r K3S Monday, October 22, THE DAILY NEWS 1923 PAGE EIGHT - This W eek at The Local Theatres Support the Home Theatre and keep your money in the City WESTHOLME THEATRE MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY AT 7 P.M. MONSTER DOUBLE PROGRAM Hoot Gibson in 'The Rawhide Kid At 780 P.M. A Peter 11. Kyne Story ..Georgia Hale, Frank Hngney, William H. Strauss. Harry Todd, Tom Lingham and others. "THE GREAT MAIL F OdBERY" A smashing drama of the iron road. See the mail train dynamited when at full speed. Theodore Von Eltx. Lee Shumway, Jeanne Morgan. DeWitt Jennings, Frank Nelson, Charles Hill Mailes, Yvonne HoWell and others. THE COLLEGIANS" "SPLASHING THROUGH" "RIG HOY" COMEDY "NAVY BEANS" CAMEO COMEDY "THE RADIO BUG" Special number by Westholme Orchestra Selection from "The Merry Widow. I 1'OX NEWS GAZETTE 33c and lllo MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in baying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We aUo hare facilities for accepting Wheat order. on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S J Johnston CoM 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, RC, WHAT IS IT that keeps you always looking well and smartly dressed? OUR SERVICE PHONE 619 to have your clothes pressed. We call for and deliver to all parta of the city. For that Suit W hart fine Fall and Winter Suiting and Overcoatings on hand. Come in today and let as take your measure. Cutting, workmanship, style, ail guaranteed. Best materials and reason able prices. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 RED'S Transfer Fifteen years experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood In any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So Is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. . . Night Phone: Red 317. IwkliMatKUx CATARRH 1 tt BLADDER r' 95c. Specials We offer good value for the above amount. Toilet Paper, 24 rolls for Wio- Fels Naptha Soap, 12 bars for i).c Lux, 9 pkgs for l5r Lux Soap, 12 bars for . . ."? Sunlight Soap, 16 bars for trr Jiff. 4 pkgs for !."? Classic Cleanser, 12 tins for 05c Chlorinated Lime, 6 tins for . Lifebuoy Soap. 12 bars for 95c Gold Dust 8 pkga for . 1)5 Klondvke Soap. S bars for V. 5c Lots of other assortments we make np for the same value. Secure your requirements early. t Mussailem Grocery CO. LTD. The Real Money Savers Phones IS and SI H.S.WallaceCo.Ltd. JAEGER PURE WOOL WEAR Jaeger Underwear for Ladies and Children Vests Bloomers Union Suits Hose . Blankets, Etc. 3rd Ave. and Fulton Phone 9 i 1! Nanaimo-Wellingion Screened Lump. Natuimo-Wellington Screened Nut. Nanaimo-Wellington Mine-Run. 1 Beacon Hard Bootless Lump. Beacon Hard bootless Egg. Telkwa Lump. ;nBW' -, . . V Of tie aooSe there" ts ONE that is particularly suited to your heating equipment We shall be glad to advise you. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 ami 11? WHAT IS ON EACH DAY AT THEATRES Monday Westholme: Hoot Gibson in "Rawhide Kid." bery." Capitol: Vaudeville Madge Rush and Will Edmunds. "The Show Girl," featuring Alice White. Tuesday Westholme: Scottish Concert. Capitol : Vaudeville. "The Show Girl." Wednesday WeathoJme: "Rawhide Kid." "The Great Mall Robbery" Capitol: Vaudevile 2 acts. Lon Chaney in "The Big City." Thursday Westholme,: Clara Bow in "Wine." . Capitol: Vaudeville. "The Big City." Friday and Saturday Westholme: Emil Jannings In "The Street of Sin." Capitol: Vaudeville. "Ladies' Night in a Turkish Bath." GREATOPENING SHOW TONIGHT ' COMEDY AND THRILL j IN HOOT GIRSHN T J WESTHOLME TONIGHT "The Great Mail Robbery." to be shown a. one of the features at the Westholme tonight and Wednesday is a melodrama with thrills aplenty caused by the operations of bandits engaged in rob bing mail trains. There are U.S. Marines, airplanes, bombs, tear' bombs, machine guns, and also a' love story running through. A' real thriller. j THE CAPITOL Tonight the new Capitol promises to give local theatre goers a wonderful treat Following the formal opening at 7 p. m.. there will be a program of unusual standard, including vaudeville numbers by Will Edmunds, whose ability as a singing comedian is popularly known. I jiiss Jtaagc nusn. rreaucr Danseuse, who has jut completed a brilliant engagement on the Capitol Circuit will be seen in several wonderful dancing num-:bers. Alice White in the great feature picture, "The Show Girl" Charley Chase, in one of his clever comedies, "Imagine My Kmbar- lasamtnt" and the Capitol Orchestra with Jack de Jausserand, ,late of the Vancouver Capitol tans, conducting will round out a pro-'gram of the usual Famous Players standard. I MELODRAMA TO BE SEEN IN SCREEN PICTURE A race against his bitter enemy and the law. with a girl as the prise, is one of the thrilling scenes in "The Rawhide Kid," the Universal picture to be screened at the Westholme tonight and Wednesday. Hard-riding, straight-shooting Hoot Gibson Is the star of this clean, vigorous drama, re plete with thrills, comedy and romance. Universal has given Hsot a wonderfully gripping play and to it has been added a splendid sup- Dortitur cast. . This latest Gibson play give the ever popular Hoot a rarewop-. portunity to display his wonderful horsemanship for he rides like a i whirlwind in one of the most ! spectacular horse races ever film-;ed. Universal gathered together ; a wonderful group of cowpuncbers ' who push Hoot hard for the honors an the wildly galloping ani-' mnls do all the tricks and stunt ki nwn In raring. ! GRAND 1 STREET OF SIN" AT WESTHOLME Emil Jannings to be Seen Strongest Picture Yet in Critics haile Emil Jannings' production "Tie War . of All j Flesh" as the gnats character isation in the history of the screen but Janaings has surpassed his greatest effort in his new Paramount starring picture "The Street of Sin" scheduled for the week-end at the Westholme. TH star ha rhmun the color ful slums of London's Limehouse ! for the background of his latest characterisation, that of a giant j "bruiser" who rules, the rabble! of the gutters with his fists. He has two leading women, one a saint and one a sinner. Fay Wrav. who was chosen from among thousands of girls by1 In . . LI. 1 I . tncn von airoaera i line woman for "The WeddlnaT, . March" appears opposite jannings las the saint a Salvation, Army lass. Janninm irnoa almost all the wsy through the picture a very oevil of a man. cruel, lustful and cunnintr. using his strength as the faceptre of his sway over the ruf- J rfians of Limehouse. His regen-. ..! ..ft., o taraihLl of- . CLARA BOW COMING I WEDNESDAY IN "WINE" i AT THE WESTHOLME; "Wine a Universal Picture starring Clara Bow i the vrn RL with ALICE WHITE version of one of the most sen.a- r ibition Cosmopolitan Magazine OPENING HOOKS Ol'KN 6.30 TONIGIIT Formal Opening 7 Sharp SHOW STARTS 7.15 SHARP ON THE SCREEN L OniW 111 ON THE STAGE Will Edmunds, Comedian Madge Rush, Premier Danseuse Capitol Orchestra Jack tJJ"iserand Admissions Adults, 50.- Loges. 60c. Children, 13c Perfurman Saturday Matinee at 2 p.m. 1st Show at 7 p.m.2nd Show at 9.15 p.m. hitfh social position. itertainment as they cu.; Principal among the spectacular lound in a real cafe, for f ' Mory of the same name written features of the screen story are a tiful girls who danced u) ' hy William MacHarg, who devoted l umber of cafe scenes, where jful if scanty costumes ids talents to a scathing expose throngs of fashionably gowned , screen version of "Wine. " of the manner in which the pro- women applaud the efforts of pro- cruited from those who of the nation ere fessional entertainers. In fact their living doing the san flagrantly violated by man and extras witness just as fine an en- in the cafes of Los Angc women of breeding, education and tional works of recent fiction. It Hollywood. i . - - i of Readers The Daily News Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $3.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. AH the News of the North, coast and country, from our Vpccial corresp6nden(,vllavofld' events "willPkccp' yotl well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you still think of it! an it Tar T-wsarrn awr