VkGE EIGHT . Westholme Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, at T.00 and Saturday Matinee at 3.00 MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-Hat beard daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. , We also have facilities for accepting Wheat orders on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double Load &0 Large Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.23 Alberta Soetless Large Egg $120 Alberta Soetlees Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all ether classes of coal Hyde Transfer AND COAL CO. rhone 580 139 Second Ave. Strictly Up-to-Date Novelty Dress Goods French Flannels Poirel Twills Fancy Wool Crepe All Wool Faille Chiffon Velvet Printed Georgette Elu Etc "Hie Nobby" COAL You. choice EDSON CASSIDY WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Hulklcy Hay and Grain. Agent fnr Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. in 9-00 p.m. MARION NIXON "The Chinese Parrot COMEDY "FANDANGO" with Lupin Lw HODGE PODGE Admission 25c and 50c Matinee 10c and 35c What About It ? ? Macintosh App'es are the beat Apple. on ttie market for flavor. Try box today. Macintosh Reds, fancy, per box Grade "C," per box S--"U) Jumble Pack per box 9ti.tr, Crab Apples, 40 ib. box, per box H.'IT, 4 lbs 5f Prunes, per crate f 1.10 2 lbs r,e Corn on the Cob, 3 dot. $1.00 Beets, 6 lbs s& Hubbard Squash, per lb. 7f Vegetable Marrow, per lb. ."c OUR MEAT 8F!ECIA1 Home Made Saoaage. per lb. 20e Home Cured Bacon, er lb. 45c Pot Roast, hot or cold, per lb 5r We carry a full line of Pickling requirements. Mussafiem Grocery CO. LTD. Real Money Savers Phones 18 and 84 H.S. Wallace fa Ltd. RA!N COATS Our New Line of berg PHONE 57S IIKM.NMI BLOCK Maudle- IM PORTED COATS Is now complete. Rubber Coats, Silk Coats Aviator style and Children's models in a nice variety of colorings 3rd Avenue and Fulton St. Phone I) Dr. Alexander ii DENTIST J NO MORE INTERVIEWS WITH ACCUSED MAN VICTORIA ney Geni'i-al !'o initruit inii !:. views Hiv I., i Gordor. Stew Okalla jail (Mlll'V lias t n !' h" 1 1 lowed Attor-isMued inter-w it h THE DAILY NEWS lridav. UIVVIAMOVL UL I UlAJl lflLrlt 1 HIGH SCHOOL OF INSURANCE Kdmonton Teachers Want Right to Refuse Admission to N'on- I Workers J. I. Doherty of Vancouver Ad-( dresses Rotary Club on later- I eating Subject j ,, EDMONTON, Sept 28. With While insurance companies have some high school teachers report- J failed in Canada, policy holders ing that they are utterly discour- have never lost a cent. That was aged with the attitude on the part j the reassuring statement made by wi Mwc naucuu ib regaru xo;j. r. uoaerty, : uperinienaem o ineir cuts work, the Edmonton insurance for the province of High School Teachers' Alliance ! British Column . when address-! ruesday night took the first step. ing the Rotary tub at its lunch-to change tae situation by asking eon yesterday, S 1). Johnston pre-that the Edmonton Public School j siding. - board establish the following reg-j Mr. Doherh explained that ulation: "That the principal of j when a company showed weakness each high school in conference j there was alway s another concern iJ with his staff, may re fate regis- ready to take it ' er and pay the iration to, suspend, or expel any obligations. student whose academic record is In his department, the speaker such as to indicate that be is not said, th; protetimn of the public-giving serious attention to hii was their first concern. They work." were the buffer between the com- The question will be referred to names : nd the peoplei the conference committee of the Mr. iJonerty outlined the growth board which will meet repreoenta- of insurance. A. the time of eon-lives from the Alliance and the federation then was only one matter discussed. C anadian compc . the British; The attitude of some student American of Toronto. No men-has been the subject of bitter tion was made of insurance in the complaint by teachers for many British North America Act of yean, and the Alliance want some 1HS7. The next year, however, a power to weed out students who law was passed providing for the do not care for their work and ii ensinjr of con; i.iniea. Deposits who failed to extend any efforts were provided a- a protection to I in their class rooms. the insured. ( On- important work of the su C.P.R. B0(M) FOR THE COAST; South to Ashcroft Perhaps by P. G. E. perintendents w.-is to secure uni-( frrm regulation th roughest Can-r ada. They already had then for! the four western provinces andj Ontario but Quebec had not yet ome in. The French Canadians ! adhered to the old French laws. JS At he 'usi,'n Mr Doherty 9 Winnipeg Thinks They Will Go inennr'i J m his nuu.r.tn u ; .1 A Winnipeg despatch to the mcim 1 IW? lfHrdTP Edmonton Journal has the fol- lrw"iV Nit AbtfUb lowing: "The construction of an outtet to the Pacific coast ia bright within the of! WITH StfPEIINTENOENT tion." This is perhaps immediate the significant para- I the chairman. HOLD A CONFERENCE Local insurance agents had a graph of a two-column editorial meeting yesteniay .afternoon with in today's Free Press, entitled J. B. Dougherty of Vancouver. "Opening up an Empire." i snperintendeat of insurance for The Free Press analysis of the provincial overnment. - The I what the acauisk.-Jc by the C. "natter of premiaa rates and the ' I P. R. of the Alberta government question of (Bsnmisskms wore railways means, reflects what is discussed and Mr. Dougherty re-boiBg talked of generally in fin- marked briefly trpon certain maf-ancial and transportation circles U-rs taken op at a recent insur- an immediate outlet to the ance convention an Regina which ' coaat While the Free Press in- he attended. j timates that they may be acquir-' Local agents present at the! ed through connection at Prince meeting which took place in the! George with the Pacific and office of the Prince Rupert Insur-! Great Eastern or by "building ance Agencies were: S. D. John through a new line in one of the'ston, E. C. Gibbon, E. H. Mor three passes the Peaee, the Pine, or the Wapiti to a connection with the main line of the C.P.R. or down the Sfkeena or perhaps through the B.C. parklands to Stewart and the development of a third great seaport on the Pacific coast." ; Other Possibilities But other comment in financial circles suggests that the extension of the C.P.R. if it does not acquire the I. & G. E. is almost certain to be down the old j Caribou trail to a junction at Ashcroft ! In any event this comment sug gests that the C.P.R. will continue to centre its operations on Ithe coast in the Vancouver port, I where it is the dominating trans portation interest by sea and land. It is no -secret, how- 1 ever, that the C.P.R. management has for some time had its experts J carefully surveying the P. & G. E. 'line and its adjacent territory. One of the C.P.R. right-of-way experts spent nearly the whole summer there and traveled on both aides of the line to remote points as far as ISO miles. So It is said when the company finally concluded to pay a very large sum for the Alberta railways, it had a plan already worked ut that either contemplates the ac-qlsition. of the P. & G. E. or the extension west and south from Grande Prairie to the main line nnd on into Vancouver. Certain it is that eastern financial and transportation interests exect an immediate announcement of a const extension of the Alberta system. ATCHOOI The goldenrod in gorgeous style Now flutters in the breese: .NuiUitott in I Some gaie upon it with a smile I And others with a :;neczc. timer. D. Me I) Lennan and M. H 'inter. J. C M Stephens Week-end Specials "Quality Hight Prices Wgbt." Quaker Corn Flahes, S pkgs. Sftf Ke! log's Pep, pkg lRf Horseshoe Salmon, 2 tins Iftf Brunswick Sardines, 4 tins . . 2ftf Heine Pork Beans, 2 tins 3&r Royal City Peas, tin 18 Icing Sugar, 2 lb. pkg. .... "lie Nabob Tomatoes, 2a, 2 tins 23 Del Monte Tomato Baace, tin 10, Small White Beans, S lbs. . . JSJVf Ghirardelll Ground Chocolate, Vi's, tin mt Chateau Cream Oieese, 2Vs lb. box , JlSf Tea Garden Spiced Figs, jar Vif Aunt Jemima Paneakt Flocr, pkg laoe Casco Potato Flour, pkg. .. lRf Royal Crown Soap. 6s, 2 pkgs. IKf Snap Hand ('leaner, tin "Of Abbey's Effervescent Salts, bottle Bayers Asperin, tin Uf Fletcher's Castoria, bottle . . llZf Miller Milk of Magnesia, bottle not Alberta Market P. GAMITLA Fifth Street. -a II W i 1)1 ll iiffl HI 111 Kicnmond s Louvre SPECIAL for Friday & Saturday Only ALL OUR LARGE STOCK of Ladies' Hats Coats and Dresses ' 'ammmmHi Mpftfw: 'Vmwst iEnYKE Going at One-Third off Regular Prices Richmond's Louvre ' S I Tllltm AVPVIT HUIMI'f ll I'll I C if Proprietor Phone 20- , '! DISTRICT READER, or T he Daily News Who do not subscribe for the paper but wbo purchase occiuional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $8i)0 and havo .evereppj for the ncti fe Ait till Sell f A $M Rlf coft and"couTil; k frmn our special correspondents, as uoll as world events will keep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while, you still think of 111