M .uda.v. October 22, 1928 THE IMILY NEWS PAQB SEVEN Man in the Moon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUNi wonderful how enthusiastic THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST, TO YOUNG AND OLD. (J w can become over a tuuse if we iWjrtlhJrto.iret something: out V : It - 7 If everybody wa,Wrs and dent the lawyers and doctors .ifd yo into 'the rtscard. A real gentleman ia one who ! L-. on living just .the some . n on . a desert Inland. - ioparatuijr some men from a Mar is tforse than partlnf ni. sc twins. I think I know A perfeet nut . Instead, o "l)a,mtf lie says Tut tat" onic, people always btfag nome Wrcnf and others brim? htme hnv but a lot of Bologna. I knt'w a man who was fond of t word pussies so instead of kinf for them in the papers he married. Ten Years Ago In Prince? Rupert October 22. I91S Ar.hbuihop P. U. DaVernefa that all Protestant chorchea i unite is causing mucn (lis- :un and a number of letters being pibiiahed In the Dally! a - on the subject l 'hi- skipper of the halibut boat ,;n:;i brings word that the in r Helgeland, Capt Pete IN i was sunk at Ketchikan j ntuy-ny Umt otammer Mniral vr aad4srrW lyin Id shirty ' water in the harbor there, tn :ii Lishing boat owners are! in iirms over the faihsre of "vrrnmenta to provide shI- AoWalaSjeaaorof saw ajaSe of" Kaipk : . . r t hem here. Many vessels j "2SSi .mmm hSSm . e been lsarLasc the wt.l3Hrr JfK it in recent Kales. - - , Ss GOVERNMENT LKJUOR ACT ni i: or APPLICATION' I OU III EK LK'I KNCE ill !T IS HBRCS oivgy that on uy of Nevaanhar. 1SSS. the an-; i ntends to apply to the Liquor , 'iTL'Z pr,'h.nhuaRS . queen s Hotel Uaswtt. oraham r.TJlrZcXTZ & Block e m saaairi.iun e Let Chsrlotte Islands. Plan Mo. Sa, Tnwnslte. Prince Rupert Land ion Datrlct. in the Proslnre Ot roi'imbln. for the sale of beer, or wy the open bottle ror 'iin on the premises ' l U tills 1st dajr of October irs. taoi RTIR BI1K1BK Tire Yom Wasat pOODYEAR prices are so low now that everyone can have Goodyear quality in tires. No need to put up with unknown brands. KAIKN CAHAflK I'rince lluptrt U.C Service that means n real saving to you I'KINCE KUPElfT TIDES I j,. Monday Oclolier 22 FOIl ttri?!lt b in. irrn tt SAfr? nra IRT f aval B V. 1W 1 l - m 7 11 fl 1SJ54 p.m. 114 ft Tuesday, October 23. Hfoh 8JW5 a.m. 1G.9 ft 21.10 p.m. 17 J ft Low 248 a.m. 7.7 ft ! 1.M p,ra. 10.7 ft. Wednesday, October 34. High l&tt ua 111 ft ! 25L20 pjn. 18.3 ft Low 3.39 a.m. 7.0 ft 101 p..m 9.1 ft. Thursday, October 25 .High U.Ot a.m. lt.S ft 3S.12 pjh. ft Lew 4.88 a.m. S.t ft 17.12 p.m. 7.2 ft Friday, Octoler 26 Hhsh 11.41 t.m. Se.6 ft Low Kyy g 5 ft 1747 pjn. ft IN PROBATE TIIK M Pit KM K Tdl'KT Ol' IIIIITIMI I (II.IIMI1IA. Mner at ttta uStm v of the Cstatc of Raapk Tyaan. Devcoaad. taxi; notwe uwt or or of Hia knar. p. UB Touaac lit Mtt Oav of lutovesBber AD. isse. and all parties in- Wad to Uta aetata or required to pay the amount of their UtOebtedneaa to sue forthwith. TMBO OOLLART. not Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the nth day of October. AH ain Threat rrim onna-If you can't gH Basil to sleep, nurse, perhaps I'd better come up and sii to him B. SaneWe threatened him WTtn that mum. AMf I PS new OS IS a RyfkMAOD- drhrc. Mas What's a KypwhowlrhvcT Andy A person who feels better when he feel worse. of BRINGING UP CrYiOl-L-Y' THAT CHLO I ritvtK TW A rClO r MIIL f 31 O rTfl . ?co VOTE I KIM FOR RENT ,FOIt KENT f urnished house- keeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red 607. tf RENT rianos, Player-Pianos, Phonographs and Sew ing Machines. Walker's Music Sturi. tf WANTED WANTED Kitchen heif) with sosse cooking experience. The Inlander, P.O. Box 987. tf AGENTS WANTED distribatinr reliirious literature paid man or woman; spare or full time. Write Mr. Cenrsd, Tower Building, Toronto. CALENDAR Salesman: You can make a success handling our line aa our samples are special- ly deahjned to suit every class, of business. Calendar season 1 commences shortly. Reply at once and state territory can cover. Give references. Apply Box 14 Daily News. WANTED Side line salesman to sell on commission, Counter Sales Books aud Business Forma in northern British Co lutnbia from Prince Rupert toj Prince George. State Hue carried, and how frequently territory covered. Splendid opportunity. 247 i TIMBER SALE X-10549 Sealed Tenders will be ressSTid hg the Dsatrtet Pc raster. Prince RsKMS-t, BC, later than oojn on the 1st day of November, iota, for the purchase of Usance XJOSSt Labeiisbare fTaaansi, coast Range i, to cut 1.1SS.000 feet Board Measure of Oedsvr. Hemlock. apruae, Balaam and Fir Bawl twlaga. Two (3) years will be auowe removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B., the District Forester, Prince Bupert. BX or Banajir L. .11 what sr. Oeeaa Mas. C Social Meteorology Wheti was the first f pat last year-" "Soptsmhei' the eigth." "Are yon sure V "Positive. That was the date my wie's reception.' FATHER i've J v. aU THE CMU - rr" I I LL N&tu fc. - " " CET SO I MUfeT MAKE A? MAMT NtW FRIENDS AS I CAN-CLLJOST AOQOA1MTANCE n wH THT l r - .n - vl THAT MObT EE THE VnAFFL.E REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Lot on Third Avenue opposite First Street, $2,100 Easy terms. Box 137 Daily . rtt ftews unite. FOR SALE Special. Lots 20, 21.' 22, 23, block 7, Section 5, fronting on McBride Street. Price $1,000.00; $400 cash; balance $200 yearly at 7 per cent. Apply owner. W. Arnett, Dauphin, Man. -i 24J FOR SALE FOR SALE Theatre chairs and fixtures. . Apply Brother; Moody. 260 i F0R SAL&I,layer I,ian0 In cuiiuiuun. n uargain. t none mm ;H8- H FOR SALE FIreco Brick lined beater. Apply 721 Fifth Avenue West 248. FOR SALB Pedigreed German police dog puppies eleven weeks old. Price $36.90. Phone Red 892. 261 rn) R SALE 15 h p. Universal ! marine marine entrlne engine with wun reduction reuueuon ; gear. Apply Dr. Large, Port!,"u,TOi' Simpson. B.C. 240 , LOST LOST Near Booth SchocT, girl's brown shoe, site 12 Vs. lelt foot Finder please return to 168 Hays Cove Circle. 246 LOST New 8 foot grey dinghj-at Harbour entrance. Oct. 8. Please notify Yacht Club. 248 LOST Plain black rimmed glasses in ease, between Borden Street School and CathoHc Church. Finder kindly return to News Office. Reward' FOR SALE Steam Tur-RAAMCII Length , . . 98 feet S racbee B:asn 19 feet 8 Inches Draft a leet Otoss tons 1034 Net tons 17J1 a- wntar oapaclty 5 tone HM . Steel awajBsee ., Triple expansion Steed It knots JI.P. Nhsntoal 52 Ondlcated 3JO I WorUstngese) Pump 6x4ii. Beetnc UstJt EngSne sad Set ran Light. Main Engine sad auaflury mahShety In good LABRIE. Pdhas(ng A;eM. Canadian Nattensl RsllnM. 248 OJiH. Depot. ordered tsowe, ' l . nn ill iii O THECt JJ r-i 'Art " MORMIM'-TRAMCER-HAVE A CIGAR-I SUPPOSE tDUKNOW I'M MR-JIGCS AND t EVPECT n I aWsa I aa L a MS", tr s awa. i s-- - "SALVAGE AND TOWING Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing Co. Ltd. BARGAINS IN GAS BOATS Agents for Easthope ; Engines, Coolidge- Propellers and Texlube Oil t Boats of all description for i Charter Salt Lakes Ferry Service Week Days on the hours 1 p.m. till 8 p.m. Sundays and Holidays, 11 a.m. till 8 p.m. 564 Phone 561 CHIMNEY SWEEP II. J. ZumKehr General Handy Man. Furnaces and Steves Cleaned and : T?Miracl Phone 3 Prince Rupert, B. C. r - . ROWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS (Established 1&G0) i Agents for the j Bull Dog Pipeless Furnace ! 1J"B Easy 1 Payments. Arrives set i up. expense for instaJling. Do Do it it "... . . . lOKUe. Phone 340. Box 467 THE SHAMROCK ROOMS Sth Street and Second Avenue Under new management Clean single and double housekeeping rooms Mrs. John Da I berg WEEK END SPECIALS IN BEDS t. - : i i i a a special inducement loan - rasklinA tnv nAmman Amarf tu """""" """i .. TT-i-rt i r v xieiait rurmiare auHness. i asi tt 1 a : r uiiiMiiiK niry wnsy, i iw. yuun- uouii roat Ueds with 99 eoii snring Non-sway attachment and atf-felt mattress, guaranteed, Complete for $28.00 Higher grade Mattresses such at Excelda, Getraorerest, and the famous "Nschman Spring-filled Mattress, also in stock. Barry-more Carpets and Ranges. Easy terms arranged. Get my prices. GEO. J. DAWES I'rince Rupert Auction Mart, Federal Iilock. acemtucmah aerAT TWitj DOC, OVER AH' tiAlD TQ CWE IT TO THE UTTLE CvRL. v IT lt HER C-'va. PCT 1 O IW6 ev Imti Fcatunc Srnviei. h5' NOW THAT I'VE ipai rallel 'line, hlgh water mark ten chslns, more or leas: less: thence tnence southeasterly. Knowing mean high water mark to point of com- DctmfDt. conUlnlng flfteen acres, aiore or icaa. nomsH mT.mrRTA ptshino & ii V ' Inc p tfl" ! INTEMOTOOO It EtXCTEO-L-B I SUPPOSE VOO'LL VOTE f FOK MfcS O 1926 sr Invl rrTur Srnvici. Inc. CHIROPRACTIC DR. W. C. ASP IN ALL, Chiropractor and Electro Thera- peutist. n . Exchange Block All Diseases Successfully ' Treated Phone Green 241 or Black 283. CHIROPRACTOR ! DR. R. E. EYOLFSON 623 Third Avenue The right adjustment at . . , .11. ngm wme produces me Desi re-, suits. Our new ANALYTE Indi-1", cates the right adjustment. . Phone Blue 85 'p" Residence Phone, Black 232 Form No. If (fiesHaa 8) 1-AND ACT. Minn; r iti;mix to .im.Y nw ! I In toe Skeesa Land nrccrdlll D 1 trtct. and situate, n-onting on Lot U7.1 Raraje s, coast matrtet, Inverness vuf ease. TAKE NOTICE Out the British Oet- i umble FlebJiic & PaektSKr C Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Fishing and Packing. Intends to apply for a lease ,of the fottewin; described foreshore , Commencing at a poat planted at the northeast earner of aesd Lot 117; thence (weat, twenty efcalas, more or less, to an intersection with the west ooun- dary of Lot 17 preduced north; thence foUowlag said pmductton of the weat boundary of Lot m acuta to mean Wri water madu tnence easterly. oUowla tne mesa niga water mark to point ai ww..w. , acres, mora or teas. cm lion kuwHA rioninu i-At-iunitj bo., inu. ey jaanea Henry ausno, Ageos. Dated August st. Ins. 2se rorm No. 18 (Bectlm 06i LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APrLY KOK LEVSE OF KOKCdltOKE I In the Skeena Land neoordlng Dl-i trlct. and arcuate, fronting on part el Lot 98. Ranae V Coast District, Tele-: rrsDh Panama. TAKE ItOTtCE that the British Osl-uinMi Plabtag tt Packing C. LM.. of Vancouver. BC., oecunM'.on Flahlne and Packing, intends to apply for a lease ol the following described foreshore: Commencing at a puat planted about twenty chains northwesterly tram tbt southwest earner at said Lot M; thence ; west, ten n chains; thence northwesterly , 1 rorn;Ne 16 Onetton LAND ACT. OTIC R OF INTENTION TO APFLV 1 OR lkaxk or roiiKsiioitt: la -&e Skfena Land sferording Dls-itttet. actuate and fronting on ut It, TUfcf X Coast District. Oxtail River. TAKE NOTICE that the British Col- umbU Fishing St Packing c Ltd., of iVeneeuver. BC, occupation Fishing and Hacking. Intend to apply ror a lease of the toBowtng described toreihore: Oarrtfrstnetng II I poat planted at th northwest corner of said Lot ii: tneuce west, ten chains: thenea anuth fnrtw thelehaJn- mor "r tp an intersection tM W. W . . . . . . .. lrrK MIUU VUUUUKIV Jl LlUL 1A prexiuctd west: thence east following gy!? I ? J!h xunnr lateaa btgn 'water n.ark; thence northerly. i( the mean hlch miw mark to pclr.t "t 0i of commencement, and contain- thirty acres, mare or l-s BRITISH OOLUMBIA H3HINO M PACKING CO.. LTD. Bt Janes Henry Buahnell. Airent. eated Asjcuat M. -99S 3SS Form No. 6 (Section 80) IND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY I Ci LEASE OP lOKEKIIOfti; i the Stereo UK Recording Dls- trtot. situate end Brontlas; on Lot 2, Bage 4, QoaaC DleiMct, Law inlet, TAKE NOTICE that the British Col- umhla rtshlnf & Packing C. Ltd.. of Vancouver. rxa occuoatKm KlahlnE nnd Packing, tatefsde to apply for a lease of th- iollosrtas described foreshore oommeaemg at a post planted at the southeast eorner of said Lot 2; thenos .cm. (vo malna: thence west forty unasH. or ices, to an mwrscc- tlon with the west boundary of Lot 2 :ptoirated south: thence north north neves chains, mere or leas to the southwest corner of Lot 2; thence easterly, follow-ln the mean high water nis'k tr the point of comsnsnaeaaent. and aoouin-lng eighteen acres, more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA F1SHTNO 3c PACFJNO 0O LTD By Henry bushne;i Asent. Dated August 28, l2g. Perm No. IS (Bactloi. so) IND ACT. NOTICT. OF INTENTION Tt APPJ.Y IOR LKL1SE OP lUHCVtrOKC Uig Oa1 Cannery aue. Towiuiie of Port telngtoh. Skeens River. TAKE NOTICE u.at the Briton Col- umbla Plsldan tt Psduns (' Ltd.. of Vancouver, SC., oceupatlon Fishing and Packlna. Intends to soolv fur a Kuse northeast corner of the said Cai.nery nte; tnence nortoeny, louawmg ine reduction af the easterly Ouunda y of ' if, " be B.C. FKhsns h Pactsnk Co.'s pro perty, six hundred feet; fhenoe westerly. fleht MMrles so tne said easterly ' oouoaary. rour a inarea ana iirty teei, the westerly boundary of the B C Pish ing Ss Picking Co.'s property produced r northerly, TjMoee soutneny, iouowing ! Mld . vetttcrly ooundfcry produowl . sii niiafciirswi Trn - J-Z. "TJt 'ommencemeat. and containing six scree. BHITISH OOLDMBIA F1BHINO & ttA-BsTnin rr i m By James Hmut ButhigtiH. Afnt. Dated August 37. 19W 360 in the Skeena Lgnd- Recording Do-to the general run of the shore 1 trlct.-attnas and frotrtlrsr on Lot of fifteen eea ehalns; thence east t mean'' the BrWsh Columbia FlaSmir A fck- PACKING CO.. LTD. -of the following described foreshore James Henry Bushnell. Agent. Conuneoelng at a post planted st the Dated August 24. 19 2 A 288 Be-certlflce.te of Title No. 14396-1 Bo law. a. Bsaek 8 Stthdlvlakm of Lot SMS. Bnnge S. Coast District. Map " . . wnnnnAoprooi nnoiw """.more or less, te an Intersection with Cemfleate of Title issued In the name ,f CHARLES GORDON, baa been lUed in tbii of floe, noUc it hereby glmi i wmu. mi inr Pnra , ngaxMBcaLiCai saai- w i hereof. ImuTI luiviional Certtflcst. of Title iLrt. m lieu of the said loat Oertmeate.lh ; wfhi i!th mrMt wrtpr mark mk'o to -olnt point ,3 ol George McManus L A ' ! iJ" tnZTHt r r mi October. AX). fOSS. H. F. MACLEOD. 3S8 Regutiar By . thf?p TROOiiLE COHE ( Ct sWaiii rigtita CONE INTO a HERE- h. x '' nasnasdl h n 1 IT. MZ-, n a T . jK ? a I SPEAKS V