also vote the Centre where a special polling station for them will be provid ed Candidates for alidermanic seats, four to be elected, are Mrs, W, D. (Kay) Smith, Ald Ray McLean, Ald. Darrew Go- mez, Bill Bremner, Huge Kraupner, Ald, James Prusky, Ray Gardiner and Percy Down- ing. A “get out the vote” campaign under sponsorship by the Prince Rupert Junior Chamber of Com- merce will give reminder tha its time to go many a to electors and vole A large sign was erected this morning ver Third Avenue drawing attention to the elec tion Leaflets were scattered ove the city today by an airplane calling on citizens to “Vote As You Like, But Vote and morrow, with the eight o'clock opening of the polls, the city curfew siren wil sound evéry hour, and a loudspeaker truck will pass through business and residential sections with further reminders Nine Hotel Members Quit Association VANCOUVER (CP) Nine members of the British Co- lumbia Hotel Association have resigned and plan to form a rival association A. H. Millham of Vancouver one of three vice-presidents who resigned Tuesday, an- nounced the break because of “policies” of J. E. (Blackie) Bengert of Vancouver, asso ciation president. It was charged Bengert had kept the second and third vice-presidents off “import- ant committees.” | ; | SOCCER SCORES LONDON (CP) — Results of | Football Association cup games | played in United Kingdom Wed- inesday (second-round replays): |4: Ipswich T. 5, Bradford C. 1: Millwall 4, Barrow 1; Watford 1, Walthamstow Ave,.2; Finch- ley 3, Crystal Palace 1. ‘}deaths of at least 160 elderly! Chesterfield 2, Chrewsbury T.| writing a new national charter. Until it is finished,” he said| in country-wide broadcast, | my government will exercise constitutional power.” i Chief among problems facing | constitution writers is whether | t do away with Egypt's 147- year-old monarchy and estab-! dish a republic } Popular revulsion has been} rising steadily against the royal; dynasty since Naguib and his arn associates deposed King Farouk July amd began spotlighting “scandals” of his 16-year reign last QCA Pilot's Body Found In Aircraft | | : ims VANCOUVER. (CP) —— Body of} Captain Bruce Wilson, 41, was found Twesday pinned in the; wreckage of the Queen Char-/ Airlines plane which! crashed into a mountainside| near Halfmoon Bay, 40 miles) northwest of here ; Capt. Wilson was the only per- son aboard the twin-engined Anson when it disappeared last Friday on a flight to Comox. Searchers said the pilot's body was found sitting in the cock- pit, only part of the plane still intact lott Jail Guard Reinstated PRINCE GEORGE (€P)— One of two guards suspended at the provincia) jail here following a short-lived escape by four pris- oners last week was reinstated Tuesday Warden William Trent said the Guard N. G. Cheer was rein- stated on the advice of the pro- vincial inspector of jails. A sec- ond guard, W. G. Clark, will continue on suspension until further notice The suspension was ordered following an investigation which showed that four men escaped about 4:30 am.. Friday. The prisoners were not missed at the 7 a.m. check | Warden Trent said there may! be a hearing into the matter, but no date has been set. | ' } Deaths Blamed | On London Fog LONDON (€P)—The four days! of oppressive fog which blanket- | |ed London earlier fhis week was | iblamed today for speeding the | | persons in the city. The tota i}may exceed 200. | | The sickening blanket of dirt- | } laden mist that lifted only Tues- jday largely aggravated their conditions, hastening their) deaths. | Execution Stay Refused | | NEW YORK (P)—Judge Syl-| | Vester Ryan refused today to! stay executions of Julius and | Ethel Rosenberg, scheduled to die at Sing Sing prison the week of Jan. 11. He also denied an application | by co-defendant Morton Sobell | to have a 30-year prison sen-/| tence set aside on constitutional | grounds. ashcan as obsolete and! - smashed four big Communist | j}and almost as far north as the | i“Christmas Light-Up” campaign | | sponsored jointly by the Prince test is being held with a turkey | chandise, will be done Dec. 20.) PRICE FIVE CENTS Lashes at at this time is fighting.” | At the same time, the mayor) listed his choice of candidates | for aldermen in tomorrow’s elec- | tion, saying: i “It is my sincerest conviction that only these persons will sin- cerely work in the interest of our city and its taxpayers.” The candidates he named are Mrs. W. D. (Kay) Smith, Ald. Darrow Gomez, Ald. Ray McLean, Bill Bremner and Hugo Kraup- ner. MAYOR WHALEN . chooses slate OG sho ROI 8 eo The mayor urged that both jaldermen “who have proved US. Pla nes | themselves very capable,” should | be returned. s = | “T also think the women of it Gi | Prince Rupert should have rep- | resentation, and either Mr. | Bremner or Mr. Kraupner would, argets |I believe, make sound represen- | tatives.” SEOUL @—U.S. Navy planes| There are four aldermen to be | elected. rail and supply targets on the; /% an doorstep of Manchuria in the | 5#!¢: interview, the mayor biggest seaborne raid of the| ia & porn baesy atone oun Korean war. | in One of the strikes carrie | *he tooftops that they are rep- American planes on their nor-|Tesenting labor are acting, or thernmost aad of the war, to the | Would act in the interest of the limits of the Korean strip that | Worker. juts into Manchuria and is sur- | TO RUN AGAIN rounded on three sides by that) The past year as mayor has wear jagger ay whl lanes |220¥" to me without a shadow a c y planes j within 13 miles of Soviet Siberia} on Uictetes nettle or . Mayor Whalen also announced Russian port of Vladivostok | that he would contest next year’s which lies to the east. | election as candidate for mayor. | “Last year when I campaigned jin the mayoralty contest I pro- ;mised to bring to the people’s jattention various problems as they arose. “This I believe I have done. The council has some very im- Swedish Ship Here For Barley One of few Swedish freighters to have arrived in this harbor is loading barley for Japan at the Dominion Grain Elevator. She is the Yarrawonga, 4,893-' (aidermen with another year ton vessel] which arrived here | to serve are George Casey, John direct from Kobe, Japan, via the | Currie, H. F. Glassey, Mike Great Circle Route | Krueger.) Registered im, Gothenberg, | m red hi i Sweden, most of her 35-member | esate ee ee oe crew is of that country. Captain | manager in business. is A. Kyleberg. ee i Scheduled to load 8,200 long SUGGESTS CHANGE tons, the Yarrawonga may sail “In most cases such a man early next week. Lack of grain/ has the authority to hire em- in the elevator is delaying load-| ployees who he thinks are going ing, sald agents for the vessel. | to produce, and if they don’t, at The Yarrawonga arrived a few) least he can suggest a replace- days ahead of schedule and the | ment. elevator’s storage was depleted| “I can only endorse a slate by the last grain ship here, the | which I think wil give the people Eishen Maru, which left last /|the kind of administration they week-end ‘wish to have.” near future which will vitally concern the people, With this in mind we should seriously con- Sider the aldermen who now are in council as well as those now running for office.” portant decisions to make in the! PECs OITAL ' erence rc taemeatntemeninantl Ay si PROVINCIAL LIBRARY, 118 16 . vic VICTORIA, B. Cc. MAY 32 OTE as you like BUT VOTE! Mayor Selects Choices \Idermanic Posts Egypt © ‘Element’ } Present in Council Mayor Harold Whalen today lashed out at “an elemeht in the council and presently running for office that represents a group the whole of Canada Mafor Whalen charged that “it is evident from some of the things which have recently trans- pired that we have an element in the council and presently running for office that repre- sents a group which the whole of Canada—and the Western world —at this time is fighting against MAJOR ISSUE “This is the major issue in the election. It is up to the voters to make their choice, but I can see no hope of progress in our civic government if the people con- tinue to support an element which is working against their very interests.” The mayor said he knew it was seldom that the chief magistrate of any city would likely make such a statement but “my strong convictions have forced me to say these things which I believe are true.” Building Record Set Here | An all-time November high in | building ‘was recorded’ in this city ‘last month totalling $852,627 in | new construction, alterations and | repairs, | Included in this figure is the | approximate cost of $600,000 for | 50 new homes, the Central Mort- | Sage & Housing Corporation | Project. } This compares with $25,575 ; worth of building in November last year. The 1952 total’ build- ing to date of $1.029,153.27 com- pares with a total of $315,961 for the same period last year. Of November's building per- mits, five were taken out for construction of new homes for a total of $24,500. Balance was the cost of repairs and alterations to city homes and businesses. Duke May Miss : . Coronation LONDON (€P)—The Daily Ex- press says today it understands take any part in the coronation ceremony next June. A Canadian Press dispatch last Thursday said the Duke probably would not attend the coronation unless the Duchess ‘of Windsor was invited. Many City Stores Taking Part In Xmas Light-Up Campaign Many window city store-fronts andjengaged in making up the win- displays are taking on | ing display. ; : cae .,| First such campaign launched appearances in eee |. the city, Christmas light-up in response to the aiso concerns householders. A special home-decorating con- festive variety Rupert Junior Chamber of Com-jas a prize for the winner. merce and Art Murray’s Mens-/| . While it will not be necessary wear. ‘for business firms to fill out Judging of the best-dressed| entry blanks, householders who store window, based on origin-| wish to enter the contest must ality, effort and display of mer- | do So to be eligible. The following form should be Winner will be awarded a scroll | filled out and returned to the * * HOME CHRISTMAS DECORAT | judged by personal visits of the {judges after dark to give the i greatest benefit to lighting. | Winners will be annotinced | Dec, 23 and the turkey delivéred ito the prize-winner's door the | Same evening. Judging wil! be based on origi- |nality and effort. | Meanwhile, the Jaycees* Christ- mas tree is to be erected next. ;Sunday on the Post Office | Srounds, complete with lighting jand a big star to top it. Volun- iteers will be headed by Jack | certificate of merit and a special } Daily News office not later than! Breen and Bill Gordon, in charge | prize will be given to personnel |Dec. 17. The entries will be! of the light-up campaign. . . * ION CONTEST Sponsored by the Prince Rupert Junior Chamber of Commerce and Art Murray‘s Menswear. NAME. ADDRESS . Contestants in the home decorating contest are asked to fill in this form and submit to the Daily News office not later than Dec. 17. Be sure to print name, house number, and street address clearly. This contest cloges midnight, Dec. 17. Decision of judges is final. the Duke of Windsor will not | le TO. — i pages eS Te Erg Sg ee IE PSE