Foi Trot My Ohio Home Jean Goldkttie an J llitt Orchestra Vocal Harrington and Bench wlih ''Sleepy Hall's Banjo "R 7? 21164 Another Dig Darwe Hit bp the - lung of Jazz" Waltz Paul Whiteman an J 111 Orchestra 21214 There Must Be a Silver Lining Fo Trot Varin' PMinaffmnlan 127 Selection from the "Show - Boat" New York's Leading Musical Production OF Man River Make Believe Paul YVhiteman unJ 1IU Orcfaettra Record No. 21111 Why Do I Love You? Can't Help Lovin' Dat'Man Nat Shilkret and The Victor Orchestra Record No. 21215 ' Alto the latest lied Seal record fry fatnout Victor artUtt Victor TalUnf M achine Co. s u For This Week I ! KN KX The) Sanitary Cold Cream jUmover SSf and 80 AI.TINB Tht Wonder Sleep Product, Jar glass .', . ..... ... . ,i, 4il tad $1.90 TI'KKNIT BATH TOWEL i ..... 7f Tl l KMT WASH CLOTHS Or mes Ito 7fiv Pioneer DrtiQtists THIRD AVE f, SIXTH ST. -ICltPtlONES tf?,200 LCOK at YOUR CLOTHES EVKRYONE K5E IK)KS "ur spriiiK tock of llijfh t.iiuU' MfiiV Wear is ihw hers, iltunlifd.- of Briton's fiiir; woollum trm which to tihoone """iii spring suit." -tailttiTil to your measure by Canada's fore-ui"-t Cliithen huiltlgre "Sin it'ty l'r.niil " Obey That Impulse Do it Today THOR JOHNSON i cxim I DKPEtTIVK VISION, DEFKJTIVE HEAR INC.. CATARRH and other organic troubles i natiiii.. ' methoJs. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Wallatc Block. Plwrne 134. P'n '"i- 4 ed. Trus'ee OUchrls: reported at last night's meting or the school board lhat there was insufficient seating ac commodation in the domestic science quarters for the large claws from the H'gh School and that work benches In the- manual training quarters were In ed of repairs The vhool commit tee was delegated to make further In vestigations. Halllweli requrited the aehoo: board last. nlLht to purchase rake, and I S. A. Corley is In town from Lome Orcek where he has mining Interests John Flewln, who attended the Conservative nominating convention here last night, return! to Port Slrapeori aboard the fish packer Tapiow II. this morning. Provincial Constable and Mrs. William Harrison and family as'led last night an the Prince George for Ntnairco to which point Constable Hameon has been transferred. ' An offer of 875 from Mrs. Viereck for a stove which baa been replaced in the domestic science department was re ferred to the ssbeol committee by the school board last alglrt. Miss Mary D. Bern of Borden Street school stall had. a letter before the school board last night eiBreeatng her appreciation for consideration that had been shown her during recent illness and bereavement In her family. Secretary i. O. the school board compliance with been resolved, be the local salary schedule to A. A. Wll son. secretary of the Fernte school board. Williamson Informed taet night to at. in a request that bad had sent a copy Of Miss B. A. Leltcb bad s letter before the school board last night stating that, due evidently . to a misunderstanding. she was not receiving salary commen surate with bar experience as called for under the ar bed ale. 'Farther out mines will be made with a view to effecting an adjustment. , The regular monthly meeting of the school board was bald last evening. Those present were Chairman H. B. Rochester; Trustees Thomas McMeekln. Mrs. T. M. Spencer. 8. D. Johnston. William OUchrlst; Secretary John O. Williamson, and Miss S. A. Mills and Miss HaliiweU. teachers. Letters from Miss S. Jean Shaw, on the staff of a Oalgary business college applying for a position in the oomrorr- cial class here and from Miss Edna Vickers. now teaching at Driftwood, fat a oiuet in the public schools, were placed on file for future relerencc by the school board last night. TenCera for lumber for the manual training department were opened at last night's school board meeting and referred to the secretary and school committee for tabulation with power to act. Albert MoCaffery submitted a tender of 8840 e&d the tender of J Fyfe Smith of Vancouver was not tabu lated. nan w or usra oy tne cnuaren in ne-; Oearge Woodland, 'hnlman of the velophm s scltool gardes at club service committee presided at the inia. as weu as tne matter 'oi the pur- Rotary Club luncheon yesterday after- cnaae o joe. scnooi piano, saa referred i noon and read a abort paper Ob the W , sciomi committee. Certain work of lbs iiisbHHi Aiehdososat Rte WW haf offered u do prellmiu- sooke briefly on feUowsblD and iesrrv U woTkbuhe ground preparatory to Pullen on programs 6aog selectloiis the making of the garden. were etven bv Ernest Smith panied by H. N. Brocklesby. That of Mlas Halhwkll for We:viewj . oev.ooi was the on,y srbool repoit Tor Thrjchool board last night Instructed tut or March presented to tbeilts secreury to write letters of son school board last nigh: Miss Halllwetl'dolence to Mlas Jessie Roth well si4 anno.inera an enrollment at -Hooi1MlM E. M. Lauder, teachers of Booth of 23 11 boys and 12 girls ReBsrts Memorial staff., vsbe were bereaved ! re aiau recrirva irera uonaid nni,tmiitt ' through the death of mother manual framing instructor, an J Mtssaiid brother respectively. Motion was Roaers. domestic science instructor but made by Tnsilsis Mrsi fbiiaucol and ineie was no otner principal s reports, seconded by Trustee ANNOUNCEMENTS Whist League Cup-prises distribution Frlnce Hall. April 13. Royal Society of St. Drive and Dance. April l Wwsart Oirtf DrlB. Dance Abrll ST. Ridley Hoaae Annual day. May S. in Moost Bmll. Outran. ' rr After hearing a request from Mr Mc-! Members of the Vancoaiver Sun "Bet- Kinley. sent tor s art of educational tar English Bee ' ptiac iuiis on their books, that he be allowed access to the i way south last night a soars the steamer rolls of the school classes with a view! Prince Oeorge. were entertained while to canvassing the parents, the school her at an n'tonkte nuta . board decided last night That It could! of Mrs 8. E. Parhwr SM second Ave give no such deflnltr consent as It Members of tne Frlnce Rupert Parent sight prove a troublrso. precedent Teachers' Association west in charrr The bnaid sugfjested thst Mr McKlnley and a number of local school children cenfer with the p'-!icipals of the ware In attendance. crtcju and. tf necea.ary. uke the matter up personally with the chalr- A list of light, telephone, water and garbage charges by tbs city on the schools was presented to the beard test night by Trustee Gilchrist. After con sioerable discussion. It was toft to the chan-maa to seek adjusbsesres in' the way of having the minimum charge of 88 for water reduced as well aa the list 8c rate on light. Charging of the Whist ischemia for garbage roMecUon also came , In for some criticism. Trustee Johnston repjrved st last right's school board matting that Mlas Myfsnwy Campbell hxd been engaged as Tbttrs- physical Instructor for tbe High School g:r!s In succession to Douglas Frtaasil afiss Campbell is n"d " per day sod Tennis Club Annual Bail, Friday. May site holds class once eeit The board wooes " .decided to apply to the Education r- .partment for fifty per cent of the cost uyro noeaown. Moose Hall. Friday, of this aa weU as other ' " which ere so provided for So easy to cook; so good to taste: auiistymg ana lasting i ii. . in us nurrmon. IN PROBATE in Tin; m muir: cm kt or iikitisii (OH M III A In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Benedict teffan Johnson. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE SrOTtCE that by order of HH Honor F. MeB. Touna. the Stnd day of March. ISSS. I was aooolnted admirals-' tretor of the estate of Bonedlct Staffan city toward the end of next week. Union steamer Oardena, Cant. A. Johnstone, arrived la port at 1148 mid night test night from the south, sailed at ISO am. for the Skeena and Haas Rivers and will be back bare tomorrow morning to sail at T on her return to Vancouver and waypotnU. W. C. Walby, formerly an official with the Canadian Plan As Cold Storage Co re and onw representing urge steel Interests with headquarters in Moot ers!, was In the city last night from train to boat renewing acquaintances He Is on his way from the East to "aokoouver. The regular monthly meeting of the Trades As Labor Council was held last night In tbe Carpenters Hall. Business merely of a, routine nature and Mack, vice-president, occupied the chair in the absence of & O. Mac- donald. president. There was s good attendance of ablegates. IIIKTII. A daughter was born st the Frluor Rupert Oeneral Hospital yesterday so Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Squires. HOTEL AKKIYALS Prttire lis pert Walter Drlnnaa. Oeorge WartW. &: a Boott and W. B. Smith. TabSBsAsi, Capt. A. Cameron. Anyox; H. M. MeS thews and 1. W. fba. Snilthers; J. Mc- KtU. Telkwa. ((ilrl H. Oraveman and Carl uugh. Frtnee Oeorge; J. O. Reeves and O. Bardal. CN R.; B. Pearee. Shames; a. Bender-son. Otnar Barker, Brllng. Urslca and O. Norry. city. Saiay R. Olbaon. Port Esslngton; H. B Jr.nies. Amsburv: J Pnulls. Crdsrvale Advtrtlsi Ui l'Us llaUj Nts ifr"'''' ' 1 XsWj'fiCTBMkciat Enduring Wear Just Where It's Needed FOR kitchen floors you want wearing qualities; for other floors, beauty of design and colour are first considerations. Dominion Linoleum ives these advantages just where they are needed. Master designers have ' created patterns for every room; beautiful oriental treatments, colourful 'florals, charming and all nart tea bav- ' lag ebUms said estate anss wawsaaHsBsw against enstssssssvv tne .aawc aabftSU are hereby required to furnish periy vartned to me on Mth day of April. ISSS. same oro- or or before the ' an and all oar- ties indebted to the estate are mruired to pay roe smovni oi weu- moeoiea-, to me rortowttn KOSUfAM A. WATT. Official Administrator Prince Rupert. B C CPU. steamer princess Roysl. Capt Thomas Cliff, is due at 8 o'clock thu evening from Vancouver and waypotnU and wUl sail at IS pjn. on her returc south. Rol Barnes, who has been undergoing medical treatment at the Mayo Clinic In Rochester, Minnesota, during the past few weeks, is expected to return to thr practical block and tile designs. Enjoy these decorative masterpieces in your home at prices you wiil gladly pay. Domuion Linoleum comes in widths up to twelve feet and is quick and easy to lay. It saves hours and boors of tedious housework light mopping; or brushing keeps it looking like new. Call at your' favourite store and sec the colourful display of new spring patterns. Other peautlful Dominion Floors Dominion lnltid Unolrum . mootrstclv priced. Istts a lifetime became the colours go right through to tbt Swiss tack. Msar ft rising aew dentins of unusual dsceeailss merit. la width, up to six feel oaly. Oomnvtoa tasslsww Rull come in popular suet at populsr price,. Dsiigas for every room. Need no fsstcaing of say kind. At House Furnlihing and Departmental Stores Everywhere DOM LINOL N ION EDM FOR ALL. YOUR PL.OORS JMaWshMUH. cam Aim. 700? mM mhlt tm In ikgtfnt its SPECIAL SALE 326 In nhadeit Harvest. Fawn, Per pair PAIR OF SILK KNIT I1L00MBRS Values up to 2.95 pair. of Aahcx of Ruses, Maize, Deep Rose. Flame, Lavender, Peach, Black, White. All sixes. $1.50 Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co. Canadian National Qfo Largefl Kailzvay Syslem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE SaUlnga from I'KIM'E HI TKHT for VANCfM Ml. Vlf'TOHIA. SEATTLE. and Intermediate points, each Till MHUAV and M NliAY at 11 pa. For KETCHIKAN and ANVOX. each HKItNKNIIAY. 4 pa. For NTKWAHT each MTI RIiAY at 10 pm For MIKTII and Mil TH l KKN ( HtKI.OTTE lLAMM. FortnlgbUy. I'.EN1ER TRAIXN 1.1. WE PRIX E III PERT Bach MONDAY. Hfcll.SEMiAY and NAT I lllAY at 11 JO la. for TKINt'E (IMIHOr.. KOVKtNTON. H INNfl'Cti, all polou Eaalern Oauads, OblUd SUtea. AOr.KCV AIJ. OCEAN iTt; tMSHIP I INT.H. te tHadlan NslWmsl Kapress fne Mnay fHden, Porrlgn t'hetue. ete at fr yoar nnt sblpmeot. riTV tii'KEt oriirr. sm tiiihk r. rmvir hi ikmi fhn w City Meat Market (SELVIG IIHOS.1 r0 Atenue Phwie 7W MBAT- FISH. VEGETABLES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWBGIAN PRODUCB" at low prices, and immediate delivery Obaene! All articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. 1 enms! 1 earns: SDK OUR NEW KACKNTS lo SI 0.00 1S8 Balls are in Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 X I i Friday, April 13, 1923 FAGS THREE . . 1 11 '-- ' 1 ' v . . - , i s in m van M .in Orthppjionle Records T6 Instru- menta firemen i1VithaKii! refrain ful of heart-throbs) Walt WarlnftN PennsyUanlans JU1S 'Paul Whiteman's Concert Orchestra It i -V t - U Umlutl Local and Personal Dentlt. Dr. J. h. fae. ' Phone M Skating dally, 2 to 4 and 8 to 10. tf Oct the Big 4 habit' of a Till. phone 4. When thinking tf Ladle' Hockey on roller skates In Auditorium. Friday at 7:40. Admission 36c and 10c. 87 The Moose Lodge has decided that It will not enter a team in the Senior Football League this season. Mrs. A. Akerberg and family returned to the city on yesterday afternoon' train from a trip to the Interior. TONIGHT. Mooae Hall. ladles 60c. Crib Whist Dance at 830 prompt. Gent 75c; Presentation League Cups. For Pratts Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies, BulUey Valley Hay aud Grata. Seeds. Fertiliser and Coal call up 68 Prince Rupert 'Feed Co. Provincial Constable Robert Gibson who in being transferred from Port Es-Mntfton to the city, arrived on yester day afternoon's train from the Bkeena River. M A. Bur bunk, divisional engineer for the Canadian National Railways, returned to the city on yetaerdsy afternoon's train from a trip to the interior on oMclal duties. Accounts totalling 88.281.05. including 82.86882 in acrounu. Man 33 salaries. 8130 for substitutes' salaries, and 8830 miscellaneous, were passed for Dttvment by the school hoard last night. Fair Assoc 1st Ion and school board. meeting In the City Hall las night, were serenaded by the Beys' Band. The Falr people may have enjoyed it but the hearing of the school trustees was test