Save Money The cheapest way to buy the Dally Newt la to subscribe by the year. The coat It S5.00 and your copy Is delivered to your address each evening. Just figure out the final) coat to you for thla dally service for twelve month 1 Vol. XVIII., No. 87. COMER Invitations to CONVENTION NOMINATE S in Forming a Treaty Binding Them All Not to Resort to War k . Secretary Kellogg issued the invitations aflerQj HOLDS agreenew wun France on D.C., April 13. - Hritain, Germany, WASHINGTON, Italy and Japan were invited today by notes presented simultaneously at the various capitals to join with France - . - . . ... . . wx.aa.w M itii AaaAtJl.Bl.As. itl lllllll. States last June. TREATY WITH FRANCE GIVEN t APPROVAL HERE - i (r4i;nnN tkv.s to mi;tiioi oi i II I UNO IT IK f OK l; TAKKN HV C.XHW ('IAWA. Aptffl 13 A reaoluuon I n for Approval of the international ..:,.iiuv conventtan algned at rarU ix )iuir of Caaaaja laat June waa In- : n i rt into the Houae of Commona i ' i : y by Premier Marltenale Ring II ! plained that the agreement cov- "i iitrmatloiuU defense measure ..i, i-ummunlcablt disease. Attei ithy debate the reaolutlon wa. i .!-: i.'il. H Cshan. ConaervaUvr, aald from the lie read of the convention, it " "i i mailt Canada ui large expen-'" Alio he asked why the treaty i i.iouKht 'to arllament In Britain " " tira ties Mr tlgned In the name ' Mnjcaty thay became part of the "l the country at once. I lr Premier roplivd that In the pro- 'i to tlie convention. Canada had ' : the right to determine the ei-' ' f participation In the measurei nt As to ratification by Parlla this waa In accordance with the v .u'opteo by the present Oovem ' i-nectlng treaties. RUMOR OF DEAL It FOR P.G.E. RY. the ;ne new '"Itll ItollllU.MKKi; AM) AlSO(. m;s MAio to iiavi; maim: and Oi l Kit I OK II viCTXiuiA, Anrll 18. There la a per joe s "tent rumor BeM that not only are ,nd nntiah and Canadian capital lata fnriated with Lord Rothermere Itfcety ' qtitro control of the B.C. Klectrlc the "'Hiiway Companjr, out that they are tire " "t likely to auUM an offer for the ''UK Kallway, which the provincial K -' 'vrimncnt U aeektng to aell. No urriciai confirmation of the rumor 'iv.illable. BROKE INTO an. the EMPTY SAFE VANCOUVKB. April 18 Burglara broke " the safe of the Britannia Mining it "inviting Company at Britannia mines Wednesday and only the fact that pay-""V at the mines bad been changed aaved ' Hfteeii thouaahd dollar payroll. The : ikfu weut uurewtuded. " .. 4.-'' ..... VATIVE Nations to rremier oriana or procedure and the United States in 'taj ed ' ' I'"' r jinx . jyjp-i uct. 1 1 o 11 KAIt lUVM ItUAI. 4 tnrormatkm obtains In reliable 4 quarters Indicates that there Is more than mere rumor t In John B. Morgan's mill prcyect for the vicinity of the city which :i waa suggested this week. Negotiations, it la learned, have been in progress for fome tune with a view to tbe establishment of . a large aawmill along the railway track on Kaien Island toward Port Id ward Until some t of the principals of the project reach the city, however. It la possible that no official announcement will be fortbeomtatg. . The open air parliament at Thing- j valla. Ireland, is visited every year by thousands, because it Is the oldest in world, tiering met first in AD 939. Join A CONVENTION K 4.MMHIW OATIIMIIMi DIM t sf. MN.IM'M Of THK ORGANIZATION AMI Ml I.OfMllONS mam: kamloops. APm .-a recemmeu- - paigas ta raise funds It waa ncoBuneued by tbe secretary tost the provincial government He ask for a grant. Tbet wr M ehsT-sr s ta" T Iff" -iiiiWTrisaiirt SIS and I TOO appllcatlona had been received for membership in the past six months. SIR PiSCY LAKE AT LEGIDN CONVENTION . ITotrrm Hetng Made Mate UxstHlon ItenlaVnl ul Kamlos KAMLOOPS. April 13 - Addressing tbe Canadian Lsglon. B.C. rommand at theti annual convention here yesterday.. Sir Percy Lake, Dominion president, con- gratulated the provincisl body on the progi ess made in the number of char' tcred breaches Oreat prog res, wsa ba ing made by the Legion in Canada. aald The Issue of membership cards and badaea by the provincial body Instead of the Dominion command was mended. Board of Directors to MOO. Tbe Indian department gave 300 and tbe city that year had set aalde approximately gisao. Tbe businessmen ot tbe city were expected to do tbe rest. D. .labour suggested curtailing the activities ot the fair to the local area and thus saving several thousand dot ,, ingUad of spending from ten to twelve thousand dollars they could run It for from five, to seven thousand and give prises for an Indian band oomps- tiqon, ' SJ, tt leVtfrto ssspretsed the oplhloa thirt If the fair wars not held It would lLOk as J'tni'slty was on the down etadb. s"' '!' "' '1 " l"i- V1' I M. P. HaOaffary spoke of the good work done Jry Alderman Itudhomme when he aunated tbe fair on a former weswn. n was tne tnira lair in the city ami was a good one. T Ross McKay suggested s log rolling eont1"' Nominations from which the addi- v.u.. omen 01 tne noara were chosen wart O. oullck. Harry Macey. J. Frsstr, Henny MoQuade. M. P. Mc- ...... .w.j. ,H., .m,i ttr., Mild Y. J Kiritpstrlca. Enthusiastic Meeting Decides Hold Fair This Year and Fills Vacancies wan a Im-irv and enthusiastic meeting of the Fair Association T1IKMK in the city hall lat night with Alderman rrudhomme nrwairilnir anil I'ercv Tinker aerretarv. nt urhirh fnur Hlr. torn were elected to fill vacancies and amid coniderable enthusiasm was unanimously decided to proceed with the holding of a fair this year. Between fifty and sixty persons" were present. Mayor McMordie- called the meeting to order and urged that the fair w a ttuod thing for the city and he could not understand present lack of interest. After electing chairman and secretary merlin; got dmti to business. The - h r directors chcaen were M. P. Mc- -rht Thm ortlnilry g,.,, WM Irom saeo Caflery. W. A. ancrman jr.. m. uu.. J. D. Fraser. those already chosen being Alderman Prudhomine (repreaent-lng the city council 1. Howard Steen, Brown. N. Mitsanlem. J. J. Olllia Oeorge Casey Mr Casey announced that Besner had not yet bean hfard fram but If he decided to act on directorate, he (Mr Cswyl wotild re-j and make a place tor imu. aud L. J. ra were O Hanson Bell. The new directors will meet in Tuesday. 1 iot:i J-AKHV ON t'.li Among the spekera Olo( Hanson ntrorwly urged that tlie fair be carried The debt nail been wiped but and improvement paid for Last year was mat time the Interior peopl ha" backed up the fair ana vii j ..,.!.. rrnrts would be maae in mv direction. He moved that the fair be held this yesr as usual - mu.ns M. P. MoOsffery esooiided the motion and It waa carried j without a dissenting voice. j tn .n.anr tn ulieStlOKK It developed thut tbe provincial government last yesr contributed S4A0 H 11" ' llu s n 1 fcavlug bceu muue tu h'l' uu- 1 the mdm Northern and PRINCE RUPERT. Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1928 VICTORIA TUG IS TOTAL LOSS V.1WXWVKB. Aprtl 13 The Victoria lug, MM nr. la tnougT.t to be a total loss In Lewis Channel where .he sank In 38 fathoms of water. She struck the cliff Wednesday anornli.g The tug la more than 40 years old and was formerly named Queen. The blow looiened the superstructure, which floated off. fflLNCTJ!K. , NAN IMO I.ST EVENING Trkii tu niintf intw Uimb and ite- i-uit.r KiMt4i itt if ivur Mated NANAIMO. April tt. Louie Martin, an Ind.a:.. waa drowned and hit wife re- ' man lr:ed unauccasaiWlv to elliab up the iMe af the buatajkl finally became m.wwu uni m I Adveruw in the Di!t Ne neOliailOn 01 a WOrlU-WIUC treaty binding tllC nations dlJh Vtt the D-intr;on command h cued t.r clinging for half an hour to -eel and eiU inspection, the movement not to resort tO War ' urd M mluK tbr P"" capita levy! gasboet anchor Um laat evening. The Juveniles ard single ntcn with m, ..... . . . , from one dollar to 7fx win made by j two hud been upatt out of their canoe view to encouragement of British tm-llie invitation Was CXteiUled by Secretary Kellogg Botert MacNichol. sccrcUry.treajurcr.j "hen returning to UM gaebpat and the nUkraLioi.. after an aBTPPmPIll on nrnrpriiiro tvlfli Arictidn llrSntwi on the opening yesterday of the oon-Wnn caught tbe each: line. The ' miiiitrui Promipr of Fr'inrn rrauii. ventton of the provincial command of ... Canadian Legion, fie aaid two Secretary Kellogg submitted a draft representing in " i piu ux went to a general way the form of treaty the United States was ' T "a"500 "Tf"? " !e,!n, T ii- mi i , ... . than 8490 a month. Ii d.vlded equally prepared to sign. The language was almost identical the provincial command would be eeif-wilh the original treaty nionosed bv Hrianri to f hn IlnWrd supporting without resuming to cam- German Plane Reported Seen but No Definite News of the German Monoplane Reaching This Continent from Irelar d YOUK. April 13. Captain tiarkhouse of the government NbW stramer Arraa reported seeing a plane flying over Kingsport. Nova Scotia, on or about the Bremen's sched- time but too high to distinguish the markings. No other Sled lane is known to have been flying in the vicinity and the captain felt sure it was the Bremen. Bath, Maine, reported that a plane was heard in that vicinity later. There were unconfirmed reports that a plane was sighted over Newfoundland earlier. Except for them indefinite reports no word has been heard of the Bremen sinoe ahe was a short way over the Atlantic, following the takeoff from Baldonelle at 5.38 yesterday morning. LENNIE WILL MAKE INOUIRY INTO POLICE tl.LTdOK A(lltl:l TO MltMIT I iaiiii:nci: in hi hand to atllHloTKKX j VAM Ol VHf. rll la-UHh smly asne HHntlag vitlr the etty esrawell last Hlght apHiliiled It. 9. little. aoeouier barrister, to ewmlart sh an lnetlgalWin Into the alttgtil ir-regHlarUlet. wHhln tte V"H(I IWlmenC A. II. Mi-NrrU. K.(' will assM la the lnUlr. WHi wHI be j lehl Hwder the prntliaa r the rlty rlHirter. AMerman .Melnues asked I far a llayal rwuiiili. nller rommihiiirr l letrher sslil Ite had ramiMrte iniifldrmr In llie ltrtrHy m ,Mrr. IMiile and Mat Nelll and hoiiIiI plsee all the rtldriirr In hl Mielii liefore llie-n anil e-uierMlr tu he fullest evlmt In the M-r(oriaitie of their Murk. BROADCASTING IS CONSIDERED iovi:hnmi:nt mav takk ovkk WIIOI.I: WVMTKM A IN UltlTAIN IS ANNOl NCEH OTTAWA. April 13 Han. P. J. A, Cardin announced in tba Hawse today ..,. or .... develoasaant tn recent times of hroadcnsiins ated bavins iw-i uni to the aeeuiii.iily uo satisfactory condition now obtaining, tba Oovarn- mat,t u giving conaideraelon to the question whether or not It would be B-n-r,Uy advantageous la adapt the polloy of national broadBsatlng along tht Unt .aopu m thU reepeet by the British Government." Advcrtlx in thi Dally Ncwi. BRITISHERS ! ARE WANTED ,nu:-TOI( Of" IMMKil! ATION AffiM inn it ne make cix.ut in Bi:irix OTTAWA. Apr:l lb We should to to lhe Umlt 10 lnake 11 ckr vc "aoi :l lht Brlthera that ve can settle to come to thla country. W. J. B.ack. director of oolu:; last ion of the Canadian National Railway, inform the agri- cultural oonawitMe o. u House to - j Dr Mack declared that since tbe public of Oreat Britain ajjparcJ of the opinion tiiat Canada wa not anxioua to encourage Britith to come to thla country, an effort anouid be mtove to convince them to the contrary. He made recommendations concerning uaed- I 1 Hotel proprietor, on the Freuch Riv era are olierlng reward fcr the In- gcuiwiM wan i. .41 inwoi a i:ew jjwbtniB u for the thcueanda of touriata who go i there every winter. . VARS1TYW0N BASKETBALL ilr I.IU. iiWK IIMIINA 3 TO 3a DHl'H-IIIMI IN I IKNT UAMi; Of MilllKa RXOINA. April 13 - Regina basket -I bailers suffered a 63 to 80 drubbing In he the first game against the University 01 British Columbia in the aesai-flnale for the Western Canada champlonablp. Tbe second game will be played Sat urday night, the total goals to count. ' iiipog fur the wesurn title. WOODHEAD PRESIDENT TEACHERS' FEDERATION Ulhsm nt lYIner Uupert M re of t:rrHtltr fee Vorihern ll.r. side VANCOUVER. April 13. - T. W. Wood- head of Vancouver was chosen president ot the B.C. Teachers' Pederat:on. John 8. Wilson of Prince Rupert waa appoint- ed a member of the executive repre- aentlug northern British Columbia. the New Yorh Rangers Won Fourth Game of Hockey Championship Series Leaving the Teams Tiedl 0NTHEAL, April 1. The Boston Grill Montreal Mirooiis one goal to nothing last night and tied Ruway nss been purchased by a syn-up the Stanley Cup series at two games each. The fifth and dicate headed by Lord RoUtenaere. deciding irame will be nlavad Saturday. Convention Last Night Chose James Thompson Conservative Candidate No Other Name Mentioned at Meeting Which Was Well Attended and Kepresentative of District jAMS H. Thompson, pioneer hardware dealer in this city, last I njj?ht nniwd the nomination of the district Conservatives to J .c?ntf l'"" KuP?rt ridin on their lt in the next pro- miiujjnuii name was ine oniy one HUOmiltea ot &e convention which took place in the party club room. There was a larjre and enthusiastic (fathering, upectatorx in addition to delejfates, und the candidate received an ovation after his selection had been made. The nomination was hv C H Hn nl -..,.nl I... Jchn Flewin. both of whom made n - thw.iu.tjc ."ptschca. Other speaker were ! Walt r Drinnan of Vancouver. Ooriaeava- tlve crgaui rr far Brltiab Columbia, who arrived In the eltv on veatcrdmv &fur-1 lratn ft!lcwto , tour of the lnter!3r. ,nd ,aUed u,t a ,or tba south; V. C. Stuart. W. H. Love. E. A. Itann. W. W. Wright and Miss B. kf. Bar;. Much cpt'miam ss to tbe party's pnspects of success was aajaassad and tbe conviction was voiced that there would be sn election wtthla s few oi'nthn when tbe Conservatives would -weep the province. W. S. PMstr. pre- s.oent 01 tne aaaaciauoa. chair. There was a rati aeniHiim at The aeir-aancunoed Conservative can- tldlat Ex-Mayor 8. M. Newton, wsa not pies.-nt ncr wss the sltustion caused through hia entry' Into the rield dls- CUMCd Mr Thcmpson. who enjoys general p.pular.ty and esteem and who may be counted upon to make s etrong run for the seat. Is a native of Nova Scott.. He a brrther of Dr Alfred Thompson, for years member of parliament for Yukon, iutt came here from Sandon In IS08 He had been engaged in mining In tbe Slocan district for ten yeara but. upon arrival in Prince Rupert, be buUt a ttcre on the old railway reserve town- slu and established a hardware business which he has since successful! eon- ducted. Mr Thompson, though this Is nis nrsi entry tor Donors upon tne political field, has seen considerable pub- crvic In Prince Rupert. He was a iru'iiit-r of the police commlaaion in ; v '.or ,hat office was appointed by ti.i' ; r vinr-ia. g3vcrnment. has also been hool trustee and fcr tlie past two or thrv yearn has been preatOent of the Prin rr Rupert Oeoeral Hospital aaaocla-' tlcn. Unosten'st'ous and unassuming. ( has. neve; the less, been sn effective 1 ' worker. Mr. Thompson for years has been a : promlrnt member of the Masonic 1 Orde. here. He is also an Oddfellow , of tn, Boury'.n, Prince Murert Clubt He was active tn . board of trsde for some years. W. E Fisher called the meet lug to order after which J. C. McLenrjm waa elected chairman of the delegates and took the chair. H. A. Bren acted as secretary and the creden'.lal commltte consisted of R. W. Cameron. John Lau- linen and C. J. O'aham Delegates were present representing various out- points in the riding. The hlgheri hotel In Europe is the Kulm Hotn st the terminus of the Zermatt-Oomergrat Railway In 8wltawr- 1 land. It is thirteen times higher than Woolworth Building of New York. New York Raagara defeated the The Hangers faced the battling Maroon squad but met their aggressive play and earned the win. The first period ended without score. In the second the Rangers earned their one-goal margin when three, man pehetrated the Maroon defense with Boucher flipping the disc over the prostrate body of the Maroon goalie. I the Maroons had a alight edge in ter- The Ranger defense proved Impene- rltorlal play but which they were unliable ' for the remainder of the game. able to 'onvert Into goala owing to the It was : strenuou" atrule In which rood wuU of Miller, the Ranker goalie. Large Upstair Dining Hall, with laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and beat for the least. Phone- 457 THOMPSON w - - - QUESTIONS TO CURRIEMUST RE ANSWERED -UIM1R OltliKKH THAT MFAEKU. MIK AKTIU K COMMIT I1IMKIU ON 1 TtVO Ol BHTKUsH COBOBO, Out.. Aprtl 11 Qtwerai smswwwi a w ii4vsvuyu8 s uvii, am ujv advice of 00 tinsel, he refused to answer t his examination lor dlscjvery. Jua O'Connor decided todav The questions nne: 1. Is Uist ststJntent correct that Sir 8am Hughes made on the flor of the House on June 16. 1M0, thst It wsa you instead of Col Jack Currle who was ln , dUgoUt ,nd ttf reason of which In dotnt Col. Jack Cutrle wsa sent home from the front? 3 Dld yu IraD1 Qg,. arnment cf Canada the aum of t0M0 or any amount in 113 and ISM or .pproxlmetely within that time, tor the minm. 0f Durehastna uniforms for a Highland Bwgimeiit in Victor la. of which you were an odleer? Th. ,...m. k. ora lh, registrar on Friday or Bayjgj. PREMIER TELLS OF FINANCES AVS lIHfTltll f'OMMHIA COUPAUfX WKI.I. WITH OTIISK PHOt INt'EK THIh KMIAHII VANCOtnrER. April 13 -There would not be a dollar of B.C.'a debt In lWa which could not b- provided for In the sinking fund, stated Premlei McLean, addressing the annual me tins last night of the B.C branch of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association, The Premier reviewed the financial position of the province Indicating that the obligations were well within the reasonable llmita of the population and resource of the province and that In comparison with other prov.noes of the Dominion. B.C. was in a -ry satlsfac- tory position. " CONFIRMS SALE B.C. ELECTRIC AHLt TO I'RfiMHR MM'I.KAV IIY1 THANN.M TION INXOIA'KM tVIIOIJt Of NYaTBM VICTORIA, April 13 -Premier Mac- Lean " has been Infortited from Z.11Z-LT s3S3 that the British Columbia The cable, which gave ao details. from Mackay fJdgar and Oeorae con. who visited British Odi ubla time Ago The transaction involves s consideration of approslmateiv W ..000,000 and Includes the company a street railway services on Vancouver Island and the power and gaa plants. Subhcrtbe for the Daily News. r .1