Victor Voral Vocal Wain 1 Ramona Gene Au.tin Dolores Del Rio fail Whiteman and lilt Orchestra Vocal Organ Solo Waltz Vocal set t e Jesse Crawford Jean Goldkette and His Orchestra Giggling Gertie The Ilappinets Boy Chiauita A WalU Victor Arden-Phll 21513 Oh man and Their Orchestra DEMAND 40$J - JllH Constantinople Vocal California Mumming Birds Fox Trot Johnny Hamp't Kentucky Sereoadert The Bum Song ".Mac" (Harry McClintock) 21477 21511 2IMJ 21503 21527 That's My Weakness Now Vocal Helen Kane 21557 Foi Tret Nat. Shllkret and The Victor Orchestra 2147 Aim the latent Red Seal recordn by famous Victor Artlntn. Victor Talking Machine Co. "Rupert Brand" ippers - THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST KDDir Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd; Prince Rupert. B.CT- Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Pperatlnx li.T.P. 20.000 Ton floating Dry Dock Kwiineera, Machinists, nollermakers. IMarkf-jnjlhii, pattern makers. Pounders. Woodworkers. Etc i 'mi 1 1 it, i h to ELECT1UC AND ACKTYIXNR WKI.DINa-f Our plant is equiped to handle,all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38S Advertise in "The Daily New.s" DOG IN MANGER IEDIT0R TORONTO POLICY CANADA TELEGRAM DIES Phone 574 Fh Eastern Newspaper Gives Clear' Famous Newspaper Man Wan D.L D lire L-B ners fir srocers, Lt Opinion on Duty In Regard to j Known as One Who Stood up . Immigration j For AVhat be Thought I Right (Toronto Globe) 'It is neither possible nor would TORONTO, Sept. 28. John -ft be right for a comparative Robinson Ro!iin.utK editor of the handful of Canadian to hope to Toronto Etning Telegram, died occupy a mere fraction of this this morning ad 66. He suffer-vast land to the exclusion of mil- ec" from heart failure for some lions of landless people in other time. . .; parts of the world, Ilrstory re-1 Mr. Rebnun was born at counts not a single 'instance of i Guelph, Ontario, May 9, 1862, the success in achieving any such pur- j ton of a English father and pose.. There are natural laws I Scotch tjsoth r. He was left which operate ta prevent any fatherless at the age of three, such selfish dg-in-the-manger Lacking wealth or influence, be 'policy with regard to idle lands, was blessed bv the greatest of all The inescapable truth is that Can- ''vintages, the wise care of a de-adians roust fill up these unoccu-, voted mother. His days pied lands with the sort of mi-! were spent in the publi- schools grants that will build the kind; of Guelph arid Orajigeville. At of greater future Canada to which : the age of 1:; he left school and they look forward, or others will fill them up with those not wanted. Canada ess ao more keep out all newcomers than Dame Parting-tor, could keep back the Atlantic with, her mop. Neither can she eft$b problem of a polyglot petatian if she falls back on 4fee suieiM taeKJng-pot policy by which ths) United States literally leaped to Material prosperity and to spiritual and lawless chaos jsach as is exemplified in Chicago. If Canada is to be kept British there is no other way than to fill ) Canada with decent British stock, or with related peoples who will be glad to become whole-hearted Canadians and proud British citizens. I Perhaps Canada's greatest peril is the "little Canadian's" fear of I the responsibilities of greatness. 'has ever been. We sailed wherever ship could sail. We founded. Matty a mighty State; Pray God ear gmtness may not fail ' , WALKER MOTOR CO. IS INCORPORATED els VICTORIA. Btpt 28. Provin-tl ioeorporations include the VAlke-K UQ&r&Manany of Prince icupert eapnaufea. ai ui,ow. ported time. this morning SEALED TENDEHS adrMl to the 40. th orflgee of the Dlifjlct Knvlneer. Poet Office S Jltdlng. Victoria B c . vie- 42. wu uuaria bavnaniu. sow rrior: Street. Vletor.a. BC: TTte BuUeline and Caaatrurtloa Indtuwtea Bsehsoe. SIS West Haatlna Street. Vancoueei. B.C.. also at tbc Poet Office. Prfnse llusert. DC. and Port aimpaon. hC. Tender, wtu not be eaewtlessd nnlei made on printed form. suppUtd by the Department and in accordance with eetadltiooa contained tberetn. Each tenoer must be accompanied by an acosDted cbemte on chartered bank. DaiaUe to the escwr of the Minister of! runjic oil Wofka. aoual to 10 ner mt nf tfce amoeM of the tender. Bonda of tke Dominion of Canada or bond of Ms OanadUn National Railway Cm- pB W1U also be accepted aa am-urlty POMS OBtur.N )ttli. Seiitewbwr 17. 1938. ttt-iftary returned to iJueiph to enter as an apprentji' in the printing trade in tike office of the Guelph Mercury. Ji. liiastered his trade !r. the rajrji-f ;he "rae," Mid acquired with a friendship with printer.- that .du. -d throughout his' life. , s In 1881, at the, 'mf 19, he It ft Guelph t ;n tfct portorial stuff of the Toronto tpobe. There he remained tor two years, leav ing in May. If'K.i, fo take a place on the Telegram under the late John Rosa Robertson. His first assignment w.-.s the water front. Six years later he was transferred from the City Hall a:-irnment to become editor, succeeding Alex "pHer F. Pirie. Mr. Robfn.xon cime to Toronto when it wa. a small town, and saw it grow into a great modern city. Upon its destinies his jit was not such a spirit which, 1 ?rap of pi bhv affairs, his inspiring the British people in the 'sound cowviVtirns and his vigor-days of Elisabeth, sent them forth jous presentation of his views had to lay the foundation of the j great influence. His defiance of Strongest, greatest Empire that; what in his eyes was considered wrong was courageous and re gardless of consequences. His writings dealt with persons and things r .thvr than with abstractions, but wh -n his attacks seemed roost personal they were directed nut agttirutt the persons at- Through craves fears of being j tacked, but the principles for great. j which they stood. '...!. .nftnd' " warm neart never tired in baUl or th undtr He , to Canada. General Smuts re-jtne eentlyjiseovered a petition where- ""J M!d characteristically. ;iy some Sotfth Africans, in 1750. Whea younrrt a paper that for Nfcen tne white population num-le "ke of arsons and friend-u.. . . j CshlDS betravs the nuhlir. vou ari ; nereo ojum, prayea m no more; - - ----- - - immigration be allowed, because """"V "i-ir -the lr. ,devi' 'ho ha,not a country was already over-i in!friiHl tht, srle of Heaven. Donulated." There are those j Canada who advocate in this very I year policies of pettiness which I are just as absurd. What is neces sary is that little minds should; not be permitted to wreck great opportunities. WE4TBER REPORT Prince Itiipert Raining, light umtheMitt wind; tempeiature, 57. Haysuort -Cloudy, calm, tern. 60. Port Simpson Misty, calm, tern. 66. Terrace Cloudy, calm, tem. 54. Rosewood Cloudy, calm, tem. ' 56. Aiyansh Raininff, ealm, U-rr. 54. Alice Aim--Heavy fltfa, windy. km 4s. : t ' duei Anyox -Heavy mln, wfady, tem. was re- 68. to be on Stewart Heavy raia. south wind, tem. 46. ' Hazelton C'lovdy, ealm, tem. 60. Smithers Paw cloudy, calm, tem. 40. Kij'hth CablB Raining, north wind. ," , Burna Lat -Q r, ealm. tem. Bwl o! Whrni&d Port 8impin. ! Echo IlKe VaMaiHg, Calm B.C.. Will b rnwvfd m:!l it o'cturfc HMHI. Tlllirxljl flrlohrr II. t-r niMWsl of Hie Kharlheiid at Port Simp- tem. 42 Telegraph Creek Cloudy. oceeoa uiairic. it, n i i i r.. CHILD WAS KILLED BY A GRAVEL TRUCK LADNKlt. Se,t. 2. Ina Kerr. seven-yc;ir old (laughter of Mrs. .1 K Wirr iif l.i(tfifr w:iti lfillfl cheque If required to ' ' . , . ... amount. i when she ran her bicycle into a NOTE.-Blue prints can be obtained lfraVel vrnvel trui lrmK- lf Th 1 n wheol wneel naaaod Po at this Department by depoeltlna an aeeepted cheque for the mun of sto 00. 'over her. payable to the order of the Minister of 1 PUMlC Work, which will be returned If ! the lAtenvllruj hlrlrter Mibmii a rtvular htd. I "Whv, I'll bet vou don't know "i rei. . ,L. ,l;n I... 3 E Druartment of Public Works, ill"' 'I'l i. ' I, I'.' i I il lllt'l mid a di tii'ii'ilitry." "Iliiinpli" I SPECIAL Ipit WEEK ENTTlNtt SEITRMIIRR 29 VANILLA Large 8 oz. Cruet Jars. Each PEAS, ROYAL CITY Choice. per tin' CAMPHELLS CREAM OF TOJfATO SgUP-Per tin .BbLK TEA Braid's Rest, per lb. u . ':t ir V.S.-1.1.. - 1 4U.. lw lit rn . is vo nigniy iuvuiihiiviuj uiih nmnv ui teat B. & K. KOLLED OATS-Per sack BJSCUITS Ginger, Fruit, Social Tea, 2 lbs for SEEDLESS RAISINS-Per lb P. & G. WHITE NAPTHA LAUNDRY SOAP Per bar Phone 45 WOUNDED VETERANS BELGIUM'S GUESrS !lr!ly Dtaabied Men Viit Rettle-fleld and Received Officially ANTWERP. Sept. 28.-(C.l.) Forty disabled British ex-soldiers were recently the guesU of the Belgian Disabled Soldiers' Association, who asked the, British Legion to select a party of the most badly wounded men in Britain for a Ten days' tour : Ke-ium us an indit-ation ot Belgium's admiration for, and , .a.ituue to. the L.-itixh Army. The whole of Belgium's official life was represented in this feting of British heroes. who were selected oy me legion respective of social standing or rang. Some were so badly dis- ftomc- were so badly dls-ent with the party a deUchnteiit -f the R.A.M.C. to attend to them on the journey. Practically all the men had lost limbs. INDIAN CASK ADJOURNED Johnny Ryan and David Pre-1 voat, charged with drunkrnii .ti and disturbing the eace on M. t- i lakatla Indian Reresve, again came before Indian Agent W. K. i i'oliison this morning and were further adjourned until this af , .ernoon. I To WILLIAM PATTERSON Ite of Prince Rupert, B.C. TAKE NCmoe that Nethcrtsnd In-vMUnsnt Company ot Csnsda UmitMl hc comtnencad sal' prvcJln undrr the Lsnd Tltla Act under a certain mortgugr covering the 8 E of Stc SO. Tpn 82. Rg. f. WeM of 6th Ucridtan. IB the Provinc ot Albert of which you arc the registered owner and that TPU are required to MY the turn of MM.M and lntereat thereon at the rate j of 9 per annum from the lt ary IMS and coma, within two months I torn the aeth day of Bepteuitvr. 1B2S. falHDfl which you ll be foreeloned Plan, and form, of enotraet can be! AHin-inrs c.ou, m.utneasi uVn AlberUthi.Mti, jeenj nd epeelflcitlon a.xl forou of wind. tem. 46. ' UAuU" tM "u"".i,u ""P1- SI I VIUU ll,... rl-u ,.um WOODO .' IE1JJ CHAin HYNnilAM ao. VV ITIIb SS "I - W a miis.i Mcteud Bids . Edmonton i SoliLitora fur the Mortuacee. Carma. k -Raining, calm; tem. ; A'T:oT'- ... Dl ..son - Clear, calm. tem. :'.. : Dept. Resutrar IN PRORATE I IN TIIK. l I'llCMi: ('(11 KT W I1HITISII COI.I MHIA 1 In the Matter of the Admlnutrat'oaj Act: and In the Matter of the EMtttr of ftrther KlUaa. nee Exther 8 pnnf . pa-reaaed. Iritratatc ' TAKE NOTICE that by irder of III. Honor, r. McB Voudi? the 6th day of September AD. I9JH, I wiut appointed: Admlntjitrator of the i Uil of Bather . iKUIuv nee Esther H 'oinona, deoesMd and all parties havtn claim, acalnat ! the aald estate are hereby required to1 furniah aame. properly verified, ti me on or before the 1 1th day of October ' A D 1B2S, and all partlea Indebted to the eatate are required to pay the amount of tlielr indebtednem to me i nnwiin NOUMAN A WATT. Offli:il Admlnlatralor, Prince Hupert, B.C. Dated the 11th day of September, A.D. 1&28. i. 1 52c 47c HOME KILLED POULTJtY DIRECT FROM FARM Light Fowl, per lb. go Spring Chickens, per lb - We reserve the right to limit the quantity pnrthaKet! h any one emtomer. , AH Proservinjf Fruits at most attractive prices. Everything in Green Vegetables fresh eff ich Imat. WATCH OUR WINDOWS IT PAYJT B.C. Butchers & Grocers; -Ltd. THE HOME OF GOOD THINGS TO BAfl1 ; 1 Phtnc 45 i City Meat Mark t ir! AfiHe (SRI.VIO liiibs.) MEAT FISH. JrWrTTAWKs ntiv AM. KINIS OF "NOKVY at low prices, aad ii Obsenef iAH articles are. f su "" freeh. IF N PKOVH r aVliNrv 7 w.nim jMzmx:, '7",s ' ,hf lvCTtiment iif t Ot ihr v;?emy " rVaril rWd uf uf Trl Trb in m iht iht '"IStf l un.irt I t MjnurWturrn of 'II... ' fr - - ttrttuh Clumlm . ' , . -. . . ' i r , & '.7 574