ee te me mee espassing W th Sai S inten Vince K nen Clut ¢ rive lo get parties fo Bay Hos Dodd ) r 2 AY tte and today sf ifler supper lan Sa Doug Jelstead war yank D an f ib will roing to cily P pill Bond vn don't pecause “His ine ee { Con in f yy cor it ane There Bert riser + *+ + Cnr flow t Ramsey 46} wers they sre j Smith aise il with } . » = lel Forbes erk nd He an } ‘ i i} ! te vi + + + d Harper with ++ + How lie Gea 4 «6 + Donald Harry Black ul eh meme per in many nbers hest Al PICK OF ib MARKET nart , e moto : lily ca $1435 paint Trs S1845 ur Door—Nice ! irry at $2065 ick Department ay movie ; I far Pera Fordor.. Ned erdrive Nitin 4 bode Panel Would hy Hunting $835.00 Heavy Duty ' Cab and Chassis— year, ready Park $675 Gly wor Phone 99 ~~ Tem se cm a lake Extra TERRACE Being Woven a S H A musical coneert presented @ Regular meeting of WA, oO e icer by Mrs. ‘Ted Some: a oe Civic UF-A-W.U., Wednesday, Dec. 10, F c ; A call to th by Mrs. Ted Brue at the Civic'7-36 pm, Metropole Hall, au FOF Coronation ce \ entre auditori as : ; - : . 4} Lo the public to take extra vitamins in the) by more than 300 people. members please attend (269) GLASGOW (CP)—Skilled crafts- form of fis h live oil pills and enriched food was The stage was appropriately @ Loyal Order of Moose men at me. anne Temgenes made today by City Healt] “ee decorated for the oceasion, andjand Women oi the Moose Chil-| Mls here are working on the 2 y ealth Officer Dr. Duncan| some 24 performers took part. |dren’s Christmas Tree. Soatur- ‘cate task of weaving a one- Black, * | During the evening the pres-| day, Dec. 20. 2 pin., Moose Tem- teed caryer 1a7 feet long and 37 A mild fall hout nor 1 for ion of sound hens entation of a silver trophy was ple (290) feet wide, to be used in Westmin- des af wintes at aan or “= made to Aveline Wold for the © St. Pete > wo uae ster Abbey at the Coronation oi sid. A sudden cold spel} | ad nit natal ir ae ae UP | high t marks. Diplomas were Phceuts ae “at ial “Hall Queen Elizabeth next June. people when their resist aed a. it most N ea : aot , Presented to pupils of Mrs. Brue. ¢,, 1 Pave He “cook ai gen pe This carpet will stretch from ie tn istan ) eee aa o : - uring sdjudication “had been made oi val "whe cg = sa SE i. the west door of the abbey, along Our most abundant source seeds scaganh’ ee previously by Mrs. J. Felber Sion 9 =e eo rs at the nave and past the choir. It i yundantl sources ai OFGer WL protec e% y 4 , ‘ Nts seiki ie of vitamin D—which provides|of the mother well ron during private recital i = is being made of chenille Ax- resistance——are found in fish| growth of the baby Mrs. Brue was presented with) @ Notice —City residents who | minster, designed by the com- Ii olls, f ‘ wit gift of jewelry and flowers on ®"¢ ‘ratepayers in the Rural pany’s founder in 1839. It will be vitamin D canned site MAY CAUSE INJURY behalg of all the performers Area of School District No. 52/in two shades of blue. ™ r anre Mik - r rill 7 o 7 ; * s gond sunshine on the skin Dr. Black says that lack of) Presentation was made by the, Wl! vote on the School Loan By-| nother, golden-colored car- Thi i i bane. | ¥ ita cause per-|two youngest pupils, Dawn El-|!@¥ at, the Civic Centre on net measuring 68 by 32 feet, d in the body, thus should bs uiury in the form of| ins and Jeanette Brue vhuredny, Dec. 11, between the) ¢,, the main ceremony in -the upplied daily 2 hows ir infants by Others taking part in the pro- hours of 8:00 am. and 8 ‘i abbey, will be woven by five spe- Vita D i Dr. Black fu oa eek: , ad “pe bowlegs and am were Heather McLeod, Joy : 2 4 cially-t rained girls on the world’s ther is month eport, mu ssa id hest cavity Thibideau, Barbara Robin, Den-| @ SPECIAL NOTICE TO ALL | jargest powerioom be p on © way during portance of this vita-\nis MeLeod, Helen Christinsen, VESSEL OWNERS — To accom- the growth period in « ¥ in idult not clearly} Anita Brue. Sandra Pache. Pat modate members who are work- dividua der t u Or we but is McLachion, James Thibideau, '"* during the day, the Pacific ended preventive | Joan Gaven, Aaron Haaland, Coast Fishermen's Mutual Mar- measure, especially to those in| Roberta Kenyon, Beryl Me- ine Insurance Co. has changed Many Attend he olde ge group who might | Lachion Robert Melvin Jack the time of the Semi-Annual be lacking adequate - nutrition! Burton, Lloyd McLeod, Larry Meeting. The meeting original- L t Rit prone to brittle bone Matthews. Lorna Melvin. Ann ly called for 10:30 a.m., Dec. 11, as wes AMOUNT TOO SMALL Christinsen, Marlene Michiel, = . at go eet # ; cS Robin McCall ommon Lounge, Civic Centre. For Veteran n f SEER 86 comet . All interested are welcome. (11) non food OO ] 7 ; ° Fs o na BURNS LAKE at Ai i : dn tie 2 Pg lig pr gn ogre seats on Buys Penal Farm r f Ale ' f standardized sup t% Burn sake Village commis- vas wastes me ‘ Al ; G it D should be sion. Re-election of Jack S&S tener agent some nae es ‘ourt har eatard Brow! yule és {ficient rim Mtuneton wont have. M i k ‘a “ ecink af tad Guirmen oe te cot wane to serve 99 days at the Cophiah fi nes rere veler i ( I w k 1d eds and term has expired, is conceded al SS ee —* He " . - ought the place at auction Legion 4 4 iri nd of oil purchasec Pen Proppe, whose experi- “Uo yo Mi fae died as a ee ence in administering affairs cf . Whittington sentenced to 90 quick- iX ak Thursda ) are limited this far north | Primee George in former years, | a - ie farm on a charge Pune n “te tenad ak aoe Richard A. Robinson and Jo- - — si iy “ee ~ lescegg ay De : eae ee : . Seph Slesinger, an expert on im- oe ee i aled the con- w ' wi ippiement its di proved sanitation are other = oe * _ — i : —* ™ ert Ch ditior candidates appeai came up the county gov- R érning board decide a to se sae PPP MMMM IPP PPP P NAPPA NPP at auction. Whittingto : . s the high bidder Prince R i “s eee : Biscuits Children love — | jai a attend ¢ PEEK ; ee — ecause if Allan, H. Killin. J. Watsor - McG . + Ket : PURPLE BUBBLE Haig, N ( 5 ur . com ins al e ran i B ae ] 5 j BALL | yas eser'Y Soh 0 ole whe wo mn S| SATURDAY, DEC, 13 : I . TIS, Sweet biscuits . 5 iced with nursery characters in Members get tickets * *’ P * 5 MADE BY at < ‘ ‘ PEEK FREAN’ S ART MURRAY'S 4 £ Z oles MAKERS aumouh i ' : wil MEN’S WEAR “ wil, § i « ; — a. < 4 a ee ee ee ee NN WARNING Christmas trees must not be cut on PARKS PROPERTY in the city. Board Park ( mimissioners aK ar Pt TTT @ Here's a thrifty Santa and please the ment Gillette Tech , 15 smooth-shaving Gillet Blades and a tube of Gillette Shaving Cream. way contains a GIFT SHAVING KIT BY GILLETTE $1.52 rer ee ny Vitam INS | District News JOYOUS AND JOLLY THAN WORLD WIDE FLOWER SERVICE WITH FLOWERS-BY-WIRE Prince Rupert Florists Thorne 7 aa SPECIAL GIFT CARTON OF 100 = GILLETTE BLUE BLADES IN DISPENSERS = to play olk, Kit Razor, Blue ® Any man on your shopping list will appreciate a year’s supply and more of easy-shaving Gillette Blue Blades, Attractive gift package holds ten 10-blace dispen- 100 blades in all. “#5, 00 te sers SEE THESE AND OTHER GILLETTE GIFT SUGGESTIONS AT YOUR DEALERS eS readers Huge Carpet Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, December 10, 1952 DECEMBER for % The best power deal obtainable % Road surfacing without favor % Progressive administration CIVIC GOVERNMENT ENDORSED BY THE TRADES AND LABOR. COUNCIL Darrow Gomez ALDERMAN If elected for another term | will support: FOR CLEAN, FORWARD-LOOKING “OF D. GOMEZ 11 ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY ° ‘IDEAL FOR REGULARITY ! PARTY 2. E, BARTON—Fhone 743 R. CAMERON—Phone Black 578 GEC. DIBB—Phone 243 or Blue 603 BILL. BOND—Phone 842 or Green 114 V. DODD—Phone Black 245 DON EBY—Phone Biack 156 J. FITZGERALD—Phone Green 449 M, FtlIDGER—Phone 858 or Green 624 E. GARNER—Phone 132 or Green 962 Pack Consists of Y2 LB. ALMONDS Ye LB. CASHEWS ~ Y2 LB. SALTED PEANUTS PAC 2. D. JELSTAD—Phone 843, or Green 693 W. LONG—-Phone 796 or 592 J. MELLOR—FPhone Red 367 or Bluc 898 S. SAVILLE—Phone 210 or Black 515 F. DAFOE—Phone Red 784 H. THOMAS—Phone Black 728 G. HORNE—Phone 234 or Green 608 W. DYER—Phone Green 482 E, JANES—Phone 4 or 10 H. SHEARDOWN—Phone Green 186 "HELP the KINSMEN HELP the KIDDIES” NEWS BRINGS RESULTS _ | KINSMEN’S XMAS Kinsmen will be calling door-to-door tonight, Thursday night and on Sunday afiernoon. lf you are not called on, please phone any of the fol- lowing and your Kinsman Xmas Pack will be delivered: : ee ate gehen. lane