.May -28, 1J2&V. YKE DAILY HKWa PA.G3 FlVa urn jf?JSs- fy Breakfast REDS SETTLE I in at Corrects ation CARDS' HOPES v.vrio.vi. I.KAOIK i.E,ii:ks m:-hM t.it nr. im u two htkaiuht MITIMCK f'OltiATHMlTltW For 3 eakfast Try hi iuun bowl of Dlna-ihe natural cereal It buildti Hturdy and promotes vik- iK-iilth. KM4STEI ? New Health Food Why Boy Cake? -mcouver when you a better quality cake Hr cent cheaper r n your own city ana r laily. In: hi and Dark Fruit Cake, l 10? (Ik i and. Citron Cake. .",() 'unfl fake, with miked fruit Aif I.itrv h like at iKf P ' .ike at 25 tn make your own R ' .isiwroufi by encour- hc workmen of your n. !: l ood are all made In cur Bakery and the u . i ! 1 1 y in unurpaied Electric Bakery piu d ve. Telephone GC7 I V A LI. ACE CO, LTD. "Vi fLTE CLEAUANCE lades' and Chi'dren's Dresses ce our Windows "1 tOATS ON SALE 1 Special Reductions M.Wallace Co. Ltd. l'hone 9 i d Ave. and Fulton W LK -:- PRICE Reduced to p(nts Tor $1.00 nuarts for $1.00 ("ash price tickets. M Ui ide Street atore now closed aleitin Dairy 'M:r and Dairy - 11th SL Telephone 657. Demers for The Newest In ports Wear MSHA ENSEMIIL13S, WOOL StTlTR, v ..:. !:nai:mhi.f,s. (Special to Dally Newii) ! NEW YORK. Mav 08 - Th i.arti 1 .Cincinnati KM nettled the National League pennant hope of the St. Louis aromaie lor the time being at least, with two straight vie tor lea over the' week-end. The Chicago Cuba won twice over the Pittsburg Pirate and are still Hogging the Reds for first place, but j one tame behind. New York Olantt. I who captured a doubleheader from the ; Phillies yesterday, are tiding in third j place with Brooklyn notrthk and St. j Louis Cardinals following in order. In the American League, the Philadei-! phla Athletics lost their fourth straight i game to the leading New York Yankees i'h Saturday and. In the switch-over yesterday, were beaten again by the Washington Senator Cleveland Indiana are new threatening the Mackmen's for second place. Week-end fames resulted as follows HAT! ROAV KfOKLM National League Philadelphia t, New York 6. Boston o. Brooklyn I. Chicago 6. Pittsburg l. Cincinnati to, St. Louis 7. American League New York 7, Philadelphia 4. Bt. Louis 4, Cleveland 7. Others, rain. fooot league B, San Francisco 3. 3, Sacramento 6. HcUywocd 7. Los Angeles 0. Portland 7. Seattle S. M SIIAV fClti:K NsllenaJ league Philadelphia 4-1, New York 6-1. Pittsburg 0. Chicago S. Cincinnati 2. Bt. Loula 0. Boston 4-S. Brooklyn 1-8 AmriesHi League Detroit 3, Chicago I. Bt Louis 10. Cleveland a. Philadelphia 1. Washington 4. feast licafaie Hollywoed s-a. Lc Angelas 4-4. Missions lt-a 8u Francisco 9-0. Oakland 3-B. SacTamemo 4-3. Portland 1-6. Seat Us 3-8. IKAOrK TAIll.KH NatbMtel laSr W. L. Pet. Cincinnati 37 18 Chicago U 18 10 New York 11 16 n Bt. Loula 39 18 MO Plttataurg 17 31 .447 Boston It PhUadelbpla 7 JOB tmerVyt I Ige New York 7 Mil Philadelphia SI 13 .ess Cleveland 33 17 J76 Boston IS IB .4M Bt. Low Ik 17 23 .48 Chicago 16 28 5 Detroit 16 28 .908 Washington 13 33 M3 ANDREW PAYNE DERBY WINNER (iKTH MA.IKN) lOII RA(T ACHOHK f'0!TIM:NT AHMIT: TWO CAN-AtllANH IN MOMIY I i NaTW YOcUC May 3S Andrew Payne of Oklahoma won the transeontlnenul uerb) Saturday night and the B3B.000 'urlae that went with it. ' John Bala of Passlsc. New Jersey, earn Isecoud and gats 10O0. I Phillip OranvUle of Hamilton, Ontario ' was third, winning 88.000. John Oronlck it Baakatoon. Bask., was tenth and gat 1.000 ddi7P Qnnm was 1 MlfjLi UWU s iiiiu urn w jmi rmtm l ... . ... a S I. W. Hre. A. wyue ana .. Wlnurra on MrNIH""" Trrrk Itsnge The postponed Victoria Day prlaw . m.t a. a r Tl is I m mn t shoot of the First no " R!ne Association wan held yesieroay ai the fcN1c!-oll Creek rengw. W. strtaw waa the winner of the first prine of 8 and the npoon for the day; A. Wylle took the second prlae or wm . a Boo res lor tne Lamb the third priw. day were as follows 200 BOO 800 Ttl 23 32 3364 W. Br . 80 31 3398 A. Wylie 34 '27 33-S ;i. It Lamb . 27 28 27-2 R. WHion 2H 20- -80 . 28 O V Wilkinson 24 21 88 Wntt 18 2S 2003 I MoOlashan JAPANESE WINNERS DAVIS CUP DOUBLES all the llamr rtMay Bitonlay 28 -Telao Toba and wnv STESJ M Wright nd SK Ham -- KANSAS cru ohln. the d... . by teWng p,,(hiy "' ing the winning rOOTIIAM LINK , r The team " :; Bet-ire tomorrow " . . ,. ih. T'-'-tles In s,, tnnthnll flK- ,i Campbell: ulu, INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE RACE AT HERNE HILL: A close finish when L. Faucheux, French sprinter, beat W. J. Bailey, world's champion, at the tape in the second of three matches. Bailey won the other two. A. Halg and 8. Brsktne; O Mitchell, E. Currle and T. Had don; A. Mitchell. J. Murray. J. Campbell. R. Wood and J. Farquhar; reserve. H. Xraktne, J. Cur rle and H. Hamilton. BOOTH AGAIN i BEATS BORDEN jrsioit ve.nr. pootraix name OS MATI RI1AY KEHI LTBH IN 4- i ML K'OHE I The Junior football game worwen ana aui scnoois on smiurasT afternoon resulted m a win for Booth ey lour goal- o mi aner a wen piayeo Sme. Booth had the hUl In tu favor and Utoon forced a corner. Wilson saved from Busaanlofa. Pyle defended well Vhsn McKay was dangerous. NRka- got away but CoUlson sa pped him. Vaocher was new prominent and Carl Smith cleared. Walters ho. over then Pang ) an attack that l stopped. Wilson punched I 3 way a dangerous centre cleverly but Booth waa not to be denied and Bus- now sent Bordan back and then Wilson uwtssd himself with glory wrth sevarai splendid aavea. Wlngham was verj perssttent and from one of his arosaee Walter scored, flalf time found Booth t W1 mhJi US. Pv Plater and Smith were nro- mtnent In stepping Booth forwards who , were eosnblnlng well. Nakamoto imiu hut nilkwr rleared e another Borden raid Bon: A ha'ves all showed up well and B-rden weie stop- ped Then Wcod and Walters forced a corner from which McKay scared. Borden pressed and Botth defence wat. tested but stood Use strain and Nelson rlcaiad. Bmlth had to run out to I save. ticJtay. Wlnghsm and Bi.-anloh j put In some nice play lor tne latter tc aeore the fourth for Booth Kakamo'.o er darurerous but his shot was just too high Pong had a long try . n i. h,. fr- wards on a raid that required C'llllwn. .H IrrhM tn tnn Pvle did well to atop McKay and Fisher cleared effectively. Dungs te was smart but had the advantage In weight and height and ran out winners by four clear goals. Teams: Booth Ted Smith. Forbes. Nelson: ODlusal. Oolllson, Ollker: Walters. Wood. Buseenloh. McKay. Wlngham Borden H. Wilson: J. Pyle. P Fuller; iMlth S '..nV.jkr W H u r H V T . o a- Kuhmnui T - ' " ' tounte. S. Kan.,.. Ji 4s;i feck Cag)beU lfwd mptm A. Bfnr slfo W w. c onshi wrre llneemen Booth is hoping to beat Hlt;h School neat Wednesday and so draw level In he league. . lnhsrr'he for the rtnllv K-r. Around The World With Sport Fans (By The Tramp) The Dalhonsle University girls of Halifax are expected to play the Edmonton Commercial Oraris Thursday nnd Saturday of this week for the championship of Canada, the wmnaf to leprt.-.ni this country at the Olympic ; t-iine.- in Amsterdam. The eastern team Is champion of the Marl times, 1 a English critics say that Fairway, the Derby favorite, baa giaadular rastion and there Is a ponelblUty the ca, not be able to run. Flamingo u , ree that lh l(QUa of as a poa- t:bte wlnntr lf te ot m u running. Lord Derby's Phar.imond wUl r,DPf.ient j.-m Fairway 1b not there. I ,,.,, fi.,,,,H K.htni Phnrmnmni in a Kcalt race. but races are unoertain.l ' ,. rmninv man knnwa. The Derby race takes place on the same day M uberal nomination In Prince1 P.in- Lacrosse Is becoming an Important n - . ' In Snf?lanri r.h pYlAmnlnnSlkln . ! n i . . vMr hAvina bairn wan Ww tftv Qv Hiiiaa- v port with Oxford University ::er up. Football has never been ipore atrenUr i -no. and on the whole never more level than In the season which closed yes- t,,T London paper. The meet 'ncocteswaDie evioenoe 01 this conclu de n i that one half of the dabs in the Pint Division have felt Insecure . . ........ . 1. ' a ' ' """"P'"l' ' '- UMl" .- the season could the question, woo Boes' down"" be answered. Pour points between the last eleven clubs shows .he s;ern cliaractsr of the contest to' U h'8ht group Tottenham and VlHn'Meu-n' r'esbrc have havp hn been relegated with tbe highest earnings ever known. The wonder of the campaign has been r fVunt ' At Jhe end of Novesa- r this club had on!y obtained tan """" - U"' t"ur ahle. There was no shuffling of players n tney were a pari; : piaymg carps. :h:'re was no watting until February r even March for r,-;nl;ir.enentB. Tne 'old players were displaced by the re-mne men. and one fresh forward was secured from Aston Villa early, in November Tcdnv. Derby ate with Lel- ter lv the first flight both clubs i prcvwng examples of thoughtful team - bUliduig atd the value of competent I reserve men rne sey ro easpsrs , ... ... .H.. --"ZT.. TZl v"'" ""r"i"'r - m-k " -f" i whereas most clubs think only of the , "i "v"i " "nw lnl " ... While discussion still rages over the Leo Hoy-Vic f :cy matrh, won by Roy w msMssrbT wSsBHssBBBsa g sbbbbbT AMABssejMSBjB JOIK RAY IS liKKKATLH IN .'..win .MK'tKi: K('K: Melvin '.. I.' ;rqncrte liiivfiiv iun:ii:r, .u.,..i::s tlif Illinois AtWetic Club's Htar on thv tfinii ' ""'vh Iuih of their lualfii nut' ill MilwaiiKfc icL.v c';ii lii .il. D of The every night by paid in advance Keep about world news, district news, all the doings of Prince Rupert, your own town, and by no means the least, get thd NEWS OF THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading regularly THE on a foul in the sixth round discus-1 from either Chicago. Pituourgn, Min-tlon based on the topic of whetherjftiley neapolls or St Paul to New Orleans would have beaten Hoy had the bout The race Is to start about August l. gaae on, and whether the blow waa with cash prices totalling 880,000. fdul efforts are underway to rematch ; the pair for a fourth meeting saya the! Herald. The matchmaker In I i,hu aMk-i Moore, wh nmnwitari th. mnm battle Moore has decMned to try to re-maseh tbe featberwelghai, tearlag adverse comment, but "Jake" Carey, matchmaker for the new Stadium, sensing a big demand for another bout, made a ' isann il vJKdat t-n hs Pat1 tan IvsJsMit All lj,, a the date of his first open-air h- -.u,. est 38 bar cent. of a 110.000 house, a trifle leas than each. Careg offered 8SJ00 for ot MLM0. eaoh. Foley .. . . - . lutomptly aooepted, but noy wiiusaisssLjira; wh-UIX)n Jac. Alltn mooth sUinfktslratitfl uanper manager of the Westerner, of fered to slice 81.000 off hie end and donate it to Roy lf he would meet Foley again, thus giving Hoy 83.800 for his share, as against 81.600 for Foley. "That's how sure we are thai we can beat Roy.' said Allen Roy refused this offer too. and Carey declared ttw.t i Roy's representatives had demanded lld.tlOO flat to box Foley again, a figure Ithst Would hi prohibit. i. i I "Life's prise generally go to well-' balanced persons who. thtnigh diligent In business, do not forget that pny-recreation Ik essential to their bodily welfare." declared Sir Frederick Wllllamt-Tavlor. general manager of '! Sank of Montreal. In a mee i nlrli a :! hi the University of New Brunswick The Sir Frederick Williams-Taylor nold metfa: has been .offered annually at the University of New Brunswick for some years for the best all-round athlete tlurliii; Uve year l The medal 1 samcs tuden oi.d a student is not eligible to enter the competition who has fallej through i academic standlnr or otherwise to oh- . iuiii credit fr Ml' c 'llcai year Six dubs Went Knotenay Power Light Tennis club. Nelson Tennis club. ,TudsiUc Tennis olub. Trail City Tennis club. Trail Memorial Hall Tennis dab and Bennington Falls Tennis club-are to compete this year In the West 'Kootenay Tennle league of Chicago, the 1830 'Olympiteiewlppplng ehampHin. la plan-uuic a long distance swimming nee your copy aily News having it delivered to your t00 will bring it to you every Yourself Well Posted DA1L Y NE IT WILL PAY YOU! There are to be two divisions, one for men and another for women. TJndet tentative plana, contestant would swim not more than six hours dally m,lth a twe-hour ston for luncheon and rest. Rose believes the race will last 90 daya. Two routes are being considered for tbe SKrtsnmlrig marathon. The dtstanoe la approximately 3,080 miles. ' People are today oom paring Tuaaey wsth Jack Okmpssj Tksfy say the I champion la not as pop far as was bis predecessor because he le high hat I with the public. s le not a mixer aaosja sea aawsm.eajsaK ,, mwm i . - M 'W MBt'lrrfW-ted 1 waste ma time Some aver he Is out of place among the people wno usually nang around a fight ring. At artyrete Tun-ney la a new type. Melsthe moat bramy man who has ever yet held the championship and many will be glad to see him knocked out because of his superior airs. Lacrosse deserves to succeed In Ontario. Hays Frederick Wilson, sports editor of the Toronto Globe It it a question whether any other game Of the kind has ever been favored In I fiov'nre with the measure and of attention now being bestowed dptm the national pastime In an effort to bring about a thorough revival. The veteran Fred Waghorne, Sr . upon his return from v leswii.irv trip to West am Ontario, reported that the outlook is meat hopeful there. Now be la In the Orlllla-Qravenhurst-BracebrldgS dis trict, a former stronghold of lb' game "Wag" la .equipped, milk i saannlee of aaioks and ther eo moment wMcv can be fitmlabed at quite moderate prloei The cost of lacrosse equipment has Ibsen one of the greatest obstacles to the progress of the game. It has been said that a ten-oent bat and a flfteen- ioent ball will equip a "Mds" baseball team We have played the game with a rock tor first base, s tin can for second, and hole tn the ground for third. LaetosM needs more and more expeneive tools. Kfforts are being made to have old friends of the game In the various towns visited provide the sticks, etc.. necessary to re-establish lacrosse. The seed now being sown ought to pro- vide a harvest In a year or two at most. o address by carrier night for a year Insurance Real Estate Bonds We Rfwcialise in B.C. Mining utocka and aewrtt buying snd BeiliBg orders on Van-rtruver Exchange at Vancouver rates. S. D.Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Agents for MHlcr, Cettrt St Ce. U4. City Meat Market SeJflR UNA A Thlrtl Arc . .UjJH,7JL -KJOT 1 ISK GIIONSAKK Alle sorter norsk ost Nontke fWifktmxervfr Nwskt Httkkfrksvrirtifcr Nornke hvetetknrkker Norsk? rugskonrokkrr Nontke knekkelirod Norake flatlirod Mutter o.a.v. . HI ky. varer. Illlllge prher. Hurtlg ombrlngerM!