m f AGE SIX THR DAILY NKWS Monday, II II EMINENT SONG PRESBYTERIAN sppmjjajSjejSBjBjs Worth .! WRITER COMING LADIES' VISIT II. II ciiAKi.ts vAKi:nKi.n c:.i.m.n, 1)1.1. ;(1AT1() 01' MISSIONARY SOCIETY i 3 DISTRICT READERS COMPOSER. WILL HE XOTKI) IUOM EASTERN CANADA 1 kmcU 1IEKE ON JINE 25 MERE YESTERDAY mc Up NO matter what amount your budget sets aside for washday expense, you will find that wo offer a Iaun-. dry service comfortably within it. And, more important, a checkup over a period of time will con-vince you that laundry-washed clothes last longer, Mtve money, guard health . . and are cleaner! Call us on the 'phone . . . we'll gladly help xou arrange for this new-era method of handling the family wash. THE LAUNDRY DOES IT 1JRST CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners I'hone 8 FRESH VEGETABLES Spinach, 3 lb. for liof Fresh Cabbage, 3 lb- for .t? Fresh Asparagus, 2 lb. ilTt Cauliflower, per head 3t :wt nr? Hothouse Tomatoes, per lb. 4 00 2 lb. for 7?t Rhubarb, per lb ."e Head Lettuce, 3 for " Carrotts, 3 bunchea . . :Vt Cucumbers -Op and 25? Green Oniojis,3 bunches lOf Badishes, 3 bunches 10? Sweet Spuds. 2 lb. for 25? New 8pudt, 3 lb. for . . 25? Green Peppers, per lb. :t5? Bermuda Onions, 2 lb. 25? Watercress, per bunch 10? Celery, per bunch .... 25? Struwberries, per box. . il5? Cherries, per box .... 10? Mussallem Grocery ' CO. LTD. Phones IS and 81 P.O. Ilox, 575 AreYouWell? If you want to be well but are discouraged because health is denied you if you have tried everything else, then this little message conveys a HAY OF HOPE Nearly every kind of dis-eawe is being iwrmunently corrected through the new druglesHj science of ClimOPKALTlC When the cause is removed, Nature can do her work. Con ult W. C. ASPINALL G and 7 Exchange Mock TIephene Green 241 Residence: 1037 1st Avenue. For Pratt's Baby Ghick Food , and Poultry Supplies, Bulk-ley Valley Hay and Grain, Sceda, Fertiliser and COAL, Mil up 58 Prt'nce Rupert Feed Co. ! Local m (be opport T$$f ffi$3ffiiJe' oil the beat known composers at the def In the person of Charles Wakefield Oadman, popular American aong writer, who will be here on June 25 aboard .the Prtnoeu Louise enroute to Alaska. Be will be aooompanied by his mother and, while it has been arranged to tender him a tea and informal reception while In Ketchikan during his stay there, It Is not known whether any formal ateps will be taken to en tertain him here. 'At Dawning" alone has made Cad- man's name a household word In America. More copies of this song have been sold than of any other piece of music ever published. It is said. Cad-man Is also the composer of three operas that have been very suocessful In Xew York and Chicago this winter They are "Shanewls." "The Sunset Trail" and "The Witch of Salem." Cadman Is a bachelor In his forties and .Uvea with his mother In Holly wood. He will be coming north after attending a convention in Seattle. RUPERT EAST SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC FINE SUCCESS SATURDAY About sixty members, parents and friends of Rupert East United Church Sunday School spent a happy time at the annual picnic 'to Dlgby Island on Saturday afternoon Ice cream, picnic supper, games and races afforded enjoy- - SYNOPSIS OF LINO ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unreserved. surveyed Crown lands may be prs-smpted b) British suMeots over 18 years at sge, and by aliens on declaring Intention to become UrlUsh subjects, conditional upon residence, occupation, uvi Improvement tor ajtrieultural eurposes Full Information concerning resolutions regarding pre-emptions Is given in Bulletin No. 1. Land Series, "How to Pre-empt Land," copies of ihlch can be obtained tree ot charge IT addressing the Department of Lands. Victoria, B.C.. or to any Government Agent Records wlU bs granted covering enly land suitable tor agricultural purposes, and which la not timber-land, i.e., carrying over board feet per acre west of the Coast Range and "5.00 feet per aore east of tbal Ranee Application for pre-emptions are to be addressed to the Land Com-mleeloner of the Land Recording Division, in which the land applied for Is situated, and are made on printed forme, copies of which can be obtained from the Land Comifltaetener Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and improvements mads to value of $10 per aore. inolsdiag clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Orant can be received. For more detailed information see the Bulletin "How to Pre-empt PURCHASE Applications are received tor purchase ot vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlnioerlaad, for agrioultural purposes; minimum prioe for flrst-olass (arable) land U It par aore, and aeeond-olass (grss-ing) land tt.tO per acre. Further In. formation regarding purchase or lease of Crown lands l given in DuUetln No. 10, Land Series. "Purchase and Lsass ot Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or industrial sites os Umber land, not exceeding 48 aares. may be purchased or leased, the conditions including payment ot stum page, HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding II acres, may be leased as homeeltea, conditional upon a dwelling being ereoted In the first year, title being obtainable after residence and improvement conditions are fulfilled and land has been eurvsyed. LEASES far arising and Industrial purposes areas not exoeedlng 141 acree may be leased by one person or a cam pan?. QRAZIIIQ m Under the Oraxlng Act ths Prer-laoe la divided Into gracing distrlots and the ranee administered under a Orating Commissioner. Annual grailng permits are Issued based es numbers ranged, priority being given to established owners. Btock-ownera say form Msxrfatlona tor range management. Pres. or partly tree, permits are available fee setUer. aMpers and UaveUiva, l U Ue PATRONISE THE Montreal Importers (KB AT 1IAKGAINS in MEN'S BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S Running Shoes The Aviator Absolute dependability ' is aviation's first law and that is why I use dependable ' Champion Spark Plugs. Champion is the better spark plug because it has an exclutive allli- manlte Insulator specially treated to with stand the much higher temperatures of the modern high-compression engine. Also a new patented solid copper i ft -b gatliet-seal that remains Imsm absolutely gas-tight under high compression. Special analysis electrodes which assure fixed spark-nap under all driving conditions. CHAMPION SparlCPlugs Wlo Jor, Ontario A CANADIAN MADE PRODUCT oteiu for all. Winners In the races were a J folUws: Gtrla. four years and under 1, Elsie Burd; 2. Djrotby paauhey. Girls, tlx years and under 1, Chris tina WUnon; 2. Beatrice McLeod. Ulrls. eight yean and under 1. Jane Oomaz; 3, Linda Field. Oirle, twelve years and under 1, Btbel Moorehouse; 3. Alice Gomes. Ladies 1, Mrs. Myers; 3. Mrs. P. atoore. Stout ladles 1. Mrs. Beale; a. Mrs. P. Moore. Buys, six years and under 1. Jarvls MoLeod; a. Reggie Beale. Boys, ten years and under , Leslie W.lson; 2. Keith McLeod and Poter Peterson. Boys, twelve years and under 1, Leslie Wilson; 2, Dnrol Oomaz. Mens 1, M M. Lamb; 3. Tom Lamb. COHOESARE ALREADY HERE M'ltINO NALMON AliK SMALL AMI I'HK'K IXIOl-H TO HITIXN CUNTS TOIMY The trolling season Is different this season from former seasons. The spring nalmon that are coming In are mall, seme days there being very low luge (Uh present In the catch. Then cohoes are beginning to come and these are In poor condition. So poor are they that the buyers will pay only 35c each fcr them. At the week-end about two hundred of them were marketed here. It is understood that the price of spring salmon is down today to fifteen oents. Advertise In the Dellv News TIM1IEK SALE X9W1. There will be offered for sale at Rubin Auction, at noon on the Elghtwnth 1 18th) day of July. 1M8, In the office of the District Forester at Prince Rupert, the Licence Xttetti, to cut t HM. Sprucv. UaUam, Hemlock and Cedar on an area covering a portion of L:ii 805 at the nead of Kynooh Lagoon. Kyitoch (lattt Mussel) Inlet, Bange a. Coast District. Three (31 years will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided any one unable to attend the auction in person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid " Further partlculara of the Chief Par-ester, Victoria. B.C. or District Poretter. Prince Bupert. B.C. LAND ACT MtTICIl Or INTENTION TO APPLY TO I.KAHK LtN 11 Iii Prince Rupert Land Recording District and situate adjacent to ABlford Bay. Moresby Island. MMcgate Inlet. Queen Charlotte Island. TAKE NOTICE that Paelflc MlUa Limited, of Vanouuver. B.C.. oocupatlon Pulp and Paper Manulacturers, in tends tu apply for a lease of the following described lands Commenclns at a nost nlanted on the h!gi water mark of an Island: thence folic wing the high water mark around ine taiana vo point or oommenoement, and containing one acre, more or lass. pACinc imu, uuitbd. Add! leant Donal d WUbur KodseVon. Asent for Paeil ic muu, Limited Dated May AN'J) ACT mm?. O APPLY TO s iuvv txtpfei v a-suu hvwiuiiik si . aa. i. eatiu iutr gtUjeMOTIa W sallllOTU Bay. Morwby XUnd. 8kldgat tnlet, V- ileal a it anmuuff. TAKI NQ1ICC thot Iacirir Mills Limited, of Vanoouver, B.C., occupation Pulp and Paper Manufacturers. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a pct planted on the ulgli water mark of an Island; thence follt wing the high wator mark around the iMand to point of commencement and cuntalnlnv, 0.35 acrr. mure -r 1cm PACIFIC MILLS l.lMITKD Applicant DouaUl Wilbur Hodsdon. Agent for Pacific MUU. Minltel Datea May 3, litM. SPOKB IN CHUKCII Members of the executive of the Presbyterian Missionary Btciety of Canada arrived on the alterncon train yesterday from the Bast and lc!t on the evening boat for Vancouver wivere the annual meeting la being held in Central Presbyterian GbHroh. The party consisted of Mrs. L. A. Moore of North Sydney. KJB president, of the Eastern division; Mrs. Owen Campbell, representing the Montreal Presbyterial. Miss Wlnnltred Per-guson. principal of Deaconnees Training School, Toronto; Mlas Elisabeth Sutherland, of Ottawa; Mrs. George Ross and Mrs. George McDougal., of Montreal. Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Campbell both spoke from the pulpit of First Presbyterian Church last evening arter which the ladles were entertained at the Mane before leaving lui the boat. It was their first visit to the coast and they ware much impressed with the beauty of the scenery and the enormous poh&lbllltles of this western country. During thatr addresses both ladies congratulated Use congregation on Its fine church property and spoke In glowing terms of the elty. They expected to find a rather small town but were surprised to learn that Rupert had a population of over 7.000 people. The Woman's Missionary Society has now a membership of 40.000 and new organizations are continually being formed. CELEBRATION AT KITIMAAT METIIIAS KOHINSON WAS I'PSl'T HtOM CANOE AND ltrCl:i I1Y WALT tit MCE MISS MQlUtlSON QUEEN' Chief Herbert McMillan of Kltunaat. who was In igw elty yesterday and Is returning today on Use CataJa. says tbat they had a sptandtd program of sports for the annual celebration of Victoria Day. on May 24. One of these features was a canoe race in which Matnlas Robinson was caps! Bed and was in danger of drowning when be was fccenad by Walter Dice. The May Queen. Mlas Ptora Morro:. was crowned, patriotic songs were sung and the band , psayed and marched. There was a good aerie of foot races, the cup being won by Ouy Williams. Timothy BUr's football team carried oft the honors and continues to bold the cup. In the evening that was a big dance concluding a day of sports and james which proved very enjoyable. ENCOURAGING LONG FAMILIES IN ITALY BOMB. May 3e Street car companies of two Italian cities have fallen in line wHb Premier Mussolini's effort to en courage large families by offering free mm on their Ibnag to families con sisting of seven or mere children. Milan started (fee scheme and forty father applied for Use dead bead transportation. Rome, with a smaller population, tafs pride in 153 applications with more acpected. SCULLING CHAMPION DIED AT TORONTO TORONTO. May 38. Cdward Durnan. who fifteen yesm ago won the profes sional sculling championship of America and has since held the title si though he quit four years ago, died yesterday aged 55. c. r.. siovTAfii't: hirik MANOKsWniR. Sag., May 36 Char les Edward Montague, one of Xngland's best known writers, died ot pneumonia today. On her next voyage to Alaska, CP.R steamer Princess Alice, Capt. Thomas Cliff, is dur here from Vanoouver on Thursday morning. Southbound the vessel will touch on Monday afternoon. Market Prices PMcm current are aa foist ws: LAKU Pure 36c Compound 30c kgos B.C. Preah pullets 16c B.C. Fresh llru 40c B.C. Fresh extras . 45c Local new laid 50c nun Smoked kippets, lb 15c Kippered salmon. Ib 26c Smoked black cod. Ib 30c Plnnan hsduies, ib , 350 MEATS Powl, No. l. ib Me and 4&e Roasting chicken, lb. 45 Ham. siloed, fmt grade 50o Ham. whole, first grade 85c Hsrn. piciii. ib ...... 32',ie Cottage mil- lb m Bacon. Uh. k sliced 60c Bacon. s:u ..46c to 56c Pork, jry kali 5C I'lK.r Ot The Daily News Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $3.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. All the News of the North, coast and country, from our special correspondents, as well as world events will keep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you still think of it! yreblre bacon, lb. . SSo eal shoulder 34c Veal, loin too Veal, leg Son :ork. shoulder 38c ''ork. loin toe Pork, leg See Beef, pot roast Ifo to SOc Beet, boiling 18 fee to 18c neef. steak 30c to 45e eet. roast, prune rib 88e smb. Chop 60c lamb, ebouMer 8Sc Mutton, leg 40c lamb, leg 48e vluttoo. ebope 0c (utton enoittder too IIIITTCR traohfteid. Sbsmratk and WaedlasM " 50e ZOA. Ib Mc Japltol. and grade, lb 45e "racer Valley, lb Uberta Owaaisry "lew Zealand, In bulk 4w prints Mr :ilr:t.lE 'amembert ebmse. 8 OS. pkg. Kraft UMbcrgcr. ft See Ontario solids Mc New Zealand solids Stilton, lb Craft Norwegian Ocat lapuleon Umberger Roquefort HwlIU' Brook tleid. lb Ourgunaola. lb McLaren's Oeem. )ars ... 4a and flrooklleld Swiss cheese, y lb. pkg. 4tc 76c 86c Mo Broouield Caned ten cbssse. lb. pkg. a- ae aruyere 40 OoMen Loaf, lb m 'ack. lb sac tomaao tardo. Ib Oasamslost. lb. HtKMB wane, par 10 MAO TaUoer, per 100 7.7 . ri.oim now. eaii no. 1 bard wheat .... MM Pastry, flour. 18 s . Pastry flour, efs Vr.dUTAIILlifl Beau. lbs. for Beets, sack Carrots. lbs. tor Oarrota. sack Potaanga, s lbs. 18.78 MLM . ate I8J8 Parsley, bnach .. 05c Cauliflower, B.C. head .. .. 85c California bead lettuce .. .. 15c Oarltc. imported, par lb. ,. B5c Leeka. 4 bunches tor . 85e California eatery, bead . . 86c and 80c Spinach, local ine Texas Mow Cabbage, lb lOc Oooklag onions. 4 lbs lor fate New gwen on Ions, per bunch .... 5c California radishes in Turnips. 6 lbs tor 5c P" eaek Mj00 Brusssls Sprouts, per lb gftc Hothouse Rhubarb, 8 lbs. for tftc f'KUIT Oranges, Vsienola. down... 40c to 1140 Lemons. Bunklst, doer n 35c to 4 Imperial Vslley Grapefruit ... .8 for aftc1 7 J. Plorlds grapefruit, 3 for age Bansnaa, a Ib Mc xtraotod honey, Ib ago Dates, bulk. 8 lbs. for gfe Raisins, bulk, per Ib iSr Sweat Potatoes, a lbs. for aec California Dainty Dates, package .. 85c Yellow Kcwtons "O" grade MJO TmuV MM Bxtra fancy 4 Winessps, "C" grade M40 58.76 Bxtra Fancy 400 Navel orangM too to I LOU Mil CD HlVITS Lemon and orange peel Ottraa pest Black ovknt"XgZ2g2gSS2tt CurranU. 8 if5. .'gT. Tf . .t. . apptee 35c Peaches, peeled 85c Apricots, Ib. 85c Prunes. 80-100, 4-lbs. 85o 35 Ib. bos .. HSU Prunss, 50-70 Ib. a lbs. for 85c 80-40 8 lbs for 35c 40-50 Ib ISc 89 lb. box ... 83.00 evaporated peer halves, lb 25 lb box NUTS Almonds, shelled Valencies Braxlls 6Se 85e IT S7 BP MA-tV--BHH. F JaVRa'T .TW - A izfeiaiBaaWeaAAaaaMaBBlsMa gaj I isaj i save) aeji THEATRE WESTHOLME MONDAY LEWIS STONE "The RILIIKItT KOLuWI), AMIBItT ONLY, 7 unci p.m. COMKDY -J)KAV HACK. Admission toe 48c etc 70c Me Tenilis! SBK Kaien 75c . , . ...y..v . r,r. uiiuiii t, swan luesaat. s m. tor t.tNC:u thU ViriciHit DORIS EENYON - in - Blonde Saint" C'KSAHK tilUYINA, MAI.rol M DKNM CONT1, ANN itOKK and olhei- l'AKAMOl A I K - 33c and life Tennis! OUIt NKW KACKITS $70 lo -SI 0.00 1928 Hail, are In Hardware Co. Telephone 3 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED r Ituperl. Hay. HuteOal' "" ItatUda. Alert Hat. el pour le, and hacc'c tor Ai.in; .umi. tiwvox. Tm.tKs, tVAUts ihlano. MiMtav. g a 1 1M .". SMITH. Agent. ' Mi wSMtSMIMS Insist on B,C. PRODUCTS They Lead in Quality City Meat Market (SKLVKi I1KOS.) 3rd Atenuc I'holw M11AT. FISH. YE(2IiTA!)lKS ALL KINDS OF "NOKWEGIAN l'KODI ( I. at low prices, and immediate dlivi-r Obsenel AU artiolas are of aueror quality an freah. 9lcHujlrofii abel r.i.'r?s;. Walnuts. sheUed nairM Almonds Peanuts ttanoburlan walnuto .. Oallforala walnut No. 1 mited nuts Hew filberts ii:kd Mt; Wheat, No. 8W,Oata aran , harts 100 lbs. . . 58 .00 . 586 ... 3.86 . . 59.40 Middlings' 83.70 660 6 Radio RaJij 50 1 1 The Badlola a&c th best re ft ac -Price oomplotc 40c ,ir I" Cannot be ; 1 850 ..id 35c NIX I'OUTKAU of yourself pri Winnipeg n v""' F. W. ( handleR Plioldtrjl'i 8l.Cli Ntreel.