PAGE TWO Like the most luscious anoles. "SALADA" Oratig Pekoe Teas are grown close to the frost belt high on tropical mountains that Is why the flavour is so delicious. Sealed -pure fresh 43c per half-pound. Sold everywhere. Ask for it. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. MULLEN - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 6.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly ieriod $8.00 Or four months for $1.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year ... $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year $7.5" Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION e w ea man v TECHNICAL Recently 'here w a- a propo technical scho-i m '!i-;oiia. i ht ratepaters refit-ad in sanction ill blamed, for taxation !. .us heail In spite of '). reluctance 1 n: of adopt it. technical education us the years roll l. liaising hel' (iilll. points. EDUCATION al lor i.'it school Im.ird expense. Tl 98 86 Friday. April 13, 192S Jl ST A MATTER OF WEATHER Yesterday when lluiv a- a lilixzanl blowing ,n th 1 rince luiptri was imiiied m warm sunshine and ' were basking on the tennis court . We ha anything like e our own l'i'.iine. yojiij.' toli.-j uities hut tht-v are not estalili-hnient ot a study hooks will fail. It i- ;i I, iiv' wrio; lines One h training or ii.nie-tu .-cietice i w trt h a ulmh day . The result of nar system is that m.m jiet.le t .mie tt favored it hut the. ey can hardly he j on al! cit it-.- in thi.- prnince. the people of the country ,o Mire to a.ssunie "renter important-) 'li l" hoys and K'irls to do nnthi'.t; hu' he h. f nianua' OK siudv .Mu- shippers ;tnd to lorjret tlo- practical t liiriK'.- "t life. Ii developed a'. ,i v, . nt lllectil'c of ihe schxolhoard that there was a tendency for local student- tn skip their domestic .science or manual training classes. That is dimply the reauh of the ysteii1. When the elders are -du' ;i!)d to the desirahility of tiainintr the hands practically as well as tht lnain theoretically, then the t hil-dren will esieeni the cias-e- whiiii jrive them that training. In .-time schni'ls half of the wiioie -chonl time is tal.en up in manual or techni-a! wmk. The re-ult is that ihe students learn something whii h other- do not haf and 'hi y are never deticient in the knowledge hit ii conies of honks. I'KEMIEK KIN(; s HOOK Premier Mackenzie Kinjr's latest buwk, "The MeMK of the Carillon." has attire ted the attention of the presa of Great Britain, fays an eAcOanre. The book ia a collection of public addreatea and takes its title from the opening one of the aeries. The Daily Ex preu of London finds that it may be "something- of an eye-opener to those persona, who, ignorant of conditions 'over there,' insist on regarding Canada as a sort of 'colony where the social and intellectual standard of life is 'below' that of the Motherland." The Excreta IOCS on to sav that the tvnea of nolitiea.1 leader nr nan t1 in Mr. King's "clear pen-pictures' are significant of the position Can- ltotott ada holds, be cleverly using his subjects as focus points of many important events." Mr. King, in his sketch of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, as it notes brings out Canada's influence on South African politics. He writes : it is aa open secret mat in ine framing ana acceptance of the South African Constitution General Botha waa not a little influenced by, the counsel and advice of Laurier. In a lettfY written to Sir Wilfrid, and read by him at the tereentenay celebration to whkh I have just referred (I90HI, (ierrarl Bottom aid: 'It is our intention to follow in the footstep nf f anadV ' 1 -' '- "More than one part of the Empire has looked to Canada in the development of free government.' ' IUYLKiHT SAVING Yest)rduy we published a letter advocating daylight saving and we know that a good many other people strongly urge that it should come into forte in Prince Rupert. Also we know that when frtm readers of this patier in i-egard to it. Those who like engaging in outdoor sports and games of any kind usually strongly urge it. Th people with tMni;ies are not so keen. TEIFT Hesrir oTlSeMtfafS 9 JLWJT 9i "saTAsVASar you can win youirway'ttf Misgara Falls' "The Home of Shredded Wheat" by -writing winning essays Writ for fall particulars to THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, Ltd. Niagara Falls, Oat. IMllMlllllllllllllltMlIM ssmtanu&iB at TERRACE WOMEN B, Hasettan. longer HOLD MEETING INSTlTITi; IHSCI SSKS MANY IKITN I'KOM IMAM' MOKTALITY TO Pill 1X1 IIS TERRACE. Anrri IS. Tht ! J monJ3?lj jmw.lng of the Tunc Wej ir.trt,T lultltut? was held In rr agrees Hall "on JTue'sday afternoon. Rail call ; u reminded ' by naming, a favorite lloner:. Corre ponK nc waa read regaining taking part in the Inatltute. Exhibit ot Homecrafta to be held In meeting of the hospital board at which Victor X-ray machine repmeriia-, . pneaent. '...'"mil for entertainment as an i i; . and aocial .nflueace were; memtmniP .vr-. : i of aubjecta for de-1 ; ' - of com !-- 1; a quantity hold a special toe on Mother". Xfay 13 In TERRACE WJ. com- !.- lng r-.1: W H ) - being . .a here on Monday ( :din Legion waa well t vralll. aaaU ..tniOrwd utchesttn furnished the iibpaln are at present being made j the tennis court which It la expected will be ready for ue within a frw day. Dan Clacher returned on Widnaaday after spending several weeks In Prince Rupert. Mint Kaathope spent aevernl day thla weak with Mrs. McfUnnon of Vanarsdol. Mlaa Unary. Oapwer Ota teacher, who haa born ul for seearal weak at the horn of Mr. and Mat. Me- Klnnon at "anaradol waa brought to Terrace on Tnaasay and la at areatnt staying with th Oladya Kennoy, fanny Me- Larert and Bessie Moor spent Tndy and Wednesday with Mia Mary Wilson Mrs. Mcleod and children arrived on Sunday from ChUMwacfc to spend th Sastsr vacation he wltn Mr Mcltsod. local CU R. aaaait. W' t.' Vr- are- efclMren" rived on Wednesday to spend a days with her parent. Mr and Mra. L. Frank Jaa. Turn bull, Haaclton. of aon Timber Co.. waa a buslm her during the week. C. W. Homer, visitor in the district ar- th Han-m vial tar we amoi-airn u ana n necame law a lew years ago we brought on Mr. and Mra Kmil Ha ug hi and left at ourselves me imprecations of thow with families who found it dif- jtn beginning of the week on a viait t ficult to tret th' children to lied much before midnight. Personally i4ra. Haugiand's parent at Ingen. B.C we favor daylight saving but. if put in effect, we think it should be Mr Haugland returned on Thuraday done after a v te of the people interested. We ahould be glad to hear rut " vtall. faugtana ' ""m ror la a business at present In honor of her daughter. Gladys Kenney. Mrs. O T Bundal en tertained a number of the young people round town st a very enjoyable dance as bar home on Wednesday evening. Smith basketball Mean arrived her cm Thursday a train for a series oi games with the weal high school team Mr and Mr.. Nigel Sherwood returned n. Wtrt asansg fsom a visit with fnnds U .atatftaasl They wr aoonmpanled hoaae by Mrs. Sherwood's nto. Miss JeMt Sherwood of Bi-mingham, Bng . who will pen1 some time her. Miss Barbara Sherwood, who attended th academy In Prince Rupert during their ahatnoe. met them in Vancouver end returned to Tense with NEW HAZELT0N Msik Oeoree la through with his pole rutting oprrstions in this dlslrlrt for the sesdon. During the winter hr rut nd baultd s total of 431.475 lineal at pale ud plliutr New Ht plain even mow esteoaiv operations neat eeason. H. Jory, wha has bean H.eltmi Sox a GBUBae of years, having been Identified for remt time with Oeoiise Belrne and more iwontly with ln.n Bans.. Im ;hia weeK-cud lor ths Peace River rmintrv where he intends to locate. Mm Al Harris entertained with a; radio party at her home last evening. ! Arrsngaaaamts having been completed i to Vancouver for the financing af an i Steualv ooatpuixn of development nnA ,Ka iMin R.v mine on Nine1 Victoria at the end of the month and! 'opened umotata to , up again, alto rcgarriln? contributing to the. " went her condltlona permit display of old fashion quilts. ruge.j , etc.. to be held In the Hudaon Bar Store, Vancouver. Possibility ot ettt-L , , hd. . The Oystrr lng. of few days ; the first vidua! aa voiced and Mrs. W. a Bur- nett waa appoint to aollcH ealUbtts. Ari w; tTTlytril tnls ,k from , Mra. stencil reporwni anm 9mt&n w .P,nd a few day vta.tlug orders from twle children for pig. tw M for1 chicken and nine for garden seeds In th Boys' and Olrls' Club. Ura. Pohle waa apDolnted president ot thla club I nd Mr Geo. Dover aesrtary-trasurr, Wcrk with Mrs. MeConnell aa super - -Msr. S me dlacunlon took place tn regard tc itngli:g a district eompetftion in , udglng h :me eronantlca among the glrla but no action taken. INFANT .MOKTALITY Mrs. I T. Eanzwy road a leglalatlon which would tend to lower the maternal and Infant mortality rat throughout the country. A avatcm hreby proper medical attention could ;t obtained at no coat to puwnta xould go far to minlntlae thla death-rate and waa a matter which th v?ir.en's Inatltute throughout the . suntry ahould keep agitating for until m carried out. Mn H. Smith, for the hospital com- nlttfp gave a brief discrlption of th Ward ha keen referred that the Can-i adlan National RaMany a.:: at once extend th Jo.1:: ptjtforri at New Hazel ton another !lfiy fee: ..r.d the yard three cr '.-vsr h.;:iiirrj tret Brirife r.ub ati at the; F A. Oaddwd Uat eren-1 QUARTERLY MEETIKG I BOARD OF TRADE AT TERRACE WAS BUSY During MlMfcrr Vthlrli Ke4iowd Mm-hm 'entered on lieJf Ual, nwbe. Apnl IS. The Terra? beard of trade !Kld its quarterly meeting In Progreaa Hall on Tuesday night J K. Oerdsn presided over a fine attendance. After preliminary buaineas the secretary rand letter lrom the secretary of the,ated Boards of Trad. Braithera. aaktng tor the remittance of due Some dlacussion toak place aa u whether the organiza tion was really jrth the money it cost but while mai.y were of the opinion : ' that the dua sere high, everyone wa th convinced that the parent body should wymitj mtpsK''. ra sua iv wm agivw to remit th cheque I Be'erenc to the condition of toe to-1 cat re?reaU3n park led to the suggestion that offorta ahould bt maJe to develop the playing ,p.' the characterutlcally Canadian games of li-roee nd hockey. K.ttOKIMl CIIM'tRT Aftr the conclusion of the bualnaaa eeuion thr meeting settled down'" to ajov s smahwr concert asd few more enjoyable night have been spent in th town. 7 bet was an abundance of mufk, song and spserhlfylng. the latter centering for the most part around tn dtfflcnltHM experienced by tbt golf coanaalttsa. Aa result of th ntght's free and ay fWamaaluii. it is safe to say that a solution of the canunktteeH dirrieultl was very materially helped aawt production of a real live scheme m th near future "may bt anticipated. efietbmenta were served during tht evening. angucanTunday" school outing at terrace wednesday TERRACE April 13. The senior and intermediate class as of the Anglican Sunday School were taken on a very en-Joy hi outing on Wednesday when in company with skv. and Mrs. Robsneen. Mra. Sum and Mrs. Bishop, they paid surprise visit t Ur. and Mra. Market at their hoant tn th Xalum Valley about four sail ftwaa town. The visitoas were riven s knart Moantlan and wan IS wU facilitated In enjoying their plcnk ;nt and added a few words upon the lunch The party, Vbclh Included th Suajset. shUdran choir. Sasaonrtad Co their wet oome BT entemsttag their hoau but happy rrowd which returned to town late In the afternoon. BOYS ENTERTAINED AT DINNER ON TUESDAY TXRIIACE April IS. Harry and Kenneth Attree were hosts on Tuesday evening at a dinner party st their home her when they entertained a number of their young friends Thr;e present were Msrgaret Cook. Msbel Bishop, Velms Orelg. Kdna and Jean Dover. Mar- Jorte nney. Nora and Audrey Dlgglea. Tbaadore Ftnblnson. Charley prossei. Uoyd Jn-.- Hilly Allan HBiry and Kenneth Attree Fi,llo:i:i: dinner the FIRST DOCTORS Then a Skin Specialist Then s Bottle of D.D.D. now rrmrfui i m m r r o. 2 was a nuffa-nT fitim em for twolvo er I trM ovory olntmsat advortiwd lor la 4io. isv niaarinfiesrr n-llef 1 slso wrni I" gtriwoN p, ullm. nod with lhisjfnly (.urily bealad bad I 9Vlr bin. I irj t tx B. Md sfteT the mn.onA btilUfc traan to m- sign f Ii-dHik I ami thr and oao-hsir bal,. and tedar I in fnnplftly hBl-d ' O. W Hiitlc-r Hull . rnlr lllock. Kori rob.,in, Bkr. U'limlaa. Why not try this lT,Tlnllon that Mr. BuiItT ftiundson-markablr. W, ill auaranuw nskfo the Srst II 00 &L lotion forSWn Dlwwo Mift TCIIMIV lllim STOICS. OltJItS. LTD. ehUdren lamea. Improvements really a uiriiiQpn " Tru itiB SumO A! vara Model 4-90 $190 or with electric Ckotor $230 Wetday. A;.,. This is what John Phillip Sousa famous band leader said when he heard his band for the first time on the new OrthgjzjioniQ Victrola. Tht iJiiai i is datsaworiag (nr aa tncoat. A boy in nniromi displays a placartt reading By fUaaarst- Tht "March Kiac' faansi bM hi araaa. A waul of mbmos and tht tnsmprta asd troanhonrs break into the nurtial sarksf of aome wurld-known Sou aauch. Magattcent paying taiJ A iiaiiiaals of asplaant awnps the auditor-iuat, rrvalisat in votsun th bmi itaetf . Tnmitht . . . swwii . . . wnentver and a aftea a yea wisk. ywa aawy War tsia baaad ia ycf own MrK snwn, through the new OatliopWMtic Victrola. Not "oraathsnt hke Sousa . bat Saws, csactryas ya wonld him ia concart. Not Satsst only, but the foremost artists in every held, symphonic. opera lie. ballad and deawt. are ready to sing and play (or you always, la no otUee woy , can you hear them with such realism, (or thi amauag iaiuniist ia haend asaa ''Matched Irnfiedance". Victor' exduaive principle of natural music (or she home. New beantv and depth- full, round, mellow, HSe- Bast and Utihst all there! Beautiful cabinets, smart designs, rare wooes. Electric drive, if you wish st slight addkicaial coat. AN instrainrnni stU-striping. Prices irom tl-Wfi to a low as $1 15 on ronvetueat pnymenr at all His Master 's Voire dashes. Hear them today! OttlC Trade Msrk Rrf' Victrola Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Mentrssi anent plfsaant nwntng in Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert .U'Utl, IS .J. O. Bteen gave Dated this 5th day of li jTti ISIS. an Interesting lee- ture teat night before the St. Andrew Society on th sulsjeot of "(mstnlstry ot Mature '. A. C. Caere. UX.. At the brxanlSMian mflnf of th the .lhln of hsBata. tt vma a tlM , fW Stuart; vloa-nreeldent, Ben Self; tsry treasurer. R. H. Sboeklay; eaccu-ttve. r. T. renter. W. B. ThoanpMon. Q. A. Bryant and Ales McBnc. J A Beaman, ehlef ngtneer far Ui Q rand Trunk rsdttc Hallway, was a vial tor In town overnight, being ac-ccmpanted by Mr. H man. MINERAL ACT (ram r.) CERTIFICATE Or IMPKOVrMrNTS NtrrirE Prtnceaa Pat, Lot 4.t" Pilot, Lot 4tT; B..A.F.. Lot 4MB.; Ofcfc. cr, Lot 4Se, Mineral Claims, altuate in Atlin Min ing Division of CMlr Dasuict. Where I located: On Munro Mountain rbout four I miles from the town of AUln. TAKX NOTICE that w. Jamea stoke I and C. B. rteaer. Free Ulnar's Certlfteate i No. afle-O061. intend, aistf say from the date hsreot to apply to the Mining 1 Recorder for a Ocrtfflcate of Improve ments, tor tne purpose or ontaining a Crown Grant of th above elalm. Aud further take notice that action, under section as must be commenced before the Issue of such Certificate f tarsgkJUD 19M. - ... . IN THE MATTER of SB MAIoMton for tse awue- of a rYovtalonal CrtUlcaV of Title for Lot !tu (16). Black sixteen (IS). Town of Stewart. Map B1SA. Satisfactory proof of th loaa of th Certificate of Title covering the above land having been produced to m. It la my Intention to Mrue. after the expiration of one month from the first nb-lleatlon herenf, a rrovWtinal CertlfWat of Title t'i the above land In the bssm of W H vicKSHS Th original Crtlfi. oate of Titlt la dated the Mth October, ISI0, and '-' numbered 2731. tand R ltry Office, prince Rupert. BjO. ISth Msrch IMS H F MACLEOD. ' Rfgistrsr of Titles. OrfApjRfwnff only if it bears the dog Trademark DEMAND "Rupert Brand re-, I ippers "THE DAINTIRST HHEAKFAST POOa" Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ui Prince Itupert. B.C. TRY A NIP TONIGHT" BEST PROCURABLE B6TTU0 4 6HTffC 0'''iU.tB. "S"BBewaBBBBJ rose IS I . ine ungmai bi-- look for il at the Vendor' and ia.i.t on GRANT'S -BEST PROCURABLE' This advirlteefrieat is nt published or drap!aye4 Lv tha Liquor CtntroJ Board or by the Government of Urltiab Columbia