CLASSIFIED HABIT Everyone read the Classified Ad. It you low, advertlne for it. If you find, locate the pwner. Whatever you need, advertise tor It (ii;r tug ci,assihi:i) habit. Vol XVIII., No. 228. MOB , and sentenced by Mr' Jus-! MUCH TRADING IN Wright to hang December 7.1 PD AMnUICU CTAPIC ; shot on August 18. UKflHUNCVY JlUlftj QUOTA SYSTEM FOR IMMIGRANTS ASKED 's'iSTON. Sept. 28. Hon. W. .IwaHs, M.P., forwardeil to I i k i the House of Com-i not ire favoring the adop- i tii" (iiota system for Csn-ii immigration. VANCOUVER. Sept. 28. Grandview closed at 71 cents yesterday afternoon with 217,000 shares dealt in. KUniiHU MAN DIMS LONDON. Sept 28.-r Harry Wickham, known as the father of the rubber cultivation, is dead here at the age of 83. New Offers Are Made For P. & G. E. Railway But Survey Is First Premier Tolmie Says Province Losing Nothing by. Delay as Market Worth of Railway is Mounting Daily VICTORIA, September 28. Two additional bids for tlv P.G.E. were this week filed with the provincial gov-r vnim nt, Premier Tolmie announced today. Many syndicates are now submitting offors. The province is losing nothing by dolaying negotiations ponding completion of a resources survey but on the contrary the market worth of the P.G.E. is mounting daily, Premier Tolmie said. "All the offers were submitted through the British Columbia representatives and in-du-a" interest in the line on the part of British, Canadian and United States financial capital. i sJ i J The Premier added that all l)i(Wifiaturfeapr?,atiriis of settlement and colonization. The survey and investigation of the P.G.E. will be "irried out through the medium of various government departments thus saving the cost of a special commission, Premier Tolmie said. Compilation and examination of information secured by former governments will be made. Experts will make a cruise of all important timber stands. Agricultural experts will investigate adjacent land areas. The mines department will collect data and aeroplanes will reconnoitre the little known districts. Explosion at Oil Company's Pre Completely Wrecked Building CALGARY, Sept. 29. -Geoffrey Hollis Treater and Alex Antoniui; plant firemen were killed and Charles Siefert, company secre tary and accountant, was seriously Injured when the main bui!ding of the Regal Oil ScRefin ng Co. at Manchester subdivision here exploded and completely wrecked it. PRICE OF WHEAT IS STILL ADVANCING VANCOUVER, Sept. 28. Wheat continues to advance in price steadily there being a gain this morning over yesterday's closing. Number 1 Northern was thic morning quoted at $1.20 1-8. I i?STKRDAY'S WHEAT . VANCOUVER, Sept. 28. The price of wheat closed here yesterday at $1.19:vt. U.S. REJECTS . NAVAL PACT Says no Useful Purpose Would be Served by Franco-British Proposals WASHINGTON, Sept. 28. Blunt and criticnl rejection of ihe Franco-British naval agreement has been transmitted to London and Paris by the United States government. An American identical note to the two powers made public today by the state depart-men said: "The government of the United Slates feels that no useful purpose would be served by accepting as a basis of discussion the Franco-British proposal." FINAL MEETING OF GOOD ROADS REG IN A, Sept. 28. The Canadian Good Bonds association closed its annual convention yesterday following a business session at which papers were readdealing chiefly with a phase of activity of the association, the curbing of the reckless driver and uniformity of signs throughout the' Dominion. Through P. Phillip, deputy minister of highways, the B. C. dele gatlon hears of the methods adopted at the coast for controlling the weight and speed of commercial vehicles, the taxntlon of auto buses and commercial trucks and traffic regulations. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Oourtaay of S. O. xolituon Oo, Ltd.i The following quotations were bid and asked. Argenta ltufus 24; 2G. Bayview, 5 ',; 6. B. C. Silver 1.26; 1.35. Big Missouri G2; 52. Coast Copper 30.00; 40.00. Cork Fro vi nee 25 ; 26. Dunwell 12; 11. George Copir 5.66; 6.60. Georgia River 30ty; 314. Glasiar nil; 30. Golconda 82; 81. Grandview 66i2; G7. Independence 14; 14. Indian, 6V2; nil. Kootenay Florence 18; 19. L. & L. 9; 9Vi. Iake view, l'a; 14. Lucky Jim 25; 25. Marmot Metals, 9fe; 10. Marmot River Gold 9; 94. Mohawk, 6; GVi. National Silver 14; 14. Noranda 47.30. Pend Oreille 13.80; 13.85. Porter Idaho 00: 67. Premier 2.25; 2.27. . Ruth Hope 53; 59. Sherrit Gordon 6.50; nil. Silverado nil; 70. Silversmith 12; 13. Sunlock 2.05; 20. Snowflakc 60 61VJ. Topley Richfield 58; 59. White Water 1.85; 1.95. Oils Devenlsh 51: 56. Faybon 11; 12' n. Home 2.50; 2.55. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Centra British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1928 mm ARE MA FOR FURTHER RIOTING IN ADELAIDE STOPPED BY POLICE WITH BATONS P - - . m WAR CLOSE TO PEACE: Pretty scene in the quiet English countryside when a tank mU a flock of sheep during the recent extensive field manoeuvres of the British army. ..... I PRINCE OF WALES IS IN EAST AFRICA WITH HIS BROTHER MAMBASSA, Kenya Colony East Africa, Sept28. The Prince of Wales and his brother the Duke of Gloucester arrived today on the steamer Malda beginning a goodwill tour of the British-African colonies. 4 PREMIER APPEALS TO CITIZENS PORT ADELAIDE, September 28. With further rioting growing out of the dock workers' strike a national crisis was proclaimed today by the South Australia cabinet and all work was stopped until Monday. Riots occurred again today when 2,500 strikers tried to enter the bureau where volunteers were being enrolled for work on the docks. The police used batons and dispersed the raiders after a lively scrimmage. Citizens are responding to Premier Butler's call to enroll as special constables. The premier stated that the issue was one of mob rule or constitutional government. MELBOURNE, Australia, September 28. The strike of waterfront workers grew more serious today with the throwing of bombs in the homes of the foremen of the stevedores. Several houses were damaged but the occupants were not injured. OTTAWA WINS AT LACROSSE Emmstt's Beat the Wellingtons in Fourth .and Final Match of Series OTTAWA, Sept. 28. Emmetfs lacrosse team of this city yesterday won the Mann Cup and the Canadian lacrosse championship by defeating the Winnipeg Wellingtons five- goals- to two In the fourth game of a prolonged series. Emmetta won the first game, the second was a tie, the third was won by Wellingtons and now, after a terrific struggle, the cup I goes to the Dominion capital's representatives. ' it , t NEW YORK STOCKS DROPPED YESTERDAY NEW YOUK, Sept. '28. The stock exchange In the last ffcw minutes yesterday broke sharhly with nearly a score of issues dropping five to ten dollars a share. VESSEL WS AFIRE OFF ALASKAN COAST CREW ARE NOT FOUND CORDOVA. Sept. 2B.-With the fate in doubt of the crew oi three men of the pioneer cannery tender Okaros with an un known boat and scow sighted burning between Mummy ano Hawkins Islands was reporter yesterday by Barney Hanson. An attempt was made to board thr craft but he was driven back by the heat. He did not know whethet thp men escaped. OFFICERS COME FORNORTHCOTT VANCOUVER. Sept. 28. Arrived with purported evidence of murder J. U. Qulnn and Albert Kelly, California police officers. arrived in Vancouver today to seek the extradition of Gordon Stewart Northcott. lion. R. L. Maitland has been retained as counsel for the California officials in the extradition hearing. Boston Grill I.AKGE CABARET Special Dinners Thursday! and Saturday Dancing evrry Saturday night from 9 to U. Danfe Hall for Hire. Accomodation for Prlvae Parties fhone 437 Price Five Cents NEW BISHOP RULE IS ISSUE IN AUSTRALIA TODAY SAYS PREMIER British Premier States Campaign Issue In Coming Elections To Be Socialism versus Constitutionalism GREAT YARMOUTH, September 28. Declaring that the issue at the next election in Great Britain would Ik a Socialist challenge against constitutionalism and individualism, Premier Baldwin last night delivered what i: generally considered as his first address of the election cirnpaign before a rally at the annual conference of the National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associa-ti-'Ks which opened here Thursday. BANDIT GIVEN UAPANESEHEIR ROPE SENTENCE MARRIED TODAY IniT Car Bandit to Hang for Murder of Man He Shot I'AKUY SOUND. Sept. 28. TOKIO, Sept. 28. Prince Chi-rhibu, heir presumptive to the Japsmwc thro ctrwl Mian Set-suko Matsuruiara, daughter of the former ambassador 14 Washing Iturowski mail car bandit. j ; t t H ,fll - tmiay found guilty by ai,,,. mornfng. (it the murder of Thomas mi .McKeiiar. townsnini . TWO KILLED AT CALGARY CHOSEN FOR MACKENZIE WINNIPEG, Sept. 28.- A&hi (deacon V. A. Geddes, who $bc 'manv voaro ftia luKnr'1 nVnAurti ; the Eskimos of the Arctic wm ya-Iteiday elected bi.hop of the did nf Mackpnie River in suc-fc Irene ;ion to Bishop Lucas, who retired two years ago. He wai hosen at a meeting of the Houso of Bishops of the Ecclesiastic pro- of Rupert's Land presided ivince oved by Archbishop Mathesdn. The newly elected bishop spent eight years in the far north and is now en route here. SLUMP TODAY Several Boats Refused to Accept Offers at Exchange This Morning There was a bad slump in hall-out prices at the local Fish Exchange this morning. There were 10 less than four sessions of bid-ling and the best price offered for American fish was 12.3c and 6e. while Canadian was offered no more than 11.5c and 6c. The remit is that two American vessels .re holding over until tomorrow in he hope of getting better prices vhile one boat decided to fo on to Seattle. Only one Canadian boat ccepted today's price, four othsr iolding over until tomorrsw. Arrivals were as fallows: American Western, 46,000 pottnds, and fyee, 13,000 pounds, hoMlag ver. Northern, 39,000 pounds, left for Seattle. Akutan. 24,000 pounds, Royal Fish Co., 11.6c and Sc. Atlantic, 21,000 pounds, Booth 'Mtherles, 11.5c and 0c. Venture. 26,000 pounds, Caaa lian Fish & Cold Storage Cew 1.5c and 6c. Arrow, 19,600 pounds, Atlin fisheries, 11.7c and 6c. Brunrol, 26,000 pound, Caaa- lian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 2.3c and 6c. Canadian Edward Lipsett, 0,500 pounds; inglender, 4,500 pounds; D.S.T., ,500 pounds, and Viking, 3,600 ounds, holding over. Eric Roy. 6.000 pounds, Cana- lian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 11.5c and 6c ARMED BANDITS RAIDED P.O.IN TOWNSOFSASK. ESTEVAN. Sept. 28. Four rmed bandits travelling in a large uto raided post offices in two Saskatchewan towns last night and escaped with $1600 cash. They secured $600 in the town of Stelman and $1,000 at Wrath. YANKS WIN PENNANT DETROIT, Sept. 28. New York Yankees won the American League pennant by defeat ing Detrola Tigers U to 6