New York Yankees Just About Cinched American League Flag Taking Double Header Detroit NEW YORK, September 28. The New York Yankee just about cinched the American League pennant yesterday by beating Drtroi in a double-header. Darkness halted the second game in ihe seventh, a lucky break for the Yankees whose pitchers were reeling sad staggering. Ruth hit his 5lst homer in the first inning of the fir.: game and hi 52nd in the first inning of the second game. One more Yank victory or another Athletic defeat will give the; Yanks the pennant. The Athletics turned back the White Sox in their game ITS R0MAKT1C STORY A World Search for Rare Medicinal Herbs. It is not commonly known mat countries so far apart as China and Spain, Japan and England, and Tasmania and France have to be wart id (or ibe tpacic utf herb nsed in ibe manufacture ol that norld famed heal n halm Z AM Hl'K These bertn are rranr at tbra rare and canty . Ttaev need lo be gathered )ut ai the nasi tea son heo ihetr Juice and Tedcil coolants are at ibe.r Very best aw Ok a Zaja b k toe 'roe otcaor oi " bartal ie!-s r&rmatif ticen Hame : war. tins m.rtji; hdtmrmtt Za hmk. to nM.ooa to s fate nerta! '-laam.l1 bai tat-3 ceercrf aMdjcal incm-ladfeand maccfat: .- St br.rf -.1 to a rrua U pain v -.. fr'4ab) ivet eVjta A :a :tie ar.nait ill Seatinf The 4 lerent mad na jaalrt ia Zfc:: a are beabtrit.ii aia&cco1 Trie htalmiL 4e ;ti tle ant .stfHu . tbe tootk:mt ih '.he germi,,ual t t pwu-K e Tat on too armc!:m and ha jtJ :aa right i -ew'f . :.j cperDciai weUisi. (r t- a.d ;-a : The 7. aa-bai i l or l rr ;e ad hjgary-uwuiitraied metl dna ai aiay readi u nuui!;i v. c poiB. ti.'::r allav e!i nx kn.1 naatioo. e;l deep ea-ed d vx frow ne 'taaithr kia M-re'r o of Zam bua hare f-te.: ' tmtur: e vbxfa alone comes from the i nou in ' . e that tt ) a retried herbal preparatior i i aot aa artinctal otatraeoi cnmivaed of pore-iosinI au aarl crude druri Zam-buk it invalaalile m all itcbntc. laflamad. aad dneaaaa condtn of ra at m h 1 tk, aW irtwimr kraing laakca it the idaal fim-aid drew in fa burnt, ecaidi, com, etc at It n alae the aooihinf ramadr for pile CM awlati evnrv tMtre 30c tbe boa : 3 Im it. 23. or Zam bua Co., Dasost Si, Tlx (U to. Winners TKc oWcst stocks ol s -' Gover&nciv btnv tras ne story Bivia JUNIOR FOOTBALL Booth Memorial School and BoHbi Street School will meet tomorrow afternoon at Acropolis Hill grounds in a regular Junior Football League fixture. Teams will be as follows: Booth School R. Moxley; J. Greer and R. Nelson; A. I arson. J. McKay (captain) and C. Bart-let t; A. Walters, B. Cameron, M. Colusi, W. Cross and O. Wing-ham; reserves, W. Murray and G. Blake. Borden StreeV-C Erickaen; P. Fisher and M. Garvich; T. Katso-yaraa, P. Taccher and A. Hardy: C. Svfth. X. Sakamoto captain). R. Fong. L "Wilson and S. Kanaya; reserve. D. Stinech, T - Dungate. H. Morgan.'C. Woods. H Fiher and R. Wilson. THE Georgia Peach Ty Cohh. one ' ' "' t-t hase-ball playerf o! uM time, who is playtnfr firtl i';irne of his career this week with Philadelphia Athletics rv art wttitrt a. 1 J't 2 , Since 1883 "SEAGRAM'S 81" has been a leader in popular demand a continent winner, year in and l year out, since it wti fust made in the distil-' lerier of Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Ltd Waterloo, Ontario, an f nsSrajSsmBsjaBpjsam This advertisement is not ptibllshml or diBplnyed by the Ligilor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia It. M1HI- the daily niws News and Views In The World of Sport mt Eagles on the coast live largely on fish and in fail are useful in ridding local streams of the salmon which die after spawning Giants Beaten In First Game Yesterday By Pitching of Art Nehf One Time on Their Team NgV YORK. September 28. If John XcGraw is nosed out of' the National pennant, as seems likely, he caa hlasne a good part of it on the players who once wore Giant uniforms. Art Nehf, ont the teft-kandid atteee of MeGraw. dealt his aaw Ume boas a staggering blow yesterday when he twirled Chicago to victory' in the opening clash of a doable header. The Giants casae back with a victory but the eaay win by St Looia over Boston carried them a full game ahead of New York. j Only three games remain on the schedule and the one-game load may well stand until the two eoav J? Itender, clash battle, J SPORT CHAT at the polo grounds Saaday. , ,,, , . ,,,, la yesterday s game Keai new ; 'his former team mates to six hit j It is beginning to look not im-while the Cubs were touching Probable that Jack Dempaey will Karl Hubbell for nine, giving a reaurn w ine ring near year. three to two margin lead. In the second game the Giants got only three hits off Charlie Root and Percy Jones bat one of them was Frank Hogaa's homer in the second aad other was a write Andy Lytic sports editor of the Vancouver Sun. There ia no! real reason why he sboald stay j real reason why he should stay of the crowd now that Gone Tun-aey has retired. What Dempaey single in the foarth by Liadstrom. needs ia some big alow fellow who eventually scored on Heman's land he'll whip hsm readily as sacrifice fly. 'he did Jack Sharkey or Jess j Joe Oenewich gave the Cobs (Willard. He'll he thirty-four oaly five hiU and waa new in next ytmr but he's still good leas danger. Jeas Haines pitched enough to polish off a flock tw rrainala to an aasv victorv 'of the present co tenders. lover the Braves. The Red Birds got six runs in the first inninga. National Itswarg 1; Brooklyn 7-8. St Louis g; Boston S. Circinnati S; Philadelphia t. Chicaif t-; New York IX American Boston 10-7; Oeveiand 14-4. Now Tort 4-6; Detroit 3-6. VbJagwm ; St. Loais 5. Philadelphia 5; Chicago 3. LBAtSUE STANDIN0S National league W. L Pet. SL Louis 8S 68 .816 New York 92 K .60S Chicago M 3 M Plttibarg. B6 67 .5 Cincinnati 78 Tt J17 Brooklyn Tfi T JJ9 Boston W 101 Ml Philadelphia 41 168 .&8S Americnn League Ktw York 93 K .066 Philadelphia 90 54 .640 St. Louis 80 71 .580 Washington 74 77.4W Chicago 71 80 .470 Detroit 67 84 .444 Cleveland OS 89 .411 Boston 54 9C J60 COAST LEAGUE BASEBALL Hollywood 1; I..oh Angeles 2. Seattle 7; Oakland 4. Portland 1 ; Sacramento 2. Missions 4; Sun Francisco C. Strong, slow fellows Roberto Roberti or Knnte H&mon are made to order for the ftempsey ! man aad if you notice. Tax Rick- j ard hat bssan aaiag aoase in- tensive flirting with the Durable i Imae already. Tax kaows too, that be can throow Deanasey to that be caa throw Daaspaey to the crowd most any old time and crash into the rnjlHoa dollar column. Dempaey teasjirea a typw to show at his bast Fallows liar Tunney. smart boxers, affile and speedy in the plachea were always dynamite for htm. Denrpse is at present engaged, with hi wife, on a BelascO stage production. He won't stick that long. He craves rest activity. There ian't a Chinaman's chance ol Tunney returning to the ring if half a dosen Dempaey reappeared. He's through. There is no bbj card in sight Why sot then, a return of the Dempaey man? Something mast be done to revive the csufrflower Industry-It's in'frightful eeatdttton. Demp-y Ik the only man in sight capable of doing this collaboration with the gentile Tea. ALL SHE COULI) SAY As the audience was departing from the Bach jvograsn which Stokowald and his Philadelphia orchestra gave at Carnegie Hall recently, ap enthusiastic young miss asked her male escort; "Didn't you just love the contort?" Well. I don't love it. exactly." he replied, "but 1 respected it " Around The World With Sport Fans lj The Tramp) Earl Sonde, ended his earser on the American tarf, whea be rode Curate in the Futurity and Chance Shot in the Jockey GeM Cup. at the Belmont track re cently. He admitted that he did I not know the exact wiaaera he had ridden daring his remarkable career, bat the books shows 965. It has tnen announced that D. G. A. Lowe, the famous Cambridge University athlete and Olympic champion, has decided to retire from the track. Lowe' most rwnt individual lumatMl were at the Olympic games when he became the 880-metre champion and record holder in 1 min.. 51 4-5 second and in Beriia shortly afUfrwards, when he beat his old rival Dr. Otto Peltier of Germany, at the same distance in 1 min., SI 1-5 seconds. The world's record for the distance i that of 1 minute 50 3-5 seconds, made by Seraphia Martin in the French championships at Colombes a fortnight before the) Olympic Games. Lowe propose to devote himself to his career as a barrister but will continue to interest himself in the legislative side of athletics. Harold Wright .now attending the University of Alberta, at Edmonton, has had a phrnomeasl rise. Three rammers ago he waa merely promising collegiate stepper Last year after winaing interlesjiate honors ia Saaka-! toon, he began to attract considerable notice around town and earned the right to take a lire at tbe Canadian champion-sMpa in Toronto. Unplaced, tie re earned training with an eye to making the Olympic team this year. Wright's sbowiac in the trials ia H ami Hon waa a gallant ne; he gave Percy Williama a stern argument in the 90 meirea. oa his heat ia the 400 metres aad only failed to make the grade ia the later teats because of his extreme yoath. Regina Rough Riders are wading in thr interproviacial Bugvy League. A fewvdaya ago they wiped the floor with the Taav nsaay Tigers of Wiaaipag. 4h score befatf 81 to t. Th game never ante in the picture. TRY A NIP TONIGHT" BEST PROCURABLE r i? s. 'Y.n semis & surname. The N'otkma! Hotkey League. will rsmnMBff Norsswlur 15 aad the series will coatiauc The Giaas got it in the Nek Yesterday with former Xrgraw player oa the mowed. MOOSE WHIST la the weekly kaockoat whist toaraameat among mtiashsrs of the Moose Lodge last night, first prison. Hampers of gacerios, wore woa by Jack Judge aad Ted RorvfV. Victor Radio has conqiiereci the Dominion c&nquest by . " peaceful penetration." ISince the first Victor Radio announce Invent August ioth, thousands of owners have brought the joy of the New Victor Radio into their homes. They are proud of their sets. TAnd why? Because in" designing this INew Victor Radio, the well-known Vic itor standard of "quality first was ob 'served to tht Irtter, and the purchasers profited by it. This standard has resulted in world leadership for Victor products. (Where music is known Victor comes first. Statistics prove ft. Victor Talking Machine ammany sf Canada .l.hrrfUxL 7 raccvil er COi"n aaaBSBBBaHSaSEHBSBaaBBSBISBSaaBBiSKXasiBBarc!annav TWa Orif iaal Lake! look for it at Ihe VaaoW ad ca GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE" This advertisement is not pefcttshed or rfiaalayerJ .. .-Liquor Ctatrol Board or by the Govemroei - """ 7" BADMINTON CLUB IS STILL SEARCHING n; HALL IN WHICH TO Pi; to March 11 ftUsfcttrg wiM ceo- The Priaee hut-tianc to any a team hat it will nab is still look: be a aew one. Pure hates are H ia whf h aaw being made. eral proposal haw but no decision j reached. The irtu. I proved too expeaaiv laie another genera! -ibe heM before a de rived at, ! At Jtt last mee- decided to restrict 'bars saUy except ir name rtreat visttinr ' jsJde BXFiKrrim: too mi PatleaWiM ths afce aa sMk? IJeclavr-a, I thm, Ient Wo Ur.f before 1 &aaw any- . Doraar Aren't too smvcb of an a- Unioa steamer A. Johnstone, srriv J0 this morning tooth aad sailed Ksgrs later ftw the whisawi Jke will m i. I w mara:nit TaiMBSJMg JMM '. SB 9 HlCHtCY MODEL AMUrUAl Vaior KiA falri J $fltr IW Hihaj C-". I"f Vnrwiof tan. aa mt-Mtyfr M( arur, lb A V.-U rUlA (mmfitu an tf tatM mi tH rW; I flui ia M W tUctric K UBS